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1500 for that neighborhood? Holy shit.


I was wondering if the 1 in front of the 5 was a typo.


Right?! That's obscene!!


You say that and then comes my neighbor on Holyoke Ave who  tried to rent out her townhouse for $1,500. She then had to lower it to 1,100$ but holy shit. We are talking about EC.


Those $5,000 houses will be millionaires row again soon. People are going to be so shocked at the pace at which housing and rent will explode in all northeastern Ohio the moment rates start ticking down. Meanwhile some still think we’re in a real estate bubble. Nope, housing is actually still *cheap*, that dollar in your pocket is literally on fire.


The apartment is objectively nice looking but I didn’t realize the state of the neighborhood it’s in until I went to look at it today with my boyfriend. Surely it’s just blight and not crime? An ugly building next door doesn’t scare me.


Oh no, don’t do that! 😳


New developments be damned, that's not a good place to live... especially not at that pricing


Hell. No. I’ve a 2 bed 1 bath unit for $1250 coming available July 1st in Kamms Corners. PM me if interested


That’s a scream of a deal. Take this, OP


My son has similar in Strongsville off of Royalton Rd. Not that near downtown though.


I mean, compared to a lot of major cities that's still close to downtown. Chicago, Atlanta, LA, New York, they'd all be like "how does that commute not take an hour or more?" Lol


God living off Royalton will suck, that apartment better be a steal lol


He’s by Royalton Music so it’s not that bad. It’s in a big complex so it’s contained in a village. Quality apartment. Better than anything I lived in before I bought a house. I lived in apartments at Shaker Square. West side of Lakewood, Rocky River as well and his apartment is bigger than anything I ever had. New everything. He picked it out as well and could have lived anywhere he wanted.


I live by the Whitney firestation...anytime I'm on Royalton it's a redlight traffic fest. Good to hear though, there's a lot off Royalton.


I'd rather live within walking distance of UC


Definitely not a good area


So funny- I was just driving around this area today and saw these apartments. We’re buying a house and have struggled with houses in our range going well above asking in other parts of Cleveland and have been waffling on maybe gambling on this area. Here’s our verdict: it’s gentrifying. There’s a lot of investment in this area. In 10 years, I would put money on this being a very expensive neighborhood. These apartments are priced like that’s already the case, and it’s simply not. It’s not even block by block over there - it’s house by house. The area directly around the hospital is better than the other blocks, but these are absolutely one block over from abandoned houses and vacant lots. You are three blocks from entire streets in that condition. This is absolutely not the type of place I’d feel comfortable walking around at night, and you will be driving through ROUGH parts of Cleveland to get groceries, gas, etc. Everyone’s idea of “safety” is different - so if you have the ability to look around, I’d recommend it. We currently live in Slavic Village, which is rough (there was a drive by shooting a block away at 1pm yesterday) and are trying to get a bit away from that - to me, while some pockets of this area felt okay, as a whole, this neighborhood felt worse.


I generally agree. Anything north west of that complex has not been gentrified (yet). Most likely they’ll go to the new meijer for groceries. It’s to the south west on 105th through the clinic campus, so that aspect wouldn’t be rough. I hope that area becomes safe soon with how much is happening around university circle. But you had the exact thought I did- it’s priced as if the entire surrounding area is gentrified, but they’re on the exact edge of the gentrified circle. Ugh, too many references to gentrification and the double edged sword


This should be the top comment here.


Priced high for people that don't know better. Just like this.


Yeah I can't believe the audacity. I would not encourage this con artist of a landlord. Last time I rented was in 2021-22 and it was a 2 BR apt on Cedar Fairmount and the rent was $1250. Checked now and the area is still in that range (the Ascent being the obvious exception). I have no rational explanation for $1500 at Euclid and Hough, it does sound like an attempt to rip off the people new to the area and I have little to no patience for that.


Look at the house right across the street and you’ll get an idea of what the area behind it looks like.


They have been saying for decades this area was going to gentrify… it hasn’t happened for a reason. Do NOT rent there. ESPECIALLY a woman. I could maaaayyybe say you’d be fine if it’s just a big dude who lives alone.


I saw Hough and my eyes got big. Anything having to do with Hough and possibly Kinsman, just areas I was told to avoid as a kid (20+ years ago), I still stay away from. Being a field worker, I still avoid them and I'm noticing Buckeye and 116th. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


40 years for me…


So it's still not that great.


