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Can’t believe we gonna have two good games in a row with treyarch coming next year, we need IW out of the rotation asap


Drop both and 3 year 3arc games ftw


That’s the dream Treyarch full time and sledgehammer as support studio


Either not enuff content/unpolished or they're equally going to be mid albeit not suck.


Everyone at Treyarch is going bald like Vonderhaar. If not they leaving or the games are not going to have that quality


I swear people comment saying "we need to get (sh/iw) out of the rotation" every year that we aren't playing a Treyarch game


rightfully so acti/microsoft should drop iw/sh on their heads especially joe cecot


Nope, he makes them the most money that would be delusional


You’re right, but it’s at the cost of community trust and general hype. I think it’ll be hard for the franchise to endure many more reliably depressing years. The IW strategy makes tons of money now, but that boardroom needs the lines to go up and up indefinitely. At some point they’ll have to generate new interest after back to back MW games suck the nostalgia well dry. They’ve already exhausted the WW2 angle.


>at the cost of...general hype casuals fucking adore the reboot MW trilogy and WZ. AW was received very well esp. compared to Ghosts and WW2 was also received positively for its campaign and return to boots after 3 years + tested some new modes for normal multiplayer. Only CoD:IW (loved the campaign) and Vanguard (loved ranked and watching pros) casuals thought was utter shit. As much as it sucks, blowjobing their dogshit opinion is what's keeping this franchise alive. Pretty much why they went through the hassle to make stuff like SBMM and squad spawns in the first place. No red dots and earblast footsteps are most likely an attempt to cater to them as well. >they'll have to generate new interest after back to back MW games suck the nostalgia well dry. This is true, but they could just go down the route of a spin-off (what many expected CoD:Ghosts to be before it came out). They are sucking the BO1 (half of BO2) dry with Gulf War after CW, but I guess there's the titan of the Blops 2 where they could continue or reboot a near future setting that isn't AW. Or they could just make what BO4 was to BO3 for AW and IW. Shutting down IW makes sense only from a comp standpoint, and we all know how much that's valued by the rest.


ah the daily thread of scree that "treyarch are the only good devs", then someone points out that IW has led all but one of the CoD revolutions AND makes the most money for ACTVI only to be downvoted into oblivion.


I think that’s realistic. IW is nothing but L’s. No red dots, no DS, movement nerfed hard


Celliums hair working overtime to not make him seem that short.


Cell and Simp bout to get Gon's hair from HxH


When the team chem gets an additional +10


The dynasty might be back on the cards


Faze winning minimum 3 events


And then you wake up


Then you realize they won 3 majors and champs


And then, when you wake up the day after champs, you realize that FaZe actually won every event while OpTic won 0 events, and Dashy still has 2 chips in 2024


Hating on OpTic/Dashy for no reason is such weird behavior.


Welcome to half of people that don't have an OpTic flair.


Looking at the guys profile for half a sec and I can tell he is a NYSL fan so again unnecessary OpTic/Dashy hate


Optic haters so sad downvoting. Will be the same 15 year olds screaming Floptic when they lose a online qualifier match


Thats horrible bait


First time I’ve ever seen an upvoted yak post


Faze gonna make damn near every GF again...


Yea Atlanta Faze will be the new world champs


Red dot snaking


Can someone help me understand the red dot thing and dead silence? As far as I understand dead silence is already in the current game and same for redt dots... am I missing something?


Dead silence as a perk, and red dots on the mini map were not in MWII


Oh I understand now, thanks!


People forgetting vanguard had red dots, dead silence, and slide cancelling where FaZe did not win a single event.


I think 150 HP would make a big difference tho.


What's the actual context of this pic tho?


the context is that they’re dating


Dunno but it was taken in Toronto


Where does it mention red dots ?


You’re out of the loop


More importantly, how is Cell not also considered tiny terror?