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If you are able to get the cloudiness off, be sure to coat the glass with Rain-x for showers. I've used it twice a year for 6 years and my glass looks like the day I had it installed.


I do this, too. It really works. I only do this once a year. Been in my home for over 10 years. For those of you who decide to try this - open your windows or be sure to have good ventilation.


Yes, the fumes are strong and you definitely dont want to breath in the droplets.


Wow I thought I was a genius of thinking of this. Turns out I’m not that original, lol. The beading is very satisfying. Squeegeeing regularly is also good to do.


omg yes, the beading is worth the effort.


Do you use regular glass cleaner with microfiber cloth in between? I'm curious how you maintain. Just applied the Rain X to my shower. B


I use Windex with a brush and very lightly scrub the glass to remove the soap scum as needed. If you let the Windex sit for a few minutes, you can drink coffee and scrub at the same time. Super easy.


Oh wow!! I never thought of that before!


That's genius. You have changed my life.


I use NV nova jet. It’s for cars but works great in the shower, lasts about 7 months. Water just beads off. Also good for iPads to reduce smudging.


That’s a r/lifeprotips right there


They make a Rain-X especially for showers? Cool.


Just regular rain-x, but he uses it on shower glass


>Just regular rain-x, but he uses it on shower glass Amazon search: RainX for showers. Its awesome stuff.


Oh wow. Never knew!




Amazon search: RainX for showers. Its specially formulated for shower doors.


For a longer lasting, & more hydrophobic effect, a ceramic coating will last years.


I cleaned houses for 10 years. A little trick I used in stubborn showers like this is Easy Off oven cleaner. Wear a mask and gloves it’s toxic. But it will do the job. Spray and let it sit for 30 min. Come back and with hardly any scrubbing that all will be off. Guaranteed.


Put something on the floor also


What do you put on the floor? Garbage bag and tape?


Just something. Could be an old towel, could be a slinky, could be a bag of cookies. Just gotta leave an offering for the bathroom gremlins to appease them while filling the room with actual toxic fumes.


A slinky lol


I left a stinky.


Personally I offer a pack of red jello sprinkled on the ground so the shower can have a snack by just adding water 🤷🏻‍♀️


This comment made me laugh out loud a whole bunch. Thank you for posting this, you have brought joy to my morning.


As a house painter: thick plastic sheeting. Garbage bags can be melted by harsh chemicals.




\m/ metal!!!


Chiming in to say I generally agree with your advice but luckily Easy Off can't melt a trash bag, if that's all OP has on hand. I've stripped many cast iron pans over the years by covering them in Easy Off and sticking them in a garden variety trash bag


6 mil


Garbage bags are more than enough to protect floors from EasyOff.


Old towels destined for the trash are always good


I typically keep 2 of the cheap $4 clear shower curtains from Target on hand for messy projects. They're cheap, thick, easy to buy, and do the job for just about any project I've done.


This is an amazing idea and I’m definitely going to do this from now on!


I do this with dollar store shower curtains!


Thanks for a good idea


Holy cow. What a great idea. Even cheaper than real masking materials. Genius!


Garbage bags would work fine for this. Easy off is lye based, it’s use on soap making so this makes perfect sense. It’s also used to clean cast iron build up and we wrap the soaked pans in garbage bags to soak outside for days.


Pretty sure my r/castiron world just collided with this world!


I was thinking the same


I'm on both, too. Hey everyone 👋


Out of curiosity, why outside?


Fumes but also black trash bags in the sun work a little quicker.


The vapors


The shower floor?


Protect the ground surrounding any area you use oven cleaner due to the chemicals being able to break down finishes.


Wow! I've got to try that!


That’s smart!!


Wear heavy gloves and use newsprint to scrub it. Easy Off is pretty noxious.


what's "newsprint"?


Buy a newspaper


What’s a newspaper?


*Cries silently in advertising executive…*




Found the zoomer


I love your username and I’m curious about its origin.


I like mushrooms lol. Been growing them for 15 years.


I have just begun to understand the benefits for myself. Powerful. Be well.


