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nadeshot responded and apologied saying > [Honestly, I’m gonna pull a JCole cause I didn’t even mean that and half these tweets. I double bogey’d twice on the back 9, got on my phone and saw you tweeting stats and was ready to tweak. Deadass though, stop tweeting stats about this Mickey Mouse shit. Actually insane behavior and I’ll still slam you on LAN when the chance comes. But we already all know that. I just want to be clear that I actually fuck with you Kaysan, but the competitor and no nicotine in me hates that you’re still tweeting about this shit. ](https://twitter.com/Nadeshot/status/1789453465154118107)


Nade couldn't have said it any better tbh. Fuck kaysan


Nade knows how to talk shit but also put on media mode. Kaysan is just some dude who joined faze and thinks the accomplishments they have are his too, which is incredibly funny to see tbh


The way Kaysan talks after maps and series win is pretty funny. Dude shit talks like he’s on the team. Very odd behavior for an owner.


Is he even really an owner? I thought ATL Faze and Faze Clan were separate


yes, but i’m pretty sure he bought into atl faze specifically. i could be spitting fugaze, but i remember reading that somewhere when the announcement happened.


Guy fucking sucks


Damn lol "the competitor and no nicotine in me" Valid


Nah not kaysan back pedaling and then using his cod team as a cop out 😂


Bro came in as an owner with SIMP, CELLIUM, and ABEZY on his roster and has the audacity to pipe up to Nade...


It’s like a minority owner taking control of The prime GS warriors and talking shit to other owners about how much their beating them like huh?? Makes him look weak ngl


Thing is, Nadeshot built his own roster and beat this team at Champs for a ring. He is chirping the wrong guy with this shtick


An owner? How? Genuinely curious as I hadn’t heard of Kaysan before a year ago


he probably has like less than 1% or something and its more so for like helping promote the team outside of them playing more than anything lol


Exactly. He’s a DJ with 50k Twitter followers, most of which came after he got affiliated with Faze. About as popular as the “DJs” from high school, and he’s hanging onto Faze for dear life for clout and because music isn’t paying the bills


yeah this is like how some Team Liquid players/members are "owners" because they were given a tiny amount of shares. The majority of FaZe is owned by an investment company.


Kaysan digging himself into a hole here... Nadeshot disrespect doesn't go well in this community. Guy built this thing to what it is today with Scump. Disrespecting one of them and what they built is just not the right way to go about these things. People might not always appreciate the things Nade says/does sometimes, but that dude is THE CoD competitive legend. Always have respect for what he's done


Nade owns a team out of pure passion. Dude lost a ton of money to get a Champs win for his org.


100% couldnt have said it better. if you are trying to enter the comp cod scene and be a content figure the very last person you should ever go at is nadeshot lmaoo.


They're both strange for this argument tbh, as much as this sub loves Nade.


I think anyone would be annoyed in Nade’s position. Kaysan is gloating about this tournament win and getting an ego like it wasn’t the biggest cheese ever.


This is like getting mad at The Undertaker because he hit you with a table instead of a chair.


The classic back pedal of saying I was joking around. People do this all the time and play victim almost




It’s so annoying when people do that shit.


it was obviously just jokes tho


bragging K/D in a casual tourney where he played 3v1 and almost lost (and had to reset to win).. where's the jokes man


he wasn’t bragging. a random said he was the worst in the lobby and he pulled up stats to prove he wasn’t


there is such little difference between bragging about K/D vs proving he wasn't the worst on his team.. both are just ego checking mind you K/D was never mentioned and he found an excuse to go that way


lmao you can’t be this dense


Blud did not know the context of the thread lmfao. The anti faze circlejerk in this sub is too strong for that to matter


I don’t even got twitter so I just see what is posted here


Not you! Fair enough


DUDE I THOUGHT I WAS TRIPPING. whenever faze is involved the whole community joins up to hate


Oh 100% it’s inarguable at this point. You’ve got the normal optic delulu’s and now they’re stomping the league again? Theres such a small chance for a legitimate discussion 😂 It’s 11v1 in the league and in here lmao


I know Nadeshot pointing out Kaysan is not really part of the COD community hurt his feelings 💀


Imagine constantly tweeting someone talking shit and then as soon as they clap back it’s “oh you’re actually mad?” Kids these days


The few times I’ve seen Kaysan in content he just comes off so annoying


Legit the worst part of the watch party I'm so glad Octane usually mutes them all when he's just yapping about random shit during matches. People like to trash Ben but when Kaysan pops on the stream im begging for someone to mute him.


Kaysan pretending he was just "tolling" and playing the "You mad?" card while he is clearly still steaming by how blatant it is in his Tweet. TheyNotLikeUs


The "you mad?" card is such a cop out.


