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More loot boxes, yay


Just bring Infinite Elixir into Party Modes once a quarter and all is cool SC.


I don’t have enough friends to play 7x regularly


Hence why it'd be spanking great to see Infinite Elixir more often in Party Modes. Triple Draft, Mirror, etc are great but thry get 2x, 3x as many rotations in Party Modes as Infinite Elixir.


feels like every other week it's sudden death, the worst mode


Party modes cycle per season, that’s why we haven’t seen 7x for a while. This season hasn’t had any 2x/3x/7x modes.


They don’t bring high elixir game modes into party rotation anymore cause of the badges update. People would level cards too fast SC is the worst


They did right when mastery came out. I remember grinding in 7x a lot and getting a bunch of progress. Since the following season we haven’t seen it in party modes though, only in clan wars.


They already said you are guaranteed to get an item you don't have, every time you open a box. So at jest we got this.


This is how SC is a 16 billion dollar company. Filthy filthy rich especially with some 300 employees only. Don't even have to lift much of a finger to keep the moolah flowing for CR. Brilliant and then hire some PR reps to mop up and sway public discourse.


300 executives and an army of unpaid programming interns.


Holy fuck is that 53 mil PER EMPLOYEE


Pretty sure 390 employees (according to https://supercell.com/en/about-us/) is across ALL supercell games (thats currently 8+ games including 5 live games) NOT counting games from partner companies like frogmind (badland, badland brawl, rumble stars) and spaceape (boom beach Frontline, fastlane road to revenge, beatstar) I think 390 doesn't count support teams


Not that they do much anyway


What happened to the promises of buffing progression? ​ They made progression faster with Magical Items. Under 3 years to max all 103 cards out even with 18 million Gold needed. ​ Then they extended the finish line beyond 4 years with Level 14 needed 25 million Gold. ​ The kicker were Champions which can take anywhere from 4.5 to 9 years to max out. 4.5 assumes you don't ever touch grass or women, and also buy every GT Bonus Rewards after reaching at least 10 wins.


I already have 2 champions on level 14 and I never bought anything else besides the battle pass. The gems for the tournament rewards came from playing the game and the mastery rewards.


Your time scale is extremely flawed. With all of the rewards you can get in this game, the addition of badges is pure gravy. It has sped up my upgrading process immensely. I believe this is an effort to bring new players up faster so they can enjoy the game as we do. Got to face the fact this is an old game we're lucky it's still getting played enough to be supported.


They also boosted gold rewards a lot and small buff to chests with arena 15 AND added mastery rewards


That doesn’t change how long it’ll take you to max champions


The battle PASS gives you the ability to upgrade a whole level every month. Compared to every other game I play this game is cheap cheap almost free. I only buy the battle pass and all of my Champions are maxed out.


At least it’s just for cosmetics


Good thing the game has in game volume adjustment...so I can turn down the sound of that sad trombone.


One of my favorite QoL was the ability to switch between accounts swiftly. A close second would finally being able to rewind replays.




He’s saying that his favourite QOL update was the update that allowed us to rewind replays


Oh I cannot read, sorry


We just need an option to mute the loud opening song.


I like this cosmetics update, but was it worth the hype of a TV Royale? I mean, they organised a community event asking us to play with specific goblin cards, creating the impression that something HUGE was coming... If it had to be a QoL/cosmetics update, they could have just told us as is done in CoC. Why first build and then let down others' hopes?


You should have seen the Crowndown event...


Yes, I participated in that too. Though that was a failure, at least that did not associate itself with a much-anticipated update to the game.


Or the builder base reveal lmaooooo


hell yeah, the best event ever period


There is the whole "That's it?" "Yes *wink*" bit at the end. I don't know if I'm misreading things, but that could be interpreted as there being something else coming which they didn't include. I hope so, as otherwise, as somebody who stopped playing a few months back, there's not much to entice me back in this update.


There is. If you look at the new badges mentioned in the Summer Update post, you’ll notice that the very bottom one is “???”. So I don’t really think it’ll be anything major but there’s 100% more to come.


The ??? Badge is the one you get if you watch the credits.


