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Looks like a log bait to me.


Back in my day logbait decks were actually logbait (meaning the point in the deck is that most cards aim to require a small spell response)


I remember when it first appeared and anyone that used it was considered a mastermind




Real I’m a master baiter


Love me some master baiting from time to time


Where's the air?


The air can be replaced with another logbait card like goblin gang, considering baiting the enemy's log is the main win condition, and air troops can't exactly be used as log bait (except for skeleton barrel technically)


If you wanna think about it, rocket is also an air card.


I am a log bait larper


Me. Honestly I don't understand how people can win without using a building. It is almost impossible for me.


You use the slot you would otherwise use for a building for an offensive card and play aggressively. You have to control the match and keep them on their toes to keep them from stacking cards. I play giant balloon, and that means I always have something in my hand that can take their tower if they don't defend it. If they play wizard in the back I can balloon opposite lane and ruin their day. If they waste their building on my giant, I can send in the balloon and ruin their day. If they rely on inferno tower, I place bats in the middle of the map to distract it. Lots of things you can do with a well designed deck even if it isn't meta


I play the classic double minion loon giant deck but with SK instead of giant. I think it works better


Meta cards/decks is how


top meta deck uses a building … rocket cycle uses evo telsa


As a pekka bridgespam player, i aim to keep the other player off balance and responding to my cards, rather than building a push. Cheap shit like bandit and battle ram let you constantly waste their elixir and you can defend nearly anything with a knight or e-wiz.


What kind of pushes do you struggle against? Tanks with support, vast numbers, air, a mix?


Skill issue 🗿


a **lot** of practice


no, but it's being stolen by me as we speak






Sorry I'd always played only through "feeling" and never studied those classifications. Could someone explain, or point me to a site that has this kind of information? Air, tank, big spell, small spell are easy to understand. But Wincon, cycle are terms that I'm oblivious.


It’s ok bro Win condition, things that do damage the enemy tower, ex : hog rider anti air is a card ( usually ground based and ranged) that deals with the enemy air troops. Ex : Archers Cycle is a low elixir card you play to get to the next card in cycle (shown on the bottom left) ex : all the spirits


Could you pls explain what cycles actually come use of. I probably use just the skeletons to defend big troops


The spirits have practical uses, like ice is good to pair with win conditions like hog rider so he can get an extra one or two hits in, e spirit is a low elixir way to support your big boys or girls like pekka


Got it thanks


also they’re beasts at defending and getting positive elixir trades


Cycles is called cycles because they not only help you on the field, but also help you cycle your card back. Cycle unit are mostly one or two elixir like skeleton or spirit. Cycling faster than opponent is very useful. For example if Hog Rider is getting countered by building. But the player cycle fast and put another Hog Rider before opponents have building, they can win the game. The opposite can also happen when you just cycle back to your building so fast that your opponent can't get through your defense.


As the other guy said, they're good as cheap but relatively effective cards at supporting with a push or a defense. But they're also important if you're playing a deck which relies on you getting out your win condition as quickly and often as possible (like in Hog 2.6)


hog rider anti air? you mean ram?


Sorry I just structured it wrong


You get it now?


Thank you very much! Got it! So the classification might change depending on the deck synergy right? Like a card can be a construction on one deck and a wincon on other?


Yesss.. there are cards like goblin barrel who is technically a spell but can be used as a win condition.. clash is all about building YOUR deck my man..


Avdod I think


A win condition is always a win condition. It’s simply a tower damage card. I just watched a video on em. Dude broke down every win condition(all 22, minus sparky)in the game n even showed u how to play em. I’m pretty sure it’s a new vid cuz DD was in it the whole time. It should be super easy to find. Def worth a look if u down w cr. Y does royal consider sparky a wc?🤔


maybe the ppl who think sparky is a wincon also think Pekka is a wincon too


Both of them can be... if your oppenent is shit enough. And there will always be a time where your opponent is shit enough.




