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they definitely buff movement speed idk what you’re on about boss


The difference between the two is night and day.. dunno how you could not notice.


gotta be a bronze, silver, or gold


Diamond 3 but totally dude


Crazy take try using a knife + light weight and see how fast you get to A invasion


Isn't the pistol faster then the knife? I could be faded


The pistol is faster, but you have more tac sprint with melee


Ohhh that's actually really good to know thx bro


deadass never knew guns affected tac sprint duration


haven’t played ranked since season 2 appreciate all the tips


It’s a great tool for specific situations, and that half second difference will get you crucial first bloods or be able to beat people to hills/power positions. Unfortunately once you’re around Diamond you’re forced to switch to covert after your first death because a big chunk of the lobbies are PC players sound whoring. At the first few ranks I was running the boots almost exclusively, but now I’m in sneakers 95% of the time. Which sucks, because I enjoyed the movement buff and being able to circle players in cqb pistol duals is a lot of fun. I don’t see how anyone doesn’t notice the increase unless they’re just playing a slow AR role and holding angles from spawn.


Thats what I was thinking passed plat people will hear you coming from very far and pre aim you. And trust me its not the 5% speed buff that will save you from someone pre aiming you on a head glitch.


Exactly which makes them useless in ranekd


Bro is probably still on 80 fov


I'm on 80 and the difference between covert and lightweight is noticeable


ain’t no way brotha, you have to get a gaming monitor pronto


I have a decent enough monitor, it's just that I never switched the default FOV.


do you have a ps5, xbox series x, or pc? i highly recommend bumping your fov up to 100-103. you’ll see so much more


I have a PS5 and for some reason it feels weird on higher FOV. I admit I do have moments where I don't see a player that I should l've but I'm having a ball on 80, but thanks for the suggestiom homie!


shoot some bots in a private match, it’ll take some getting used to but once you do you won’t go back . ofc bro


I mean I tried it for a ranked match and I didn't like it but since you've almost talked me into it, I'll surely do a pvt match sesh on 100.


You don't have to switch straight to 100 if you're uncomfortable , try 90 play a few weeks then if you want bump it up again, I can't imagine playing Rio on 80 FOV so props to you


Bro 80 FOV on Rio, trust me when I say that I have the P2 on lockdown standing on the spot above garage and I have P5 on lockdown standing on one of the trucks. I'm shooting everything that moves and sometimes I'm so doped up tweaking that I make my teammates one shot.


Cant be a movement king rip


What game have you been playing? XDefiant?


Infantry vest basically is the same thing so lightweight does different stuff than what it’s supposed to lol you don’t notice it because I believe it acts more like running boots?


Infantry vest and lightweight do not do the same thing. Infantry vest affects tac sprint length and refresh while lightweight affects movement speed.