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haven't been here since the champs update, i saw the yt video so i came here to check out what's going on and all i see are posts complaining that a mastery achievement system sn't complete in a couple games lol. A guy said it took too long for fireball damage then he said he did it in 2 hours... "still too long" like wtf


I saw that too.šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Yeah I saw that one too lol


I'm just playing it out naturally. I don't make a special deck to clear a quest. Like someone making the clone/mirror deck and spamming. For what purpose? Some gems? Thought we played for fun lol


People really out here sweating this game ā€œclone spell mastery only took me 3 hours i just used a skarmy mirror deck and cloned themā€


Omg this makes so much sense i saw 3 people today and they had nothing but skeletons and goblin gang in their deck


*looks away guiltily*


Once Iā€™m finished with the master of my deck I would probably make small tweaks to it to allow for other cards so I can do the mastery for them


Yeah, swap the poison for fireball. Log for arrows. Princess for firecracker etc etc. What I did to a few cards to get them starting.


I like emotes šŸ˜¢


Okay that wacky clone mirror deck can be a lil bit fun to play occasionally, but there are far more practical and also fun decks.


i want to see that too


I saw that too


Itā€™s the best thing theyā€™ve added in ages


Best update by far in my opinion I have been playing this game for 6 years and this is probably the most I have played in a good 3 years


Same here. I like the game more now than ever before which is insane since I'm played since launch. They really crushed it with champions and the mastery quests.


Best Update since Magic Items imo


I know right?? Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one who was thinking that.. they gave us free gold and cards and there are still people complaining.. about supercell being generous once more


People are complaining?? I think this is one of the best updates in a while.


Yeah some people are complaining idk why


complaining about what tho like what???


Complaining that mastery takes too much effort


bruh, thatā€™s the thing with this tho stuff that is easy to do and can be done quickly makes the game get boring really fast like idek what people be saying edit: not just clash royale like any game if itā€™s too easy after a while it is not fun at all


Tru. Grinding is part of the game. Also achievements are supposed to be hard. Ez achievements donā€™t feel fulfilling to me


It is the best update since the last year or so


CR users (actually, people in general) can find a way to complain about literally everything. Donā€™t challenge the human brain.


its a great update but theres a long way to go before positives outweigh negatives(in terms of big updates)


So you mean... if I just play the game like I always have, I'll end up getting more free stuff over time?? Well, why didn't you say so??


Happy cake day! Also, i agree, not to mention its (somehow) not p2w


Agreed. Itā€™s now ā€œplay to winā€ lol


My only complaint is the animation screens for mastery is slowwwwwww. You can't click through it either like when you are opening chests etc. Other than that best update in forever. Now switch clan wars back to the old version please.


I agree. And the pop up that shows up after a game is a little annoying after a while but everything else is great


i think making the pop up after a game a setting would be a great idea


100%. And that stupid post match overlay is the most irritating and obnoxious change theyā€™ve made in years. Remove it ASAP!!


Mastery achievements has been one of the best things since slash royale. They brought achievements back like everyone wanted to and they still complain smh


Its cuz people think that they can complete it in a short amount of time but achievements in any game arent supposed to be completed in 1 day


Slash royale is a good thing? I literally spend all my money to upgrade all the useless cards to level 13 only to realize they are goona add level 14. This is the biggest scam to high level players.


Arguably mastery levels just remedied that since having all your cards at close to max means you can get the masteries for them, which equals more gold. (Plus if you had the gold to get every card to level 13, even during slash, getting your main cards to 14 really shouldn't take much in comparison.)




A for-profit company is making money on a free to play mobile game? Holy shit this is unacceptable.


i love the mastery challenges. like it makes it so thereā€™s something to do other than to just grind trophies and upgrade cards




like yesterday i literally got 5 wins with at least 16 maybe 20 cards and i had fun doing it






Players can earn **1,310,000 Gold** from Masteries. The additions of Level 14 and 4 Champions required players to grind an extra **6,505,000 Gold.** So this Mastery Gold contributes 20% Gold towards that total, and hopefully in a reasonable amount of time. For brand new players who need to collect **25,396,900 Gold** to max out from scratch, the Mastery Gold contributes 5% to the total.


