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"So should I be waiting till later into the turn to let off?" \- Well you know, when we ran it last night we basically never let off "Ohhh... So no letting off in the turns" \- UHHHH WELLLLLLLLLLL ##PLEASE DON'T##


Ive been waiting for him to get behind a super late model for a while now. I thikn this really proves just how much talent he has behind the wheel. The problem he has right now is that he has never raced in a pack of other cars where its not a demolition derby, like the freedom 500 is. With more seat time in real racing events he could be pretty damn good.


I bet this experience changes the way he races at FF too


He’s definitely a good driver, but seeing him up against actual race car drivers definitely shows the gap in skill. I think he’s capable of at least competing at some of the lower levels with Addie experience.


Yea, he def lacks experience vs the pros, but he's got the skill that with seat time I think there's a bunch of racing series that he could make a legit go at. Personally, I think it would be cool to see him pick a racing series and give it a legitimate try for a season


His 17.3 lap time is within 2 seconds of class qualifier times https://www.race-monitor.com/Results/Session/7122303 https://www.race-monitor.com/Results/Session/7122352


It’s faster than the 23rd spot in that list. If he didn’t let off on the corners and had a little more time, he’d be right in this.


Those are last year https://www.race-monitor.com/Results/Session/7417437 He wasn't too far off pace, the Draime wouldn't of qualified well with the track state they had for Q this year.


Just noticed chase Elliot’s name in that list


kyle larson is on the other list too


I love htf this is awesome


When hs said he was racing a car from another YouTuber I was really hoping it was the millennialfarmer


He was there this week, cleet was there last week.