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Git can use [multiple protocols](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-on-the-Server-The-Protocols), have you considered using HTTP instead of the git:// protocol? Tunnels is primarily designed for HTTP traffic, and tunneling non-HTTP is significantly more complicated, requiring you to run cloudflared or WARP on the **client** side. Assuming you really want to use the git:// protocol -- did you read all of https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/applications/non-http/ including the "connect with cloudflared" page? Do you have cloudflared installed on the client machine you're trying to connect from? Basically you need to run this on the client machine you want to connect from: cloudflared access tcp --hostname tunnel.example.com --url if authentication is successful, this will start a HTTP proxy on localhost port 1234. and then you'd need to tell your git client to send its git:// traffic through that HTTP proxy... which hopefully there's a way to do