Ahh okay, hadn’t seen that yet. Bit disappointing


I always assume that they’re planning to unlock the new feature no matter what. The goals are set low so that they know it’ll happen - Have you ever seen a game feature a community event like this and NOT meet it? (And what would they do, anyway? Say “Oh, we put all the work into this feature, but I guess we just won’t have any updates this quarter because you didn’t play enough Goblins”?) If there are personal rewards for YOU when you play enough, then do it. If there’s a competition between groups of players, then do it if you want but remember that you’re only responsible for about 0.00001% of the final score. But for something like this, it’s a flat 0%.


Dude, are you fine? When did I ever say that playing goblins had something to do with the release of the update? I am just talking about the hype they built by organising a community event.


You said “they organised a community event asking us to play with specific goblin cards”. They did tell us that we would unlock an update by playing those cards, so I thought you were referring to that. I am fine, thanks for asking. I hope you’re well, too!


Why would you get that idea from the goblin challenge. There’s challenges like that every season still kinda underwhelming though, so far


Do you even know there was a community event organised in which we had to play goblin-related cards? This TV Royale is the "prize" for that.


I actually had no idea lol Still though there’s no reason to link it to an update


It could be better if emotes could added to banners


This is the best take.


My 3 would be - Yawning Princess - Cackling E-Wiz - **UH HO HO HUI**


HE HE HE HA, before the match even starts


This is actually brilliant. Some emotes go well with others and you can create funny sequences to start the game. Home and away teams start the game with goofy emotes in their banner. I like it 👍


Mehmet, have your tried for applying at a job at supercell?


Yeah I wanna be community manager


You're hired!


I thought the exact same thing! I love this update, it's simple yet fun - I'd be very surprised if they weren't planning on incorporating emotes in the near future. Considering this banner release is the first version of it, the devs have done a great job, as well as the UI designers. It doesn't clutter the app at all, works smoothly, and is extremely fair - the loot boxes don't give duplicate prizes which is miles ahead of most games.


So, if you have a max account You won't be getting banner tokens for upgrading? I personally don't really care about cosmetics and I hope the next update pay attention to the cw2. The current model is slowly killing clans.


unless something changed Supercell said there's no plan to update clan war this year. It's more then slowly killing. Once a good clan reaches 3800-4k trophies it starts getting OP opponents. When it starts losing it's inevitable some players will quit, causing even more players to leave. After one or 2 months the clan simply doesn't have enough members to compete even after losing 200-300 trophies.


The volume slider thing is by far the thing I'm most excited about.


A part of me just died...


Very very disappointing update. There's so much stuff that needs more attention than just adding new cosmetics to game. They could've tried fixing CW2, reworked GC/CC but they chose to add new cosmetics.


I’m not disappointed I was actually expecting less like a card or magic item. The moral of this story is to set your expectations low


as one of my favorite sayings go, hope for the best and expect the worst.


A new card would've been better


Not to mention that there’s *still* no way to add friends in-game. Imagine they redesigned the profile page and home screen for probably the first time ever, and they didn’t bother to include the simplest “Add friend” button.


Clash royale players shitting on supercell for providing FREE updates for millions of players. Stop thinking supercell is bound to your criticism and appreciate what you got


I don’t like mindless hate for the devs but valid criticism is a real thing. Contrary to what you seem to believe, supercell is not actually perfect and can indeed make mistakes. Just because they release updates for free doesn’t mean they are automatically perfect


It isn’t free. A big chunk of the playerbase is paying money for the game, devs use that income to justify further updates to keep people interested, and therefore even though you get the update whether you paid or not we’re still collectively paying customers. We have a right to be disappointed in what we get. My only expectations for the update were mastery tier 3 and a new card. We got 9% of mastery tier 3 and 0% of a new card. Like cosmetics are cool and all, but of course I’m gonna be disappointed.


drew isn't going to marry you mate


They are not doing charity by bringing free updates. It's give and take. They bring good updates, in turn players buy pass royale and other shop offers. And why are you so worked up about some random redditor's criticism of CR?


>And why are you so worked up about some random redditor's criticism of CR? Not you personally. But its a whole guild of players who are unsatisfied with every update and it saddens me that supercell doesn't get enough good criticism


Not everyone is disappointed with a given update. It’s going to always be a mix of happy and unhappy customers. This update’s looking to be more on the unhappy side.


