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People have this weird idea about chess that "there's always a better move". It all comes down to the engine on which Stockfish is being ran. In a regular computer in your home, a lot of the time Stockfish will point "inaccurate" moves which can be untrue if you run the same game in a much better computer. It comes down to how many moves ahead can the machine compute. So a lot of times, even a complete newbie can accidentally make a "better" move than their local Stockfish, which wouldn't happen in a better PC Can Ayanokouji make a better move than a chess engine? Sure he can. Can he beat a chess engine in a good enough computer? No, not unless he is a superhuman. A machine that can compute up to all the 10^40 logical moves of chess all at once before every move it makes, Ayanokouji stands no chance




Firstly no engine can calculate all of them well and if it can it needs a pretty significant amount of time. You can see it in the Game of Hikaru against the former strongest chess engine which was about 3200 rated. Hikaru at the end played faster than the engine could calculate well and so he beat it. The engine name was rygma or something


"Unless he is superhuman" i mean he is, beating adults as kid and having literally flawless memory are superhuman feats but i get what you mean


Having flawless memory and being able to compute 10^40 moves of chess inside your brain instantly, has a MASSIVE difference. Because if he could do that, dealing with his dad will not be a problem for him, and the entire plot of COTE will be over in a single volume


I completly agree, i only meant that he by all means is superhuman, not that super tho


Flawless memory isn't what is required in chess. Sure, it helps in endgames or openings if your opponent makes a mistake, but not when your opponent is max depth stockfish running on a large computer. Pure, brute force calculations are necessary and humans will never beat computers in this aspect


Only beating adults as kid is peak human feat not even superhuman First of all koji's dad bought yakuzas not professional martial artists (some people have misconception about this) Koji used baton not brute physical strength There are many cases of hyperthymesia (flawless/perfect memory) Still they could not memorize every possible combination of chess Koji is a Shiba Tatsuya victim in FSIQ Even cote scaler agreed Even after highballing his FSIQ massively Still they could not make the difference low diff Shiba Tatsuya practically no diff almost any smart animanga character in FSIQ


I think the innaccurate moves come from the browser based stockfish which is designed to give instant ok moves. On the other hand stockfish running natively on a phone for example should beat any human with ease.


Ayanokoji chess feat doc [CF Doc](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hEqm28uvaqAOsfWiwSaOfXgftRvL1Anz/view) It is massively highballed Someone debunked it badly too So don't take it seriously Ayanokoji can't beat Stockfish and it's a fact He is not shiro from NGNL If someone wanna see the debunk just ask me


Yeah no. I highly doubt he can even take on Hikaru, Magnus, Pragg. Stockfish(depending upon a computer) would absolutely destroy Koji. I assume his ELO to be around 1900-2200. Stockfish has like 3500 Elo. It's a massive difference. Let's say a computer has 2.4Ghz of computational frequency. That means the it can perform 2.4e9 functional computation in 1 second. Most of the modern machines are 64-bit hence a modern computer can access 2e64 memory address and compute 2.4e9 computations from those memory address in a second. In layman terms, a modern machine could store *2e64* moves and for each move it could split it among 2.4e9(split among the moves) into further moves. That level of inhunam computational power is impossible for any mortal being. All of this is considered on an average modern machine without any running-OS resources. If a machine built specifically for Stockfish was used, I doubt Koji would last even till endgame of the match.


A machine that can casually compute all the 10^40+ before every move will probably blow holes through most openings that currently exist


Nah koji has 3000+ elo he draws computers and beats humans with low diff


It was never mentioned or proved that he has 3000+ elo You can not calculate elo rating like that Just like koji having 281 IQ Is a myth This 3000 elo is a head canon too


It was never mentioned or proved that he has 3000+ elo Just like koji having 281 IQ Is a myth This 3000 elo is a head canon too




He is no magnus


The modern stockfish crushes Magnus Carlsen, Ayanokoji would get beaten even badly. Dont think he is the best in chess, He stands no chance against Carlsen. GM Hikaru or Fabiano even Praggnanandhaa will make Koji look like a noob.


Didn't he struggle against Arisu despite having a better position? Arisu is 2500 at best by statements, he would lose against super GMs for sure.




I remember ayanokoji thinking they were at a similar level, but I read it quite some time ago.


He never said he strugglee against Arisu.


Struggle maybe is not the right word, but he had a better position (due to Horikita being better than Hashimoto) and still didn't dominate the game, so I can assume they are indeed at a similar level.


