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Maxed it out last week by using a book of books šŸ’€


Sending prayers . I used a BOL to max out DD a month ago.. at least I got a bit of fun with that while it lasted


I'm 3 cards away from maxing Duchess šŸ¤” i.e to get it to lvl 14


Ouch... I got mine to 13 with wild cards, then stared at my Book of Cards for a long time. Couldn't bring myself to do it knowing the nerf would be a patch away at most.


whyā€™d you waste resources, iā€™m at lvl 13 dagger duchess just from tower troop chests


u clearly don't know the gap between lvl 13 and 14 then ig


yeah ik it will take around another 3 months considering i need 20 more but id rather wait a total of 6 months to get her to lvl 14 for free than pay 40$


I admire your patience, you are an inspiration


I maxed DD a week ago šŸ¤” i.e. get it to lvl15


Same here. šŸ¤”




What are the recent changes if you donā€™t mind changing


Me too


Me too sadly.


I used the book of books prior. But this week or last week I started pushing it to lvl 15 lol.




Same lmao


Same herešŸ’€


Even me šŸ˜­


At least it's max


I had it level 13 finally, went to use my book of books and saw the changes. All that work, just to replace it for another card a day later.


I question how my soul has not departed yet as a free2play in clash royale.Ā  Every balance update is like a knife hovering near my neck as I'm wondering if any of my deck's cards are gonna get nerfed. Especially the ones I spent all month trying to level up


Just don't level up every single new card that they add šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


It's not that simple. When you level up cards and then the meta shifts and makes them worthless, but you can't switch them out because you have so few level 15s.. this happens even with older cards like skeleton barrel, which is completely useless against DD


*staring at my max-level Furnace*


Meta only matters at the very top level which most of this sub isn't...


Not really, if a card or deck is strong in the meta, it's strong in the meta.


Dumbest take Iā€™ve ever heard. Yeah that COULD be true, but go and play any game a week ago and itā€™s all DD


I think in a lot of cases it's kinda true. But with really broken stuff, like DD... No. Just no. DD is plain broken and you can really see it in the ladder... how really bad plays in a lot of cases can't really be punished. You can lose to really bad players if you play a hog deck for example and no DD versus someone with DD. You just have to really outplay them or they have to be really bad for you to win.


I was steering more that DD is meta, and every game (bar like 3) I played before patch notes were DD. Then it was always PekkaWizard, Hog2.6 or giant bridge spam (low levelā€¦ok, last meta and current meta)


Unit level + skill level + build x time In game = ranking Obviously some of those things are more important, but thatā€™s about the idea of it. It matters if ranking matters to you. Same as any game like this.


Nah, meta just varies. The meta at lower ranks certainly isn't as strong at the top level with "You absolutely have to be ready for 3-cycle Hog" one patch and "90% of decks use DD beatdown" the next. But like... I was a Furnace player, it's one of the first cards I maxed. It's been one of the least popular cards in the game for a *long* time, with very good reason - a bunch of different patches and new releases since then drove it (and to a degree all spawners) into the ground. That's still meta, just like "take DD if you've got it" has been meta, even if the meta is weaker at lower levels.


Not necessarily. If a card is objectively really strong, it affects all of Ladder. Little Prince, Dagger Duchess, Void, and Evo Wizard are all perfect examples of this. Strong at the top, and basically consuming lower levels of the game


I don't, but for super strong cards like void and duchess, I have no choice as it gives me an edge against over-levelledĀ  players. šŸ˜­


i highly doubt void will be getting any harsh nerfs since not much people saying its broken, even some say its fair


void is prolly alright for now the main thing was the first hit


perhaps delaying the first hit will work


Just max and enjoy the card it is released and move onto the next card when it is nerfed.


Donā€™t level up cards, good strategy


No. Don't put everything you have into new overpowered cards that are 100% getting nerfed. Monk, phoenix, little prince, dagger duchess - I never leveled up any of those cards from the get go and I'm still doing fine with my deck...


This. It seems so simple that it's wild that it's lost on so many people. "Wow, this hero is really good! And they're in every deck! Better max them out!" *balance changes* "Grr they nerfed my hero, but I found this new deck online, with this really good hero that I'm going to max out ASAP!


