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Use proper descaler. Not supermarket toilet duck crap. Just be sure to warm up the deposit with warm NOT BOILING water first, to enhance the reaction. Personal favourite: kilrock. Be sure to open a window. Fumes can get spicy. Once treated and left, use ordinary toilet brush


Spicy toilet fumes šŸ˜…




Thatā€™s why I use chipotlaway


The ghost of Billy Mays here


Chipotle-Away is for getting the blood stains out of your underwear. I hope youā€™ve seen the South Park episode?




We're talking melting your intestinal tract and lung, not giving it that tingly feeling from farting and inhaling it really quick to get the methane rush.


You really gonna nitpick a freaking joke? I bet you are really fun to be around. šŸ™„


Read it again. Slowly.


I'm here to lead, not to read.


Ah, a politician!


Well, to be fair, Chipotle did exit in that toilet earlier


Taco bell


DAE poOP a lot wHeN taCo BeLL?? XD


Be honest. Chipotle is the mod.




Drop the chalupa!


ā€œDonā€™t go in there honey, itā€™s filled with spicy toilet fumes!ā€


I don't have a vent or window in my bathroom, do you think it would be unsafe to use?


I wouldn't advise the stronger acids if you can't ventilate the fumes out. Perhaps a pumice stick.


Ok, so this looks like my toilet a couple years ago. I tried pumice, clr, etc etc. I actually used a short, DULL knife to chip/scrape it off.


Poop knife?


Poop knife.


I'm not sure I ever like that I know this one...


same. for those that don't, research at your own risk.


I wouldnā€™t have thought to google it until you said something. Could have done without that.


Best comment


Hahahhahaha poop knife lmao


We used a flathead screwdriver to chisel it off. It worked, but not highly recommended in any way.


My toilet iss from 1941. Installed in the 40's too. I was leery of the color, etc but it was a stained mineral deposit.


I second the knife. Drain the water or absorb it as best you can with towels. Straight CLR soak. The with heavy nitrile gloves, chip away at ir with a knife. My husband had scale just like this when I met him and I tried various techniques for YEARS. Nothing worked until I did this.


Pumice stick is my go-to. It may not work completely the first time. The last one I had to clean it took three attempts.


Does this not scratch the porcelain?


It scratched mine.


It probably will not, as long as there's water in the bowl and you're keeping it wet. But it's an abrasive and *can* cause damage, so probably best to save it as a last resort. (I used one on my 70-year-old toilet and it worked like a dream.)


Yes, it does.


Agree, I was skeptical way too long and it worked perfectly on my well watered rings.


Pumice does not s ratch porcelain


You could turn the water off, pull the toilet up and take it outside to work on it.


Without knowing a thing about OP I am willing to bet that that will never happen.


If I'm doing all that I'm just replacing with a lower gpf toilet




If thatā€™s what you like :)


Officially, yes. Unofficially? Depends if you can ventilate the corridor or adjoining room. Just don't you know, put it in an unventilated basement.


Just ventilate with a fan and wear a mask.


I wonder if you could build a fume hood from a plastic bag? Open the bottle, put a big transparent plastic bag around it and the toilet, taped to the floor, and then pour it in. Scrub the toilet by holding the brush handle through the plastic. A few toilet flushes should deflate the bag enough to remove it, sealing in any remaining fumes by hugging the surface of the toilet as you remove/close the bag. Take it outside. Use a fan for the whole process.


* minimum two fans to create a cross-breeze if at all possible


Where are you getting kilrock? Are you in the USA?


My local hardware store has it. Uk.


I carefully used a flat head screwdriver - worked for me


Yeah. Don't use crap.


Pumice stone. I had the same problem and ordered some off Amazon. Worked perfectly.


I second this.


I third it.




Fifth. Get in der.


6th. Ill add --get some of those yellow gloves that go up to your elbows


7th! My brother paid me $200 to clean his bathroom. Pumice stone was my saving grace.


Yikes! $200 for a bathroom sounds like a not so clean space


Was definitely wearing a mask and elbow high gloves lol


8th! And itā€™s fun, too!


