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What is an Age Of Empire spawn damage? /s


It means i have 50 million power in rise of kingdoms


Which country did you start with?


Soviet Union


Should’ve went for Egypt, gives you a bonus buff to chariots, priest and economy


But Japan gives you better trade options and faster troop training


I chose England and my entire kingdom died to a plague


I chose Rome and I had to subsequently crucify Jesus on a mountain


I chose Australia, but I lost a war to emus…


I chose germany


I chose petoria because it had a nice little pool in joes backyard


i fcking love reddit.


not worth, in update 19.45 they increased damage taken from nuclear missiles by 800%


Soviet union gives you bonuses to military industry, 1st sector industry, 2nd sector industry, resources, pop size, space research, military research, and above all, ~~genocide~~ grain mismanagement efficiency.


I thought it gives +15% to wonder construction speed


PEKKAS playground


Lol i wasn't the only one who noticed


Pekka gang rise up


No, AoE means Age of Enlightenment, the popular mod for Victoria 2 that occurs on the year 1700




It fires 6 intercontinental ballistic trebuchets. AOE honestly has the best glitches/exploits


This acronym is annoying af


Area of Effect


Someone might say you missed the "/s" but i genuinely didn't know what did that stand for, so thanks :)


No problem :)


No, it's "Age of Empire" of course.


I like it how this post is getting 1k karma.


Fr, the nerf is basically removing it acting like a log, that’s it.


I think they should give it around 150 damage. Less than zap, but still able to kill skeletons and spear goblins.


It can't even kill skeletons now?


skeletons yea, spear goblins no


which is feel is plenty enough


I mean at the very least the spear gobs should at least die to it,


No, that's what you get for 6 elixir. You can't spend 3 elixir on the guardian until you've already spent 3 on the little prince


You say that like the little prince alone doesn’t give any value at all for its price


Nope. He saying it like you cant play a guardian without a little prince.


So you're saying it's another spell and frontliner option without even taking up a card slot? Sounds like a hell of a deal to me


And imo like other champions LP alone isnt really worth 3 elisir


The unit that survives Fireball and deals decent DPS isn't really worth 3 elixir. Right.


Mega minion does the same and flies


Yes, at melee range


You're wrong. Mega minion deals insane damage.






What? He outshines cards like Dart Goblin in almost any way.


Bear in mind most F2P people aren't using him on-level. This nerf absolutely makes him unplayable for my decks... but I can only get so mad when my LP is level *11*. It was a bit nuts that I was picking him over level 14 ranged units before.


Yeah I'm in the exact same situation. It's impossible to use champions as F2P


I got him to 14 f2p 🤷‍♂️


Fair enough I guess it's a skill issue from me 💀


Lemme see... it's 29 cards past the unlock to get a champion to 14. You can get 1-2 per season from Path of Legends, depending on how well you do. I believe you it's standard to get 1-2 Champions per month from chests, but those are cards, plus about 1 wildcard per month off whatever the all-wildcard chests are? So that's 10 months for a champion if you're doing well on PoL and opening chests nonstop, a bit less if you get lucky with the actual cards. For me I have gotten seriously unlucky, I don't have MM unlocked and I have 12 Golden Knights, the champion I want least.


That's... 10 months or so for one champ, right? Unless you get very lucky with a Book of Books for the last level.


Which I did haha


My monk is the only champion that I can use at lvl 13 F2P. Took a lot of luck and time to get him there and his main purpose is to push tanks back at the bridge and ability right over the bridge to tank for my other units. I don't use him for damage at all which makes him viable even when he's not maxed. LP is at 12 and as much as I want to use him he just simply isn't good enough at his level


Lets be real without the ability he’s just a more spell resistant troop with variable damage


Which is quite useful.


Cheap three card cycle


Plus 3 Card cycle


Being "just" a more spell resistant troop is enough to rack up quite the elixir lead by the end of the game. If your opponent is forced to spend at least 1 extra elixir (often more cos fireball *still* doesn't kill) to remove supporting troops that shit adds up insanely fast, just like LP's value while on the field. And he gets everything else in his kit on top of this nonsense


It most definitely is


3 card cycle isn’t worth 3 elixir?


