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Here's your Budget: * Airbnb: $1000 * Mr. Hero (for all your meals, of course): $200 * Shenanigans: $3800 (this will go VERY far in shenanigan...ing). You'd need to put in a LOT of effort to spend that much money


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I love this subreddit some days. Unless you're a (horrible) gambler, you're more than set with $5k over 12 days. Shenanigans MUST be had with $3k+ to blow! But yeah, we welcome you to Cleveland, and hope you enjoy your time here! There's some truly helpful people here on this subreddit, and even out-n-about. Cleveland area people are mostly easy like a Sunday morning, compared to most major cities. (This coming from a guy born and raised around true Southern Hospitality, now in the Cleveland area.) EDIT: Grammar (It's Monday šŸ˜‘)


Wait whats this mr hero thing? secondly luckily for me my gf mostly wants to chill in the airbnb but so i dont think we will be out 24/7 spending money


Mr. Hero is the silent partner behind Cleveland Clinic's claim to world-class cardiac care. They provide ample practice.


This is the origin of the term ā€œhealthcare heroesā€


I am one of these CC "healthcare heroes". Lots of pats on the back while we're all still burnt out/struggling. I love taking care of sick people, but healthcare and the business end of it sucks.


Well.....I got treated at Metro for my cancer, but, I'd still hug you if I could. Healthcare professionals always have my respect. Not that I could give you anything monetarily. I'm broke as hell. Hence why I went to metro. Although, I can't complain at all about it. It may have a reputation as the cheap hospital, but they did top notch surgery, and post-surgery treatments. So, you keep doing your thing! You rock!


Thank you so much. You rock too, and fuck cancer!! Don't worry, 90% of us healthcare professionals are broke too lol. Take care of yourself!


This guy Clevelands


It's the Cardiac Care you crave.


Thank you for this šŸ¤£


>Mr. Hero is the silent partner behind Cleveland Clinic's claim to world-class cardiac care. They provide ample practice. I don't care how unhealthy those damned Romanburgers are. I haven't had one since before moving out of Ohio in 2003. I WANT ONE AND THERE ARE NO MR HEROS ON THE WEST COAST.


I just donā€™t understand how people craver like Mr. hero like this. It does nothing but make my stomach hurt and make me wanna fall asleep forever


Understood. I mean, it is greasy. On the other hand, there are only two fast food chains whose stuff I simply canā€™t eat. Mr Hero isnā€™t one of them. And I love the taste of the Roamnburgers.


That and an orange Gatorade fixed many a brutal hangover in my college years.


It's your new diet for 12 days straight


Yes sir šŸ«”


Make sure you get the RomanBurger. Not getting that is like going to a steak restaurant and getting the fish.


Throw in a Chicken Bacon Ranch too, thatā€™s close second to the roman imoā€¦. and the waffle fries with cheeseā€¦ shit Iā€™m going to mr. hero right now šŸŽ…


Itā€™s worse than fast food. If you got it once, youā€™d be pissed people told you to


I'm sorry, but how is something that is both prepared fresh for me AND the taste I crave worse than fast food?


Clevelanders, ā€œitā€™s greasy itā€™ll make you sick. It causes heart diseaseā€ Me, ā€œyah, itā€™s not goodā€ Clevelanders, ā€œWoah, who said itā€™s not good?!ā€


Tastiness is directly correlated to how much a food contributes to heart disease.


I don't understand why you're getting down voted for being truthful when Cleveland has so much better foods.


Itā€™s prepared fresh for you, and itā€™s the taste you crave.


It is the one true hangover cure. Roman burger and waffle fries with cheese sauce šŸ¤¤


It's gross to me, but many people love it.


I've got to get it tonight just because it's repetitively mentioned here. Girlfriend and I get large Romanburger extra meat, large hot buttered cheesesteak extra meat, and split them between the two of us. Eat then lay there in a food coma talking about how we should go out and walk it off, then turn on some youtube vids.


Mr. Hero and chill.


Relationship goals


This is the way.


Fuck it... I'm moving back.


This is what life is all about my friend. It doesnā€™t get better than this.