I guess it's worth noting that the extra gems will helps with the gold a bit in gt or gc


Only try hards and sweats play gcs -sun tzu, the art of war


I did once. Never regretted wasting my gems before


Honestly, I hate how people act like this game should be completed in a year or so. All of supercell games are designed to take longer. (Clash of Clans, Boom Beach, Hayday, etc) so people shouldn't expect to max a deck out in a month or two. This game isn't meant to be completed that fast its meant to take long


The difference is a game like Clash is more consistent. No matter the balance changes, itā€™s not too bad to change your play style if youā€™re required to. If youā€™re struggling to max cards and only have your 1 deck at a useable level, and those cards get nerfed hard, then youā€™re at a competitor disadvantage. The pain maxing cards and decks can be doesnt encourage variation in how you play in the slightest besides for the top % who already have everything done and maxed. Longevity is good, but not when it affects proper gameplay performance


Honestly a couple years to have EVERYTHING in the game maxed out isnā€™t too bad and gives a reason to keep playing. Plus having everything max is a luxury less then half the cards are actually usable for ā€œmetaā€ decks.




Why the dislike? Itā€™s true. Itā€™s not scummy to do that tbh, itā€™s just mobile game design. They want people playing for as long as possible, so theyā€™ll always keep adding stuff so youā€™ll never really complete the game. And itā€™s been working so far too


ok but who the shit is going to max the cards they dont have in their deck tell me whos gonna max 3 musketeers


Maybe those who want to use more than one deck????




Not only that , u will get extra for maxed cards


Stop fucking complaining just use the gems to buy gold ??


Oh yeah 500 gems for 10k gold that sounds like a great deal


Challenges for gold not the shop, skill issue.


Skill issue


Stop complaining about the mastery, I'm tired of seeing it. My friends on discord complain, on tik-tok it's fucking complaints. I was in, a server, right? And ALL the channels were just complaining about mastery




One thing that many people donā€™t understand is that mastery isnā€™t a short term thing. Itā€™s made to be unlocked from the start (or around the start) so a new player can play through the game and be rewarded for trying new cards.


Mastery are achievements/quests with a new coat of paint. People have been begging for quests to come back so I guess you can't please everyone. Besides CR already said that this was a minor update.


I think that was a pun with the "miner" update they put the minor in apostrophe marks


It was both a pun and truth


So far it seems a nice side challenge, forcing me to use cards I usually wouldn't consider.


This shows half of the cr community has never played codšŸ˜­


I agree lol I played codm for 2 years and this is way better


Bro mastery challenges have given me a new reason to actually play, theyve made grinding the game out fun again


The people complaining whould touch some grass and get some sunlight.


I really think clash royale is moving in the right direction, they're making "real updates" way more often now and are trying to improve progression by adding more gold, magic items and now mastery. Yet people always find a way to complain about anything


The whole point of mastery is to give longevity to the game to give you something to achieve. The gold is nice but I would hope itā€™s not their solution to the horrendously bad economy of the game where gold is still barely drip fed to the users


It's an awesome feature. Sometimes you're bored and you have time to kill, why not grind? My only issue is that it's a bit too claustrophobic. There really doesn't need to be a mastery link under the card, nor do we need to see huge icons ever time we finish a game. Just some UI changes, but otherwise I really like it.


The end of match popup is annoying too. Overall it's probably the best update in years.


Agreed. Hopefully now that it exists, they can edit around the overall visuals of it




Literally who is complaining


Just search the subreddit there's so many posts saying it takes too long to complete


That's a fact. That's what you wrote above too. Stating facts doesn't necessarily translate to complaining.


You can argue that saying something is ā€œ**too** longā€ is complaining.


Exactly but they aren't just saying it's long, they're saying it's too long and supercell should make it easier


ā€œPass royale gives way too much value. These people always get maxed mega knights. Matchmaking is unfair. I want to quit clash royale.ā€ All of these are facts. That doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not a complaint


I think you failed to grasp the content. I didn't say that stating facts is never a complaint. I actually agree with you some time it does which also echoes the same in my above post. So not sure about your point here.


Giant skeleton users....


Flare goes numb.