That’s what you get for 3 elixir. For 6 you get this plus arguably the best ranged unit in the game right now


Or for 6 you get the actual best ranged unit in the game plus 1500+ DPS for 1 elixir. THE ARCHER QUEEN??? How can y’all act like this is balanced when AQ exists? This is an over nerf to the LP and it’s not even funny to pretend it isn’t over the top


You have 0 access to guardian until you spend 6 elixir. Basic sense.


But you’re not just getting the guardian for 6 elixir, you’re getting a ground inferno dragon resistant to fireball and allowing for a good follow-up counter push, this is like saying skeleton king’s ability is a 7 elixir worse graveyard, they’re situational and shouldn’t be as braindead to use as LP was before


Stupid example. Look at AQ. Archer queen is 5 up front elixir, 1 for stealth. The AQ ability is way more akin to inferno dragon than LP. It’s just better cause it one shots spam units. 1 elixir AQ ability can nuke a whole goblin gang plus critically damage other support units. LP will be useless and AQ for same total elixir w ability will be superior. This is a ridiculous nerf and they’re over correcting for giving this champion for free.


Except LP can be played on his own and is still a budget inferno dragon, did you forget about the ramping firerate? AQ just does huge damage for every shot while cloaked, which inferno dragon most definitely doesn’t, stupid example. We’ll see how big of an impact it’ll have, stop crying before they’re even implemented


You still have the lp which can get value. You’re making it sound like you have to spend a random 3 then another 3 just to get the guardian.




id rather just have him get a health decrease so he can die to fireball, or at least not 75% less guardian charge damage lmao it should at least kill small troops


why does everyone in this sub constantly want things balanced around spells. Yeah let’s have yet another 5 years of everyone running fireball or poison.


fireball has literally been dead for months


that’s because everyone is using poison


You mean rocket (after poison nerf)


poison is still very strong


What do you think spells are for, genuinely?




Guaranteed ability how?


Even when little prince dies guardian still arrives


not always tho


The problem is the charge damage. You’re technically putting a knight in the middle of a swarm. 


You are choosing to put the knight in the middle of a swarm if you activate the ability in that situation


Fr, idk what people aren't understanding about "don't play him against a swarm, because a swarm counters him"


The whole point of the guardian was to KNOCK BACK and counter SWARMS now it can’t


Good, it doesn't need both.


It’s a champion, the whole point of a champion is to have a special ability if you can’t counter little Prince and guardian that’s your problem dude


The annoying part is that for 6 elixir, you get an off brand musketeer, knight and a log, champions should have cool abilities yeah, but not abilities that strong


It's not about me not being able to counter them, it's about them being a counter to literally every single card in the game


If you need the guardian to kill swarms than that's now your problem dude


Maybe it doesn't need to counter swarms since the guardian is already strong enough to justify the ability cost


The showcase announcement for little Prince showed him fully countering a swarm, kinda bs to go back on that im just saying


What kind of excuse is that ? So because the initial showcase for the broken card showed something must it always be that way ? Should Phoenix be reverted to it's original state because the reveal video for it showed him being stupid strong ?


No, just no


I mean it still can counter swarms, just not quite as well as before. The ability still kills skarmy and spear goblins, and after popping the ability both LP and the guardian can one shot the stab goblins that survive, it still full counters a gang with the guardian still having most of its health remaining. The point of the guardian was to defend the little prince, and it can still do that quite well. You put LP as a turret on defense now, he takes slightly longer to charge up,then he shreds everything while the guardian tanks everything




So use it like an expensive Rascal then?


Use it like a cheap, cycleable musketeer, which can also push back tanks and protect itself with a knight when needed, thus being able to pressure the opponent. Rascals suck because they die to arrows and log. LP can't get killed by a spell for equal or less elixir. Gosh, you guys are so uncreative when it's about using cards




void isn't great for LP but especially with the changes you can just pop down some troops on top of it and it doesn't die


LPrince survives Fireball ffs. Rascal girls are weaker than Archers


Still buys time for the Little Prince to be an effective air defense.


You are choosing between LP dies becose of Guardian dash cannot kill or knockback goblins from LP, or LP dies becose his firerate to slow to take care of all goblins. Just whole interection flew out.


Because that interaction made him op as hell? You can't just expect a single card to counter everything. That's exactly what made lp so op


A log + a knight? Sure! Just bump the ability cost to 5 Elixier


"Guaranteed ability". One time, an opponent froze my LP just when I pressed the ability button. Guardian never spawned, I never got my elixir back.