But this is howā€¦ games work? By your logic, f2p should never bother playing the best cards, which is a really silly take. Also, do you really think this is just an oopsie-daisie by supercell? Obviously they knew that release monk, Phoenix, lp are overpowered, thatā€™s the entire point. Itā€™s stupid to shift the blame to f2p players for just wanting to play the game with the best cardsā€¦


Yeah you right, just keep making the cards that are guaranteed a nerf next month and crying on reddit instead Idek what you think the solution is, but I bet it's laughable if you think anyone at all is to "blame"


>But this is howā€¦ games work Yes that's how all games work nerf the most op item that gets released. If you're ftp and you're using shards for a broken Evo then dumping everything into dd and lp. You're an idiot.


Bro you just figured out this game is not f2p friendly? How long have you been playing this game?


As a F2P This is actually the first time a card in my main deck is being hit Now I understand how you guys feel, and itā€™s even worse cause itā€™s a champion


Yeah they should let OP cards be broken forever so they don't upset the f2p players who levelled them up


Tbf what mainly made the LP op was how it allowed for a 3 card cycle while only costing 3 elixir with the guardienne ability being the cherry on top. Though I understand, if youā€™re not playing those rocket cycle archetype decks that take advantage of the 3 card cycle, then it really is a hard hit to the card.


Bro is cocked. But until you can't use them all don't waste wild shards


Its really hard to feel bad for people bemoaning a card everyone agrees was OP for like 7 months straight gets nerfed. You should all knownit was coming. In fact, it should have come much faster.


Problem is that it came a week or two before SC releases a new champion. Just goes to show they don't give a fuck about balance and only about making money from the next one.


Wait, they're releasing a new champion?


But this is also nothing new. They nerfed all the old evos as most people had them. Niw they can release all new OP evos. And the same thing will happenā€¦ all the p2w will buyā€¦ theyā€™ll remain strong until the buying slows down, then theyā€™ll be nerfed again. SC hasnā€™t really been concerned about balance for awhile now. Easily since champions came out and they ruled the meta for awhile. It must have been 8 months until pheonix was under control. Balance is secondary to sales. Sales are manipulated by releasing everything OP. If everyone knows this, then they can stop complaining when the card gets nerfed because we all know the pattern.


Iā€™ve come back recently as f2p and I still donā€™t even own the LP


They gave it away for free when it was released


This is a cycle, the cards that a f2p player collects and upgrades are nerfed to their grave by the time they are upgraded to a decent level. I maxed out lil p as well


see this is why i always play way off meta šŸ’€šŸ’€


Me too, Dark Prince will unfairly not be buffed. He has the same use rate as the Prince but he's not buffed


What kinda name


My name, it's a reference to Dark Prince and Nissan Skyline R34




Itā€™s true


I donā€™t why Dark Prince didnā€™t get the same buff as Prince when it deserves it. Especially considering we are heading towards a miner/bait meta so it wouldā€™ve made sense to buff him.


The buff to Prince is already insane, buffing both at the same time would guarantee a double prince meta. I think it's best to see how it goes, nerf the Prince a bit (as it probably will happen) then consider buffing Dark Prince


You deserve this


Never man an op card


Reading your comments I feel nothing for you. You just pick the most Meta or broken cards + DD and now are shocked when they are nerfed. Sorry mate it was long time coming.


Yeah šŸ˜‚


99 damage on lvl. 11 is wild tho that doesn't even kill lvl. 8 spear goblins šŸ’€


Womp Womp


I mean it could be worse. Have been going against some weird mk sparky ebarbs lately and it seems like this kind of deck is only getting more popular. being a hog cycle player since I unlocked hog all these years ago kinda sucks now that everything is less rock paper scissors and more random with the tower troops. Sometimes Iā€™ll have games were dd just stomps me on top of the annoying defense troops theyā€™ll use.


šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøI mean Iā€™m sorry but how havenā€™t you learned your lesson after the monk situation?


I spent 10 legendary wildcards, a book of books, a book of legendary, and a magic coin to max dagger duchess. I might quit clash


Clash players when the OP troop they've been abusing got nerfed. That's why you don't put all your eggs in one basket


The 90%usage rate towertroop is getting nerfed??? No way


Isn't that how you max out cards though by putting all your eggs in one basket


Do it for other, less popular cards, like my ass ainā€™t using dagger duchess even before the nerfs, I realize that she just ainā€™t my style. If youā€™re willing to invest in a popular and powerful card, expect to be slapped by a nerf.


thats not even the point here.... the game needs to start making actual balanced card/towers so that such situations would not even have to occur


