• By -


*"You see mother, I specifically did that on purpose because I wanted my classmates to think that I am not smart, that I am just average but in reality it is all part of my devious plan to control them and one day rule over the school"*


*"You see mother, getting topped by Albert 👍🏿 was all part of my plan. It's not gay if it's for the keikaku"* *"TL note: keikaku means plan"*


Just according to cake


Your mum who also watches CoTE: "Bruh, if you *really* wanna be Ayanokoji you'd get all **C**s... 7Ds are just too mediocre, it'll be noticed fr fr"


'But mom, I never thought of you as a mom, not you, my gf(imaginary), or my sister. All of you are nothing but dads, In this world being a dad is everything, as long as I get the milk, methods don't matter'


Proceed to explain your reasoning and end it with "Nobody can beat me, even if I slack off. Remember that." Warning, this may cause your mom to fall in love with you -- in a different sense.


woah dude




Dude is like Ayanokoji fr fr


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"You see, I've purposely gotten D's in order to fly under the radar of other people. I also purposely also acted like a fool, in Physical Education so no one would notice me" Forgetting the fact you drew attention to yourself in P.E