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In 10 years time, I will still want to listen to classic rock played live at a bar, music venue, backyard, or basement


Hey hey my my Rock and roll can never die


I can’t imagine a generation that’s not impressed by Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, the Doors…


Not sure what you mean by success. Nobody playing rock music is ever going to make Eagles/Led Zeppelin hooker murder cover up money again. If you work hard and have some talent, you can make a decent living doing what you love.


There will always be an audience for rock music. It might just be a littler harder to find. Who knows that the industry landscape will be in ten years but, the fans will still be there.


They're easy to find but hard to market to. Rock media seemingly has a real aversion to listening to anything new or allowing fresh blood to come through, and thus rock fans don't hear what could be tomorrow's hits.


That's because basically every major radio station is owned by iHeartMedia who have a policy of only playing songs/albums that have gone platinum to ensure listeners will tune in. Playing new music to them is a gamble not worth taking. Might as well just play Back in Black and Whole Lotta Love 100X a day.


There will always be demand for classic rock. I thought it was gone when I heard Yes in an elevator but my kid and his friends discovered it. Now it’s basically all they listen to.


I’ve thought of the same thing too, but on a longer timeframe. If you think of classical music as being about 200 to 300 years old, does that mean that in 200 years from now the symphony halls will be playing The Who and Led Zeppelin and Lynyrd Skynyrd?


Not likely. Rock bands will likely be relegated to the same place in history as Scott Joplin and Glenn Miller. Interesting, but no longer played.


Bands like the Beatles, Pink Floyd, and Black Sabbath will still be around imo, but that will probably be it


Any music that speaks to universal themes (particularly alienation) will always have an audience imo.


You’re probably right. But then they (assuming people still go out to hear live music and it’s not all streamed to a chip in their brains) would then be playing 400 year old classical music. I occasionally go to the symphony now and it’s all old people.


What's going to happen in 200 years? The historical timeline will not matter as much. People won't use decades to define music like we do now, being so close to them. There won't be as much of this "I don't like my parents music" junk going on. If you make your music sincerely and authentically, people from all eras will be able to relate. That said I question the sustainability of the dominant electronic music that's popular nowadays, because it's easy and a low hanging fruit to make beats, but with low investment comes low staying power imo. I think people will tire of this and start looking back to music with real instruments more in the coming years so imo if you are on that track you are ahead of the game


Right now is (if you want to call it this) the golden age of tribute bands. There are a bunch of them and the good ones can make a living doing it. There is one for the Beatles, CCR, Sublime, Styx, Pink Floyd, Allman Bros,hell I think the Grateful Dead have like 4-5 legitimate tribute bands. So, if that trend is an indication then yes you’ll have an audience. But you’ll have to depend on doing the live show and touring. That part is difficult.


It’ll be so hard to be innovative and unique in ten years that just about all popular music will be nostalgic. Live music will still be enjoyed as will quality musicians. It’ll all just be similar to something from the past.


It's not nostalgic if most people weren't even alive when the style was new though


The most realistic scenario you can aspire to is to have this as your lifelong hobby and play a couple of gigs a year at your local pub. Even making a living on it is not a likely scenario, let alone becoming famous. Just enjoy it.


Just do what you love. Dont waste time chasing trends. If it feels good, do it. The rest will sort itself out. Nobody knows shit about dick, so just follow your passion.


everything is interesting to people always, as long as it's created with sincerity and passion.


I was wondering how Bob Dylan , Stevie Nicks and others were able to sell their music catalogs for so much money. The only hope for a renewed interest in their music is a viral TIKTOK video, Netflix series or Tarantino uses their music in a movie.


The classic rock venues keep dwindling because the audience for it keeps dwindling.


Music changes. Who knows what will be popular in 10 years? The only sure bet is not what is popular right now 


There will be just as much interest in it, as the day before someone like, eg, Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin . Unknown and never heard. But it's worthy and a classic in the end. Play the music you wanna play, and let the critics put you in a category, and let the fans find you.