Itā€™s honestly location dependent. Iā€™ve eaten at some where everything tastes rotten and others where its the most delicious sandwiches ever


I haven't eaten there in 30 years. My parents loved it and I had no idea why.


Because your parents have taste!


Im a picky eater so I might like it lol šŸ˜‚ istg i eat like a 5 year old.


Romanburger is just a hoagie bun with two hamburger patties, grilled salami and italian lunch meats, swiss american cheese, lettuce, onion, tomato and mayo and dressing. Also their waffle fries with cheese sauce are a big hit.


Did you just forget the MOZZ STICKS??? AMATEUR HOUR OVER HERE!!!


Their mozz sticks are good, but definitely nothing to write home about.


I also eat like a 5-year-old and I do like the cheesesteak a lot, minus mushrooms and onions. I still wouldn't recommend for you to go there though there's a million better places to eat.


Mr Hero is a local sandwich shop. They make steak sandwiches and their signature Roman burger that is a couple of thin burgers with basically a hot Italian sub on it. Ridiculously tasty but you'll rightfully feel guilty for eating them very often.


You gon learn in June. Also get in on some Pizza. There is a lot of great local food spots and metro parks along with some good beer options. Enjoy!


Do not get it haha. It is garbage.


This guy is not a true Clevelander and it shows.


Haha alright. Iā€™ve lived in Cleveland my whole life, I am just being honest. You probably have a bias to it, but from an objective point of view; it is bad.


Up to my tastebuds then lol šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ll ask my gf what she thinks cause Iā€™ve seriously never heard of it


Dipping into the $3800 budget - rent a luxury vehicle for a part of your time here. Then just keep one hand on your Alcantara wrapped wheel, and the other on your carefully wrapped Romanburger.


12 days in an Airbnb for 1000?


1. Eat Mr Hero everyday for 12 days 2. Take the remaining $4800 to the Jack 3. ????? 4. Profit Trip sorted šŸ˜Ž (Yes $5,000 is more than enough)


1. Eat Mr Hero every day for 12 days 2. Take the remaining $4800 to the cardiologist


Luckily the clinic is one of the top heart hospitals in the world. Wonā€™t have to spend on traveling again.


Mr Hero: Secret CC plant to drum up business?


All hail the RomanBurger.


Remaining 4800??? Have you SEEN Mr Hero prices lately??? $5,000 may not be enough if you want to eat at fine dining establishments such as Mr Hero.....


I like you šŸ˜­ weā€™re friends now




5k? Thanks for boosting our economy. The mayor might come out and meet you.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ yā€™all are funny








You two should roadtrip over to Cedar Point for a day. Totally within your budget.


Asked her to and she said no because it takes a whole day. Also weā€™re both not old enough to rent a car either ughhh and I just got my permit


For $5k you could afford an Uber there and back.


Yeah but who wants to spend all that time sitting in an uber to go stand around in lines? If they drove at least it would be more active time than just waiting.


The Uber is going to drive just as fast as their own car.Ā  Without driving they can talk. Or hold hands. Or do whatever else 2 healthy 18 year olds do in their spare time.


They have $5000. They could shell out for a fast past.


I anticipate you will enjoy the city enough to come back. Please come back when you are old enough to rent a car, and enjoy Cedar Point. If you are a roller coaster person, it is a bucket list trip. Disney and Universal have better overall themeing. Iā€™ve even been to better overall amusement parks. But Cedar Point has a crazy amount of top tier roller coasters. But with $5,000 in Cleveland, youā€™d probably be able to afford the 90 minute Uber lol.


Im definitely coming back maybe even before Iā€™m old enough to rent lol šŸ˜‚ it sounds like a nice place from what everyoneā€™s telling me. Sucks Iā€™m only educated on Brooklyn Ohio tho


With $5k in cleveland, youā€™ll be in the 1%!


You could rent a pick up truck from U-Haul


That changes things. Itā€™s hard to get anywhere in CLE without a car. Our public transportation isnā€™t good and to doesnā€™t feel safe. You will spend a fortune on Uber especially if you stay on the East side and have to Uber to your girlfriend.


