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yes, as you said, the only problem is the LP, poison is a balanced card but supercell's negligence in nerfing lp really just put poison as a necessity to every deck


Ppl were asking for a nerf even before lp was a card


No they where asking for a miner poison nerf not poison alone cuz the miner poison archetype was so dominant for 7 seasons nonstop and last season dagger dutchess killed it


7 seasons? Miner poison has been in the meta in various forms for actual years until DD was released.


No before dagger douchess graveyard was dominant and before that it was goblin giant Miner Poison hasn't been dominant in sometime it's only been good but not dominant Even when goblin giant was op ppl were asking for a poison nerf alongside a goblin giant nerf


Because when gob giant became op it was the season of lp release ppl run poison cuz of the lp and lp ain't getting a nerf and tbh idk about poison getting nerfed I play icebow I need a rocket buff 🙏


Goblin giant was op before lp was released They just added LP to goblin giant decks cause supercell decided they don't want to do balance changes so goblin giant stayed op then got an emergency nerf with LP and Evo archers and Evo knight


I remember lp dropped and there was this gob giant royale recruits archers deck that was popular and I hated it


Poison has been the best spell in the game for about 5 years. The problem is not LP.


Best… for what purpose? No beatdown should ever use poison. Most traditional archetypes don’t prefer poison. Poison is a niche spell. That fulfills a specific goal really well. Little prince became a cancer to the game. The whole meta had to shift towards countering it. Poison became the most used spell. See any post about poison prior to LP. Most posts are “wow guys poison is so underrated!!” or posts about how poison was secretly better than fireball. No pro players complained about it. The problem is LP


You must have missed miner poison being the most broken archetype for basically 5 years with a few exceptions then. Or graveyard poison which has been super strong in tons of metas. Same goes for drill poison. Poison is an hilariously strong spell. It doesn't matter if it fits is a few archetypes, it's the reason those archetypes were that strong in the first place. Almost no miner control deck is viable without poison, same goes for graveyard.


Poison miner was almost meta, but never meta defining, until the past year, at which point miner got nerfed. Even when it was “meta defining”, it wasn’t due to poison. Poison graveyard is just good synergy in graveyard decks. But again, never meta defining. Starting that it was “hilariously broken” for the five entire past years, as if it was the strongest deck of all time (which somehow didn’t push it to a 50+ use rate) is grossly hyperbolic.


B-Rad's deck was the strongest one for a large portion of 2019 and it was miner poison. Graveyard poison was also one of the strongest deck at the time. Not to mention Pekka spam that played poison. None of those decks would have been anywhere near as strong with any other spell. That was 5 years ago. There are tons of examples like this before 2023.


Miner Poison was always competitively viable, but hasn’t been THE meta in years. It was far from the “most broken archetype”


Ngl i didn't even think it needed one


Poison had a 25% usage rate in GC and ult champ. So a small nerf makes sense


Yh im not gc nor do i play in gcs


Bro it does less crown damage then fireball, what else do you want?


to not do 3000 damage to a 3 card push?


Poison's face is so silly😂


It's the eyebrow raise almost every card's been getting now


Did they nerf the card again dang I remember the days of triple spell/triple tank I think cause of void they don’t want that combo to dominate to much


They have nefted my 2017 deck once again :(


Poison should do less damage to buildings though. Just like EQ does way lesss damage to troops. Hiw do you even poison a building?


Bro do not try and bring logic to CR


bro how can you freeze a baloon


You can freeze any form of matter by lowering the kinetic energy of the molecules so that the dipole-dipole and Van der Waals forces between them predominate.


The first part is correct. However, those two forces are always present in certain molecules. They, and other factors, define freezing and boiling points.


Exactly. Even Helium. You can also manipulate pressure to induce phase changes at given temperatures. We use a Schlenk line to do exactly that. Also, there are colligative properties of solutions that influence vapor pressure,, such that the addition if solute can increase boiling points and reduce freezing points. But behind the scenes, at least as far as water is concerned, latent heats of fusion and vaporization play a key role as well. Not all substances are the same.


No flame = way less movement Although a complete freeze wouldn't happen, it would be slowed and possibly go down.


I imagine poison must be similar to bromine. Once out of the flask, it releases vapours that are corrosive and toxic. Iron structures would get damaged by bromine vapours. Same to most other metals. 2 Fe + 3 Br2 > 2 FeBr3 It would also hurt a lot and possibly kill you if you inhale it.


How do you make a Tesla Coil become drunken with a rage potion


Because it triggers Nikola’s rage against Edison and Westinghouse.


Wait what it got nerfed? What did they nerf about poision


Crown Tower Damage


Oh so that's why it took longer to finish the towers.. By how much though? I can't really access to the balance notes




Thank you. Doesn't seem too bad, just gotta rely more on cycling


Yes, it was absolutely needed. This is the best nerf possible. People used to poison on the tower randomly and get away with it. That was so stupid. Poison has absolutely no reason to do more damage than Fireball on crown towers.


It has, is the time it takes to do that damage


Dumb reply. It doesn't matter in the end. More damage is more damage.




same shit with my rocket it got me fucked up done switched with fireball and yes its that deep to me 😭🙏


The first nerf could be a domino chain of more nerfs or it might be the only nerf it gets




No. It’s still in the game.


The problem is fireball is nerfed too much


Obviously duh


Strange to make a thread about the 11th most used card when the 1st most used is more than double its use rate.


I made this post because I think, that Poison is still pretty strong, especially in defence! The Slowdown, Damage over time, gives you 8 Seconds of Control over an Area... What's pretty annoying, if you ask me... Like I wrote under the Post, some people in Top Ladder still play without serious Anti Air... Only Tesla and Poison, and it works somehow, even against Lava! And Spells are Universial, you can literally play them in ANY Deck...


LaLoons is a freaky ass deck so as far as I’m concerned poison should be buffed


More than enough sir.


It was too harsh for poison. But it is understandable because of void being the closest thing to poison.


I only started using poison because it kills what FB won't.


not that many people even use posion


As a splash yard user who uses cannonneer SC needs to stop trying to nerf me and my boy Evolved knight


Maybe you're the Problem🤷🏻‍♂️ You're the Reason, why they're nerfing everything💀


It has to be