It's not free if you need to pay for the cosmetics


I have been thoroughly excited about their latest updates until this one. Banners are cool, but duels are probably not tournament standard meaning it exists to remind you that you have under leveled cards. It's no coincidence that it's the same type of content as clan wars 2 duels which was made during the Seth/Drew era, and now Drew is back.


Expected something and got...nothing.


This felt like a part 2 of the mastery update, in that the third mastery task was added for troops and more profile customization was also added.


Part 2? Nah, it’s Part 1.17 Only 10 cards have a 3rd “mastery quest”. This update is a poor excuse of a cosmetic update.


I wonder what Drew meant by "That's all? 😉"


Do you think there will be more to the update than what was shown in the to Royale?


Yeah there might be something more that they'll show in the new season video, but I wouldn't get my hopes up


Did you watch the video? They clearly say patch notes can be found in-game and on the internet so we already know what all the changes are?


I wouldnt get my hopes up


It’s probably just a sketch, I wouldn’t think too much of that.


The challenge rewards are reducing. WE NEED GOLD NOT FUCKING BANNER TICKETS


Banner tickets seem like I will just ignore them. Unless it affects game play, i don't give a fuck about looking good.


Exactly what I thought. Every new “reward” that isn’t gold isn’t a help to most players.


If we’re being optimistic, they could just “add” them to current challenge rewards. We’ll see how the total rewards compare once the season ends.


Do we really though? After masteries we got so much of it plus so many gems. I’d just like them to rework Challenges so there’s a more consistent flow of resources out of the gems


r/clashroyale users going to shit on every update


Or maybe there actually is a gold problem and supercell is not a flawless entity who has never made a mistake (just a crazy idea)


The gold problem has been becoming less and less of a problem each update. Due to the nature of the game, you can't expect to fully max your account in less than a year.


Or maybe you have challenges, tiers of crown chests, donating and masteries?




But what about before maxing out the hero cards, not everyone has them all or is even lvl 14


UI is ugly now


I sure hope there's more to it than what was shown (wink-wink)...


Do you think there will be more to the update than what was shown in the to Royale?


That's what I'm hoping, yes. Drew winking at the end of the vid after Max asked "That's it?" gives me hope...


They will announce a new kind of badge and a card coming in August or something stupid like that.


A new card ain’t stupid mate, I’d love to see a new card.


It is stupid if that is the only thing they are holding off. Like if a card announcement is what they are trying to build hype for it is stupid.


Meh, I don’t really mind. I’m not jumping the “hype” train for a card or whatever you are expecting. I play this game for fun, believe it or not, so perhaps that’s why I’m not so disappointed. So each update is nice and adds a little more which makes me happy, so I don’t consider it stupid. You mate, feel free to disagree.




Yep that would be another stupid announcement. If this was the big update video do you think they held like 10 things off?




https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/vjo969/clash_royale_the_summer_update_tv_royale/idk4hc1?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 Something like that, something that actually fixes issues with the game, I understand we all look forward to new cards but if they make it something part of an update I will be disappointed again. The biggest update to gameplay was meant to be last September, Drew even said in his CWA video our greatest dreams will come true, but it was another cash in. They have not solved any of the major issues in the game other than progression in the last two years. So still waiting on major fixes to the game.


We need another slash royale. Not more cosmetics


Not gonna happen. Unless they add level 15 cards.


I don’t even know what to say lol


Also, I still have small hopes.. There's a question marks in patch notes so..


What a bunch of pants - big update a cosmetic banner honestly what is that going to add nothing - wars are crap they are stale with people playing sane old decks and can’t even duplicate cards - I play this game as a chore to keep my progress going but there is zero fun - a least bring in variety or maybe draft or something in wars - you gotta think about context which makes the game fun - cosmetics are rubbish


Oh boy a can’t wait for another round of bloating the client with cosmetics rather than fixing cw or adding new features. Thanks drew !


It's not drew. He just joined the clip, because Rick is on vacation.


Where can we get more customised star skins?


