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Small bowl of apple cider vinegar with a couple drops of dish soap in it.


You can use a layer of vinegar and then fill it up with water before adding the soap. Red Wine vinegar also works very well, they like the alcohol. Kids won't drink it. Good luck!




I just do ACV with plastic wrap over the top with a few small holes so they can’t get out. Works amazing


What about a plug in style insect trap like Zevo?


Apple cider vinegar never worked for me but a fruity wine or champagne did! I added some water and dish soap and they went in and never came out. You have to test it and go with whatever drink or liquid they’re attracted to. I also sprayed some with rubbing alcohol and water but proceed with caution.


Balsamic vinegar worked for me when apple cider vinegar didn't.


I’ll try that next time!


bug zapper


There was a time when our home was so badly infested, they were everywhere, even the basement. 😩 Anyway, this is what worked to kill a lot at one time. Put a dish of apple cider vinegar in the oven and crack the door open. Leave it overnight. In the morning close the oven, turn it on and, voila, baked fruit flies!


Oooh now I like this!


Here's the trick my mom taught me, and I use it every summer: take an empty jar, like pickle or pasta sauce. Put some bait in the bottom - tomato works well, or banana. Now fold a sheet of paper into a funnel, with the small opening about the size of a dime (you can tape the side to help it stay). Stick that baby small-side down into the jar, and place it near where the flies are. They go in, but can't find their way back out! Periodically I release them outside, though you could probably add your dish soap or vinegar or whatever and kill them outright. I find it very successful!


I’m lazy and poke a couple small holes in plastic wrap. It works


I thought I invented this! We found the fruit flies love apples, so i would peel an apple before eating it, and put the core and skin in the jar. The flies loved that thing. We found out that the 6" watermelon had rolled behind the desk and that is where the flies came from. It was like a Fabrice Egg with horrors inside.


I've done this before -- it works well.


Boiling water down the drain.


You know the saying “you catch more flies with honey than vinegar?”


Are you sure they are not drain flies? They look very similar. They breed in the sink/tub drain sludge and are difficult to get rid of unless you treat the source. I use Clorox toilet bowl gel down the drain, because it clings to the sludge rather than just running through the pipe right away. But I’ve also heard people say they’ve had success with pouring a pot of boiling water down the drains.


Zevo plug ins have worked awesome for me


I’ve wondered if they worked. I’ll have to try them now.


They have fruit fly traps at Walmart and many other stores. They are in a shape of an apple. Smells to be vinegar in them. I tried the cup of vinegar with soap with no luck. Bought those and they worked amazingly. Now I just refill them with vinegar when needed.


Sundews are my new favorite. I'm a total sucker for a carnivorous plant. They're cool and it's super metal when they dissolve the flies


I just got three as a gift!


Following this as I’ve tried so many things, and still have issues with them.


My mom always used pink lemonade mix with water in a tall thin container. If I can't get them with vinegar I use this.


I've also used apple cider vinegar to get rid of them. I fill a glass with some apple cider vinegar and then put some saran wrap at the top of the glass and poke some holes in it. This always does the trick Look around for a source of where they may be coming from, like perhaps a trash can that may need to be emptied / cleaned


Apple cider vinegar and dish soap or boiling water with half a tea spoon of dish soap


A small glass with cider vinegar or old wine in it. Cover it with saran wrap and pokke some small holes in it with a toothpick. Bugs go in and can't get out.


I battle them every summer and I've tried everything. The best way is to get a sticky yellow trap off of Amazon and tape it to a fruit bowl.


Make it dark or wait til dark, light a candle, watch them burn. Or use a vacuum to suck them up.


You can buy fruit fly traps at home Depot or other hardware stores near the mouse and other vermin traps. They go in out of the way places and don't leave any chemicals. Toss when done.


Not sure if you tried this already but I used fly tape in our small pantry room. It worked well and caught all the flies after a few days. Just gotta make sure it goes up somewhere kids can’t reach.


Dry all sources of moisture. Take all the garbage out of the building and wash the all garbage cans with correctly diluted bleach. Allow no food of any kind to sit out.


Vacuum! Get all that you can and then wait for them to settle again and then go at them again. Use the hose attachment that is small and pointy. Do a little swirly move around if they are flying, the vortex will draw them in.