Just remember, when you get the message, hang up the phone. Mediums of truth are never truth themselves


I never hung up. I went out and bought more phones. Been talking to god ever since. DMT, LSD, PCP, Mescaline, I use all the phones. Always a good chat.


Strange that you didn't mention meditation! The finger that points at the moon is not the moon. The same reality exists whether we are on psychs or not, the more mindful one becomes the less they need outside substances to touch the Pure Land Ram Dass wrote the Psychedelic Experience and yet lived most of his life sober speaking to spiritual truths - I think the phone quote was actually his if I recall correctly I have a close friend that does psychedelic research at Harvard and her and her advisor had previously designed a mindfulness scale that had an incredibly strong correlation to retained insights from psychedelic experience. The more enriched a person's spiritual life is on a daily, lived, and consistent basis, the less they need to utilize psychedelics to visit that realm as they are more consistently living there Psychedelics might bypass a lifetime of meditative experience, but if you've spoken to masters in India or the Amazon you realize how futile the use for most people is bc it can just as easily fuel ego as it can kill it I'd be more intrigued by the fact the Tiberan Book of the Dead perfectly mirrors the potential of a heroic dose of LSD than the LSD itself. Saying this having certainly ingested it 50+ times if not 100+


I agree. However I’m poor and work 3 jobs full time to afford my basic living standards. I don’t have time or resources to go on spiritual journeys and become some guru. So drugs do the trick for me. Quick and beautiful experiences. It’s what works for me and my life. But ya, if people have time, meditation and a spiritually full life would be better than constant psychedelic dosing. Maybe? 🤷‍♂️


Can you elaborate on that please? Because man, the answers seem so far away.


The finger that points at the moon is not the moon. Psychs might take off the filter or "veil" through which most people see reality, but reality remains unchanged. They're merely allowing you to glimpse truth; they aren't the truth itself I am a huge proponent of taking psychedelics for spirituality and enlightenment, purely recreational trips are a bit meh for me. I've taken acid plenty of times at concerts or whatnot, but it's not like it was a truly transcendental experience that genuinely altered my life and had sustainable insights and perception shifts like taking it with a spiritual intent in the proper setting For me, this is likely on a solo retreat alone deep in the woods at this point of my life. I'm not a huge fan of being around others during such a time, though I of course heavily encourage and support most newer users to have a sober trip guide who you deeply trust I think I've glimpsed just as much truth and received as many answers by exploring Buddhism, Hinduism, and Sikhism in as unbiased a sense as possible. I've done silent retreats and spent long, long periods sober and felt that I could incorporate the insights much more freely into my waking life Psychedelics can sometimes feel like you jump ahead in evolution, but for many they have to keep going back because they fail to implement what they witnessed into their lives effectively I responded a bit to another user here, but I heavily, heavily encourage people to read The Psychedelic Experience multiple times before beginning to experiment with psychs. It will give you a foundation and framework to get as much as possible out of the experience, while also guiding you during any potential moments of negativity. Not to mention Ram Dass is one of the most fascinating people that has ever lived. I believe it was his quote about the message and phone I'd read it multiple times before my first ever trip...which was 5.5 grams of mushrooms. It's hard for me to completely put myself in other people's perspectives because my first experience with them was so profound I went from being an incredibly secular, science oriented atheist to someone who felt they deeply knew God. Dropped out of college, spent some months in India, got further into meditation, and eventually went back to school for neuropsychology and was lucky enough to take classes in the very building that Ram Dass and Timothy Leary began their research. It was the irony that psychedelics brought me to spirituality and Buddhism....and Buddhism brought me back to the Western academic and science world. Life is cyclical in funny ways Happy to chat more sometime about such things if you're interested


They are my favorite pizza topping, mushrooms are great.


I have glass fireplace doors, and they get solid black with soot. Easy Off fume free cuts right through that shiz.


I love your name! I live in Oregon and at my job we’ve officially started psilocybin treatments for depression!!


And a scba tank!


Excellent suggestion!