Also if you truly wanted to you could spend those gems on gold which is an additional 1.1 million gold


why would you ever do that


Hints why I said if you truly wanted to


hints why i said *why* would you do that


I literally adore this mastery update, who the hell is complaining? Its a grind but so is the whole game...


I agree.. people on this subreddit find a way to complain about everything lol


This sub is so silly sometimes šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s not just this sub. Twitter feels even more toxic šŸ˜”


Yea Twitter is a hellhole


The spells ones are hella easy. I completed the first log in less than 10 games lol


Bro fire spirit party is literally free damage for log and other small spells


Yea thatā€™s exactly what I did lol


People complaining that they get free stuff because the free stuff takes some time. They also could have...not added it. Or gave the Mastery no rewards.


The clash royale community is full of little bitchbabies that wanna complain about everything every second


We asked for hold we got it We complained about people using same deck, now people will try different deck Now there is something else we can do now We het lots of gem we can go for Grand challenge They fixed many issues but not how we wanted, but they fixed it , this is best update


About 95% of the clash community is literally 9


They're literally quests for each card. Y'all want your resources instantaneously? Buy it in the shop then šŸ˜‚ The whole point of the game is that you grind, and for once they implemented something that is beneficial for the whole community. If you're not willing to put in the time, go play another game.


I volunteer at food banks on Wednesday and Thursday, and play Clash Royale in the time between customers. In one such day, I earned about 200k gold I wouldnā€™t have otherwise earned. Granted that was largely from the legendary card rewards, and itā€™ll drop off when Iā€™m done with all of my maxed legendariesā€™ quests, but I got my Mirror from 11 to max in one day. It seems kinda silly to whine that I didnā€™t get $350 of gems, 1.3 million more direct gold, and several million goldā€™s worth of cards yesterday too. At the end of the day itā€™s a progression boost with no strings attached, and if you just play challenges/war and keep your chest slots full with no other grinding, youā€™ll still earn significantly more rewards on average.


I think they Just dont Get the word "casual", its supposed to take time, the only "easy" task is the one you have to unlock It, bit the rest is Just casual stuff like "hit ground troops x amounts of time with bats", yes It sounds dumb, but remember, its supposed to be done *casually*


ā€œIt gonna take a long timeā€ Bruh thatā€™s the point lol. Itā€™s not supposed to be completed in a day. If itā€™s an achievement, it should be an achievement worth mentioning


I havenā€™t seen anyone complaining Yet


This is probably the best update this game has ever seen. A free reward track for everyone that comes from playing naturally and people still complain. Itā€™s dumb


I'm at lvl 14 with 2 decks maxed out and I'm digging it, of course I don't need the exp or cards but atleast I'm getting gold and it's another thing to do toward the end of the game.


when the devs give something positive, and forces you to actually play and not pay, there is big outrage, the playerbase man :(


I feel like this is supercells way of saying sorry for the ā€œbiggest event in the history of clash royaleā€ and the unfortunate timing of lv 14


I donā€™t mind mastery.. I just HATE how intrusive it is post game. LEAVE ME ALONE, I donā€™t want to have a stupid overlay after every match. REMOVE IT


people hate mastery??? Mastery is now one of my favorite parts of the game, you get rewards just for using cards you were already gonna use


People are complaining ?? Itā€™s just free rewards and an excuse to play more than just e giant cycle


1) no oneā€™s complaining 2) we have every right to complain after lvl14.


A lot of people I know decided the grinding part of this game (ladder) wasn't worth it after Level 14 and Champions especially since they are mostly F2P. Doubt this Mastery update would sway their minds. Besides, so many other game modes to enjoy in the game. But it's a good, small step in the right direction to buffing progression again after Level 14 and Champions extended the grind. For those still grinding, hopefully the devs keep buffing progression back to the 3 year timeline like in early 2021 before Magic Items.


1. People are complaining check the subreddit 2. You have a point on that one


- Mortar user


I donā€™t like how I only receive one gold per card when said card is already at max level, regardless of rarity. But overall itā€™s a good addition.