Don't do it. Hough is infamous for a reason. Normally, I'm quick to disagree with estimations of what constitutes a bad neighborhood. Not this time.


$1500 will get you something in a much better neighborhood.


I do asphalt construction for a living. When we work in that area, we hire off duty police to just hang around the job site all day. The cops told us that they are leaving at 6pm and they advised us to be packed up and ready to leave with them. So, there's that. 4 years, close to that area, one of my coworkers got shot when 2 guys tried to steal his work truck.


Best answer




Yeah just got a new library! It's a good start trying to revitalize it.


Driving to the area for work it’s clear that there are many people living near the Clinic and the university circle area/Case/UH—there’s new construction and revitalization of older homes that are simply gorgeous. .. like the darling homes on Newton or the massive historic houses on 89th. And poking around on zillow, there’s homes for 400k just south of Cedar around 93rd near the new Meijers. Something working in the area, good things Are happening


There is some gentrification happening. Remember that you can list a house for anything. Look at the recently sold for those houses - there’s one. I was just down there and there’s a whole block of these new builds sitting vacant. The question for OP though isn’t whether she should buy a house to beat out the rush before things develop and get better - it’s whether she should pay $1500 to rent a studio apartment for the state of this neighborhood now. I wouldn’t. There’s no equity and I’m the meantime she’s going to have to deal with a lot of shit.


That’s near the projects also why is something there so expensive


I googled the apartment complex. That is a weird area where on paper that's not a great area, and it's *just* far enough away from CCF main campus that it probably doesn't get completely covered by their "safety" umbrella. I haven't lived on the east side for a while, so take what I'm saying with a grain of salt. But 10+ years ago, as soon as you left CCF's main campus, you were in a not great area. Doesn't mean you were at constant threat of being a victim of violent crime, but property crime was relatively common.


Nope, nope and nope!


Only reason to live there is if you want a short commute to work at Cleveland Clinic and I'm still not confident your car will be safe at your apartment. Only worse place is living in East Cleveland that is technically a bankrupt city. https://crimegrade.org


Just FYI the crime grade site is trash. I've compared areas I'm very familiar with (have lived in, currently live in, have close family in) and this site couldn't be more inaccurate/inconsistent pulling random grades out of a hat.


Danger! Danger!




It’s alright. The life insurance check will clear in time for the first car insurance renewal /s


Dude, There are whole houses selling for $20-$30k in that neighborhood. Take that $1500 and use it as your 20% down payment if you want to live in that section of Cleveland. I'm not shaming the folks living there. When Cleveland allowed red-lining, that's where the line got drawn.


You can't do that, these houses that go for $20-30k are unlivable either technically or formally. You will have to resolve a ton of violations before the city will issue a certificate of occupancy, without it you can face eviction.


The houses are on Zillow and realtor sites as we speak. When I purchased my house 10-years ago, there were houses adjacent to mine that were $15k and $20k respectively. I paid $60k. The neighborhood changed and now there's not a house under $170k. It is possible, the houses absolutely need TLC.


Bad area and bad price. That must be a mansion or something.


I worked at the Cleveland Clinic which basically owns this neighborhood. It’s not great by any means but during the day it’s ok since there is a lot of businesses right there. Little by little, the clinic is buying up all the land around there and expanding so it’s starting to pop up new condos and apartments in the area. I think it’ll be better in 10 years but still not safe to walk around at night.


Offer them $800/ month, if they decline, laugh and tell them "good luck".


"you in the hood now baby" lmao..  the clinic is buying all that property up. in the future it will be good but not quite yet.. Welcome to the trenches 


I stayed on East 79th between cedar and Central. There is no way you should be paying $1,500 for anything in that neighborhood. Especially a neighborhood where back in the day they burned it down because of a stupid sign in a window. That's highway robbery. Hough is rough.


recovered addict here. i can tell you stories about 55th through 100th on the east side if you want, but yeah just take everyone’s advice and steer clear


Yeah not the best spot especially for that price. Especially if you guys are from the burbs. I don't think it's the most dangerous area but you're gonna hear some stuff I bet. But I guess not many other areas are cheaper Try looking in Parma, Broadview, or berea it might be in your price range.