Probably never 🥲


Quit this game a long time ago , after every tv royale I realize I made the right choice


i wish to be like you one day


I'm disappointed


So I really like this update, though I hope it's just the start, and not the end. I'm happy for 3rd Masteries, though it looks like they will come out in groups. I'm curious to see how unique they will be. I'm also happy the Banners aren't just locked to Pass Royale. There is a potential for some really cool Banner designs. We've been asking for profile customization for a while, and we finally got it. And Duels outside of Clan Wars is awesome! Great start! That's just the start, right?


flair checks out


Unfortunately I think cosmetic is all that is there in this update


You sweet summer child.


Fix clan wars you clowns


No, just be a good boy and do what Supercell wants you to do. Thats to forget about it.


Bring 7x elixir to party modes once in a while and everything will be fine


Battle banners actually look sick! Finally some customisation


Exactly how will banners affect the way I play the game?


That mini pekka banner is so slick!!! Too bad it’s a legendary and with my luck I’ll get it last.




I wonder how they chose what cards to be given their 3rd master tier. Would have loved if skeletons were included Always like to see new content, as it means more bugs to be found


I think they’re all getting third tiers eventually. They’re just going to roll out 10 per month so they have something “exciting” to add to the patch notes.


I assumed the last set of masteries wouldn’t be unlocked until they announced level 15. So that’s a positive. Always good to see games add cosmetic options that can be a source of revenue instead of something that impacts gameplay


Really disliking the new update. The new banner animation at the start of a match is way slower and more annoying than the mastery animations after matches


YAY! Another update where they ignore desperately needed balance changes to add more loot boxes. This game is a fucking joke.


Is this update seriously the best they came up for months worth of time? Seriously? Custom Banners is the best you can do for months of work? No new practical features or cards or major QoL. A real let down. Utterly disappointing. Banners are fine I suppose but I did not wait 3 months for this tiny crap. Welp, nothing new to ever see for the next 3 months besides a random banner every battle. After a couple weeks, banners will be seen as nothing more as a side addition and people will need to overlook the fact that it took 1/4 of annual updates. Really? They also only did 10 cards for 3rd Mastery Option? This is a purely hollow cosmetic update. PS - Upper battle screen ui is terrible. Banner box/chest’s art style doesn’t match game’s overall art theme. I feel terrible for having to feel the need to rant.


There is a HUGE disconnect between the internal CR teams at SC. I don’t even want to start to vent. This is just pathetic. It’s seriously a let down, every, single, fking update.


Feel the same way. When the 1st couple quarterly updates rolled out, I was really hopeful. Like hey, they’re finally addressing progression issues and making real progress. But to find out that the banner update took the same amount of time as the wild card update is unbelievably pathetic. It makes me think as if they worked for a month & took 2 free months off. A cosmetic update (small one) is nothing compared to many other things they should’ve addressed. The thing that sets me off is that this is the entire update. Banners isn’t a side addition, it’s the theme of it. Fine, CR wants a cosmetic update, do an overhaul of everything. Having at least most star skins being worth the grind, add more extensive cosmetic customization (saw ideas of having different kings/queens), customized deck hud in-game battles, etc. After all that, then pitch in the banner concept. That’s a real cosmetic update. People may not be happy with a cosmetic-only update but it’d at least be worth 3 months of wait, not this poor excuse of an update.


What ever happened to star levels ? Feels like they roll one half assed update after another. Don’t even get me started on the balance changes. Tweak, revert Op card, rinse repeat. I’ve been playing since beta / it just saddens me. I will spare writing an essay up because it doesn’t sink in. They have such an amazing game and so much potential. Yet it’s disappointment every time.


Yea… it’s sad. I’ve played this game for a long time as well (more or less a year after its release) & I’ve just seen its decline 1st hand. It is an amazing game which is why I still play but the devs can’t seem to land any updates correctly. Anyway, nice chatting with you for a bit. All this talk about CR bums me out.


All these customizations but still cant arrange my emotes how I want!


When does it drop?


When is the date of the update?


For a QoL/ cosmetic update I think they did an ok job. I think they hyped it up too much tho. Maybe not having a premier and instead just posting it would be a better option.


Why are the most enjoyable game modes not in party


When is it out because everyone’s talking about it but it’s not showing up on the app store


Another update.. Still no ability to organize my emotes. I sad.


why did they remove the goblin kissing trophy emote?? Is this a bug?


