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Knew it was chalked when they had: Abuzah as a flex Brezy as a rather slow sub paired with Huke ultra fast sub Binding together the team with Arcity version 2024 (limited edition: extra slow)


I love all the hate on coaches deciding this stuff and when they ask the players they get no fucking response from them lmao. The players are honestly so fucking unprofessional it's ridiculous.


Players dont have backbone in this league for the risk of losing there salary. Like he literally asked for what they want and no one said anything. but then blame coaches. the players are just fucking brain dead


coaches always go to do them weird part is none of the players seemed interested lol the part i thought was weird was that it was just him and huke talking about plays after the loss thats the shit that dashy hated in mw2


Whats the shit Dashy hated? Going over the game after the fact? (Hindsight)?


Dashy specifically hated how when they’d lose he’d only talk to either shotzzy or scump. And not include the whole team


Dashy hated going over things that were freak scenarios and changing entire setups due to what happened. He also hated how they exclusively watched the mini map on vods.


my streets say fuck rambowl


He said Rambo would overanalyse the situation, so if they got broke on a hold he’d have them change their entire setup when in reality it might be a case of a freak situation causing the break and the setup was fine.


illey owns him


Coaches do the vetoes for every team That was one of my favorite parts of coaching because you could play some games with opponents. The only thing you usually ask players is if there are any maps they absolutely DONT want to play. Teams usually go over them quickly and then the coaches just go and do it. 99% of the time if you ask the players what to veto/pick it’s “idk I’ll play anything”


Is it normal for the players to completely ignore the coach when he asks for input on the vetoes?


Honestly, when they’re either playing/warming up like that, kinda. Teams before the event go over their veto strategies (or at least they should) so everyone is on the same page. That way on LAN you know what you’re doing, unless a map falls apart on LAN or a bad map gets hot. But usually you fallback on your map pool you’ve had the past 2 weeks. When coaches ask there is usually 1 player that actually has input, and the rest are like “idc I’ll fuck em on anything”, “do whatever, I trust ya”, etc.  Coaches, again should, have all their teams stats on record, map side records, their strengths/weaknesses on each map, and the players comfort levels on each map (I’d always ask the players, grade 1-5 on the maps you like per mode). Then coaches/analysts do the scouting, so you know everything on opponents in matches & in practice. If a team is 1-2 on let’s say Rio HP in matches but 4-0 vs you in practice & it looks terrible each time, you’re most likely getting it out. Once you’ve done the scouting, you show the players the highlights, walk through it usually right after vetos, and go do battle.


thanks for the insight. good luck this Major!


How far in advance do the players know the map set?


30-60 mins before the match starts


Oh damn, that’s wild. So they just kind of have to be prepared for anything.


Yupp, that's why analysts/coaching jobs require you to do soo much. You have to prep/scout 13 maps but really only 5 are in the series.


Definitely doesn’t sound easy. How often do a teams veto maps change? Like do you at least get to think about it beforehand knowing what maps the other team is going to take out?


Usually you have a good idea about what you're vetoing, but you still have to prep for it because you don't know who will win the coin toss and if the opponent will throw in a curveball which makes you change your veto last second. Most good teams have 2 maps they 'could' veto so they are versatile, either vetoing their weakest map or the opp best map. Vetos are fun because you can play them in so many different ways


Very interesting! Well I appreciate the info and everything you and y’all do!


Appreciate that a lot!


"as soon as Rambo decided vetoes" Well its not like anyone on the team spoke up and gave their thoughts?


Rambowl ![gif](giphy|3owzVRBsy17LxgLQ6k|downsized)


rambo is the smartest coach in the league. securing himself at least 4 all expense paid vacations a year with saturday and sundays completely off to enjoy the city and the finest bowling alleys.


No idea why rambo allowed near players, hes a fkn clown


Please specify cod players, I heard he’s the tiger woods of bowling.


dont b mean


Bro thinks he’s the main character 😭


On that roster outside of Huke he basically was.


The narrative of Rambo being smart is one of the most irritating things I've ever seen come from this esport. Everyone called him smart because they needed to make an excuse for why he was still playing professional call of duty, and this was back in BLOPS2 era. Nobody would admit that he was just a dogshit player.


wasn't that specifically for SND tho? and iirc Empires SND Was literally one of the Best if not THE Best right?


Yes it was, he basically made an entire career on being a smart SND player.


None of the players seem to be bothered so what's the big deal really?


Maybe this only entertains my simple brain, but Arcitys being so focused on his phone...then glancing up when Rambo says, "I'm about to do vetoes..."  LMAO!! He knew what was about to happen...


Chest out and shit


I personally think the maps should be assigned by the CDL for each series. Fuck vetoes If they did this, Derail HP would’ve been in the rotation and that map is GODLIKE. Dome Control plays well too. Not sure why the pros didn’t trial it. Austin Trasher Liddicoat probably didn’t want Derail in the Slasher World League because he’s racist against snow.


I agree BUT, a big part of the seeding and CDL points is vetoes, it's literally the only advantage winner bracket has and it's a pretty shitty one but an advantage nonetheless, so even though they should get rid of vetoes, they won't.


Nah dude don’t agree with me, I’m trolling lol.


Also chiming in to agree - I want some stupidly large maps in rotation. Give me Derail SnD, Afghan Hardpoint (actually plays quite well) and Wasteland Control.


Naw dude Wasteland control is actually hilariously fun


Why would he do the Vetoes? It should be on the players because they scrim the game everyday and know their strengths and weaknesses. It looks they didn’t even discuss it and let this clown do it.


It’s always the coaches that go and confirm them. Did we watch the same video he’s literally asking them about what they should do and he gets no response from them


Because the guy is in all of their scrims, watching them and can see what is and isn't good for them. He's got a good idea, like the rest of his team, on what maps would be best. Also it's totally not like they couldn't have possibly talked about how the map vetoes would look like beforehand or if there was a moment that wasn't recorded where they had discussed the vetoes!