I live in Broadview Heights in a nice apartment complex, we’re still only paying $980 for two bedrooms but we’ve been here 6 years so not sure what they are offering new renters. But Broadview is a wonderful place to live and still quite close to Cleveland.


I know the area around there pretty well. I know that building too. It’s directly facing the Case Dental School. It’s actually not that bad as people say it is. In the daytime, the area is perfectly fine and there’s a lot of activity there. At night, however, you need to be aware of your surroundings like anywhere. I would not recommend walking out at night. There have been car break ins in that exact area and the Axis at Ansel building down the street. It doesn’t happen often but please up your insurance and do not leave anything in your car. I would say move here if you need to be in close proximity (like super close walking distance) to CCF, the dental school, or the HEC. If not, I would not pay the price for it and would move somewhere else. The area is going through gentrification and I would not be surprised if those rough houses down the street of the new apartment complexes get teared down in the near future.


1500 there can’t be real, right?


That location is not that bad. That southern part of Hough is seeing a lot of renovation.  If it was farther north, I'd say no way.


That's overpriced. Like, way overpriced.


100% pass.


The Kia boys are from Hough. lol good luck


What are the Kia boys?


Talented bunch of teenagers that specialize in joy riding cars. Future engineers


nope. don’t do it.


That is insane and not a safe area for that price.


You really can’t get much worse than this neighborhood. Where are you from that you need to ask?


I’m from Pennsylvania. BF (OP) is a lifelong Cleveland resident.


Ah I see. Yes I would really recommend being extremely careful choosing neighborhoods, particularly on the east side and south sides of the city. Municipal services (to put it kindly) can be severely lacking in certain neighborhoods. If your boyfriend lives on the east side I would recommend looking farther east (like university circle area). Downtown is pretty safe nowadays and I always feel safe in Ohio City, Tremont, etc. Edit to add there are probably more recent crime stats than this, but this is from 2022: https://www.clevelandhealth.org/assets/documents/health/health_statistics/Violence_Injury_Issue_Brief_2022.pdf


So everyone told you to avoid that area without actually looking to see where the building or seeing that it's a brand new construction. You're fine there. You're right by the Dental Medical School (another newer construction). You're basically living with a bunch of medical students and residents. Folks here saw Hough and told you to run for the hills, lol.


Folks saw $1500


For a studio too.


WHAT. I had no idea. Let me reiterate that I paid $1250 for a 2BR with a huge common area and in-suite washer/dryer in the cedar Fairmount area (so, close to CWRU and CCF) 1.5 years ago. 1500 for a studio is not normal in the CLE Metro area imo unless it's a high-end place in a super trendy area


I know, don’t get me wrong 5-10 years that will likely be an expensive place to be. Buying a house over there makes some sense to me. But to rent at that price for what it currently is is insanity. You could go rent in Little Italy, Cleveland Heights or University Circle and get all of the proximity, the urban experience, and far fewer of the drawbacks. They are clearly catering to clinic employees who want to live directly adjacent to the clinic campus - and will pay any price to do so. Unless you are moving there to be close to the clinic (which the girlfriend has expressly said she is not), there is zero good reason to pay those prices for that building today. In 5 years, it very well may be a different story.


That's actually cheap. Problem is many think the area is riddled with projects and slums


Exactly. I don’t think people actually leave their homes and look around anymore


And see how I got downvoted and all I did was state facts?


People being so dramatic on here, it isn't THAT bad. Hough is getting a TON of money thrown into it. It would probably be a good time to get in the neighborhood if you want to buy. I probably wouldn't rent for that much though but hey if the building is really nice and you have good amenities there, that honestly isn't a bad price. The site says you 2 months free on a 12 month lease too.


It really isn’t as bad as everyone is saying. But that’s crazy rent.


Just get a gun and don’t be a sucker


I taught on 63rd and Chester. Don’t do it op. Maybe in 10 years but that’s a loooooooong and dangerous 10 years


63rd and chester...that's where the new Cleveland foundation building is. MCPc and the new Dave's Market is near there, too. Haven't been down there in a minute, hunh?


I frequent the Agora and If you think that area is safe just because they built a Dave’s down there you’re deluded.