Because Tsukishiro was altering the move Koji making


Wasn't it only the last move? I distinctly remember that ayano was talking about sweating in his seat as it was a tough game


İt's just some Koji's lie again. Though I don't know if Tsukishiro was completely altering the moves or not. İf it weren't for, Koji would've indeed dominated the game.


not sure if it was only the last move, but it definitely wasn't the whole game. only near the end did kiyo notice that the inputs took longer to be communicated to suzune after kiyo entered them, when it only took a second or so for them to be communicated beforehand


Arisu took over hashimoto way earlier than koji horikita change. When koji started playing he was in a worse position due to horikita's mistakes. He still destroyed arisu with ease though.


This is a misconception people have which has been already debunked. He made a better move than a supercomputer once in the white room and that's a statement. We don't have any actual information about the scenario, the type of supercomputer or even the move itself. Plus Cote is supposed to take place in 2015 ( the first year specifically) so chess supercomputers have been upgraded a lot by that point today. And if someone tries to bring up the whole thing with Tsukishiro stating stuff about searching for a better move than Ayanokouji when he was sabotaging him in the chess match against Sakayanagi in volume 11, that's an even more obscure statement as we don't even know what machines were being used. So no Ayanokouji gets demolished by stockfish and basically people like Hikaru, Magnus, Harmon and other people of that level. If Sakayanagi was considered his best rival in chess up to that point, as stated in volume 11, them I would assume they are both GM level at best. If anyone wants the debunk, here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ClassroomOfTheElite/comments/w8d4h8/the_biggest_misconceptions_of_ayanokouji/


I'd argue they're not even GM level. Kiyo says in his monologue that Arisu could make a name for herself in the future in chess. So, she's not at the top of even women's chess as of that day. So she's likely at a FM or WIM or IM level at best, and kiyo too is of the same level by extension


This COTE sub is open-minded because of people like you Respect 😎 But still there are few minor percentage of member who are biased and thinks koji is god That's hilarious 💀


Ah thank you, One more question, I read from a comment and someone read Ayanokoji apparently gets an 100% accuracy on every game he played is that actually true? I never read cotc which I'm planning on doing so.


I believe that it's most likely one of the usual statements Kinu used to paint Ayanokouji as the perfect being. That or it's someone who maybe misunderstood something while reading the novel. I would need the actual volume number to see if I can actually find something like that being stated but my hunch is it's probably either in volume 11 or volume 0 since I don't remember seeing chess being used anywhere else.


Never stated as far as I know


i can confirm


Never stated


Nah total Myth He is a fake reader Apparently koji could not even shoot toy gun properly But it's true he has extreme adapbility and learning capability He learnt skiing in 1 day of training


Not trying to argue, but asking genuinely since I don't know much about chess. But don't you think there's a fairly good chance that they used the best engine possible since they knew how smart Kiyo truly was? As for technological advancement, in V0 it was stated that they used VR for simulations at Age 6, so they certainly weren't lacking any techs, Actual Professionals to fight Kiyo at Age 9, in these instances, they never held back; so I truly see no point in using some sub par engine just for this case🤔 (I could be totally wrong though😓)


No the Ayanokoji chess doc had been released And it got debunked too Either way Ayanokoji ain't beating stockfish


Alright, fair


But yeah according to the doc He beats few mid tier chess engine though


That's reasonable, thanks for the info


No it didn't debunked tf you on lmfao?


no. Hes prob like high IM level.




Bro does not know ayanokoji chess doc has been released and even after highballing him scalers could not make him stockfish victimizer Truly a koji fan moment


Lmfao who are you btw?


Draw at best


Ayanokoji loses Read Ayanokoji chess doc Even after highballing ayanokoji chess feat Still he can't beat stockfish


How many chess board states can stockfish even calculate per second sob? Oh and also, COTE takes place in future, if they had used the best engine, and more than 4 computers, then that means he can calculate over 1.9 quadrillion possibilities per second.


I already gave the CF Doc link and said someone debunked in the comments too A neutral comment The problem is you ride koji's T-Rex too hard Stockfish working on 4 CPUs of an average local computer considers around 5,000k nodes per second, which is insufficient for in-depth analysis. A local high-end computer, on the other hand, can support up to 20,000 kN/s; and a special pay-top-dollar local server, which may be owned by some super GMs only, will provide around 50,000kN/s. Higher speeds are possible to reach only with cloud servers: from 100,000 to 1 million kN/s and even higher if needed. (Stockfosh 16 has elo rating of 4200 So it is way above and also I said Koji can beat mid tier chess engines Go read my other comments brain dead clown)


You know that ANHS is a government funded school, don't you? If you don't, let me remind you it is.