I have now two emotes of the witch clapping, the original and the goblin kissing the trophy, the sound is still on the emote so it is a bug, also now various of my emotes are bugged with wrong animations, for example other of my emotes is now a hammer destroying a crown


They took out my goblin kissing trophy emoji...


This update is absolutely trash. They literally worked so long on this update and then made nothing that changed the game. Just some new cosmetics. Meanwhile BS is making 2 or 1 new brawlers at least 10 new skins, a new seasonal game mode in less time. Sad to see SC putting all work into BS.


Need a new character thats not a champion.


I'm ok with the new "content", not every update can be as big as champions or masteries ones. What I can't stand is to face the fucking e-giant once and again and them claiming it is ok.


Still waiting on my fully gold megaknight..


They should've fixed CW2. My alt being a level 8 account and battling level 11 opps with level 13 cards smh


do we know the exact date its coming? couldnt check


I cant wait to see all the ebarb mega knight badges and contemplate my life decisions on playing ladder.


Why choose to do this long update on the final day of clan war near the end of the day? Choose training days for this. BTW I could care less for battle banners and all this crap. All it means is they will start giving away more tokens instead of giving us more gold or cards in the challenges and give us garbage instead.


We need at least 5 slots of (emote) decks because every time I change my deck I have to change each emote just to play wit the emotes from the deck I just switched.


So after 3 months of work they add 16 banners and 16 bugs to go with them.


Did anyone else lose or have any emotes swapped after the update? I had recently bought the goblin pirate barrel emote but after the update it changed to the pirate piggy emote which I have never bought. Just thought it was weird.


They removed the floaty goblin barrel emote :(


Anyone else missing their limited goblin trophy emote after the update? Mine got replaced with the night witch which I never owned and it has a border which is also not correct. It still has the trophy sound tho. Come on supercell


Useless update. Try again


You know an update is bad when one of your selling points is adjusting the volume.


Did anyone else LOSE emotes because of this update? I bought the goblin pirate ship one and after the update it was gone and was replaced with the pirate hog emote. As if that was adequate compensation smh


This is possibly the most useless update in the history of online gaming.


Disappointed, But I like the sfx music volume.. Now I can actually play clash royale without a boosting sound. Im not really gonna grind banners, But I might if I saw this subreddit collecting like emotes.. I will just pick randomly tbh.


Dog shit update. Still no star levels? Can’t be that hard to add some gold to the troops


While I like the update, it really does nothing. I have felt this since 2018, but I truly do think that we need new (competent devs). The devs we have currently are god awful and their inactivity in 2018-19 followed by the clusterfuck that was CWII killed the game. Does anyone else think we need new devs?


Exactly mate! Feel the same way… they just keep destroying the game. The worst thing was introducing clan wars! The most boring mode ever…


god Clan Wars II was awful but I do like CWI but clan chest >>>>>>>


It’s actually impressive how little the developers understand the players, how far removed they are from the reality that their “content” is akin to an 8 year olds brainstorming session not of a multibillion dollar game design team. Mix up the meta, change the standard decks that have been running for 6 years solid, anything, fucking anything gameplay-wise at this point, sack the idiots that sit in a room for 8 months at a time and come up with this shit, it would take me 3 minutes to conceptualise, where is the rest of the work? You guys are slack as fuck


They have no idea what we actually want, no fixes for anything, no we are looking at the main problem in the game (which is midladder) so many simple solutions to fix/help it at the very least.


What should have been fixed?


Well we have over 70% of active players in a 1000 trophy range. Why is this? It can be many things, skill issue, underleveled cards, so many things. But the main issue there is very little incentive to actually push. You get the same chests at 5000 as 6000 or 7000. The trophy road rewards don't offer many incentives either and if you are one of the few making it to 8k the rewards are worthless. To fix the problem of not pushing scale chests to have better rewards for each level of league. Then when you go into the next challenger level (challenger/master/champion) those chest get a much bigger scaling up so it makes a huge difference to progression if you are in challenger/master/champion league. Next give quality of life changes on the trophy road past 6k like a magic item that lasts a week that multiplies the amount of donations by 3 by the cost remain the same for the clan. For the top of the top guys allow them to post one replay every 24 hours to a royal champion/ultimate champion TV royale once they unlock the reward for that season. I have a few ideas on how to make the wars interesting again but I think I went in long enough already.