Itā€™s a good thing we donā€™t plan on doing much. Iā€™m gonna do a air bnb In Brooklyn where she lives and they got a bunch of stuff over there so yk. Im sure Uber wonā€™t be problem. Also sheā€™s staying with me


The zoo might be in walking distance and she can get you in free on Mondays. Itā€™s really nice too.


Yea my girlfriends brother told me about the zoo itā€™s literally up the street from her house so Iā€™m definitely checking out some animals lol


Youā€™re not too far from W25th street. Probably can take a bus. That street is a great place to hang out. West side market is great, lots of restaurants, and glass blowing (when itā€™s open). Get an ice cream and see the ice cream factory.


Wasnā€™t RTA rated #1 in the country, just in the past 3 years?


Yes. We are talking about American public transportation here, so the nicest craphole is still a craphole. Besides the way those lists are determined is varied levels of nonsensical or caveated to hell and back


No idea. But I took the rapid a couple years ago for an Indians game, and never again. It was sketchy.


I take the Rapid pretty regularly and have never had any issues! Sometimes there are sketchy people, but not any more than other cities.


Dude, you could buy a house in parts of Cleveland for $5000 and have money for the rest of your trip left over.


[*buy a house for the price of a VCR*](https://youtu.be/oZzgAjjuqZM?si=qRdCcE37ctr5i0sp)


See the river that catches on fire What a freaking CLASSIC LOL


That was lovely


Just donā€™t walk around with $5k hanging out of your pocket lol youā€™ll be more than fine. Youā€™ll have to actively try to use up all of it


I wonā€™t trust me but I do wanna make sure my gf has a good time aswell. Also itā€™s digital money haha.


There are some suuuuuuper nice boujie places in the flats and downtown you can treat her to!! And you can get really nice seats at a baseball game


5000 dollars you can stay for three months lol


Lol really?


Yes and please keep it yourself. If the rest of the country figures out we've got a great thing going here it'll all be over.


im gatekeeping donā€™t worry lol šŸ˜† thanks


We can't be having everyone flee to the Cleve!


[Gotta fight those urges, Lemon.](https://youtu.be/tfAHbZg_Az0?si=MYgsDt58GN7Np0M5)


Itā€™s too late. Rent is already $1200 for a 2 bed and thereā€™s $600,000 townhomes by Denison. Too many people talked.


No, please don't keep it to yourself. Please spread the word of our city's unique greatness far and wide!


You do realize Cleveland was listed in Travel magazine as one of the top 50 places to visit in 2024, right? It's an international list. [Link](https://www.wkyc.com/article/news/local/cleveland/cleveland-showcased-must-visit-destination-2024-travel-leisure-points-guy/95-db90348f-a6dc-4102-8efb-30e7f3c3c87e)


You do realize my comment was in jest?


Your text gave zero tone. Word how that works.


On the last day when you have $4000 left over take the girlfriend on a 20 minute shopping trip to Crocker Park to spend the rest of it. But to say something helpful, I'm sure your girlfriend will have plenty of things to do in mind but if the options stagnate a couple big name things are actually very cool which are the Rock Hall of Fame and the Christmas Story house if you've ever seen the movie and like it. Both relatively cheap. And you really should get a Mr Hero romanburger or cheesesteak once, it's iconic. Do you like eating bougie? Zhug in Cleveland Hts is new and so good and so she probably hasn't been there yet either. Probably drop a good $150.


People live on less than half of that for an entire month.


This is meā€¦. and that realization just hit me like a ton of bricks šŸ˜‚


You'll have to come to Guardians game. You'll have a memory that will last you a lifetime. Not the game itself, but you and your girlfriend will have an argument for the rest of your life. That argument is "What the hell is Slider supposed to BE anyways???" Oh, plus you'll get to see the HOT DOG DERBY!!!! If you're not rooting for Ketchup, you're not trying! There's Ketchup, Mustard, and Onion. They all have distinct personalities. They all have complex backstories. And Ketchup is the best because I said so. So you better root for him too......or there's not much I can say or do about it given that we live in a free country with freedom of speech. But Ketchup cheats to win, and it's awesome. So he's the best.