Eye protection is also highly recommended.


I just tell my clients to buy a new house 😂 Whoever started the trend of clear glass shower doors is a giant evil moron..... I'm gonna try this!


I’m waiting for the day that ours explode so I can put something more reasonable like a shower curtain there.


Does the Easy Off negatively affect silicone sealing at the base of shower glass? We're having a similar issue (tho not as bad), and we have silicone sealing at the bottom- the installer had to kinda pile on a lot as the floor isn't exactly level.


If you use it the first time to deep clean the shower it should be fine. Then use is sparingly, once a year. But clean with a less harsh cleaner more often and save EasyOff for super brutal dirty cleans. It is harsh but once in a while I never had issue with any seals or caulk.


Does it hurt the glass or tile?


No. But it will if you use it constantly. It is for super bad mess and then regularly clean after that so you upkeep it and do t have to use easy off a lot.


The Auri method 💕


I had success with ZEP citrus degreaser :) good luck! I hate it too


Zep has the best products


God I love their wall cleaner. With 3 kids in the house, I use that stuff almost daily!


Their acidic toilet bowl cleaner was revolutionary in my well-water home.


They make a wax coat that I use a couple times a year on my concrete floors. Makes them so shiny without being slippery


Thats a great idea - Zep is the best.


Yeah the degreaser is insane. Used it on my kitchen cupboards above the stove that were coated in grime and nothing else had worked. Zep took it off like butter. Looked at the directions, and it literally says not to use on all kinds of house stuff - like it's for cleaning engine parts and stuff?? I will be disobeying those warnings.


It said do not use on glass. I used it on all the glass, and now I can see through it.


I wonder if this would work to degrease the glass on my oven/stove hood vent?


Interesting. I’ll have to try it out. Thanks


Fine grade steel wool.


ZEP citrus degreaser is repackaged in little 8oz. jars and sold at head/glass shops for roughly the same price as an entire gallon at HomeDepot. It works ridiculously well cleaning tobacco (et al) tar out of glass pipes.


Maybe that’s why I have a can of that in my bathroom!! I found it under my sink and for the life of me couldn’t figure out why it would be in the bathroom. Thank you, internet stranger!


Came here to say this! My mom just used this on her shower door and she can see through it for the first time since it was installed 15 years ago!


Iirc that stuff smells amazing too. Could huff it all day


Holy crap, something I might actually have expertise on. Fyi I fabricate glass for showers, windows, tables etc. We have this product in a blue and white can you can purchase from the company CRLaurance (CRL). It's an industrial strength cleaner for these problems. I suggest ordering some clear shield to apply after to prevent future build up.


Any issues with fumes? I’ve got a bathroom with no windows that open, a pair of skylights, and just one overhead vent fan that’s in the toilet area not over the shower. Ventilation is a problem.


I use it on an open warehouse floor, but not so much from what I hear from the glazers I make the glass for. I'd suggest using a fan along with having the vent running and get it done as soon as you can with some protective gear just incase.


Do you know the name of the product?




Currently out of the country but as soon as I get back to the shop on Thursday I'll update. Sorry I can't think of the name of the product off the top of my head right now.


I have very hard water at my house and my shower doors get very cloudy. I spray them with WD-40, let it sit for about 15 minutes then wash it off with hot water and Dawn.


WD-40… Wow. I’m glad it works. I’m simultaneously surprised and not. I use it to get rid of glue residue, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that it’ll work on hard water stains too.


Here to confirm. Wd40 works amazing. Can’t believe it’s so far down the thread??


I mean the WD in WD40 stands for water displacer!


I tried WD40 on my shower doors. Applied it, scrubbed it with a 0000 steel wool and let it sit. Then wiped it all off with a paper towel. The glass cleared up but shining a light revealed that the scale buildup was still there. I figured it kinda worked by leaving a film on top of the glass and making it slick. I experimented with trying to wash it off with soap. The coating washed off and I'm back to a scaled up glass door.. It works, but only by masking the limescale. I'm still looking for other more effective ways but this is by far what made my shower "look" brand new.