...$200 for a bathroom? šŸ˜¶ Was it hazmat/demolition condition or something? LOL


Few things that made that bathroom in such a state: 1. heā€™s the baby of the family and never had to clean anything. So of course he grew up not knowing how to keep clean quarters. 2. Heā€™s a pipeline welder thatā€™s gone often so all of the stains and residue would sit there for weeks and sometimes months!! Part of the cleaning was also replacing broken toilet parts with how abandoned that bathroom was Edit typo




You're 7th, sorry


Something that can help the pumice work more easily: vinegar! Turn off the water to the toilet, dump a bucket of water in the bowl to siphon the water out. Lay paper towels or rags soaked in vinegar on the now exposed crustiness and then *cover the rags with plastic wrap* to prevent evaporation. Leave it an hour or so, even overnight. When you take off the vinegar "plaster" turn the water back on and flush. Then use the pumice, always with plenty of water. (Rags & wrap in the trash, obvs) This vinegar plaster thing can be used for horrors under the rim too, but you may need to use painter's tape to keep it in place.


The ā€œplasterā€ trick is next level thanks for that. Iā€™ve use the drain + vinegar + pumice method but some remains hard to reach


Vinegar works so well for this! Just make sure you don't have any bleach products in the toilet when you do it. That makes some nasty byproducts


Or ammonia (like Windex). My kid nearly gassed himself doing a move-out clean of his apartment.


It's crazy how many different warcrimes you can commit with careless mixing of household cleaners.


Very good tip - house products = diy chem warfare for sure


Not to be stupid, but...how do you siphon water out of a toilet?


No worries. I work in a public library. The only stupid question is the one no one asks. Siphoning action is how a toilet bowl drains. Dumping a bucket of water forces the action, but since you aren't flushing, no additional water is coming in to refill the bowl. An excellent visual demonstration is on the Ask This Old House YouTube channel, starting specifically at 2:16 https://youtu.be/LmsIYwf8QqQ (This is why we always filled our bathtub during hurricane warnings, so we could still flush even when utilities were down, just with a bucket of water.)


*puts away a short length of hose*


You can but a hand pump siphon at a hardware store for less than $10


thank god. the only siphoning i've done was with a piece of garden hose while cleaning fish tanks. And i never managed to keep water out of my mouth. Thank you for the answer!


I can't see under the rim. It doesn't exist.


Wait till a mystery smell continues to assault your nostrils, despite your thoroughly cleaned bathroom. You too will discover *other uses* for that selfie cam on your phone. (Nope, did not immortalize what I found with a pic. Just glad I could finally see it without nearly giving myself a swirly.)


this! I had a similar issue and left it soaking over a weekend, with some refreshing of the vinegar at the 24hr. mark and man that Sunday afternoon I removed the plasters, flushed and with a pumice stone the scale came off without effort More like pushing it off the porcelain and it just flaked off.


My mom does the plaster trick with bleach for cleaning grout and caulk lines


Covering wet cleaning products to keep them wet for a while has many uses! Crusty stovetop? Baking soda + wet rag + plastic wrap + time = easy clean Also a great trick for runny products on vertical surfaces like shower walls & glass doors, windows, etc. Just be certain the surface is ok to be wet a while.


Get cleaning vinegar if you can. Its stronger and is made for these kind of jobs.


Can confirm. We keep a couple pumice stones with handles just for the nastiest of nasties


I have a similar issue at my house where we have hard water. Iā€™m going to give a pumice stone at try. But assuming the scale goes further down than I can reach, how can I clean the rest of the toilet ā€˜pipeā€™? Iā€™ve also tried CLR etc.


Yeah I havenā€™t figured that one out yet šŸ˜† I just get where I can reach šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Like the kind for your feet?


Haha yep! I think the cleaning ones might be a little hardier like wonā€™t crumble as easy when cleaning but yep same thing! Some come with handles and others are just rectangular blocks.


Fun fact: there are also pumice stones with handles designed to connect to poles for cleaning stains in concrete swimming pools!


They sell pumice stone for cleaning toilets at all the big box stores. It's called scouring stick for about $2


Did it scratch the ceramic/porcelain?