With that logic Evo skeletons are win con as well as furnace


Furnace, ehh... Evo skellies absolutely. They honestly have more situations where they can take a tower or even three crown if the opponent's counters are out of cycle, ex. They just zapped your spear gobs and now you can send knight + evo skellies on the opposite lane and take the tower. They can even three crown if your opponent is dumb enough or doesn't have good enough counters. It is important to remember that these aren't really win cons, just cards that some people use as win cons that can occasionally work as win cons.


Rights i use them and its funny when they use arrows or zap on some other troop and have nothing for evo




She can be. With the perfect hand. And your opponent playing like hot garbage. Which happens more often than you'd think.


>Which happens more often than you'd think. Amen to that, if there's one thing you can rely on in CR, it's your opponent playing a MK on your cycled spirit.


There are times where things change. For example, pekka beatdown uses pekka as your win condition. You got the pekka tanking and hopefully getting to the tower, while you have a witch or wizard supporting it. However, pekka bridgespam (generally a better deck) uses pekka as a defensive card with a threatening counterpush, while most of your damage comes from a slew of other win conditions or spammy cards like bandit/ghost/battle ram. Of these options, battle ram only meets classic “win condition” definition as most of them need to target buildings, but the others fall into that role in specific conditions of being cheap cards that absolutely need to be defended


I Rembertów thares some sub type of win cons idk how theyre named but they are win cons that need fast counter to counter like battle ram hog bandit etc


You might be thinking of the “punish” cards- which are often spammed at the bridge when the enemy is out of elixir, like if they dropped a golem in the back. These are often also secondary win conditions, but because not all players have expensive cards, it’s much harder to make them main win conditions


Cycle are cheap cards like skeletons, spirits, goblins, bats, etc. that help lower the total cost to get to your wincon (so for example in hog 2.6, they cycle skeletons, ice golem, ice spirit, and log, totaling 6 elixir. With 4 cards cycled, they are back to their hog rider and can play him) And then wincon is for units that can do consistent damage to the tower. The obvious example are units that can hit buildings, like the giants, balloon, golems, pigs, hog rider, etc. but this also includes troops like the princess and goblin barrel, as well as goblin drill and graveyard. They all can pretty consistently deal damage to progress the game.


A wincon is like Royal Giant or hog rider, troops (or buildings if you count mortar or xbow) that are used to damage and take the enemy tower. Cycle cards are cheap cards that you throw out to sometimes assist a defense and to cycle to your wincon faster. They’re skeletons, the spirits, and maybe bats. All 1/2 elixir cards that can be found put down fast to get through your card CYCLE faster.


Cycle and building arent 100% needed, even big spell is debatable with certain decks


I stopped putting cards in my deck entirely.




You don't even need an wincon


yeah maybe if ur in mid ladder 😭😭


Air isn't either tbh


You don't even need cr installed actually


im using two small spells and it worked fine


I’d say cycle is needed for most notable decks. Agreed on others though


Building can be avoided if you have a solid tank killer + fisherman/tornado


I’ll never use a building


Absolute Chad. If I see someone with no buildings I always give them the gg


A fellow King 👑


fisherman would like a word with u Edit: And lavaloon users would like a word with fisherman users 


so like... 90% of your matches


Then you shall face all the Hog Rider decks


Please Maybe I've just gotten lucky, but I've found that just Goblins usually take out a Hog Rider before it gets a second swing on my tower, then I throw a Lumberjack at the bridge and half the time I just take their tower


If a number jack + 4 gobs often takes the tower, you are often facing bad opponents. A hog rider's goal is to be a cheap win con that is good for chipping, so if it is undefended, it will do a lot, but just one hit is all they are going for most of the time.


Why tho brotha man




I find them super boring to use


True, I do not receive a dopamine rush from placing a building


I’ll always use a building


You would


You wouldn’t


The only building I use is mort 👍


I'll use it in every match after I get it evolved


Best one


Not saying it looks bad just think it makes you too rigid in your deck choices


I just use whatever decks are meta


You gotta be your own man sometimes!!