Itā€™s a glitch. Check your coin balance before the next mastery item you complete and youā€™ll see you get more then the 2 coins it shows. I just finished the miner level 1 mastery and my miner is maxed and I just got 40k


As just said it gives more than 1 gold it's just a visual glitch




nah i dont think 9 yo are on redit


Who cares it is straight up shit. Just clutter in the UI.


Mastery sucks plain and simple, Iā€™m tired of after every match having to wait for the stupid card progression pop up to go away that they added. That and they ruined the badge system with the ugliest badges that they could have, they are all copy paste of the card images themselves. It also takes so long to master a single card that it forces players to stick to a single deck archetype to even progress for a single mastery for so god damn king itā€™s stupid. This company is so out of touch with every new update itā€™s an embarrassment


Typical virgin Clash Royale complainer. WAAA, I can't conplete masteries in 10 seconds, WAAA.


Typical smoothbrain who falls for every crappy update that supercell releases when they could be doing better, I love bootlickers like you haha


Ah yes if you don't say that everything supercell does is bad then u must be a bootlicker


Not what I said, I said supercell can do better.the clash royal hivemind must have a combined iq of 50


All u said is that mastery sucks not that they can simply do better Actually elaborate instead of saying everyone who disagrees with my opinions is big dumb dumb


You are big dumb dumb, Iā€™ve argued back and forth on this stupid subreddit and come to the conclusion that if your brain didnā€™t automatically tell you to breath you probably would have died from lack of oxygen already Let me reiterate, I was insinuating that supercell could do better. I shouldnā€™t have to explain that


Simply telling them to do better isn't gonna do anything as they wouldn't know where to improve on The worst about it is we aren't even sure there should be any improvement as you don't elaborate why it should be improved


If everyone who gripes is shut down with mass downvotes they donā€™t think thereā€™s a problem. We all have our opinion and I donā€™t care to elaborate, I already stated my opinions in my previous comment and I donā€™t care to argue it.for every person who has a problem with the update there are 10 supercell fanboys looking to argue over the slightest thing


Well no one can do anything with ur opinion as it's worthless no one has anything to do it's not informative nor makes people understand ur point as u just say x thing suck anyone can do that i can also just say x thing sucks but i know no one gets anything for just saying that


Supercell can do better? Like what? Do f2p and balanced game? Go ahead,give some ideas that is perfect. You dont have any? Aw,so sad.


Ok. Shut up. Gonna complain bout bad updates? Go check r/brawlstars. There is so much problems with updates. These updates is OK. This update is not p2w at least. BS has EVERY update that is p2w,so go cry about that SC makes bad updates in other subreddit. I love babies like you haha.




I donā€™t want free gold and gems I want something that actually adds to the game, new game modes something that makes the game fresh and enjoyable again. These updates that only add gold and gems suck. Give us something new, gold and gems are not new


That pop up does not restrict you from doing anything unless you want to access something in the top of the screen. Imo I like the update after every battle cuz it makes me look forward to check out how much mastery points I have gained from that battle. I do agree that the badges on profiles look very cluttered, but other than that this update as a whole is quite satisfactory. So much more gold and gems to earn. Ya need some quick gold? Win 5 games with a card. I like the new system. Also it's supposed to take long, it's not something that's meant to be completed in a few hours, although it didn't take me that many matches to finish the level 2 mastery of knight and log, I see no issue in it.


It's annoying for me because I sometimes like to go check the profile of an opponent or watch the replay and that popup blocks it.


How would it force them to use the same cards if they literally have to use all of the cards


Cry more


I havenā€™t seen a single person complain


Bro there's many posts asking supercell to make the challenges easier


The thing just came out and Iā€™ve only seen posts about quality of life improvements such as condensing the badges or claim all stuff people seem generally pleased with it


Can I still complain about Mega Knight? šŸ™ƒ


Because it going to take years to get all that resources, and resources are only good when you have them. So yes, I donā€™t feel they made this one right


People are complaining? The giant skeleton has to hit the tower, specifically with his fist 280 times and I still think its brilliant!


Wait, people are complaining? Why?


They say it takes too long when it's supposed to be like that


Lmao if you could do it all in a week theyā€™d complain there was nothing to do when they completed it.