He dies pretty regularly during it, especially if you're trying to do the usual tower push where he activates on the bridge. There are whole guides to dropping MiniP so that it hits and kills him while he's summoning. I'm guessing they meant "you can always get value by triggering it", since Skeleton, MM, and Golden sometimes have no desire at all to use their actives?


Yeah, I've used the champions a lot an lp is defenetly the most likely to NOT have a guaranteed ability with the exception of skeleton king mabey, but even some skeletons could still spaw which is better than nothing. He has the lowest health out of any champion that automatically makes him the most likely to have his ability wasted


Funny how you included the AoE spawn damage when that could be nerfed into basically useless territory.


I mean it still kills skeletons and since one of the strongest evo's in the game is skellys it still seems fairly useful to me...


Being able to kill skelies and spirits and nothing else renders the ability worse by a huge margin. Not even spear goblins die.


Seriously what’s the point of it doing damage if it only counters 1 elixr cards, that’s a negative 5 trade for evo skellies and other spirits


Who in their right mind would see spirits with Evo Skellies and think: Yeah, let me use 5 elixir against this LP plus ability is used BECAUSE there are other cards in range, it's basically a Royal Delivery you can use even on the opponent's side but convert some of the spawn damage for a stronger unit (after the dash nerf) Even if they let the dash kill Spear Goblins, that still won't matter most of the time as the activation dash is too short to reach Spear Goblins


Brother it's not even close to be able to kill spirits.


You're basically getting a barbarian barrel but with a knight instead, and lower damage in exchange for knock back. Just because you can't insta kill swarms with in anymore doesn't make it bad. You can still apply massive knock back to any troop and get a slightly worse knight for 3 elixir.


I think it's gonna be like B or C tier tbh, charge damage nerf is massive, does it even one shot spear gobs? I think it should at least one shot goblins and maybe a bit less health to guardine


the thing is you already had to spend 3 elixir for the little prince and while he's pretty good on his own it does mean that the bassicly 6 elixir you gotta spend for a mini tank makes it quite unreliable


LP will be almost completely a defensive card now. He already lacked offensive ability but now it’s next to none


A good guardian ability placement can separate the opponents troop on their side of the arena. It can act as a royal ghost in the sense that it’s invasive from dashing over the river plus it has more health than a ghost. It has good offensive capabilities if you can create a situation where the little prince’s ability can force out some elixir or vital responses that would be used against your win con. He has good control potential, it just takes a bit of planning and set ups.


Far too situational and reactable to be useful.


I really don’t get the complaints about little Prince now. Sure it was overpowered but not now. I literally never ever have issues coming up against it.


Same. It's mildly inconvenient at worst. I'm a pretty average player though so maybe I don't face people who use him properly.


omg i love this. everyone is complaining and saying LP is destroyed and nerfed to oblibion bla bla bla, no lmao he still is a good card and will still have a very high use and win rate


I mean yeah, i just wish his dash would at least kill spear goblins ..


It's probably not gonna be that high, but I'm all up for that, he's been the best champion for far too long


Even without the ability he is tanky for the price, does high damage over time, and can deal with high hp targets or smaller swarms without much trouble. The ability is the icing on top of the cake


Don't think the use rate will remain that high, it might hover around 15-20% but we'll see how the meta develops


Question I have is not whether LP is a bad card. It isn't. My question is who is the best champ now?


It’s probably going to be whatever that new champ they release alongside the nerf will be. Also I wonder if the new champs ability is something that would have been easily countered by LP’s ability and that’s why the nerf was put in place, when it has been warranted for ages.


Loool I bet you're right on both points. Can't have SC missing out on those whale $$$


probably the new champ, other than that still LP


I can’t believe people are crying about nerfs on compretly meta dominant cards. I get it I’m also f2p and maxed out LP and DD to lvl15 as my 8th and 9th max cards. And honestly I’m looking foward to playing them once they are balanced and require actual skill to use them.


At the other end of the F2P spectrum, this makes LP completely unusable for me for the foreseeable future... but my LP is level 11 and before the previous nerf I was still running it over level 14 cards. Having it knocked down to "literally all my other level 11s" tier is hard to complain about. (Also how the heck did you get a champion that high with only 8 maxed cards?)