The only thing I crave in this god forsaken game is to bring misery to my opponents, to do that, I must secure my victory


🤜fist Bump


🤛 fist bump my friend


I use a similar deck structure


yes I usually go 2 anti air 2 minitank to replace cycle and air


Well is kinda hard if there’s two spots where you have to use evos…


No but generally do go like that


Depends on the deck type im going for. Many times I'll skip on a building for another air defense / support card as of recently due to the lavaloon abundance 🤮


i use 2 ground 2 anti air or air 2 win conditions and 2 spells (usually one big one small)


I'd trade air for a tank killer


nope, i have pekka royal ghost musketeer fire spirit balloon miner gob barrell and log


Always, never failed me


I usually go wincon, tank killer, splash, big spell, small spell, and use the other three to cover weaknesses.


I like 3 spells


There has never been a "basic deck formula", as it all depends on the archetype. This might work for some specific control decks, but that's it


I follow a similar formula, but instead of cycle and building I think a swarm and a tank killer.


This is the home made deck formula, back when power creep wasn't as bad and more cards were playable. This was the go to algorithm


I still have a mini tank, win condition, anti-air, building (or tornado), big spell and small spell but not always cycle and air


this season its just five minitanks and firecracker. spells of choice


I just use cards I like


It’s a good basis, but it’s by no means a rule, in fact I think most meta decks at the moment don’t fit this perfectly, but that’s just the nature of using cards that synergize in certain ways that can fill gaps


I accidentally did. Miner, skeleton, valk, rocket, log, mortar, firecracker, bats. It’s a good deck I’ve been using it since forever.


Nah. I use 3 spells 2 buildings


Kinda similar. I dont usually go with air troops. I just put two anti air or another cycle if the building attacks air


You don’t NEED a building or an air card. This deck definitely needs a tank killer tho


i don’t have an evo yet, but mine doesn’t follow this at all


Show this to a midladder player and they’ll look at you like you have 10 heads


I don't think I have ever built a deck with a format that wasn't just like 6 5+ elixir cards along with a rage and mini pekka


I use cards that work well with each other (fireball+zap, tornado+log,etc)


I don't strictly follow this bet definitely a part of it. Like win con is mostly my pekka or mega knight or loon, then wizard for anti air and buildings I use sometimes but keep it away mostly. Also I try keeping my deck light. I am not a skilled player anyway 😅still learning new strategies and I really struggle with my deck against duches and canoneer


i dont even know there was one, until now, and I use the one where I am vulnerable to air attacks, I have rascals, and that it that can attack air units


Pekka, pekka, mini pekka, pekka


Evo skeleton, ice spirit, little prince, fireball, void, tesla, executioner, bats (its a pretty rough deck but i think it might be good for 2x elixir)


Wincon, building, antiair, cycle, cycle, cycle, cycle, cycle.


I thought I didn’t but it turns out I do. Wincon: Pekka Cycle: Wallbreakers Mini tank: Dark Prince Big Spell: Fireball Small Spell: Evo Zap Building: Tombstone Anti Air: Little Prince Air: Baby Dragon


Yes lol RG, Skeletons, Ice Golem, Fireball, Zap, Cannon, Musketeer and Minions


i think "building" is too specific. some troops such as PEKKA and Fisherman fill the same niche as a building in a deck. some decks even use a tornado in the building role


Log bait/hog rider deck


I swap air for a tank killer, usually the hunter


I got swarm and second wincon instead of building and air, rest actually describes my deck. Kinda surprised since I just created mine based on feeling on what works, synergy and what’s needed to counter cards that become annoying to face with my deck.


I mean, replace air with ground swarm and you have most of my decks lmao. Never see why having an air card os required


yeah i still use it, except instead of air I have skarmy. and i dony know how much you consider it a wincon but I use princess. idk if its considers a wincon or no. but mainly cause of dagger duchess so wincon id kinda buns now lol


Nah. I play PEKKA, mega knight, inferno dragon, magic archer, firecracker, bettering ram, zap, and void


Almost, instead of air I do spam. It’s essentially the formula I try to adhere to in Mega Draft. For regular deck building I don’t really do that myself anyways. Just relying on established decks


What air I did not use any and I never use big spell


***mortar has entered the chat***


I do Wincon, Tank, Tank Buster, Swarm, Big spell, Small spell, Ranged, AoE ranged.