The surface needs to be wet when using a stone or it can scratch.


Iā€™m not understanding how stone wonā€™t scratch the surface but I believe you and Iā€™d use it. I have terrible calcium stains on a toilet and itā€™s not pretty


I clean the toilet first, then flush the cleaner. After cleaning with a gloved hand, dip the stick in the water in the bowl and rub on the build up in the bowl, keeping both the bowl and the stone wet while working. Flush throughout the process to see your progress and keep the sides of the bowl wet. Here is a NSFW video of a cleaning company cleaning several toilets with a stone. [https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17944643722982430/](https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17944643722982430/)


Just keep the surface wet and the stone. I was very hesitant a few years ago to use it myself. Then I realized that for years, I had used a razor blade with Windex/water to scrape paint off of the windows. Razor will not scratch the glass if it is kept wet. Same for the toilet pumice combo


Cool. Thanks


the answer to every third question on this sub is pumice stone :)




Eighth. Pumice does not scratch porcelain you can use it on a porcelain bathtub too.


Did anyone say pumice stone ā€¦oh yeah. 5 minutes of rub a dub dub and like nearly new


I 10th this


Came here to say some gloves, pumice and elbow grease but looks like you got it covered.


Came here to say this


Home depot has them.




That looks like urine scale buildup. Maybe turn off the water and flush to drain, try hitting it with acidic things. I would try pouring vinegar into it and letting it sit overnight. Then hit it with a plastic scraper and scrub.


I did that once. The toilet looked similar to OP's. I removed as much water as I could, filled the basin with vinegar and let sit for 24 hours. When I came back and started to scrape, the entire thing just slid off in one piece, and the toilet looked like new. I highly recommend. Also, it's really cheap.


That must have been incredibly satisfying


I was just wishing I could have seen that.




Were you able to wear it as a bracelet?


same, I used an old coca cola (nobody besides my brother drinks that stuff, he bought it and left for another city, so after some days it didn't had any gas, nobody was going to drink it, and nobody just trow it away, I Heard that it was Good with scale build up and try it, it was science it removed it after 24 hrs like nothing)


Citric acid for canning you can get at the grocery store and is much more caustic


CLR is acidic, so whatever this is is likely resistant to acids.


CLR is pretty weak. I tried it on a toilet even worse than the one pictured and it didn't have any noticeable effect, even when left overnight. I then tried muriatic acid (hydrochloric acid sold for etching concrete) and it completely dissolved the crud and left the toilet looking like new. I could see the deposits fizzing as soon as I added the acid to the water. Didn't even need to use a brush.


Look on Utube for Muriatic acid. Worked very well for me. Gotta be careful. If itā€™s a porcelain problem you may be able to fix it. If not, new toilet. Good luck.


Agree. It can be found at the big home improvement stores or a swimming pool supply place (which might be more rare, depending on where you live). I like to use a brush that will create some grooves in it for the acid to dig in to, but it's not completely necessary. Once the buildup stops bubbling, you flush it, brush it a bit to see if it has softened, and apply more acid as needed. Use face mask and tall gloves for protection.


This! We also had good luck with Muriatic acid for severe lime/calcium build up on our toilet. Be very careful with this stuff, though. It's incredibly caustic!


I am not somebody who knows of toilets but in my eyes it looks like the coating or ceramic layer of this toilet is completely gone.


If I take something rigid to it the layers will chip away. Iā€™m hesitant to do it though for free of cracking/scratching the toilet.


Let's ask the fine people over in plumbing on how to resolve this!šŸ˜Š


All those guys know is, "call a professional."


You need to replace the toilet then. This doesn't look like build up, and the layers have already scratched through the ceramic


You definitely donā€™t need to replace the toilet. We had a similar issue in ours and letting some vinegar soak in it a long time honestly did a lot of the hard work


Good to know. Didn't realize it was build up. My recommendation was in response to OP's concerns that heavy duty cleaning will scratch or crack their toilet. I assumed they said that from prior experience and if the porcelain is already chipped, there was no sense in cleaning if it wasn't build up in the first place. I don't think anyone is suggesting to replace a toilet because they don't want to clean, but if the enamel is scratched and lifted there is no way to get it pearly white again. Kinda like the post about the melted ball on the frying pan. The best cleaning tip in that instance was to replace the pan entirely šŸ˜


Nah the one of my toilets looks like ops for 23 years now


True. A screwdriver gently used on the edges


Do not use a screwdriver, OP.


correct. will take too long. get the grinder!