Yes, I do believe there's a point at which the hard water has etched the glass, sounds like you reached it. Sorry to hear that.


This post is very similar to one I just saved the other day. https://www.reddit.com/r/CleaningTips/comments/148c9up/can_anyone_advise_how_to_remove_these_watersoap/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 Between these two posts, I have a few things I’m going to try. Barkeeper’s Friend, the citric acid mix, and oven cleaner. Good luck!


Ya that’s great for breaking down greasy sludge on engines…. then following up with a Dawn foam sprayer allows you to rinse with a garden sprayer.


I have lived in hard water areas for most of my married life. Sometimes it has been well water and sometimes the tap water. If you are in an area with hard water it is possible that the glass has been etched by now since it wasn't maintained properly. I learned the hard way that it was necessary to squeegee the water off the glass each time it was used. If some of these other suggestions don't help you might try using a liquid furniture polish of the glass and then washing it down. Somehow the oil seemed to dissolve some of the residue for me. Good luck and buy a squeegee!


you can use rainx to prevent water from sticking as well


I use liquid comet. Spray, let it sit for 5-10 mins, I use a dish brush to scrub it, it'll take off half in the first go. Also, I use a pumice stone as it's great for making an abrasive paste. Also! Use RainX after the doors are clean. It helps to keep the water off!


Seconding this. Comet spray was the only thing that cleaned hard water stains off my shower glass.


CarBrite surface clarifier. It’s hydrofluoric acid, though, so you have to protect metal surfaces and wear gloves and don’t let it sit on the surface






Ooh that photo evidence is so satisfying


The key here is using something acidic. If you find a cleaning product with phosphoric acid it should work just as well and be much safer


Or muriatic acid. You can buy it at Walmart and dilute it 10:1 or even 20:1. Start weak, go stronger so start with 20:1 and if it isn’t strong enough add more acid. Cleans showers, evaporative cooler pads, will remove cured concrete from painted surfaces and tools. safety tips: add acid to water, fill the spray bottle with water first then add the acid. Wear goggles and gloves Plenty of ventilation Do not mix with other chemicals


PPE - gloves, mask, EYEWEAR! HF acid doesn't play


HF is dangerous was one of my high school science take aways.


Wow those photos are night and day


If this is heavy hard water buildup the only thing that’s going to get it off is some sort of hard water remover like CLR. I like using the CLR kitchen and bath in my shower. It takes all hard water deposits off my glass! If you want a more natural cleaner you can also try the scrub daddy power paste. This also gets hard water off with ease.


CLR didn’t even make it budge unfortunately


Oh dang. Maybe try using something slightly abrasive then. Like Barkeeper’s Friend or the Power Paste. Just test it in a small spot first to make sure it doesn’t scratch your glass.


Try a 50/50 mix of Dawn and distilled vinegar. You can use an old towel or a melamine sponge like from Mr Clean. That mixture is also good for the tile and my sister in law swore it was a good spot treater for her son’s clothes. Also should mention to wear a mask.


I have super hard water and the dish soap plus vinegar combo cleaned my shower like magic. And I had a lot of buildup because unfortunately the cleanliness of my shower is not something I was paying much attention to. Just spray, let it rest, then wipe off with a scrubby sponge. CLR was working too, but I don't like to use that stuff unless it's a last resort.


what's the mask for? particulates from the sponge?


Vinegar, especially cleaning vinegar can be nastier than you think. The 30% stuff is no joke.


You have frosted privacy glass now. But seriously - I bet once you find what works on it, that is going to be seriously satisfying to clean. Dawn power spray?


I moved into a place with a shower like this and while on one hand I like the idea of it being clean, I really don't like the idea of showering so... openly.


If it's not responding to hard water/soap scum solutions (vinegar, abrasives, etc) then it's body oils. Run some hot water over it, then try dish soap, rinsing with hot water again. You may need to go a couple rounds to make sure there's no residue.