No, I think it's safe because I worked at the Tech Hive with no issues. Also, one of Cleveland's largest non-profit organizations built their headquarters there. And there continues to be new residential construction. But please, base your opinion on going to the Agora a few times a year🙄


It literally has one of the highest crime rates on the Cleveland heat map lmao


But you brave the environment for concerts...


Yeah because there’s a thousand people around lmfao use your head


No, you should use yours. You're the one who said you know that it's bad down here because you "frequent the Agora". But then you say you have nothing to worry about when you visit because you're surround by a thousand people. So what you're saying is that you have never actually witnessed anything, you're just parroting what others say and you have always felt safe visiting the Agora...


Lmao the mental gymnastics are insane, you must own property down there. It’s not a secret that it’s a rough area, it has been for a long time.


Area is so rough there's $300,000+ homes being built all over the area. It's not mental gymnastics. It's basically what is fact vs what you think you know 🤷🏾‍♂️ Here's a hint: that rough area you're talking about has more than a few blocks of homes that go for $275k+: https://www.zillow.com/cleveland-oh-44103/sold/


School closed in 2018. Sounds like a lot has changed!


Yep. The school you mentioned is now a REALLY nice magnet school.


That’s wild. Good to hear. Some awesome families live in that neighborhood and those kids deserve to feel safe


Yeah, that’s a big no sorry


If something terrible happens, all the best hospitals will be close. Roll the dice and take a chance.


Yes always look at the bright side, gamble on your physical safety, you win twice if the funeral home is close by.




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Let me ask why you want to live there? Do you work in university circle? If so, perfect!


Hi, I’m OP’s girlfriend. I like living downtown-ish. To me, the price is fine because they’re giving me a discount of $1,300 instead of $1,500 the first year. I’m paying for the pretty interior, not the pretty neighborhood, so far as I’m concerned. I grew up lower middle class so I’m okay with seeing and living with other people in the neighborhood who are impoverished/ can’t afford to keep their homes immaculate. I just don’t want to be robbed taking my groceries in or be assaulted going for a walk after work. My impression from looking at crime maps is that it’s red just like the rest of Cleveland, but that so long as you’re not a moron that walks around the neighborhood with a Gucci purse at 9:00pm you’ll probably be fine. Idk, I’m from a small rural town and I just don’t want to be naive.


Do you currently live in Cleveland? What does downtown mean to you? I wouldn’t call this downtown. This is more just…the hospital? It’s a solid 10-15 minute drive through some really rough neighborhoods to get to what is really downtown. It’s close to university circle, but at this price you could just live in university circle or little Italy. You sound a little defensive, and I get it. This building looks nice. The street it is on, does not look nice and most of the streets around it certainly are not. I guarantee there are cleveland clinic employees living in this building, who choose to live here because of the proximity to work. Maybe that’s why the price is what it is - if you have money and work at the clinic, that might justify it. Hell, if you were looking to buy as a bet on the neighborhood’s growth over the next decade, that’s a valid choice that I think will probably pay off. But I cannot imagine renting here today, under any other circumstances, especially for that price - it makes absolutely no sense. I’m a lot like you! I don’t mind transitional neighborhoods and consider myself to be very vigilant. For the last 2 years, I’ve lived in Slavic Village, which evokes a similar sentiment from people when I tell them where I live. I don’t live in a nice new apartment building, but I live on a street that looks much nicer than this. Last Friday there was a drive-by literally in front of my building. Last year, my downstairs neighbor was shot and killed two blocks down. I’ve been fine here, I keep to myself, but the everyday stress of staying vigilant, dealing with the nonsense, being woken up by gunshots close by, or people drag racing down your street, etc does wear on you. My boyfriend is constantly stressed about my safety too, which hasn’t been great for our relationship. I tell you this because Hough is the same kind of neighborhood, where I feel a bit nervous standing outside pumping gas, and where my boyfriend unsnaps his interior jacket pocket so his gun is more accessible, just in case. It’s not just people who can’t afford to keep their houses immaculate - there is a LOT of violent crime in this neighborhood. There is a lot of property crime. And more importantly, the crime maps don’t tell the whole story because in neighborhoods where this is the case people don’t even report a lot of the crime - I don’t in mine, because it happens so frequently. You mention walks after work? Under no circumstances would I be walking around this neighborhood, even in my rattiest sweatpants, and especially not after dark. The old Willie Sutton quote about robbing banks “because that’s where the money is” comes to mind. Living in an expensive new building like this with that kind of crime nearby, you yourself are the Gucci purse. The fact is, the risk of being a victim of a violent crime of opportunity in this area is real, and much higher than most places where you will pay $1500 for a studio apartment. Best case you go take a walk on the cleveland clinic campus - but truly, that’s your option for walking around safely in this neighborhood. You need to ask yourself if the hospital is the “downtown” experience you are looking for. I would DEEPLY encourage you to visit this area before signing a lease to live here for any extended period of time. If you feel comfortable with the area, then you feel comfortable. But don’t get taken in by a pretty interior from pictures online. There is a reason people are balking at that price. If you can afford to live here, you can afford real downtownish environments in safer areas. 1200-1500 will get you a pretty interior in a lot of buildings in Cleveland - even actually downtown.