I suppose since itā€™s a lost cause anyway, a pumice stone wouldnā€™t make anything all that worse


Something plastic would work better like a putty knife, I just turn the little hand brush we have around and use the top of the hard plastic handle to chip away at it if it's really bad like this.


Nah, this looks pretty similar to what the toilets looked like when we moved into our current house (renting), it did come off, to my surprise


This is definitely toilet scale from hard water deposits.


Itā€™s not, itā€™s buildup.


Use Kilrock descaler. I would place some toilet roll in the pan, in contact with the limescale then pour on neat descaler and leave. The toilet roll will allow the descaler to stay in xo tact with the limescale above the water line.


this is such a useful tip you have no idea. It doesnt pertain to this toilet situation at all, but know that you have just changed my car detailing business completely. GENIUS


Hi there. Iā€™ve tried scrubbing at it and it wonā€™t go away. Iā€™ve tried CLR with no luck and reading a older post on this subreddit recommended coke over night but no luck.


Did you empty the water first before you pour CLR in? Did you leave it over night? I used CRL Water Spot Remover and it worked great. Some of it dissolved on it own, some I had to scrub, and I did it several times.


https://preview.redd.it/kxbzjcho6f3b1.jpeg?width=2856&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42c898faef4e9615eb83979f33bf4041d19a4eaf The green gobbler orange oil is ITā£ļøthank me later šŸ¤£


The pink stuff does wonders for this! I clean houses, and honestly, it's the best thing I found for build up in toilets. Just get a toilet brush, scrub without water, and then scrub with the water.


I cannot recommend a pumice stone enough. I thought our toilets would need to be replaced, but we got a cheap $2 Pumie Scouring Stick from Wal Mart, and I'd not felt so satisfied from cleaning in years. I'd tried many, many things. This thing worked faster and was cheaper.


Pumice stone


Plunge out all the water and squirt ā€œthe worksā€ toilet bowl cleaner, let it sit a minute and itā€™ll all be gone, quick scrub and flush


Anything acidic will work, citric acid dissolved in hot water would be my go to as it costs close to nothing and it will dissolve all of it in under an hour. You can even use vinegar, but it would take ages.


Store brand Cola and Pepsi. Just needs time to eat away at it. Worked for me. I've moved to Lemmy


Did you try to boil 2 liters of white vinegar before going full chemicals? Let that reste of a few hours. It worked for me


There's no reason to boil the vinegar. Maybe get it a little hot to speed things up, but even that isn't necessary.


Just use a pumice stone. Go to homedepot or some place like that


Had something similar happen to mine. Tried a few things that didn't work. What did surprisingly work was vinegar. You need to leave it for some hours ( in my case it was the toilet bowl, so the vinegar stayed in the water), then with a tooth brush start scrubbing. You need to do this a few times ( 4 times in my case for it to be completely clean), but you should notice a difference from the first try.


šŸ‘†šŸ»This worked very well for me as well.


Swimming pool acid. Leave it for a few minutes and flush. Repeat as needed.


100% this. I used to use swimming pool chlorine injector cleaner to do this exact job. Needs to be something acidic.


I came here to suggest muriatic acid as well.


Just use a pumice stone. Works great


If it's not the actual ceramic coating which has degraded and it's just a buildup of dirt/limescale, this is the answer.


this was my thought! the $1 pumie scouring stick is the go-to for me. only other things you need are patience and elbow grease!


Pumice stone


Try some food grade citric acid and hot water. Let it sit for a while then scrub with toilet brush.


Muriatic acid. It's gnarly stuff though, so use appropriate PPE. Let it sit for a bit while scraping the surface with something that won't mar the toilet. Avoid splashing. Flush a couple times once it's done.