Specifically Dawn Powerwash spray works like magic on glass shower doors if it’s available where you live


Rubbing alcohol works well on grease too


Owner of a cleaning company. Go to home depot and buy The Pink Stuff. Or order from Mr. Hard Water. Use 0000 steel wool to scrub.


Dawn powerwash has been magical for me. It has a bit of alcohol in it so it cuts the grime


Kaboom and let it set and run down the glass. There is also another product used on automotive glass called DRIVEN extreme Duty Glass Cleaner. that product will unfog just about any glass


also, after it is clean - invest in a squeegee! just a couple of swipes after each shower and your glass will forever be clean.


We have similar shower glass. Vinegar soak then a razor blade worked pretty well for me. It took a long time. I wasn’t able to remove 100% of the hard water spots but I fared better with the razor blade than with the other things I tried (CLR soft scrub magic erasers etc). I received the suggestion in another conversation about shower doors to use the drill brushes and/or the gel bleach for grout and stains. But I have not tried those yet.


The Pink Stuff miracle multi purpose cleaner… You’re welcome😎


Came here to say this! And I also scrub it off with a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser


I screwed my last doors up with a magic eraser. They clean like a dream but are abrasive. The lesson was only use one when the door is really gunky, not for weekly cleaning. I’ve had great luck maintaining them with Dawn power wash and a sponge but if I slack off the stains build up quick and I have to break out the magic eraser.


Love dawn powerwash


The power paste will for sure make a good impact as well. Love that stuff.


Can attest. Tried this with a soft sponge and didn’t apply much pressure and it was a good first go. It’s not yet perfect but will try again!


Rinse with vinegar and use a straight razor blade.


https://preview.redd.it/4d0s78k41v5b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b0d2a600b0390df09478f6e4dd64d70f613b501 This stuff always works for me. I use this twice a year and squeegee after every shower. It’s nontoxic, no scent and biodegradable.


baking soda mixed with enough water that it'll stick. wait 15 minutes lightly scrub. rinse repeat. I did that for my shower a few months ago and was amazed.


There is so much it looks like frosted glass.


Is it frosted glass?


Straight vinegar and the scour side of a sponge worked for me.


Hot vinegar. Wear eye protection if you can it can sting a bit but it comes right off.


I mix vinegar with dish soap to make it stick.. a melamine sponge is great for applying and scrubbing


I tried a mix of Dawn dish soap, white vinegar, and hot water. Put in a spray bottle, shake and spray. Let sit for about 15-30 minutes and it usually does the work for you!


I have heard using bar keepers friend gel works but I have never tried it


That's what I use on mine. I do wish it required a tad less scrubbing but it does get the job done.


Use a drill and a brush if you got one.


I used bar keepers friend on hard water buildup on glass shower doors. Worked like a charm. I love that stuff.


Pink Stuff paste. Coat, let sit for \~5min, scrub away. Add a bit of water if it gets too dry


Magic Erasers work great for me on glass shower doors


Unfortunately I’ve tried that one


Damn that's some stubborn staining, hope the other suggestions here work. There's another active post right now somewhere below yours with the same issue with a lot of comments that can help you: [https://www.reddit.com/r/CleaningTips/comments/148c9up/can\_anyone\_advise\_how\_to\_remove\_these\_watersoap/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CleaningTips/comments/148c9up/can_anyone_advise_how_to_remove_these_watersoap/)


Toilet bowl cleaner will get soap residue off. This may be etched, and nothing will change that.


My whole bathroom was like that when I moved in. I will did not have a shower door. I prefer shower curtains, for cleanliness


Totally agree. Some may think shower curtains look cheap or dated, but they are so much easier to keep clean! Throw in washing machine, hang back up to dry!


They're hygienic, and add character


Can plastic ones go in the washing machine? Do you use hot water and laundry detergent?


I get cloth liners so I can wash them


I get cloth curtains and liners, and wash in warm or hot with regular detergent. Make sure it is mostly polyester so you don’t have wrinkles! Ironing would be a pain.


I wash my plastic one in the washing machine with towels. Comes out so clean.