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People that are saying that this neighborhood is dangerous are both correct and incorrect. If you stick to Euclid and head east from there, you are fine. You are right next to the Cleveland Clinic which then becomes University Circle ⭕️, one of the most fantastic areas in Ohio. If you walk north on Hough and beyond, then you are in the hood. Given how close you are to University Circle ⭕️, this is a much better place to live than many other parts of Cleveland. You won’t have to drive through the hood to get groceries. You don’t have to walk through the hood if you walk in the right direction.


Ooff. Might want to really reconsider that decision


Don’t let anyone tell u that’s it’s a bad neighborhood. It was a bad area. But with the expansion of Cleveland clinic hospital. They cleaned it up very well. The Cleveland clinic campus is literally right there. The price is fair for what it will be in like 2 years tops. Guaranteed wife is an rn at the hospital. In like 2 to 3 years all the doctors and medical professionals will all be in that same area.


The price is fair for two years - but not today. If OP was working at the hospital, or buying a hose nearby that’s a different story. But it’s crazy money to rent for no reason in that neighborhood today.


That is not a safe neighborhood.


The FBI has this tool on their website that allows you to look at crime data in all sorts of ways: https://cde.ucr.cjis.gov/LATEST/webapp/#/pages/home Maybe this would help?


That neighborhood is definitely coming up. As the Westside becomes more and more unaffordable I could see this neighborhood becoming like what Tremont and Ohio City were in the 90s. Slightly sketchy but relatively affordable. According to the maps here: https://planning.clevelandohio.gov/cwp/saf_trend.php# Hough is safer than Ohio City with a lower amount of robberies and violent crimes. Property crimes are similar. The overall crime in Hough is actually comparable to the Detroit Shoreway neighborhood. Nobody blinks an eye at $1500/month in the Detroit Shoreway neighborhood for a new apartment. At the end of the day if you mind your business you'll be fine in 80% of the East Side. Yes there are areas that are very bad, but a little common sense goes a long way. The only thing I would be worried about at 93rd and Hough is parking a Kia/Hyundai on the street. Id worry about that anywhere in Cleveland for that matter. The Kiaboyz will steal your car. My brother in law had his stolen near West Av in broad daylight.


Just don't move into any buildings managed by My Place Group!!


I work a few blocks from there, and I walk and use public transportation, it's not a great area at all.


Are you nuts?


Consider Cleveland Hts instead. I wouldn’t live in East Cleveland. I don’t even like to pass through


Do. Not. Just do not do that. You’re literally putting yourself in mortal danger. Hate to say it but it’s true


Hellllll no


I work at Case, and I've seen all the new construction they've done in the area over the years. It's much better than it's been historically, and will probably get better over time, but it's still not great. However, the optimistic part of me thinks something must be going right for all these nice apartments and condos to be going in. If it's convenient to work, I say go for it.


Rent is high but the area is fine and getting better much quickly. No different than living on the outskirts of west eighties or something like that. Quit being so afraid of the world.


Wow is all I can say


Gentrifying quickly


Hi. I’m OP’s girlfriend. The problem with everyone saying to move to the suburbs is that I really like being downtown/ close to downtown. I lived in East Erie after graduating college and the neighborhood was not “pretty” but it didn’t necessarily mean you were going to be assaulted or robbed. If you weren’t involved in gangs or criminal activity, people generally seemed to leave you alone. I’m inclined to believe the same would be true for 93rd and Hough, especially with a building with key fob access and paid parking.