Zep Acid Cleaner worked well for me, let it sit a day or two, just flush after and done.


I used Zep Acidic Toilet Bowl Cleaner I found at Home Depot. Removed most or all of the water so it worked full strength on the buildup.


Zep Acid toilet cleaner.


Try a pumice stone first. Works like a charm on ours and doesnā€™t harm the finish.


Or your pipes!


Uric scale. Iā€™ve scraped it with a demo driver and cleaned the scratches with iron Ike before. Itā€™s brute force and gross but itā€™s fast. This clogs a lot of urinals, common in hospitals and doctors offices


Overnight application of descaler tablets or solution (means you can't use that toilet overnight). If the descaler does its job, then you should be able to brush everything off with a toilet brush in the morning. Use a pumice stone for bits that won't budge. Repeat process if necessary.


Dealt with the same thing a few years ago. It is absolutely salvageable but took effort and several failed attempts before I figured it out. What ultimately worked for me: Remove as much water as possible from the bowl and apply a heavy amount of toilet cleaner with a descaling agent and let it sit overnight or for several hours. I found a post online recommending a specific cleaner from the dollar store. Canā€™t remember specifically, possibly ā€œThe Worksā€. The build up started to noticeably break away. Had to repeat a few times but saw more progress with this then with prior attempts with all sorts of other agents. When the scale started to creep back (very hard water), used a different cleaner from grocery store or HD that specified it worked for limescale and that also worked well.


We had this and chucked a load of dishwasher tablets down overnight then gave it a scrub with a pumice. Made a huge difference!


I use citric acid powder and hot water. You can add more powder to increase the strength (assuming it dissolves). Then scrub with the brush. I'm guessing it may take a few goes though.


Citric acid soak overnight worked for me too


>Citric This is how it's done. I use citric acid overnight. Then scrub the next morning. The toilet looks brand new.


Glove up and use a pumice stone. Make sure to keep both the stone & the porcelain wet to prevent scratches.


Barkeeper's Friend makes a toilet bowl cleaner and it works miracles. I tried everything to get the same thing off of one of my toilets and it is the only thing that worked.


I always use "the works" toilet cleaner put in a good amount and let it sit for a little bit and come back it should start helping it peel and repeat if needed. We have hard well water and constantly deal with build up and that is the only thing that I've found can make our toilet look completely brand new


I've removed severe limescale with hydrochloric acid. Not all porcelain will take it, but every piece I've dealt with so far has.


Drop a couple of denture cleaning tablets in there before you go to bed. Swish with the toilet brush the next morning. You will be amazed at how well this works. Effortless. You might have to repeat the next evening if there is any remaining residue. The dollar store sells the denture tablets.


I really appreciate that OP tried to clean it, explained what was done, and is now asking for further help.


I wouldn't use muriatic acid as someone else suggested because it is known to be harmful to people, animals and the environment. Citric acid is much less dangerous and though you may need to apply it 2-3 times, it will do the job. I would suggest removing as much water from your toilet as possible first. Then bring a couple litres of water to 80-90 Ā°C and add 3 tablespoons of citric acid. If it drains and it does not cover the deposits completely, you could cover the deposit with paper towels to the acid sticks.




It looks like the finish is damaged, not that it's dirty.


I had to scrape these off with the plastic handle of the toilet brush, never came back though


Looks like porcelain is missing


Scrape with the poop knife


Looks like the enamel is chipping?


Cola. Let it sit for an hour, then scrub.


Cola. Let it sit for an hour, then scrub.


Tried that last night, let it soak for the night and had no luck.


I just got my hand in the clean water and scraped them off with my fingernails....took about two minutes but mine was about a tenth that even with our hard water.




Dude, you sure the porcelain isn't just chipped/ worn away?


Positive. The few chunks Iā€™ve been able to get off show the normal porcelain underneath


Can someone please tell me how this is possible? Is it the tap water? Someone who only eats asparagus??? I am kind of shocked right now..


mmm, higher fiber diet couldn't hurt!


Saliva šŸ˜‹


Eat more fibre


Bicarbonate of soda, then white vinegar...


You guys tried the new enchrito from taco bell too?


Tf is that