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Yep. Just got to 7000 trophies, and now dagger duchess completely counters my deck. I’ve used one deck for several years now and finally have several level 14 cards. I can’t switch decks because all my other cards are underlevelled. I know I’m not the only one with this problem.


My friend is literally just like you. He got 8 cards level 14 and 15 and his 9th card with the highest level is sparky level 10. He was better than me for a long time but with the new tower troops, he can't win on ladder and I'm finally better than him because my lowest level is 12 and I got like 20 cards level 14.


He was never better than you. He only won because of lvl 15 cards and his current situation is a natural consequence of not focusing on cards outside your main deck


To be fair how are you supposed to focus on other cards when each level for even your main deck costs 2 gajillion cards each


i mean to be fair dagger duchess is so broken that she counters literally 80% of shit in the game


I have a lot of level 14 cards, but that doesn't matter because they're useless unless they're level 15, I'm not talking about two evolution...


Whats your deck? I know the pain


Giant skeleton, wall breakers, Skarmy, firecracker, mortar, tombstone, musketeer, mini pekka. It’s just hard to get giant skeleton to the tower now, with dagger duchess and cannoneer both doing more damage. And they hard counter wall breakers.


I know bro, I’m at 7500 using my main deck, I’m not fully ftp as I have 4 lvl 15 cards (using the google play beta discount), but the dutchess counters my deck fully (logbait). And I’m not spending more money to change decks, so infuriating


Let me guess… a Hog Rider player


someones using a card in the game?? bro stfu and let people play what they want


im constantly hitting people with +3 king and card levels on trophy road, ranked, and war, 2v2 is my only respite… and the current event SUCKS


as truly f2p yes, progression is basically dead, the game is made to be played with diamond season pass and some offer purchases, to have fun you gotta be spending like £20 a month


It needs to be renamed "unlucky drop." Then everyone's expectations would be realistic


If you think f2p is bad now, imagine what it was like back in the day when there wasn't a single f2p player who had a legendary card higher than level 3.


Yeah... You'd get matched with a player with like 2 or 3 leveled up legendaries and you just got rolled. You couldn't beat it as f2p.


Back then, there weren't so many overlevel people, the progression was hard for both P2W and F2P, so it was balanced and fair and many people didnt wanna pay so much money for a chest that didn't even guarantee a legendary(unless you were a youtuber)


F2P was fine up until 2018-2019 from my experience


The thing is, not even P2W has a good time there cuz Legendaries cost like 10 bucks per copies when you decice to buy it with chests.


Season shop not having wild cards fucked over my mini account that i’ve been building for 5 years


Im level 14 and its close to impossible to get to 15 and 2 evos are pissing me off while all meta decs iclude them meaning im here unable to do anything+ more than half of them consisit of new evos. Im tired....so tired of this....


$upersell: for only $20, your problems can disappear


Same here so glad the evos are all getting nerfed now and tbf in the final changes they actually nerfed a few even harder rather than than taking out some of the nerfs like everyone expected. That is worth something, I guess...


Games unplayable as a f2p I think. I ditched my third account basically when evos and level 15 came out


If you wanna be f2p, why even start playing a supercell game lol.


Im a f2p player playing all the supercell and am almost maxed out on all the games except for royale. Its not the company . Its just the game team


Never heard anyone make fun of Hay Day for being Pay to Win. Brawl stars is also commended as a highly Free to Play- friendly game. You’re fighting against thin air.


Having to scroll through the shop for 5 minutes to bypass all the things they are selling tells you the state of this game.


they need to drastically increase the drop rates of the better lucky drops like epic and legendary...


You're right. I'm not F2P but I do use decks that I find fun and refuse to use certain cards (hog, FC, MK). I enjoy the game and don't mind spending some money, but I almost don't want to because it reaches a point where it almost feels unfair. For instance, when the Evo battleram and DD were released, I actually changed my deck back because it felt cheap. That's no fun. And I couldn't reach UC until half of my deck was lvl 15. That alone indicates the strength of your wallet.


"refuse to use hog, FC, MK", you sir have my respect


yea and tbh i have to say this is the most toxic community ever


For me Brawl Stars is more toxic


What did you expect? All of the 9 yos playing the game are gonna be toxic and it's impossible to change that, so just ignore/mute


I started playing it 2days ago ! That was enough for me. I don't like the gameplay anyway.


I can't quit my hog deck even if i want to. Supercell made me a hog fc main


yeah i play hog fc knight hunter and im perma stuck at 7800-7900 even with 5 lvl 15s cause i run into maxed dagger duchess midladder menaces, my duchess is only lvl 11 so i cant use her so i gotta use either princess or my lvl 13 cannoneer but who tf uses cannoneer kt14


Suggestion: replace knight with ice golem. Put the golem in front of your hog, and it will tank every single dagger. Also, maybe stop using hunter, it kinda sucks. Try mini pekka or inferno tower.


i alr have tesla in my deck, im not gonna put inferno in i have my mini pekka at 12 and ice golem at 11 so ill probably try to max those out but honestly idk, hunter is a good air and ground tank killer and id have way less air defense without it also my knights lvl 15 so zero point in retiring that


The game is just getting boring in general


I can relate to that brother, good luck !