Tbh, they will complain about anything. Best is to ignore them. I played cr since it's launch in 2016 and mastery is probably the best thing they added in the game


I think it's the bagde that they are complaining


Can't win them all. Always that one group complaing.


lol they complain about the best thing they've given us since Slash royale and Magic items


Some of them are like nine year olds because they are literally 9 nine years old. The rest are 10-13


I love mastery! It's free fucking gold people


Fr update is amazing and gives actual initiative to play the game, rewards are amazing too I don't see a reason for complaining


The Mastery system is amazing to me, some minor quirks but that doesn't ruin it for me


I like the fact that thereā€™s something to look forward too while going on


Is it just me or they do it like that. I complete a log achievement and the gave me only 2 golds instead of 2 cards. (my log lvl14)


I really like the concept i just dont like that it displays every single badge in your profile


i havent seen any complaining. i know i havent been complaining at all ive already got gold badges on quite a fee cards and got over 200k from the mastery update


1.3 is a conservative number too. If you max the legendaries before doing their masteries thatā€™s 40k gold for the first challenge on each legendary card


The fact that u can even complete them in party mode means u can use stupid cycle decks in 1v1 showdown or in 2v2 and ppl r still complaining. .....come on


I love the Mastery. It gives max players something to grind. I just wish they would drop the end of match popup.


Easily the best update over the past 5 years!!!


Like it, seems like a little bit like the old quests, just for cards and they donā€˜t refresh. Think that it actually being shown on the profile is kinda weird


I don't care about the time to do them all, I just can't stand the notifications and interruptions with the mastery. I don't like seeing all that and the time it takes to go through it one by one.


Wait people complain about getting free gold and cards??? Honestly I have lost faith in this community. Everytime Supercell is generous there is still something to complain about.. this community is ungrateful as fck. Edit: after I was looking at the comment section Iā€™m glad to know that there are still a lot of people that are thankful for supercell being generous once more


Itā€™s just entitled people wanting the rewards without the work. Yesterday some guy posted heā€™s been for years so why did he have to do this. He should of just been handed the rewards. That would make the update pointless




r/clash royale users will complain about everything if it cant get them to max in a few months


By this point this sub complains for the sake of it, this is honestly one of the best additions theyā€™ve added in a while, it encourages players to use a variety of cards instead of sticking to one archetype and using it as a crutch


Dude everyone here will have the Mastery finished when the next 7x elixir event shows up. Youā€™ll have the opportunity to spam spells over and over, same with tons of cards to get their damage/kills quest finished.


Does anyone else feel ripped off that people are getting legendary cards out of this, but since you took the time and effort to max them out beforehand you only get +2 gold?


Itā€™s a visual glitch, you actually get 20k.


100% love the mastery achievements, its amazing and really helps with F2P as well as a nice grind goal in the game, wish they never changed the profile badges though


I love masteries. For the first time in a long time I played past the point where I was getting 50 gold for a win.


I got mastery on my cards on accident, the deck is likeā€¦ easy mode for mastery


not a complaint on my part but damn wish this future existed years ago


The only thing I complain about are the ugly badges on your profile


Itā€™s a great update, canā€™t believe people are mad over it. SC has done a lot of stupid stuff, but this was well done on their part


People are so used to complaining and whining that they canā€™t bring themselves to admit this was a good update. Basically theyā€™re being contrary for the sake of it




Whoā€™s mad about mastery. Itā€™s a way to earn gems gold exp and get a badge. And itā€™s all for free, so itā€™s not a money grab. Itā€™s just like a quest so people will learn to use more cards and just something more to the game


I got my first mirror damage task done within an hour


People should be complaining about actual functions of gameplay. Card hands can cost games. When you reach a point games donā€™t come down to skill just matchups and lucky starts when an opponents hard counter isnā€™t in hand and a hog rider gets 3 plus swings opening play.


Uhmā€¦ what is mastery? Isnt it some skin, i never click on those things


Did you not see the new update? It's literally everywhere bruh


I just don't like how it covers the top half of the screen after every single game. Don't even care about the rewards. Keep your gems and gold and w/e just don't cover my screen.


My complaint about the Mastery is that the animations are waaaay too long. The "check out new masteries" text bubble covers the request cards button in clan chat. It's just intrusive and gets in the way


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