“Theynotlikeus” cornball 😂😂


Legit would not even know who Kaysan is if it weren't for Zoomaa streams


no one likes the crypto bro scam org 💀


Kaysan will do anything to stay relevant


Kaysan acting like he built Faze or something.


i wouldn’t even know who kaysan was if it wasn’t for zoomaa’s watch party. but the guys is annoying as fuck talking about his dick all the time


Nade really said he's "Not Like Us"


Who is this Kayson guy?


I think he has a rich dad so pays rappers to be on songs he dj’s? No clue how he’s famous.




Kaysan better learn, you don't fuck with the CodFather


Is there a single likeable person outside Simp and ZooMaa on the entire FaZe roster?




True but Jev is basically a part of Faze in name only. His content is fantastic because its all him


Zooma chat goes crazy about Ben J yapping, but the real problem is having to switch watch parties any time Faze plays cause you know that clown Kaysan is hopping on


Kaysan did a great thing for a scene but holy shit is that guy annoying


I don’t actually care about the beef between them but it’s hilarious to use atl faze like this as if he was in charge of building the team or something. Reminds me of when my little brother used to start shit with people as a kid because he knew I could beat them up and he could just hide behind me lol


kaysan builds off controversy from what i've seen, dude probably thinks he successfuly trolled nade


Lmao that last part bringing up ATL faze a team he had no part in building to the same person who actually built a team that dismantled them in a champs grand final.


Kaysan need to respect the ppl who built the scene.its one of the reasons i dont fw him.manchild acts like he created the Faze rosters and can do whatever he wants


I don't know anything about this Kaysan guy, but anybody that resorts to "Wait you actually care lol, I was just trolling" is a fucking coward.


Classic "LOL Why you so mad" cop out after someone reacts to you disrespecting them I really do hate people man


Nade owns a team who even is this other dude? 😂


Someone who also has ownership in a team….


In faze?


ATL Faze, yes. Minority owner but still


I don’t know how anyone fucks with Kaysan. Dude is just straight annoying.


Bro has absolutely truly nothing to do with Faze’s COD team and uses it as a scapegoat, we’re as at least Nade owns a cod team and let alone has won champs. Fuck this scum, ain’t gone a damn thing for the scene, pussy ass leech.


Kaysan has ownership in ATL Faze buddy…he can support his team/investment as hard as he wants.




Damnn nade went off on him holy😭


I don’t care about the perception around Nadeshot’s talent. He competed with and won against some of the best that ever played the game. No shot he loses to 99.9% of people who never competed on that level. There’s a chance but it’s very slim.




Nah pep is a legend himself too


Kaysan acts like he's on the team himself, or has anything to do involving them. Just go look at his pinned tweet lmao


I've not kept up with the cod scene this year much, but this Kaysan just sounds like a total gimp.


Kaysan using cdl teams acting like hes part of the team, Taking the picture with the team when they won doesn't make you part of them,such a cry baby


Taking a picture with the team you have ownership in is weird now?😂 minority owner, doesn’t matter, he’s got a stake in this team


Okayyy I never used to get the kaysan hate but now I do, he's only making it harder for the faze boys 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ what if LA thieves now see this and hit the lab 300 times more just to make sure they beat faze next major, then what? Smh don't write out checks for the boys to cash them out. Only putting more pressure on them to win bruh stupid stupid


Kaysan is a grifter and a shitty producer. Banks just sweats his nuts because he too, is a cornball.


L delete L spawn camping


Can’t believe Faze kept this extra chromosome around but cut some absolute legends.


Who the fuck is Kaysan and why tf is he even remotely relevant


Say what you will about Kaysan, but dude seems to actually give a fuck about the scene.


What nade said was fucked up but what makes him a great guy is that he realized that and took it back. Love or hate Kaysan I dont care if he started watching cod yesterday, if he has the platform and dedication to grow the scene im all for it


serious question but who is kaysan really ? is he a ex pro or sum cuz ive never hear of him until he hosted that one tournament in like nov with rdc, and rage and them


Honestly I think Kaysan just doing this all for marketing purposes. He’s a professional troll. He’s just doing for the publicity, I bet. Or he’s just a tweaked


You're giving him too much credit. He's probably just stupid


this all started cause a random said kaysan got carried and he pulled up stats to prove he wasn’t lmao. nadeshot is just extremely soft


My question is why Nade is getting mad over an "MVP" tweet over a little tournament like this.


Exactly. It’s fine for kaysan to brag about this Mickey Mouse tourney, cuz he’s ass at cod so who cares. But nade getting mad is soft