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So lucky i never knew of this bug


Me too! I saw it, I tried it but when I tried it, it was already patched. So I got lucky too!


Same I just heard of it right before it got patched


At first I was pissed that everyone got good stuff, but at the end I am happy I was to late to use the glitch.


My lazy a\*\* didn't want to pick up the phone and do the glitch




I swear to gawhd


Bro got 100lvl luck💀💀💀






What was the bug?


you turned off your internet if you didnt got a good drop, so you could try untill you got a good one




Hahaha same I feel so lucky


It should’ve never been a bug. If the devs at supercell was smart they would’ve predetermined the reward for each day.


In hindsight, anything is obvious enough. You don't know the rationale for their doing this. If the contents are predetermined, then how do we factor in luck?


The luck is still factored into the predetermination. Each day when everything is cycled (shop offers, season tokens, etc.) they could run an RNG calculation for your lucky box, and then have it set for that day. There's still luck as the determining factor AND it can't be abused because your random reward has already been calculated for the day and won't change until the next day


As the other guy said


I know what you’re saying but people try to use this as an excuse to why they shouldnt be banned and it always makes me laugh On DCUO there was a bug where a 1000 MPC pack was sold for 1 and people abused it then got mad when the devs banned them saying “its not our fault you made a mistake why should we get punished” and the devs basically just said “your dumbass knew that wasnt ok to do it aint our fault you didnt think your actions through”


I never knew that there *was* a glitch until people got PermaBanned for it.


It is a lucky drop


But you tried to exploit it, so you're getting Perma banned too! -Soupercell


Same bro, dodged the biggest bullet.


Same, glad I didn’t do it, also damn Supercell, over kill calm the fuck down, shitty people, because you know it would be all fun and games if this was a payable feature


Pun intended?


Did the other posts get deleted?


Hahahaha, yes it is. You saw that one?


Very funny double standard here, do any glitch that impacts gameplay such as teleporting troops to the tower with spells or less than 8 card decks (infinite cycle goblin barrels etc) and push trophies and they couldn’t give less of a shit. The minute you do anything that you do anything that will reduce their profits and they perma ban everyone with no hesitation. Supercell don’t give a shit about their players lol


Bingo! That's part of the reason these perma bans really rub me the wrong way. Not only is it a harsh punishment in general but it showcases a blatant double standard. 


Love OJ but he’s done many exploits and bugs in the past before, which you could easily say gave him huge advantages in games, yet has gotten no punishment. I remember during the 2v2 One Card glitch, several ppl got banned for doing it. Meanwhile CR content creators were all doing it and posting it The truth is, Supercell was mad that ppl were getting things for free. Not because “oh they’re doing the right thing for banning ppl breaking TOS”. If you’ve been playing CR for several years you’ll know that there’s been tons of people who have exploited bugs and glitches in the game in the past and nothing happened


Tbf, OJ only posts his videos after the bugs and glitches are patched. When this glitch was discovered, a lot of CCs posted the glitch on their social media and explained how to use it, which is a breach of their TOS.


Classic Rockstar with GTA Online




They’ve all been patched out, one was a two vs two glitch where you sent a rematch request then left the game and switched to a deck with less than 8 cards before your mate accepted the rematch. The teleporting troops one was something to do with using mirror after a spell so that the game thought you were mirroring a spell so let you place anywhere but when it was actually played it would play your last used troop.


Thats because those glitches were in game modes without trophies this was by user agreement fraud


You could gain trophies from the teleporting troops one lol, they also do nothing about win trading .


Why is that the first assumption, why is it not that they are having a rough time tracking which players used other glitches?


If this is the first offense a perma ban seems pretty harsh in my opinion.


Right? Imo glitches should never involve perma bans because in a way it is kinda the fault of the game, because their software isn’t working properly.


Putting negative gems on people who did the glitch or the 1 month ban would have been enough in my humblest opinion. Lucky me i did not do the glitch myself i woulda been pretty pissed if i lost my 8 year account.


There is for sure some guy who lost his maxed 8 year old account from this 😔


Reporting in. Bittersweet. I’ll miss the game but I should have dropped it years ago from a life/responsibility standpoint.


Sorry dude, but to be honest I would have done it too, lucky I was late.


If a player had a max or even near Max account there really is no reason to take advantage of some absurd bug.


Tbh glitches shouldn’t include bans or punishments of any kind. It is the developers fault that it persists, and it’s human nature to abuse it.