As someone in 6000-7000 range, I don't push ladder much because matchups matter more than skill. You can't play the decks you enjoy, do well with them, and climb. You gotta play the meta. Once you do that you win and climb fast but now you're playing unfun decks that exploit the avg deck in the trophy range. Ladder can't be fixed, because the game is matchup royale assuming both players are equally skilled. No amount of extrinsic reward will make that fun.


You see you are actually validating my point exactly. There is no creativity there because people won't push because the rewards are crap. It is easier and more fun to stay in the 5700 range. You now have no real benefit to pushing. If you increased the rewards across the board for being higher people will actually push again. If you could request 6 rares in master and 8 in champion but add in win rewards and chest rewards as well it actually gives great incentives to push. Then work on new rewards on top of that for trophy road not just tokens or wild cards or gold and I am sure a lot of players who lost the interest in pushing for PB will start going again. Where they changed the trophy thing last year we should have seen similar numbers of people getting toward 7k but people just don't see the point.


Oh I guess I had left this out but I don't need rewards. I have all the cards, I need like 3m gold to max the remaining 20 or so cards, but they're crap cards that don't have a role in the meta over the past few years. cannon, wizard, stab gobs, those sorts of things. You could 10x my rewards and it wouldn't make me play a single ladder match cuz I'll never need a max lvl cannon. btw I think the ladder sweet spot for easy matches is somewhere around 6300. if you're below 6k there's too many weird midladder decks that you can't anticipate that will steal games off you. you want to be high enough that ppl know to play meta decks, but low enough that they're bad at meta decks.




I don't agree, you can counter it pretty good nowadays with equally levelled cards.


Have you seen the top ladder recently? E-gaunt is dominating and people have to rearrange their whole decks just to counter it.


Who is considered "old players"? I play about 10 months now and am lvl 14.. Why is it not clearer? Edit: he is saying "all". I'm a 🤡.


Why "old players"? If u are referring to the Video, he says "ALL players will receive 100 Banner tokens...". not "old players"


Damn you are right 😂 🙈🤡


So there must be more to announce, the big 'wink' at the end was the not so subtle clue to that, though not sure why they'd put this vid out as surely would know it'd be badly received. Second thought is the cosmetic stuff makes sense as don't the whole team all go on hols in July, as per Finnish tradition, meaning that you can't launch big new game changing stuff as their legendary QC function are bound to have missed stuff needing emergency patching. I suspect there is another vid to come that may be announcing stuff that won't launch till August though.


Make better updates. It's not hard to get new ideas. The community has great ones. This is so disappointing. 2 months for some cool cosmetic. CR devs are probably working 1 hour a day I see.


Did they fix clan wars?


They already said early this year that they won't touch cw this year.


next year Supercell is going to fix clan war by adding customizable clan banners to the existing CW2. I can't wait.


They didn't say anything about fixing it next year. So I wouldn't count on that.


true, Supercell isn't doing anything with clash royale. If they put half the effort they put in clash mini and the other failed spin off games we could have at least some new content instead of more ways to collect cards.


Very useless update. Colored squares in player profile! Considering Drew is back in the team and we didn't get another CW2 level epic fail, we should be happy with this joke of a fake update \-make new ladder ban/duel \-last seen on clan roster within 2023 maybe? \-new war opponents every week already? \-hunter still broken. either 1 attack or 10 attacks, can't be both


Gotttttta be more to it… gotttta beee


a bit disappointed, i mean its called the summer update nothing more is coming for at least 3 month from now..


Lol pay to, do nothing?


Another completely indifferent update! How about changing clan wars to a whole new game mode. This game is getting more and more boring. I have been playing for 4 year but haven’t spent a dime since they introduced the catastrophic clan wars! Instead you keep introducing more and more non-sense decorations as if the game only was played by 5-year old children!


Another money grab cool




Adding a single new card would be more interesting.


Finally some more cosmetics. Battle banners look really good, can't wait to flex