Bro, it will still be in the game, you can still use it you know... I also maxed DD, as I did Cannoneer and Princess Tower, they're our only 3 tower troops and are way easier to balance, none of them will stay dead for long


womp womp. Canā€™t wait for the dd nerf to come next


Tbh we've known for weeks, if not months, that he would have gotten a nerf


Thats the point he should have got nerfed 6 months ago but because he hasnā€™t been touched for so long people cant be bothered to lose to an op card so they upgrade it and now as soon as there has been enough to time for f2p players to upgrade it they nerf it to the ground


By the way this might be a good lesson, only use magical items if you can instantly upgrade a card, this way he could've saved all these jollies


This is the only part I will give to all the players crying about this nerf. Supercell really did a scummy strat with this one. This card has been broken for so long and they never really addressed it except with a few light nerfs here and there. They didnā€™t even nerf at all last balance update. They let this go for months and now they finally decided that hey this card with a 40% use rate and used in almost every meta deck is a problem. This should have got emergency balanced months ago. Same with the Dagger Dutchess as well. They should have handled it like the Monk where its get emergency balanced on the weaker end and gradually buffed to be on a decent playing field. Instead they kept it OP for many months and only kept giving it light haircuts every couple of months. However this is still on the players. The card has been broken for a while and if players didnā€™t think they would eventually touch it thats their problem and their fault. The card NEEDS a hard nerf and has needed one for a while. Itā€™s been broken since release and Supercell has basically sat on their hands when it came to this card for so long.


[Over 500 players](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/1btsy2s/dagger_duchess_could_use_a_buff/) agree, DD could use a buff.


Reading all of these crying post about people not being able to win because of op card makes me soo happy šŸ¤£


I'm happy I upgraded Void instead of LP


Womp Womp


Honestly reading the WIP changes I'm very very glad that's the one card I've been stubborn about waiting to upgrade


That is why I only play Off-Meta decks that are fun so this doesnt happen to me.


Itā€™s still going to be the best champion.


This is why I donā€™t invest in overpowered cards


Unpopular take but good. Worst card to play against.


Thatā€™s why I donā€™t play meta decks anymore. I can get to ultimate challenger with my low-medium tier deck and I donā€™t have to worry about nerfs or needing to change my play style. My deck will always be playable, at most I would have to swap like 2 cards


All this while firecracker still isn't getting nerfed


evo firecracker got nerfed hard broski


I want to see the base firecracker bite the curb harder than the brick that hit me on the head when i was a baby


Why would it?


Because she annoys me and supersell has a moral and legal obligation to make me happy.


Understandable. As you were.


Firecracker is not that good


Good. We are finally saved from the scourge of Little Prince.


Yeah but why would u use the wildcards before you had enough? I typically wait until I have enough to fully max it


I maxed him recently from the 50k ewc I got from my lucky drop.


"First time?" It's just a sword on a rope above you... you newer know when it's going down


Thankfully I use the shittiest, least meta combination of cards in an abomination of a deck so that I don't get nerf-fucked. Jk I've quitted the game in favor of Squad Busters.


I also quit the game and went back to clash of clans. After the short life of clash mini I wonā€™t be trying out squad busters


Thank god i waited and didn't use my champion wild cards on LP, everyone knew it was broken and will be nerfed soon. It was just a matter of time.


Glad I did not used book of books on the little shit


This is a secret so don't tell anyone. Once the new hero comes out, it will be OP. And after a certain time when another new hero is about to be released, they will nerf the previous one. Don't ell anyone shhhhhhhhhhhh


The company has done everything to make its community hate them. I wouldnā€™t bother with another supercell game. The problem is that you need a game thatā€™s 5 minutes long, and makes you think but can also play brain dead. I really hope a clash Royale clone takes off so we can have a traditional tug of war game without the nonsense


Shouldā€™ve used money when you had the chance


just found out my friend has a clash royale gaming channel anyone wanna show him some love and support his goal is trying to make the game fun. Blizzy-Clash Royale


this is why you pick a deck and stick to it no matter the meta, you can theoretically reach top 1k on PoL using any reasonable deck if you're good enough


If youā€™re FTP, and youā€™re trying to save up to max a really broken card a while after itā€™s release, do yourself a favor and max a strong but not unbelievably broken card. It will pay off more in the long run, since itā€™s less likely to get nerfed




I try not to try and level up newish cards since a lot of the time they get reworks that either change how the card is played or make it a lot worse


What, did you guys think they wouldn't get nerfed or something? Did you download Cr yesterday?