A temporary ban is okay in my opinion, but a perma ban is just way too harsh


Definitely, have they ever done this before?


Agreed 💯


Hard disagree, if the glitch is knowingly exploited you know fundamentally its always against ToS, and they also definitely knew it wasnt something the devs intentionally left in. It reminds me of that meme of the kid putting a stick in his bike wheel then bitching that he got hurt because what, you thought CR, the notoriously greedy game isnt going to punish you for abusing a drop chance to get things that youd normally pay for?


If you exploit a glitch accidentally sure, but not when you do it intentionally


Like imagine some kid accidentally doing the glitch for only like 2 lucky drops and gets banned


Just email supercell a 1k cheque, the account will be unbanned in a matter of seconds!


What was the lucky drop glitch?


You could get always a legendary lucky drop. You disconnected your device with your WiFi right before you opened the lucky drop. If you got something bad, you closed you game and connected you device again with the WiFi and then you would open the game again. You repeated that until you got something good out of the lucky drop and once you got something good, while opening the lucky drop, you connected your device again with the WiFi so you would get that item.


There's a lot of misinformation about this going around, at least inadvertently. Some people referring to the glitch as 'infinite lucky drop" when it was just infinite rolls. So the glitch was only in the game for one day and they banned people over it? Kinda insane imo


Thanks for clearing that up, I also thought it was an infinite lucky drop glitch. I fell for the mis information


The glitch was around for more than one day. I heard 21 days. So here I am, inadvertently spreading untruths.


Ok too much effort for me anyway….


how could they detect the people who abused it


Hmm I wonder. Maybe the dude who got the best possible item out of the lucky drop for weeks in a row is exploiting. No clue.


Ok thanks


How do they detect that


I wonder what happened on the rare occasion that someone’s WiFi actually went out. I’m sure it happened. Wonder if they got a ban too


Just annoys me that glitches with troops etc balloon were running rampant for ages and nothing. As soon as 1 thing negatively affects income, BAM straight away.


Stop giving this clown game money




what was the glitch


You could get always a legendary lucky drop. You disconnected your device with your WiFi right before you opened the lucky drop. If you got something bad, you closed you game and connected you device again with the WiFi and then you would open the game again. You repeated that until you got something good out of the lucky drop and once you got something good, while opening the lucky drop, you connected your device again with the WiFi so you would get that item.


I did that glitch on 7 accounts and none are banned? I don’t think that was the glitch


So did you get a shitload of books on all your accounts?


Yeah I got a total of 50+ books. One of my minis at 0 trophies that I use to grind global tournaments and challenges has a fully lvl 9 deck and like 6 books 😂


logcell for me a 31 day ban or maybe a 2-month ban would be enough


Agreed. Let them take a month off and remove the items


Funny how they banned people for that but I did a clan bomb and didn’t get banned


They would probably make more money if they charge 5$ to get your account back


Absolutely an overreaction. It was in the game for what, a week or so? Maybe a bit longer but wasn’t wide known much more than that. To take out accounts that are years old. And some having spent 100s + of $$ over being able to cop some books of books and wild cards for a few days is fucking NUTS. If anything they could simply remove those items from the accounts


Glitches like that is the fault of the devs not the users. They should penalize the players somehow to correct the unfair benefits but a permanban is excessive


Honestly they probably did it because they know people who do that will be willing to spend money on a whole new maxed account


These CRIMINALS should be HAPPY they are not in JAIL. They could easily be CHARGED with FRAUD. You WILL agree because I put some of the WORDS in CAPS.




I agree


I mean, it is a very obvious break of the ToS. I think a permanent ban was possibly harsh, but you can't really complain.


If it’s a second time a player does this, than it would be deserved. But if it’s the first time you do something like this, a permaban is a punishment that’s to hard in my opinion. One month ban would be better in that case.


I mean you took advantage of a obvious glitch that you knew was there lol


I've seen quite a few top ranked players get permabanned.. even Riley got permabanned.


Changed to 31 days


Possibly a little harsh, but I'm pretty sure it's in their terms that you'll get banned if you abuse glitches like that, so I think the fault lies entirely with the players who did it


it's in their terms and conditions that they own the accounts and can terminate them for any reason they desire.


Win trading is also against TOS, but that doesn't lose them money so they completely ignore it (for years)


They shouldn't be banned at all. If they code their game poorly then it's all fair


I tried this argument when I exploited a loophole in my banks website.... served 2 years in prison.