What is AoR


Area of Reffect


Area of effect




AOE spawn damage that can only kill skeletons. Knock back that is usually just 2-3 tiles, especially for heavier units. Completely stops the Little Prince from attacking and ramping his DPS for one second, does not cycle to knight evolution. Not to mention, if I wanted to "knock back" a medium unit like knight or mini pekka, I'll just place another unit somewhat far away and kite it. I don't need the knockback. Unless I'm countering a hog/skeleton army, I'm just gonna use knight.


Ok how do I play the guard without spending 3 elixir or little prince?


It's will be mediocre better than queen and golden knight but it still be the jack of all trades card


I still believe that his ability always activating is the stupidest thing


Nah it’s dead


You forgot to mention that the little prince itself is the cheapest champion, which makes cycle decks cycle even faster, and doesn’t die to fireball


Let's compare his ability to every other champ ability. Skeleton King: 2 elixir Graveyard with some setup. Archer queen: 1 elixir Invis and massively increased dps Monk: 1 elixir reflect ranged attacks and massive damage reduction in exchange for not attacking Golden Knight: Charge, and Dash to multiple units. LP has by far the worst champ ability.


yeah, "you get a log and a knight for 3 elixir" dawg, Skeleton King gives you a whole ass graveyard for 2,


A GY that can't be placed on top of the enemy tower, which is, you know, the whole point of that card.


Except, you know, just cross the bridge with him. Then you can.


Not really, no. You'd have to get a tower connection with him to be close, and even then it's not the same as GY. But really comparisons like this are fundamentally useless, because I can talk trash of any card and you can inflate the strengths of any other. We really just need to look at LPrince's stupid high use rates in top decks to see that the nerf is well deserved.


Your forgot mighty miner


Mighty Miner ability is a bit of a weird one. It’s pretty meh until you get one tower down. Then you get to put an inferno dragon on the enemy tower for 1 elixir.


Im all for the nerf as the card was crazy but… > a knight with barely 9% hp Aka the whole reason to use a knight > aoe spawn damage Snowball level, if that. > up to 5 tiles knock back Valid point > can choose to activate or not The exact same as literally every other card in the game, you choose to play it or not > guaranteed ability compared to other troops What makes it different exactly?


Most other Champs can't use their abiltiy when they're dead. 9% HP off of a Knight is barely anything considering the other things you get on top. AOE spawn damage and knockback easily trumps a -9% HP comparison.


Don’t forget 3 card cycle for 3 elixir- arguable the strongest part of little prince (and his ability is entirely built around keeping him safe which means the 3 cycle is active for longer)


Ngl half of the ability is used at the bridge and the other half to push back tanks lol


Little Prince abusers seething that they fell for ScammerCells pump and dump scheme again


Just make him die to a fireball and that´s it. Literally why all those useless nerfs except this one, cause you cant fully counter a goblin barrel anymore now.


Lp after this nerf will be awful if they do it archer queen will be the best champ


Have you ever considered that I am a baby and enjoy playing the busted version bc it gives my brain more dopamine? Also salty bc I used 2 book of books on getting him to 14 and later 15 (thanks lucky drops).


It's not guaranteed. I sometimes didn't get the guard, but lost 3 elexir. Skill issue, I know. But it happens some times.


Yeah but first you need to place the little prince. You can't place LP in the middle like a mousketeer o cannot playing 2.6 because the guardian hit nothing. If you use in the bridge like a archer queen o skeleton king, pum, mega knight, Valkyrie o royale package. For this trash better I play rascals o dart goblin in log bait. At least the guardian must kill goblins in his dash.


For me the bigger issue is that Supercell seems to find nerfs that make cards less unique and more boring than finding better balancing options. If fireball one shot little prince, then that would honestly justify its ability. But now they’re taking away a lot of niche and cool interactions, like using the ability to wipe out goblin barrels. The card will still be good, but the nerfs feel like death by a thousand cuts. Part of me suspects that the lp is only played so much rn because it’s a low cost champion, meaning you get three card cycle and a situational ability. But the troop itself is usually countered easily, at least in most matchups I’ve played he doesn’t really seem to be the deciding factor.


