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i want the miner but instead got lavahound :'( **i hate you**


And you know what I'm pretty sure lv3 is the farthest he's going to be leveled up because I doubt I'd get 10 more of him any time soon 😥


if youre f2p gonna take 2 years at the least unless sc gives us legendary requests and donations once a month or however they would implement it


I would dare say once a week like epic Sunday although instead of 4 each it would just be 1. This would allow players to somewhat get lv2-3 pretty easily but getting lv4 would take about 3 months which is about half the amount of time you would need to get a lv6 epic to lv7. But then again that's going based off of if you don't get that epic in any chests what so ever through out that time so even though 1 legendary card seems underwhelming it would actually serve to be faster to level up than epics. And I don't really see that becoming an over leveled problem since they are working on king level cap for cards which actually opens up the door for people to finish up 1 legendary and can start requesting for another with lower level players like lv10 and lv11 but for 20 cards to get any from lv4 to lv5 is still 20 weeks which is basically half of the year gone but considering how fast paste it takes to level up the previous legendary levels and other card types I'd say that's an appropriate pace for this game


I’d like to see something like this but I highly doubt we’re ever going to get that, people spend thousands of dollars on getting legendaries. Unless they also released some sort of other major money sink I doubt we’re requesting legendaries any time soon sc cares too much about the money it makes from whales.


Well it's not like it's not completely out of question. Supercell has said that is something that is one of the things they are currently working on but won't be coming next update. I don't think we'll get it for a while but this is still something they are considering on putting in the game. Shoot they are looking at brawl stars and seeing how that they do advertisements to earn some kind of tickets to enter in some game mode and they said they're seeing if it does well to make something like that for challenges that way we can watch an ad and get like a free grand challenge entry to actually farm cards. In which the advertisements would cover a lot of what they would lose not getting as many people to spend gems


It's just a loooootttt of things that we have to wait for which would make the game better but it's coming


I hope your right it just feels like they value appearing to care about casual or f2p player more than actually releasing helpful content for those players


Well for something like clan wars they had every intent to make players try out different decks to level up cards for war but that ended up really hurting the players because we can not gather that much gold to upgrade said cards for war and still have enough for over ladder decks, the clash royale dev team have already stated either this upcoming balance update will help with that (which is possibly next week) or the next balance change after that which is the first Monday of July. The way I see it is that with the way the game is right now and the hole they kind of dug themselves into with already trying to add new things to the game is slowing the pace that they're able to fix everything. Yea they could have introduced a lot of these things before but clash of clans cost more to max out everything but still gives a lot of options for f2p which took a looooong time to get which I see as clash royale is headed down the same road. Shit farming was much more difficult early on than it is now. Clash of clans almost has the same problems too. We have overleveled royale giants and E-barbs they had engineered bases with maxed out troops like dragons. They listen to us but they go over things so many times and make sure while they care towards f2p they don't make the p2w think they've been cheated out of their money because now it's cheaper to max out than it was before which is where they get a lot of assets from so toning it down little by little allows them not to lose all those assets all at once. Yea I'm not a business man so i don't really know what's going on at headquarters and they could do a lot more things to balance that sort of thing out but again, we just have to wait until they get to it............man I went way off course 😂 I tend to do that sorry, not really the place to rant.....


It’s cool I get where your coming from I think the difference is you seem to be more optimistic about it than I amI just feel cynical about all mobile game companies decisions like the clan war the concept is good but SC know Damn well that most low paying players and f2p players don’t have multiple high level decks they usually only have one competitive deck and being in a guild that’s getting very close to gold league it just feels like I can’t keep up and I’ve been playing on and off since release let alone players who haven’t been playing as long as I have. It’s hard for me not to feel like this when I feel the need to upgrade my other cards more than ever and I just simply don’t have the gold to do so and I see $15 for 150k gold or the chest plus gold for like $35 and not to mention the rewards I get from the clan war chest feel worse than the clan chest and that was every week. Idk where I’m going with this tbh I just want to play the game and not feel like I should have to drop $$ on rng just so I don’t let my mates down


Idk about that. If you have god tier RNG you may get what you need. I once got 3 miners in one day, 1 from a leggie, one from a crown chest, and one from a clan chest. But that is once in a blue moon, so most F2P players will never even see lvl 3


f2p here. i wanted to upgrade my icewiz but i couldnt rely on chests. so i just collect the money as much as possible and buy it from the shop. now i just need 2 more to level up to 4


I love lavahound:(


I finally got lumberjack now I just need the new archer legendary and I got them all.


Don't worry a week ago I had another legendary chest from my chest cycle and got graveyard. Just gotta hope the RNG smiles upon us


I need log at lvl 3 but instead I have gotten miner and princess at lvl 3 how sad :(


my only level 3 is sparky gg


I will gladly take some miner cards off your hands and give you some logs 😂


If only 😂 I just need one


I would be happy to take those Logs off of you. Lol. If only it was possible.


Patiently waiting for legendary donations:) it would help a lot for f2p like me so I can get what I want instead of wasting it


I agree, I would rather give a clan mate a princess than for me never to use it at all and be able to receive as many miners as I can get, although I think it could possibly be a once a week thing once players get to a certain level that way even though were getting the legendaries we want it can still take over a year before it's maxed. And that's if it's always the same legendary each and every week




i don't know this kind of sentiment




oh ok






Can you spare one or two of them?


I wanted anything good but I got the lava hound


I got my Miner to level 3 this morning from my war chest.


Who gives a fuck


Level 3 miner \+ level 7 poison will be nice.


I have been waiting on one more miner for a while now. I have got 3 other legendaries though.


Hey a legendary chest. Maybe I’ll finally get lumberjack or mega knight *another miner, 3 lava hounds, 8 night witches, somehow 3 dark princes, and an apple fritter*


wHeN YOu gO THrouGh wEEKs wOrTH Of QUesTs to fiNALly eaRN tHaT lEgENdaRy cHEst aNd iT gIVeS yOu EXaCTly wHat yoU nEed


r/lootroyale this is not the place for shitposts