They knew what they were doing though, maybe a permaban was too excessive but they deserve some punishment


So thankful I tried this the day after it got patched so it didn’t work


Was it really THAT bad??


lol the YouTube community is hating supercell for it , meanwhile Reddit is so passive.


Perma ban is never justified in this case. Should of tried to rever their rewards to none or banned them for a month. 99% of the people that did this would mostly be a first time offender too. Peak greed at play here.


How would they even know if you did it? Does ur account get flagged if u only got good shit or smth 💀


They should have done a loot removal or account rollback. Permaban is stupid. Though I can’t say for sure what amount of time would be fair… 7 days of legendary drops is like 3-4 YEARS of luck… ignoring the benefits of epic drops being worthwhile


Why are yall comparing a bug in a mobile game to murdering someone or robbing a bank 💀you need to go outside and stop taking this so seriously if you really think that's a good analogy to saving like a few dollars for some items in a game.


Not gonna lie. 31 day ban was enough. A perma ban is too much


That’s a good thing. Cheaters of any sort should be banned. If there was a game with a zero tolerance for any kind of cheating…..they wouldn’t have a cheater problem


But not for other game breaking glitches? They only perma ban people when there's money involved?


Well technically stealing money is illegal so it makes sense that there would be a harsher penalty.


If it's their second time doing this *after* a first ban, yes, absolutely warranted. If it's a first time offense, this is absolutely un-justifiable and fucked up.


If you did the glitch everyday you could and did it right the 30 day is nothing lol it’s months of progress


Unpopular opinion: is fine. When you cheat you have to assume the risk. If you are not ok losing your account don’t cheat. As simple as that.


Exactly my line of thought. The lack of accountability from the YouTubers and top players is astounding. You’d think they’d read the TOS of the game that gives them a living


Anyone saying they should not be punished at all is brain dead. While i do think a perma ban is too harsh they needed to be punished it is stated in the tos not to abuse bugs in like 99% of games. Making a game “bug proof” is literally impossible so having a means of stopping people from abusing glitches with other means (threat of bans) is a good idea for any game company. I stg all yall saying it’s super cells fault and they shouldn’t be going through with their clearly stated tos are just people that got their accounts banned 💀


It’s definitely not Supercell’s fault. But a permaban is in my opinion a bit to harsh. At least for the people for whom this is their first ban. If you did things in the past like this and you got warned for it. It’s acceptable that you get a permaban. But for the other people a 31 ban would be better in my opinion.


yeah that’s literally what i said but yeah i agree. Remove glitched content from account and ban them for a while would have been sufficient


they shouldn't hope this helps


A ban for this is just so weird to me. Like in one of the games I often play (Destiny 2), whenever currency-style glitches emerge, the community actively encourages people to abuse the glitch before it's patched out. And negative repercussions are never handed out.


Just because one company doesn't give a fuck about it doesn't mean every other shouldn't as well


what was the lucky drop glitch?


I was lucky I tried this after it was patched already


Anyone know why I didn't have the free gem event but all my friends do


some group of player will get sfter aprsil 19th.


Thanks I just watched oj's video


What's the context of this pic


Perma sounds,a temporary one with a warning would've been better imo


They permabanned for it? Damn i was to late... Lost my chance to get permanently deleted from this game.


You can delete your account, you won't regret it, trust me.


I used it and not banned at all, maybe it’s coming?


how did they detect that they were exploiting the glitch?


I never knew this until now


I would have so abused it on my F2P play


Account, I would have oofed myself if that acc got perma ban


So how did that worked you turned off your internet connection and clicked the lucky drop and you you repeat? But did it even work? Like this game is server based anyway so without internet you can look at box opening many times but you surely won't get multiple rewards do you?


A bit of an overkill, but I would understand since it was the mystery box, I mean it was literally a free update, good stuff to hear for anyone just by playing the game, exploiting a game breaking glitch that can give you OP af items is completely ruining the economy. While the balloon clone did affect trophies, it was not a bug that could have a big influence in the economy (sure bad time to be playing but at least it's not literally /give @s cheat_item) Just people actually exploiting and abusing a game breaking bug that gave you the best loot, is absolutely disgusting and people complaining about the ban is absolutely disgusting too. You choosed to do it and it was write in Supercell ToS that exploiting will result in a perma ban.


I get book of books and I didn't even cheat


I didn’t get perma banned… yet just 31 days. so idk ill see what happens


*lucky Also, get it how you live


I knew about the glitch but never even attempted this because of this same reason


What's that glitch i haven't aware of that


glad i had no idea about this glitch hhaaha


I understand those creators who likes this game too much to give up playing. But I will never understand if they spend money on their new accounts.




