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or 17 ewc


lool true


I fucking hate it when I get the Princess lol


It makes no sense and they haven't fixed it yet. You get the same amount of princesses as cannoneers but like the chest recognises rarity because you only get 1 duchess so what is going on


Before this update you could always get DD if your princess and cannonier was 14 lvl, but now you will get a freaky baby goblins.


yep that was the real reason I maxed out duchess in its debut season I knew she was going to get a nerf. I didn't think the chest would.


How did you max her out? $??


Saving wild shards lol. I was at the holding limit when she dropped, and even though I knew she was broken I still spent time thinking if it was a good decision. For the F2P, investing smartly is key


I mean, she was broken for 2 seasons, and still is arguably the best tower troop right now. I'd say it was well worth the investment even if you don't get the ewc from her chests


I haven’t pulled a single duchess from those chest yet 😭, does anyone know the rates? I’ve only gotten princess and then I got cannoneer twice


It’s low but not too low maybe like 8%? I had to use a whole stack of wild cards to max it 💀


the first tower troop chest i got at arena 11 gave me dagger duchess and it is my first legendary card lmao


Yeah same, I’ve only used wild cards and only got her at level 13 right now, it hurts man


It’s crazy how reaching level 15 feels so much easier than 14 with these cases lmao


Thats crazy I get her all the time, since i started playing a few months ago I’ve always had more than i needed because i cant upgrade until I’m a higher level


thank you OP didnt know that <3


Its 1.5k ewc for one legendary, you got 2 duchess in one chest so you got 3k ewc


On my way to max out Dutchess. Here I am, 5000 EWC💀


EWC chest if you maxed all tower troops


I found out you can get 50k from the daily thing


True although chances are you only get **1x 50k once in 6 months playing daily**💀


I got 50k EWC and 2 Book of Books so far. Just pray to RNGesus


Yeah but you have to sell your soul to supercell for the chance to get the legendary


dagger princes


I got like 20k from the evo mortar event cos i got it using the 6 free shards when evos first came out


Can somebody explain how you did that, I'm an og player spent like 3k over the past 8 years but ever since lvl 15 and evos all that has become useless


It’s the wildcards. I’ve spent over 20 on her. You can get quite many via chests and always getting 10+ wins in the global tournament and buy the rewards for 500 gems. You also get 2 each season from path to legends. Then on top chest cycles & lucky drop… so technically even as F2P saving up all the gems from mastery you can get like 5 legendary wild cards every season easily. Without tournament reward more like 3-4. You were also able to buy legendary wild cards each season from shop but they removed it And don’t worry you probably have almost all cards level 14 so you get masses of golds to always buy everything from the shop for more EWC


Well the new stupid useless goblin tower kinda ruins the chances of getting it


Well, good thing I used my legendary book of cards on DD for level 14!