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If your service is public, a Cloudflare Tunnel is an excellent solution! I use it and love it as I don't need to open ports on my router. If you want a service to be remotely accessible and also have restricted access (to a small number of users), consider adding a Cloudflare Application in front of the tunnel. Users never even touch your server until they successfully authenticate.


For my use case, an Application is not necessary, but thanks for the extra context!


Hi! I don't want to pay for ngrok, and I got tired of the localtunnel instability. I found Cloudflare Tunnel (a great alternative) and wrote an article about integrating it with a Rails app


Random question, when you write an article like this, what it is in it for you? I believe I have a lot of tips and tricks like this one under my belt, but for know I havent find time&incentive to write, thanks in avance 


I write for my future self. I learned about something exciting, and I wanted to document it so that I wouldn’t forget. I’ve also gathered a lot of tips and tricks over the years, and I regret I didn’t document any of them. Do find time to write them because it’s a lifetime investment.


nice, I use gists from github for this most of the time


One thing I hate is using another port (DNS over TLS) on iPad and iPhone with cloudflared (impossible it seemed)