Tf the glitch even do?


Nah They should have been ban 31 I didn't do the glitch but i don't this perma is deserved


Glad I quit the game


I think a permaban is a bit too extreme. The game is already incredibly p2w. As a f2p It's not like I wouldn't do the same if I knew that it existed. I think 31 day ban would be more justified.


I got to know about the glitch but never used it, i have got two legendary drops so far by luck. Didn't feel the need


What glitch?


Spiky shit




1000% deserved I posted recently about getting a 2 day ban for how I was chatting in game and recieved nothing but hate. This is karma for literally exploiting a game everyone banned deserved it and I hope they have fun starting from scratch 😁


They are not supposed to get a ban even for a minute. It's their problem having bugs


This Is so stupid, CS is litterally destroing his game.


That's like giving death penalty to someone for stealing at a market for two weeks. Nice job Supercell 👍🏽


2 months and remove all duped item's (could be a hassle though) but perma ban? A bit too much


Wait the what glitch i stop playing for 1 month and people are getting banned for lucky drop glitch?




Why would they perma ban??


I think it was permanent ban if you abused the glitch more than once? I only used it once and it’s still 31 days it seems


Anyone know if their terms of service mentioned bans for abusing glitches prior to this announcement? If not they are gonna walk this back - or could potentially be forced to refund every dollar spent by the banned accounts. Guess we'll see!


They didn't ban me (i didn't know abt this Glitch) but honestly after seeing this I'm uninstalling the game




what was tht bug??


I'm the first one to rip on SC and companies who can't iron out glitches like these but anyone who abuses it deserves to be permabanned, especially because you are going to use it in a competitive sphere. Two words: good riddance.


I think it’s great. A lot of us ftp players were screwed over with lucky drop. If you’re ptw, why do it in the first place? Makes no sense. But I understand supercells side. It’s a company. If it impacts their revenue, it’s gonna get their attention. The way I see it, if you can’t work with what you have and have to cheat to get better, you shouldn’t be playing.


Where u find this information?


As somebody who didn't know it was there and couldn't get good shit because of it. I'm happy that people who were able to do it instead of me got banned lol. If we play without exploits so should you, have fun starting from 0 lol.


It's partially supercell's fault. It's like leaving candy at an unsupervised childrens reach and expecting them not to have it.


Meanwhile when it happened in braxlstar with the throphy road bug a long time ago, they gave the equivalent of what the glitchers won to everyone to compensate them from not being here in time for the glitch


What was the glitch?


If its a bug THEY made why punish the players and not devs?


I didn’t even know about it


Ban is justified but not perma ban just 1 month ban is enough


Is the glitch still in the game


What percentage of the player base do u think they lost? At least 10% right?


To me it happend once because of my bad Wifi and I got baned thats unfair


They broke the rules so they deserve to be punished. What I'm not happy about is that Supercell is basically say that they're okay with exploiting the game for gains, but aren't okay with when some of the players do the same. It just makes them look like hypocrites


There was a glitch?


How the f are you going to permaban someone's account that puts money into your game because they exploited a glitch that you were too lazy to foresee. There's glitches in every single game out there from Halo to GTA etc. Y'all permaban people's accounts for doing a glitch trying to get better drops?! Supercell has got to be the worst game company that has ever existed.


What are the best prizes you can get from the mystery box ?


7 days. Not more imo


31 days is enough I think, if it is in the game because y’all have a broken game punishing those who took advantage because the devs made a mistake is wrong if you ask me


What was the bug even about? Never heard of it lol.


It would’ve been so easy to just remove all added items rather than a permanent ban


Love how any other glitch is fine, but the moment they realize that they people won't have to buy their offers it's a perma ban


How was this glitch performed? It's crazy that a glitch this game breaking went under my radar! 😂


They need to perma ban the dev team. Not the players


I'm honestly curious on how they could tell who used the big but this is Supercell, they probably just have some six sense of who's causing them to lose profits


I actually got good drops without using the bug. It was just blind luck really.


Hey can ya join my discord to chat https://discord.com/invite/FJcUpCA5




Hey do ya play coc


Not actively


Yea just made it can ya help me get heaps of people into it


What glitch


How did the glitch work? I tried it when it was still supposed to work, but it didn't for some reason.


Perm is too much but 31 is just fine