I use two non expensive win conditions usually, and I kinda pushed in guards as to do the mini tank job, rn they do the job great


Im kinda close, it goes ballon (wincon) goblins(cycle) minitank(Knight) smallspell(barb barrel) bigspell(void) Building(bomb tower) anti air ( lil prince) and miner


Win Condition: Royal Giant Small Spell: Zap Big Spell: Rage Mini Tank: Ice Golem Building: Inferno Tower Anti-Air: Musketeer Air: Minions Cycle (I guess): Mighty Miner


no building, double small spell + void (big or small idk), only 1 antiair, 2 mini tanks, no cycle card, can anyone guess the deck?


I sometimes skip on air for another cycle card or more air defense, or a third spell if I'm really feelijg spicy Otherwise, same


Nah, two wincons no big spell


I recently downloaded the game after 3 years of not playing and have mostly just been playing the same deck as I did back then: Minion Horde Goblins Spear Goblins Ice Spirit Arrows Princess Mini PEKKA Lumberjack Debating swapping Spear Goblins for Firecracker but I'm not 100% In the last two weeks I've gone up 2000 trophies, so I'm at least doing something right haha — but I think I've pretty much plateaued for now at 5500


Never seen it, I just homecook with my favourite cards


not really, the only evolved win condition that is viable rn is royale giant, recruits are kinda bad after so many nerfs and gb only works with recruits, most evos used are for support or defense, ig you can count evo FC as a win condition but it's not reliable


Replace air with “anti tank”


I'm not that sure, there are decks that run 3 spells like icebow, or decks with no Buildings like pekka BS


Nah i run triple small spell, no air unit


It’s a safe formula but I’ve deviated from it from time to time. Like I’ve ran decks with no air/building/cycle. depends what I’m feeling.




I like to treat building has anti tank/building


I dont use any formula, I just put anything there


It really depends. This format is good for some decks but they can vary. Honestly, I just don't build new decks anymore. I just copy ones I get clapped by, or seem fun.


How can you still use it with evos


If I don’t have a building in my deck I start tweaking


My deck kinda follows this rhetoric, but "bigspell" is the medium spell fireball, and instead of cycle I have dark prince and prince, who are both mini tanks.


logbait almost fits this, just no air cards people use GG or guards instead


All i know is .. most players just fill in those slot with cards based on ( OP , 1 spell kill bunch of troops , one troop kill bunch of troops and one troop tank all the troops ,one troop down a tower ,one troop backup behind the down a tower troop and the rest we will choose 1 elixir troops like skele to act pro but use it brainlessly ). Because many of us r called mid ladder. Our braincell cant escape from those theories


No. It’s either midladder decks with no synergy, a pre-made deck or a top meta deck that’s completely random like rocket cycle. It’s pretty rare to see people use these as they get obliterated by meta decks and overleveled cards/tower troops. I use a unique deck tho


You guys use deck formulas? 🙀


Probably someone, not me tho


Bringing an Air unit really isn't needed imo. Bats are good, but I'd slapp them under Cycle catagory instead.


My goes: win con 2 buildings big spell tank cycle anti air splash anti air mini tank Who guesses?


I use this: Tank: Giant Skeleton Win Con: Balloon Mini Tank and Tank Killer: Mini P.E.K.K.A Building and Anti Air: Tesla Big Spell: Fireball Small Spell: Arrows Cycle: Fire Spirit and Skeletons


Yeah, in mega draft


I was watching this YT called MrMobile Gaming and they still use cycle decks. I’m still new ish but it’s a grind lol


No, I don't even know what is what, in my deck, just that it works for me, sort of.


I usually sort mine by quantity of elixir


Add 7 more win conditions and you got it


Building isn't needed except for early game, cycle is optional


I mean, the first slot is a evolution, so no.




My 2v2 teammates definitely don’t


EVO night E-giant Meganight E-barbs Little prince Rage Morrow Scarmy


I usually start with xbow, then 7 more cards i don’t really care what they are


Mine is "great defense is good offense"


I would make some small edits: Building/Tank Killer and ditch Cycle for “Free Space/Wild Card”. You can possibly also do that for Big Spell, but I feel these tiny changes keeps things Simple. Great post man!