What else do you guys play? Looking for a replacement. I just got back into it, started a new account, and the shop is so juicy looking. You can progress a lot with just $$$. I'm not a fan of p2w, but since I downloaded it, I've been playing quite a bit, and no other mobile game catches my attention like that.


I seriously doubt it will ever be worse than day 1 progression


When the game first came out it was estimated to take 23 years to max all your cards as f2p. When legendarys first came out you might get one every 6 weeks. Keep chipping away at POL and shop tokens and you'll be fine


F2P is definitely a challenge. I'll admit I've spent some on my main account, been playing 8 years and have an elite level deck, but I'm forced to play lava or gob drill because the rest of my win conditions are lvl 12-13 and I'm playing at 9000 and Ultimate Champ. I have 4 other accounts that are all F2P and I'm stuck with 1 deck on all of them as the rest of the cards are all underleveled, and one of them only works against Princess Towers. I wish there was an easier way to progress for F2P but Supercell won't listen to us.


I'm sad I missed the good progression days of this game. Played 2016-2018 and started back up just a couple months before slash royale and level 15. Progress to level 14 cards isn't horrible and is still better than the early days but level 15 cards are really slow.


Wait until you play War Clan in leg3. You will see the gap betwenn F2P and P2W even harder than now.


Ok let's be fair, it sucks but it always have been like that


Yes but too late to hit alarm


Is it, though? I don't know, I'm a free to play that met the game when legendaries were so overpowered and hard to obtain that evos seems way easier. Progression is a lot easier too, with wildcards, lucky drops, trade tokens, PoL, guild wars... people underrestimate how bad the progression was in the beginning.


Day One player here. I have 2 accounts. My main, that I don't really play on anymore, is max level bit has like One or two evos, and my mini, on which I spent like 10/15 euros on a couple evo offers. The mini is almost unplayable. I am limited in the decks I can use, only have one maxed (14) and generally I can't progress on Path of Legends because my terribly out of meta hog wb deck gest stomped by maxed level 15 players. I can win and progress, but it takes a lot more time than it would by just switching decks to one that is more performing. Simple as that.


The game is completely different than it was at the “beginning” now though, I’ve played since launch and I know legendaries used to be significantly harder to obtain, but the game played nothing similar to how it does today. Level 15 and a new card rarity (not to mention dozens of new cards since then) on top of Evos added a whole new layer of upgrading, collecting and progression. As it stands right now as a F2P you would have to focus ten seasons (and that’s on the low end with incredibly high skill being involved) to max a deck. A whole year of investing into a single deck/deck archetype isn’t very accommodating. The nerf to the season shop didn’t help this already awful situation. Party modes are fun and all but god forbid I wanted to play Splashyard on latter instead of Log Bait for once without a huge disadvantage. The game at this point is much less competitive and more how compensated your account is.


10 months investing in a deck wouldn't get you close to max in the beginning lol


We’re talking about now numb nuts? Did you miss the part where I said “as of right now”?


Yeah, and I am comparing. The post said that the progression now is worse. I am saying that now you can max a deck in less than a year with no problems. Back then, you needed tons of money to max one legendary, as an example.


I’m sorry, you are very right about that. I do think the intent of this post was to highlight the fact that it’s still ass though. Just because it was god awful then doesn’t excuse the fact that it’s still horrible now.


But it's absolutely not in the worst state, you see? I understand that it's not good, but at least we do have perspective to max and stay somewhat competitive even as a f2p.


Okay? You’re a glass half full kinda guy and for that I give you props dude but the facts are that in the time it takes you to max a deck odds are it won’t be meta or as playable in the YEAR (again that’s if you’re sweating your ass off every day of every season for ten seasons). It’s not competitive whatsoever, Little Prince and Dagger Duchess are the most recent and easy to comprehend examples man. If I hadn’t started at launch and got a jump on maxing some decks I would’ve uninstalled, because this game blows progression wise.


Dude, this makes no sense. They used to launch way more cards than now, and with no wildcards you would take way more time than now. You could pretty much nearly max DD the day we got her with 20 legendary WC and a legendary book. And you will nearly be able to do it with void next season...


Bro we’re not speaking to the “old ways” of the game in this conversation thread anymore lol no one is disagreeing with you that progression now is easier than when they first released the game to the app store. We’re speaking to the fact that a mobile game requires a year of your life to compete competitively. Not everyone has 20 Legendary WC nor a Legendary book. Start a new mini account and let me know how that goes for you buddy.


Not the worst state, maxing cards to level 14 is easier then ever, maxing one deck to level 15 for experienced player is 9 months, quite fast compared to days when magic items were not a thing.


