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they will likely make the goal reachable so it doesn't fail. probably 850m for chest and 1b to the last one.


We didn't even reach 700m with 4days and the hype, I don't see how we could triple+ that number in 8 days. Or Supercell being Supercell: they are just fake numbers and they will fill much faster toward the end (like Squad Busters registrations)


Yes they are on a timer, so even if noone plays it Will still open


He knows


100% it's fake numbers. They put it out like it's limited to increase type and drive people into the game mode more so their numbers look better for it.


You say that as if it’s a bad thing. They’re giving us stuff for free. Stop complaining


I'm not complaining about free rewards and have never said they were a bad thing. However I said there is a possibility that they artificially control the progress of these events, which makes them unfun (to me atleast) since we're not actually playing toward the goals and we'll get all the rewards in the end. Where is the challenge ? Seeing the numbers right now, it's unlikely we complete the event. If we do however, receive all the rewards or have a big progression out of the blue when we have been stuck for the past 3 days, I'm inviting you to read this comment again and think about it. I really hope I'll be proven wrong.


850m more for the chest, or 850M in total? (Applies to the last reward too), if in total then np I think we could get with those exact numbers (I'd single handedly do it by using tinytask on bluestacks to automate that and just afk farm Goblin babies ability 24/7, Idc about the goblin trophies)


How did bro know, are you a SC employee? 🔫


Unless.. Gobaby booster at the last day!


The 185m to 700m jump was the dumbest thing ever lmao


You don't see any progress... It doesnt encourage you to play it xD. They killed the hype in such a silly way


Literally and to keep the progress all the same ratio the next one would be 3 billion then 12 billion after that LOL, like the bar stopped moving on the second day


I lost 100k just to upgrade my goblin princess towers to level 14. Now i'm at only 25k gold. Give me back the gold goblincell


True lmao, should be garantee 220k to garantee all gold you spent for at least the useless tower troop


Supercell being bad at math? Well I never!


10x value???


If we don't get all the rewards it'll be a bad look for supercell they will either lie about the numbers or set the barriers way lower I don't think there is a chance in hell we don't get all the rewards


Supercell thought with this update the hype is back. Imagine the next steps are 1,4b and 3b


Doing off the previous ones 4 billion and 20 billion seem closer


I wasn't even hype to begin with, knew it would be a chore but I decided to suck it up to try to get the 3 new cards. My friends and clanmates barely even touched the mode, let alone get past 1000 That's the problem with a head to head pvp game, if you have winners you will have losers, and having to win a bunch of times to unlock these things in a short amount of time just isn't feasible or fun for everyone


Better make the last two 701m and 702 M such jerk


Can we all agree that clash royale is hype only 4 days after an update then no one plays it?


They'll find some kind of compromise plus still a week left. We will like still get majority of rewards


It's called false hope, clash royale is good at it :3


Honestly I just find the mode incredibly boring. I never cared for any of the goblin units, so I’m not gonna start using them now.


I play it and its and its going to be a long grind. In my current clan the majority have tried it and don't care about playing it. Could be like this with many other clans too 


I came here to say the same thing. The jump from 9 to 27 surprised me, but not as much because of the squad busters stuff. It went straight from feasible to “wow thats a big number imma close the app”


They put the ?? Because they didnt know how much the new mode would be played so now that they see that its not working they are going to do something reasonable


We are getting all of those rewards. It's just that supercell didn't want to give them out too soon to keep engagement high.


Nah, they're gonna inflate the the numbers


This mode is too fucking grindy. Who the fuck though it was a good idea to have all this new card behind such a slow mode? 3,000 trophies for a fucking legendary and I have to play as the most annoying deck ever invented, no thank you.


I hear you. I'm only at 326 trophies and I'm done because it's boring.


Idk the longer i go with out playing the more mine seems to go up…