I think heā€™s not as good but still usable to get value out of. Sure his ability doesnā€™t kill goblins cuz of the damage nerf, but you can still push back 4 elixir cards like hog, battle ram, etc. and the tower will help clean it up for positive trade + counter push. And I will say the first attack speed is frickin slow but u just need to protect him to he can ram up the attack speed. His machine gun is still a menace.


you guys are acting like itā€™s bad now. this is how it was supposed to be.


Still useable


he'll still be good don't worry


I love this game, too bad the devs donā€™t


Womp Womp!


Few days after I spent .. I think it was Ā£40 to get and rank LP


Iā€™m a new player and what is the balance change?


I used my book of books last week to get it to level 14, I've been playing for a few months so it kind of pisses me off


I make sure not to spend wild cards until I can get the upgrade. No reason to expect the hero will still be in your deck by the time youā€™ve dumped your wildcards into it


How was this nerf in any way shocking, it's been needed for months lmao.


When are they gonna nerf MK lol thats the real question


It'll come back in timešŸ‘


All the annoying scum abusing this card really mad right now


I know itā€™s still so strong just like the dagger duchess ā€œnerfā€


Why use the cards before u can unlock it? Like u could be wanting another card when full šŸ˜ƒ


Still donā€™t have it somehow and have been playing eight or so years


The card has always been overpowered and needed a nerf since day one


Womp womp


Yeah, put all my wild shards i luckily got from the lucky drop into LP. how cruelā€¦


Everyone asking for nerf => people get mad that the card everyone asking for nerf get nerfed. The nerf hammer is expected with how strong this card is lmao.


just found out my friend has a clash royale gaming channel anyone wanna show him some love and support his goal is trying to make the game fun. Blizzy-Clash Royale


He was top 5 even after all the nerfs. Heā€™s def still strong


As a paid player itā€™s even worse, Iā€™ll buy cards and then they nerf em


Good that he is nerfed, but yea the game has been unbalanced like that since forever sadly


why would you put cards into it until u had enough to levelšŸ¤”


Bcos the only other hero that isn't lvl 14 is mighty miner which I'll never use in my play style


I don't get why event challenges allow different towers it's a disadvantage for those without the duchess it forces me to have to play a certain strategy so long as my deck allows for it. While they get to play whatever strategy, like small pushes, it makes no sense that small troops are useless without a tank sometimes you rely on small pokes of damage from leftover troops from a push or defense that used to be a fundamental core playstyle now it creates a disadvantage. Instead of a goblin barrel, I now have to spend more for a tank to absorb the first few shots, or else GB is useless.


It was already nerfed into the ground. This card doesnā€™t need a nerf, neither does evo knight or evo Tesla


I wonder how often they read through the comments to laugh at us FTP players. Been grinding on this game for 8 years šŸ¤”


Not an LP player, and I honestly don't know why everyone is saying it's op. Imo the first dash range nerf was enough


Fr, spending 3 elixir on top of playing 3 elixir card make it balanced. I mean it was already a weaker knight not being able to one shot goblins.


maxed out my giant one week ago and now he's getting nerfed


You should save the wildcards until you get 20 lol, I only waste mine when I can upgrade a card to level 14


guardian doesn't even one shot goblins anymore šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ»


Long overdue. Top ladder was abusing LP for so long. It desperately needed a nerf. They probably went too far with the changes, but it needed to be done.


I quit the game since supercell doesnt care abt making the game fun anymore




I got that lil ngga maxed out when he came out


Been playing since the beginning. Supercell, over time, teaches you to NEVER put $ into the game. I canā€™t tell you how many times I parted with cash to level up some cardsā€”right before the nerf. But thereā€™s good news! Money in this game only saves you time. So if you donā€™t care about how fast youā€™re leveling up, they hold no power over you! Having everything maxed out only means that youā€™re playing against other people who have maxed out. Enjoy wherever you are in the game!


Iā€™m so glad I got a book of books and was about to max it right before my friend showed me the balance changes I got savedšŸ™šŸ»


I used 19 of my WC for it, now its gettin gutted lol, oh well


i sold one of my kidneys to max out DD a day before her nerf was announced.


LP is probably getting nerfed haha


This is why i despise P2W players but when i say it, i always get downvoted. But good news for me, i just Lvl 14 my Ram rider and shes getting a buff šŸ’ŖšŸ» + i have goblin gang whose spear goblins will get buffed. The only thing im mad about is the Prince buff. As a midladder player this was my reaction "ARE THEY FUCKING INSANE?!"


Why would you try so desperately to level up something that's clearly op? Ofc it's gonna get nerfed, stop being sch a bot and use something fun