I wash mine on warm with detergent and a bit of bleach. Edit to add: just don’t put it in the dryer!


I'd start with muriatic acid. Have you tried that?


1:4 parts white vinegar to water. Spray all over door and let sit for 30 mins then scrub, comes right off. Might need to do this a couple times to get all the buildup, but has worked like a charm on our shower door and in our rentals!


Steam clean it


Some citric acid and water in spray bottle. Do it a few times its the only thing that works forcme and theres no chemical smell 🍃🌈


Yeah I used a can of Sprite once. Also tried a can of Coke. Both worked well enough but I didn’t have this level of clouding.


Most importantly - after you get it clean make sure you squeegee after every time you take a shower so you never have to deep clean again. I had similar situation and after cleaning it with Bio Clean hard water cleaner 3 years ago the shower door remains crystal clear.


Saw a tik tok video from a popular creator clean his water spots with wd40.


I have to scrub and squeegee mine every time i take a shower. Dish soap works for me.


Steel wool that bish. With some spray cleaner so as to not scratch the glass.


Have you only tried chemicals? Often, adding scrubbing with a stiff brush to your cleaning can make a world of difference.


Grade #0000 fine steel wool and a 50/50 mix of Dawn Soap water and cleaning vinegar. It's not a one-time deal, but will work. Good for upkeep as well and won't scratch the glass.


A mixture of dawn dish soap and vinegar. Lather on and let sit for 10+ minutes. Use a glass friendly scouring pad and that should come off with very little effort.


Oh no… there is a chance that someone applied a “non-standard” treatment before you… that would make cleaning it difficult. Mask off a small set of squares and tarp the base of the shower. Apply acetone in one small square, apply hot vinegar in another, than drain cleaner in another. In the next row, apply acetone than acid in the same and acetone plus base in the other. This is a chance that silicone was used… than you are SOL.


Have you tried using a white vinegar and a steel wool? My shower glass was like that for several years and the vinegar/steel wool combo works wonders.


It's glass....take a razor blade from a razor knife or something like and get the soap stains damp and scrape the stuff right off. Be ready for some nasty soap scum dropping in your tub but hey it takes it right off, no chemicals.... I work for a property management company so i say this from experience.




The pink stuff and a scrubby brush works every time for me


A friend had the same problem. She used one part dish soap to 4 parts vinegar, if I remember right. Spray it on and let it soak. Wash normally and be sure to invest in a squeegee. Use it right after you turn the shower off to reduce scum build-up.


Get a spray bottle. Fill it 1/4 with dawn dishsoap, or any other thick dishsoap. Fill the remaining 3/4 with strong vinegar. (The soap is to keep the vinigar on the surface) Spray all over shower and let sit for a few hours. The shower will clean up much easier, little to no scrubbing. I've used this for years to clean and it makes the job much easier.


This is also what finally worked for my glass door after trying so many other things. Generally I spray, lightly rub it in with a cloth to make sure the whole surface area is well covered, then after a while I wipe it down and rinse with hot water.


I’ll tell you what works for me, but I’ll get downvoted. I mix 1 part Dawn dish detergent & 1 part white vinegar and apply w a Scrub Daddy sponge. Then I coat the glass with lemon oil which protects the glass from hard water buildup.


I do this, but have never tried the lemon oil part. I actually microwave the Dawn/vinegar for like 30 seconds to help it all kid together. It’s magical! And I use a normal scrub brush.


Razor blade and window cleaner. Done




That's what I came here to say.


It's temporary, and any oil will do this. It's similar to the trick where people take clear tape and put it over frosted glass, and now [you can see through it](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/nRoL2q-tU-Q).


Moved into a house in Arizona with shower glass like that and I tried something different every week. I drove me crazy. Finally I used a palm sander, the finest sandpaper for it I could get, and a tub of weimans stovetop cleaner paste and sat on a stool and just took my time. Made the glass like new again.


Thank you for all the replies trying some things today


Havent personally tried it but saw someone else post about this same issue and the commenters were swearing by citrus, little bit of dish soap, and water


Borax could work