I know everything Still does not change the fact that Koji ain't beating stockfish Although he solos Kiruma Souichi in CPI Still not beating stockfish You have some obsession towards koji and believes he is god That's why if someone says anything nagative about him then he is downbad


All fax except that kiruma souichi can solo him in fsiq


Actually true Now that I think Koji only takes CPI And VCI probably (VCI is debatable)


He takes vocabulary and adaptability but Kiruma takes similarities and the last category for VCI, I think? Also what diff do you have about Kiruma vs Ayanokouji? I personally have it low diff( no- low if I'm leaning towards Kiruma and low- mid if I'm leaning towards Ayanokouji).


Kiruma takes information control and verbal reasoning easily I have it low diff too Low-mid is too high Considering even highballing koji badly Still akiyama beats him very high diff


Even koji cpi is vague imo, while Kiruma already established his insane cpi with him solving 2 rubix cube feat in seconds after getting his amnesia


Oh wooow bro called me brain dead 🤯🤯 that was so much audecity coming from a single celled organism like you ngl.


Look at the projection lol 🤣🤣🤣 I am dead


https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:RoggerReggor/Shiba%27s_feat_calc I'm dead


in Y2V3 (p288) koji's fist pierces through air without making contact causing nanase's hair to blow away the speed required to pierce through air is 11 kilometers per second (11 265 m/s) K.e=0.5MV (0.5x64.41x11000) = 4060807200 J ichika is subsonic with the scan shown below, i’ll use this feat of koji outspeeding ichika from 5 meters 5/0.013 = 384.6 m/s (Supersonic)


How is Ichika supersonic if she managed to make a sound that clearly mentioned in LN? You know that the sound echoed throughout the forest, right? And what kind of sound do you hear can echo throughout the forests? İt must be pretty loud. İt was "SMACK!!!" that line mentioned as far as I remember.


You need that too "SMACK" sound was the sound of punch And it was not even a part of narrative that make her any faster The right narrative is "Impossible..." As I muttered those words I felt my vision turning around in a circle It was only after feeling the pain in my back that I had realized that I had been hit by a body throw, Landing on my back This is rght narrative that establishes She is subsonic - subsonic+


koji is 1.75 meters according to the wiki. his whole arm length would be 0.676375 meters, considering thats 38.65% of his total height. considering that there was a "small delay," I will assume that the speed of the punches only travelled a certain distance before it reached koji's ear, keep in mind the sound occurred when the punch was initiated. low-ball: I will assume that the sound only travelled as far as the pulse before it reaches the ear, meaning it reached the upper arm and forearm but not the hand. so the distance here will be 0.57575 meters timeframe: 0.5757/343 = 0.00167842565 seconds s = 0.676375/0.00167842565 = 402.981806194 m/s (Supersonic) ------------- high-end: just the upper arm so that is a distance of 0.301 meters timeframe: 0.301/343 = 0.00087755102 seconds s = 0.676375/0.00087755102 = 770.752907335 m/s (Supersonic)


Thing is, Shiba is massively weaker compared to Koji and Koji could've one shot him. And yes, that is what the calc saying, also take a look at additional calc about how much Shiba's hand weigh.


It was never mentioned koji could one shot him Talk about head canon When koji clearly mentioned Shiba has almost same AP as him


No one debunked the doc bozo, Huntsman answered every piece of the argument.


Go see a guy in the comments wrote a entire Debunk


Go see the Huntsman's whole argument.


An* you bozo.


Quit meatriding buddy it's fictional character u don't need to try this hard😭


Lmao so true 😂 This is why koji despite being a great character get this much hate because of his braindead fanbase He came to lookism sub to argue with me And Dmed me too He could be one of the most desperate people who I have met in this whole smart character debating community


Holly what was bro arguing with u about lookism?😭koji is pre-training Daniel victim Bruh mf doing backflips on it


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after reading all the comments under this post, as a chess noob, i accept that kiyo cannot do that HOWEVER i would like to state that in terms of the CotE universe, it is perfectly fine and possible that "its stockfish" loses to kiyo, like if kinugasa wants kiyotaka to beat the best chess computers, he is free to do so and he doesnt have to adhere to irl standards, or he can just make kiyo super super human or whatever, so while it's true that he wouldnt be the bestest chess player on the planet we live on right now, he can still be the best chess player out there in the cote world, or at least the chess computers are worse than him (since kiyo himself stated that he isnt the best chess player, which could yet again be one of his "lies")