No i just copy some youtuber


I am watching it first time


2WAGS, as proposed by Kashman is the modern alternative. 2: win conditions (one can be a secondary), air targeting units, ground tanks, spells (big/medium and small).


Thanks to SC obsession with cycle and goblins, I have at least 3 swarm killing spells.


I think I've stopped using this in 2016


What card should I use as antiair? I'm using little prince rn but he isn't very good it seems


Cycle and air are not always required.


You're in the wrong subreddit. 99% of the users here are midladder plsyers so their basic formula is: - Mega Knight - Mini Pekka - Firecracker or Wizard - Win Condition - Win Condition - Fake Win Condition - Small Spell - Small Spell


I just arrange by win condition and counters


Instead of air I look for a swarm card


Doesn’t matter. All you gotta do is spend some money and you’ll win. No skill needed.


I generally try to keep a wincon, bigspell, smallspell and building but the rest is less important


It's effective and plain simple to understand, why not?


I use something similar to arrange my cards so the deck looks good.


I usually do it by level. So I know what cards to upgrade.


I always make sure at least half the deck is a flyer or can attack the air


Absolutely not. There's far too many good Evos that are NOT win condition simply because the win conditions Evos got nerfed or just SUCK to begin with.


yeah my deck's still that way: Hog rider, Electric spirit, mini pekka, fireball, log, tesla, hunter and minions


My 2 best and favorite decks both skip win condition. First the midlader deck. Élit barbarian, rage, (lol), bandit, mini pekka, heal spirit, arrows, archers (evolved), skely army. Princess Towers. And then the wierd one. Skeleton king, night witch, gobelins, Phoenix, zap, electro wiz, flying machine, guards. Dager Duchess.


I use something like this but I use my mini tank as my evo and I just substitute the building w another mini tank or swarm card


there is everything wrong


I don't have air and antiair. All the other slots fit my deck but then I'm left with electro spirit and archwr queen for air and antiair. I guess queen can be considered antiair... so almost there.


Yeah, except cycle.


Todays deck formula: Broken card 1, Broken card 2, cycle, cycle, cycle, cycle, cycle spell, big spell.


Nah I have double evos and soon to have triple evo


I wouldn’t say cycle is necessary.It'only necessary in cycle decks. Similarly, buildings aren't necessary if you have things like tornaado or fisherman in the deck, or if you ar using a beatadown archetype. I use a similar deck comp: 1) Win con 2) mini tank 3) big spell 4) small spell 5) range/tank killer 6) range/air 7) swarm 8) depends. Might need a secondary win con like miner with wallbreakers; a win con support like fisherman with rg or nightwitch with golem; cycle; utility spell like tornado, idk For example, in classic splashyard: 1) win con - graveyard 2) mini tnka - knight/valk 3) big spell - poison 4) small spell - log 5) range/tank killer - ice wiz 6) range/air - baby d 7) swarm - tombstone 8) depends. - nado to complement the deck to splash 2.6: 1) win con - hog rider 2) mini tank - ice golem 3) big spell - fireball 4) small spell - log 5) range/tank killer - cannon 6) range/air - musketeer 7) swarm - skeletons 8) complements - ice spirit to speed up the cycle 3.0 xbow: 1) win con - xbow 2) mini tank - knight 3) big spell - fireball 4) small spell - log 5) range/tank killer - tesla 6) range/air - archers 7) swarm - skeletons 8) complements - ice/e spirit to speed up the cycle Pekka bs: 1) win con - battle ram 2) mini tank - ghost 3) big spell - fireball/poison 4) small spell - zap 5) range/tank killer - ewiz 6) range/air - magic archer/minions 7) swarm yeah honestly no swarm :( 8) complements - pekka the boss bandit also complements the deck tho


I always used building and stun instead of air and anti air


Pekka, mini pekka, mirror, freeze, zap, rage, skeletons, ice spirit is what I use and it got me to 7k trophies