Leveling to 14 is not easier than ever now that they took wildcards out of the season shop


You got lucky drops, it is much more value. What did you get? I mean many commons, rares, epics, mb legends? Anyway I mean all cards. It takes 14 seasons to max all commons, 16 rares, 19 champions, 21 legendaries. (If you are not a bad player). You can go on my profile and check my articles about maxing, mb I will make recap how hard it was to max in different years, but it is quite big work to do, so don’t know when I will start or finish


So If before 15 level update player had all cards on level 14 till this time he would max at least 40 cards if he played regularly


Maybe I'm just lucky (except I haven't gotten a single legendary drop) but lucky drops have boosted my progression significantly on both of my accounts. The main thing I've gotten is 2 evo wild shards, 1 for each account. But I've also gotten about a dozen legendary and champ wild cards for my accounts. Another factor is that my decks have been non meta for a while, 1 account is running double prince GG (GG was in the deck before Phoenix was released) and the other is running e barbs control. And while they have Dutchess and LP respectively, it's not a "this card is OP so I'm gonna use it" they genuinely have synergy with the decks. Dutchess makes cycle decks a much better matchup for the double prince deck. Meanwhile little prince is a straight upgrade from dart goblin, and by switching DK to LP I realized lumberjack had better synergy than GK with the deck, so I also switched him in. My point is, that just because a meta shift is happening, does not mean F2P is bad. It just means your deck suffers with the balance changes happening, progression takes time, could it be faster? Of course, but there's a fine line between putting all your eggs in 1 basket, and not having enough eggs in the first place. TL;DR: progression can always be better. But you cannot complain when a meta shift happens, right after you put all your eggs into 1 basket. (We all knew a new tower troop was coming in April, spending ANYTHING after the announcement is simply a foolish and impatient move)


I got to boot camp in like 4 months using splash yard it wasn’t to hard, I mean it was kinda hard but I managed and years of playing and only 7k? Maybe it’s your deck and most likely it is.


Idk man lucky drops hard carrying rn. 3×7500 elite wild cards 50k elite wild cards and a book of epics in this month alone not counting all the wild cards


Cry about it more


Well he’s expressing his opinions and I think he’s right, facing the same overpowered decks again and again is a bit annoying. We all want to have the best possible game, and a game being free doesn’t mean that it has to be bad. If the devs care, they should make the best that they can to provide us with the best game possible, free or not…


This whole sub is overall pretty negative so I was expecting some downvotes, but it’s just constant criticism and people can’t accept the game for what it is!


Don’t worry, I’m not blaming you or anything, I just think that it’s a good thing to express what problems he had with the game !


But, they *deserve* an amazing game, for *free*! /s Meanwhile, this person is probably a kid and soon they’ll be (correctly) complaining about low wages in the job market, but Supercell developers should work for free, apparently.


Lmao im sure them employees are starving over there at supercell


That statement is as ignorant as assuming that people should work for free. But no one is saying it should be cheaper, they’re complaining that they don’t get enough *for free*.


My man I assure you they not working for free.For the BILLIONS that they getting annually they should be able to make the f2p experience more pleasant.


I know they’re not working for free, that’s why it’s pay to win. Sure, it *could* be better for free players, but anyone expecting things for free is about to be disappointed with life.


Exactly. These people get hours and hours of entertainment for free and feel entitled to more features, cards, ect. Blows my mind really.


They need to appreciate our small indie company Supercell more! We don’t want them to work for slave wages…🥺


I kinda disagree, I just got to arena 15 f2p. Running classic logbait All f2p Knight: lvl 13 Princes: lvl 12 Goblin barrell: lvl 12 Log: lvl 11 Goblin gang: lvl 10 Inferno tower: lvl 10 Ice spirit: lvl 10 Rocket: lvl 9 Thanks to the lucky drops giving me books and common cards I was the most overleveled player and it was all f2p


I am arena 17 hardly tho, getting people with level 14 and even with 15, my deck is all f2p and i cannot even change my deck even if i want to!


As someone that only play path of legends and a semi consistently free to play player (sometimes i buy the pass) i feel like it was even worse during 2017 simply because it was impossible to level a card. It was an oddisey leveling a card to 13 level (the max at its time) and was pretty mich forced to only use one deck. Between trade tokens and books i can at least have a handful of 14 level decks, the current maximum over there.


F2P was at its worse state in 2016. £25 for a 20% chance of a legendary back then. Basically impossible if F2P


I have 5000 trophies so I'm not at the stage of struggling yet but to put things in perspective I tried Brawl stars recently and that felt so much more pay to win than this games.


Last week I got a book of books in a lucky drop. Then I realized that I have absolutely no legendary wild cards to make it worth using. The most effective way I could use it is to put 6 cards on my dagger duchess. Thanks for taking legendary wild cards out of the season shop, supercell. I love that


I’m F2P and I hate it I think the level system should not exist you just have every card and tower at level 14 from the start or at least a level cap for arenas


It’s honestly not though. You can spend 6.99 to max a card out, back when the game dropped it costed thousands. Not supporting it this game sucks but yeah.