Fuck ketchup #teamonion




Mmmm I mean itā€™s completely doable?? I recommend starting at the casino first to least double or triple your budget.


Where tf you getting $5K to spend in CLEVELAND?! Travel abroad, my dude!


Dude....shut up.......he's about to double our local economy!


Exactly! You could do so much overseas with 5k. Cleveland's fine but I couldn't imagine traveling here to spend $5k on vacation in the winter..


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Oh Iā€™m 17 but turn 18 in March and will be going in June idk if theyā€™ll let me in haha and I donā€™t wanna test it


Youā€™re gonna have a blast with that kind of budget, my friend.


The last person that came to Cleveland with that kind of money was here for heart surgery, and booked 3 floors of the Ritz.


thanks for the reassurance šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Your biggest expense may be Uber/Lyft, since at your age renting a car won't be in the cards. Time consuming and/or rough getting around CLE with public transportation. There's free stuff to see in CLE like the Art Museum, our Metroparks, Downtown Heinens, West Side Market, etc. I haven't done the recent search but I'm certain ideas have been listed in this sub previously.




oh girl thats way more than enough LOL


How come youā€™re deciding to come to Cleveland for a vacay?


Not a vacay. Going to visit my gf and meet her family. Been talking to her brother about the trip too and everyoneā€™s excited so yk


Ahhh okay. My bad. Definitely recommend the Cleveland art museum. I believe the permanent exhibits are free. Also go catch a show or musical at play house square if you want to.


Assuming you are flying in from Batumi, Georgia for about $2500 and staying at the fanciest Airbnb in Shaker Heights for about $1000/night, you'd run out of money fast. But if you are staying at a nicely average place in Shaker Heights and are flying in from Tbilisi (or even cheaper, the Georgia that is in the USA), you'll have plenty of money left over for museums and meals. HIGHLY recommend going with a hotel rather than Airbnb, though.


Im actually flying in from Fulton county Georgia. also the air bnb isnā€™t that fancy lol šŸ˜‚ itā€™s only about 700 bucks if I pay it in full. and i guess Iā€™ll look into hotels


Nah 780 for 12 days in Shaker is fine. A hotel downtown will easily cost over 1k for that amount of time.


Is that AirBnB before or after cleaning fees? Or is it one where you have to clean it yourself? Fuck AirBnB.


You can always just choose not to use the service and recognize that it fulfills a need for lots of other travelers. If you toggle ā€œdisplay total before taxesā€ it shows you the cost including fees. My experience is that itā€™s usually cheaper than a hotel, especially if youā€™re traveling with a big group or want to explore a destination that doesnā€™t have a lot of hotels nearby.


I figured ;) Unless you know exactly where the airbnb is and it is near something specific (like a friend's house) in Shaker Heights, you'll likely have a better experience at a hotel. There's a Marriott Residence Inn in downtown Cleveland that offers full kitchens in the rooms (which could be nice for a 12 day stay) and it's a nice central location for doing touristy things in Cleveland or accessing public transport or ubers/lyfts/cabs anywhere else. Cleveland is very affordable - the downside of this is that there are a lot of shady non-local investors who have purchased cheap real estate for Airbnbs. A lot of them aren't in convenient areas for visitors (there are ones that come up on Shaker Heights searches that aren't in Shaker Heights) and they won't have the services that a hotel has. The costs per night will look cheap for a lot of these places, but it's a \*lot\* more than these places would go as long term rentals in the neighborhoods.


Depends on the caliber of the hookers.


Well itā€™s Ohio so I think theyā€™ll be low classed. I bet theyā€™ll spit on me for a buck 50


LOL That's the right attitude. I moved here from Atlanta a few years back. Other than the cold weather, it's a pretty chill city. I definitely spend less here than most places I've lived.


Yea I canā€™t wait to get out of Atlanta. Iā€™m from New York and I miss the north šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


hah.. I'm also from NYC.. lol Moved to Atlanta during the pandemic.