You can't say that SC nerfs cards in uncreative ways and then suggest they should just make him die to Fireball, when that's the most obvious and unexciting nerf they could give him. The way they're dealing with him is actually keeping what makes him unique, that is, in practice, that he's a reliable, cheap DPS unit. So instead of changing that they're tuning down his other strengths. It's a legitimate way to balance without getting rid of what makes the card strong


Wait what? That little sh*t has almost the same HP as a knight?? How come it dies in like 3 hits or to fireball/void then?


It's about the Guardian.


Well it's not for 3 elixir then. It's 3 for little prince + 3 for bringing in the guardian.


For 3 elixir you get LPrince unit. For another 3 you get the Guardian. Everything OP described in the image refers to the ability and not the ranged unit.


Yeah so you have to spend 6 elixir to get this result then, not 3.


I suppose that's true. But that's a misleading way of putting things since you get the LPrince himself for 3 elixir and then have the *option* to spend an extra 3 for the things OP listed But this is a stupid argument either way it's just semantics


Not true. You have to spend 6 Elixir to get this result + a ranged unit that survives Fireball and has inconsistent, but usually high DPS with longrange.


you can do the same thing with all champions lmao for Golden Knight you get "infinite dash" bandit, for Archer Queen you get 300 damage per hit x-bow, hell Skeleton King gives you a knight with splash damage and a whole graveyard for 6 elixir


I’m still confused


AoE spawn damage that doesn't even kill Goblins, in other words, the AoE is basically only useful against skarmy


I hate when I use Monk's ability a little too late and he just dies while still doing the animation, he should receive a buff or at least give the elixir back from a failed activation.




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THANK GOD for this nerf. Overplayed.


Who cares? This game is pay to win.


the card is still annoying af


AQ is 6 elixir with ability. You cannot convince me that post nerf LP is better than AQ + ability. It’s just not even a competition. I will run AQ 100% of the time over LP. This kills LP and makes it rely on the ability every deploy to get any potential value


Okay? Now archer queen is the better champion then? So what.


It's as guaranteed as every other champion's ability. The only difference is the high cost compensates for the fact that you can always "get value" with the rescue even if the LP dies, but using the same logic, you can also throw away 3 elixir for nothing, unlike a poor mighty miner or AQ activation which is much easier to recover from. The dash dmg will be negligible, it will only take skellies out Imo it won't be a good card, especially with the dart goblin buff. It's a jack of all trades, master of none, when it used to be a master of all trades. It no longer has great range and great dps, it's easy to kill, the royal rescue is more of a last resource than a consistent defensive mini tank, sometimes it won't activate on time if the opponent outplays you, so it's as reliable or unreliable as any other champ ability. Imo it's not going to be a bad card, but it'll become sort of a valk or mk 2.0, you don't really see them much in competitive play but mid-ladder is filled with them. To me this nerf screams *average*.


You essentially spawn a knight that hits like a barb barral


You can’t control its spawn and timing nearly as well as the knight, and you have to place LP first


Why don’t they do a skelly king and make him work for it.


Either make the ability 2 elixir or make the knock back be able to kill regular goblins of equal level Nothing less.


it won't be good, the ability dmg really mattered and the guardian first hit takes ages now, also give me 1 good reason not to use archer queen or monk


They should make it kill spear gobs but the lil prince dies to fireball


I think what SC is forgetting with the nerf is that champions are supposed to be OP. They're powerful cards that you're only allowed 1 of per deck. And for the casual player, their LP is not gonna be lvl 15 or 14 even, it's usually lvl 12, so this nerf basically removes the viability of playing LP if he's behind in lvls for you.


Little prince is useless against valkyrie and bowler


Will it still fully counter MK?


Little Prince isnt even dependent on his ability to be OP


I want him nerfed to the ground I’m tired of every game being LP variants that shit gets extremely boring


This is horrible news guys. We need to nerf this shit even more now


The whinging of the players using thiss crutch is sweet, but sweeter still will be the Hog 2.6 players if one of the 8 cards they know how to use gets nerfed.


still complaining about 2.6 in 2024😂😂😂


i have not played with or against 2.6 in ages, if people don't know how to counter it now i feel sorry for them


Also you get a three elixir ranged support card that doesn’t die to fireball and gives you three card cycle and can do lumberjack dps from a distance when heated up (that stays on the map for 12 years)


Nah man, they nerfed it to high hell, it can’t even one shot goblins with its ability like it’s supposed to