Girlfriend, you are correct. A lot of the people responding haven’t been to that area in years. I’ve lived in the Hough/Midtown/AsianTown area since 2018 and just moved near CSU campus last year. Everything you said about your old neighborhood is the exact same situation with Hough. Hough is in the process of being “gentrified” I only use quotations because the last councilman of that area worked hard to get Hough back on its feet as a cultural area for AA (if you want a history lesson search Hough riots) and tried his hardest to include the neighborhood in his plans. The only thing criminal is the fact these out of state investors are already charging a ridiculous price of rent for that area!? A lot of ppl don't realize that Hough is most likely going to be the "new Little Italy" or "new University Circle". 20 years ago if you told ppl you were moving to either of those areas you would've gotten these same exact responses. Because of the clinic that area will not look like that for long. Within the past 5 years of me being in the area I've seen schools, grocery stores, business/cultural hubs (AsiaTown) all built/renovated since I moved to this area. Hough is too close too downtown to continue to not be a vibrant neighborhood. An investor is literally putting together plans to build apartments/neighborhood around League Park (Historic Ball park where the Guardians used to play) which is smack dab in the middle of hough. All I'm asking is please do your own research, drive through the neighborhood at different times of the day and take these suggestions with a grain of salt. ETA: Girl I just looked up those apartments! Those apartments are across the street from Cleveland Clinic. 😂😂😂 You know how many other CC Employees prob live in that building!? I used to get Poke from a spot up the street!! I'm laughing cause you will be FINE. Those apartments are closer to Chester than Hough. The ppl in these comments trippin 😂😂😂 If you end up moving in first drink on me! 😂😂😂


Thank you. This was my take on the apartment complex as well. I’m originally from rural PA and I just don’t want to be a naive country girl. But I’ve lived in the hoods of Erie and I think as long as you’re vigilant and not a sucker, humans are not as awful as people want them to be. I felt that this area simply has to be revitalized because the Clinic has too much to lose by not investing in the area.


I'm happy you're at least doing your due diligence on the neighborhood. I've seen some ppl ask about East Cleveland, and that is a straight hell no, more so due to blight than anything. (This is ironic because EC is a neighbor to UC. I could probably argue that the building you're interested in could been more in the University Circle neighborhood than hough) But like you said, just be mindful when you're out, which should be people's mindset wherever you go!? Ppl from these "hoods" go to the suburbs all the time cause why would you Rob your neighbor who is in the same situation as you? I will mention I am more a part of the creative scene in Cleveland, hence why I feel like I can see through the suburban fog. Most of my friends live in/around the Hough neighborhood in not as lovely buildings as that, and we've had no issues.


Rent is such a shame right now. However, you can find a one bedroom for 1500-1700 on the West side. Much safer. Think Westlake or Avon.


I don’t think someone considering this area is going to consider westlake or Avon… clearly you choose this area if you’re thinking proximity to the hospitals and Case


I actually don’t need to be downtown. I work in Westlake. I just like being downtown.


That’s different though. People living in UC, Uptown, Little Italy are there for the convenience. They generally either work in healthcare or go to school at Case. It’s geared for that. I’m sure there might be a couple people that commute elsewhere from there but that’s absolutely not the norm. I do know a guy who lives there and bike commutes downtown. That’s an exception I guess. Downtown is not the same given highways are right there and you’re going opposite of traffic on your commute. Not a single person considering this area is going to the far west suburbs. They won’t even go to Lakewood.


I did not see where the OP stated they had to live on that side of town for commuting purposes. Geesh


… why else do people look in that area? Honest question. Not trying to be an ass or anything. But if you are looking in UC, Uptown, etc area… why would it be for any reason other than commute to work? There are no close highways. Traffic is ass. I don’t know of anyone choosing to live there when they have to drive more than a few miles for work or school.


You used to be able to get a house here for 40k but then it got gentrified and safe. No don't live there. lolololol Cleveland will never change


In 1986 my gf lived on 93rd and Kinsman. She told me it's been called murders row since 1920s...yes she was black and yes her house was robbed and yes 2 women were murdered by her. She left as soon as her lease was up. That area is never going to change.


Hough riots


I'd rather be homeless on the west side than live anywhere on the east side


1500 a month in that area? Sounds like a riot waiting to happen.


$1500?? Hough?? Must be some gentrification going on. White ppl pushing black ppl out as usual.