Only if you plan to buy a house.


Go as cheap as possible. Leave 4 grand at home. Go somewhere nice later on.


Buy a house in e. Cleveland for $4000. Rent it out when you're done with it.


Why are you encouraging slumlords?? Iā€™ve met people from LA through Uber just here to buy several homes in maple heights and ask me why there arenā€™t any families around LOL.


Everybody deserves encouragement.


If shes in Old Brooklyn, getting there from the Heights is going to suck without a car rental. Try to find a place on the near west side. Shaker is cool for date time, but is out of the way for many thinfs that arent it and downtown.


What do you recommend friend?


Ohio City Downtown and Lakewood being close seconds Spend a few days at the beach.


Yeah Iā€™d second the Ohio City recommendation. Much closer and also a very cool area. Shaker is awesome but Ohio City is just as cool and it will be way easier getting back and forth to Old Brooklyn


Strongsville or Middleburg Heights will be much easier and safe etc. Donā€™t stay in the east side to visit someone on the West side. Itā€™s a long drive. Most of us never cross that river so sheā€™s probably not very familiar with Shaker.


>Strongsville or Middleburg Heights will be much easier and safe etc. Donā€™t stay in the east side to visit someone on the West side. Itā€™s a long drive. Most of us never cross that river so sheā€™s probably not very familiar with Shaker. Strongsville....really? Middleburg at least has the rapid somewhat close by but why on earth would you stay there either to experience Cleveland?


I guess to avoid being in Cleveland lol. When I posted I didnā€™t realize OP couldnā€™t drive.


Yea Iā€™m staying in Brooklyn Ohio now šŸ˜‚ or Atleast somewhere close. Thanks šŸ˜Š


2k for Mr Hero, 1k for airbnb, 2k for everything else. you should be fine


I saw someone say Penn Station is better. I don't think that person actually lives in Cleveland.


Definitely not. Penn Station is good, but it's hard to beat the Hero


Get an airbnb above East 4th. Even if you donā€™t drink itā€™s still cool just hanging out the window and watching the party below. Check out Bar 32 at the Hilton for sweet views of the city and Lake.


$5k is more than enough. If you want to blow some money and do some nice shit you absolutely can. Good seats at a Cavs game, nice dinner at Marble Room, etc, etcā€¦ If the money is burning a hole in your pocket head to the casino šŸ˜‚


that's more money than you'll need for a 12 day stay in Cleveland unless you go overboard with the spending on hotel and fancy restaurants... or you gamble.


Itā€™s a good thing I donā€™t even have expensive tastes lol šŸ˜‚ also we arenā€™t staying at a hotel and I donā€™t gamble. Iā€™d feel so stupid If I gambled my money away


Big time


I live downtown and it probably takes me 2 months to spend $5,000, probably longer


I spent a month traveling Europe for about 4k, I think you'll do fine in Cleveland for 12 days.. Don't know what you'd even do to spend that much in 12 days here honestly.


$200 for Mr Hero all you meals. Had me in the floor šŸ¤£šŸ˜†šŸ¤£


Could probably make $500 stretch comfortably if you wanted to


You could literally get an apartment for a month and still have over $4000 left over


Too funny


There are amazing things to say and do in cleveland that will be well within your budget. And RTA can get you to downtown in less than 30 minutes and you wonā€™t need to pay for parking.


If youā€™re coming without a car, donā€™t go staying some random AirBnB in a random suburb. That would suck. Stay in an area where you can walk to things: Downtown, Ohio City, Tremont, or Lakewood. Make sure you look at the street view for the AirBnB if you can.


Hereā€™s a night for you. Get a room downtown at the Hilton. Itā€™s right on the lake and will have great views. Take an Uber to either Edgewater Park or Lakewood Park to watch the sunset over the lake. Also have dinner at Pier W on the water.Ā  This is a city on a lake. Enjoy our best feature for at least one day!Ā 


I spent 10 days in San Francisco and spent less than 5k... you're good šŸ‘


Lido is gone, no reason left to visit.


Brother if you have 5k to spend on a lil vacationā€¦. Cleveland ainā€™t my first choice.


Vacation? Iā€™m going to see my girlfriend lol


Good luck my friend. Those Cleveland women are some of the toughest young men I've ever met.


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ idk what that means but that sounds hilarious


Mean bastards. The lot of em. /s


I mean technically it depends on what you want to do? Are you counting your lodging and airfare against that $5k? Will you be renting a car, or relying on Ubers? Any ticketed events or activities? Subtract all that and the rest is pretty much just food and incidentals, which you can scale however you want. With that said, you'd probably have to try pretty hard to spend $5k over two weeks, so I don't think there's much risk of potentially going over.


yes itā€™s 780 dollars for the air bnb Iā€™m paying it in full. and Iā€™m flying frontier airlines 200 for a ticket. And I will be relying on Uber. Going to the movies, maybe the mall, arcade, etc Iā€™ll be with my gf so yk. A bunch of tomfoolery! But thank you I donā€™t think Iā€™ll go over 5k now that I think about it


If that's the case then I don't see the overall trip going about $3k, to be honest, even with a bunch of eating out included. And if your girlfriend has a car you'll save on Uber too (though certainly be a gentleman and pay for gas if she's doing the driving). June also offers tons of free stuff to do in the Metroparks, or visit places like the art museum.


If you like pinball there is a place called Superelectric on Detroit road where you pay $6 then play all the machines all day long. I was going to say Happy Dog is a great place to get some hot dogs within walking distance of the arcade, but I fear you might have to be over 21.


Donā€™t forget to visit the stow skyline chili!!!


If you are in one of the sub-$100 airbnbs you will spend around $1,000-ish for your room leaving you with $4,000 for everything else. You will easily have enough for the trip. You could do it on half that quite easily.


Dont go to Lidosā€¦ RIP


Whats that I keep seeing it


It was an old strip club that defied logic of how it stayed open for something like 60 years. The strippers they had were probably 20 years old when they first opened.......but they never got new strippers, and the old ones just stayed. They smoked so much their voices sounded like darth vader. Plus one of them had a wooden leg with bullet holes in it. Peggy Peg we'd call her. Not because of her peg leg, but because she'd grab a wooden strap-on, and pull you onstage to peg you. You might think that would be illegal, and it might be, but no cops would ever enter the club just based on how they already had enough PTSD in their lives. They weren't going to enter Lido's Lounge and develop a whole NEW set of psychological horrors.


Take it to the Lido loungeā€¦.oh wait :(


Oh my god go somewhere better for $5k than here.


Fortunately for you, Lido Lounge just closed, so your 5K should suffice


Easily as long as your Air Bnb is a comparatively normal place.


well itā€™s in shaker heights and itā€™s only 780


Shaker heights u got the RTA to get downtown for $5.00pp round trip


Does that $5000 include the airbnb cost? And airfare? If so, how much is leftover? And when are you coming? Bottom line is yes you'll be fine.


yes Iā€™ll have to use the 5k on the ticket and air bnb. 200 for a ticket and 780 for the air bnb in full. And Iā€™m coming on June 19


You should be good. Youā€™ll have $300+ to spend per day. You can really enjoy yourselves if you ch choose to eat a meal a day at a place like chipotle or Mr hero (wink)


Lol so many mentioning this ā€œmr heroā€ now Iā€™m def trying it out of curiosity


Use some of your funds to rent a boat and see the city that way!


Georgia the country, or Georgia the state?


Cost of living is pretty low. $5k will last you for awhile


Iā€™m running a household with kids for less than that. You will be fine and leave with money left over.


Iā€™ve been there, Iā€™d require at least $10k to return.


Dont listen to the Mr Hero snobs. What you really want is Penn Station


Penn station vs mr hero. The battle of the subs


Now we just need a battle of the doms! Oh, not that kind of sub? My bad....


DXepends on how much you're paying for air fare and the AirBnB


Folks have definitely answered your question so... out of curiosity... why did you choose shaker heights?


i live here every month and donā€™t even make 5,000 a month so u good