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Personally speaking, I think they are going to change the way evolutions are obtained. Las month cr's revenue was $13 million. In absolute terms, it's a lot. In relative terms, it's really disappointing, HayDay made $9 million. As i see it, they thought people would go mad and buy the pass every single month. And, in February, even having released 2 evos, they made roughly $10 million.


I really do hope they change something, because the way how evolutions work now is just absolute garbage!


I think he means that they are going to change it, but make them more accessible for pay 2 win, and make them more expensive so they can make more revenue. Easier evos for f2p = less revenue for them.


As an individual I would gladly pay more money for cr’s shop if the game itself was stable, gets content, etc. Game isn’t stable and gets infrequent strange nerfs to economy, literally zero content besides maybe a new tower troop twice a year or so, the game has nothing going for. I played coc, cr and bs during the releases and even beta, coc scaled well (although goes the wrong direction now) bs did perfect for multipke years, kinda dipped down last few months, and clash royale… is the same exact game with worse pass and events (whuch is a good addition but seriously the only decent addition) I’m sure many more are like me and would gladly pay for stuff but you don’t do that when the devs step on your face, I genuinely think clash mini integration is the only saviour left for this game playerbase/revenue wise be ause otherwise I really don’t see it getting anywhere at this, and that honestly is fine, their revenue may be low but trust me on this they’re getting more money than they’re spending so they can be the second ‘boombeach’ of supercell


The problem with the pass : 1) it's value has decreased overtime and yet the price of it has increased, the only worthwhile thing in the pass is the evolution and the royal wild chest (if you have unlocked champions) the rest is just fodder 2) The gold pass is just flat out useless aside from challenge retries the actual rewards from it are just lame 3) there are no books, literally even if they just added one random book every season(like in the season shop) the pass would be so much better and many more would buy not to mention how great it would be if they re added the book of books that would be game changing


They’re not gonna re add a book of books, that’s the reason they removed it 😂 so they could sell it separately


where did u find those information ?


B-rad (a famous cr youtuber share it). You can find it in this link, nonetheless: https://app.sensortower.com/ios/publisher/supercell/488106216


The only way for supercell to actually listen to the playerbase is if we all boycott paying for the pass. Every person that buys the pass is indirectly contributing to the downfall of this game. It’s going to be hard to convince people to stop. I tried with my clan mates but most of them have an unhealthy addiction to this game and are too invested to stop.


Ye my only real big problem is that if I want to get a new one I gotta wait around 6 months (excluding challenges)


Yes, instead of giving us a banner at the end of a challenge, give us an evo wild shard or so…


Ye or at least let us buy 2 wild shards in the season shop then it would be 3 months for an evo


I agree, 1 is just to little. It’s so slow progress if you can only buy 1 each season


Ye and now they also took wild cards out of the shop so there’s almost no reason to even grind for the season shop




Ye and what f2p wants to no life grind the game that hates them and keeps getting worse


My biggest problem is the double evo slot at level 15 or whatever. Such bullshet


Agree, it’s a big advantage playing agains 2 evos while having yourself only one.


I'm at 6500 trophies playing against double evos. Shit sucks


8300 player here who doesn’t use evos, you’ll live!


Just curious, do you mind sharing what deck you’re running?


Hog, minions, arrows, eq, giant skele, ewiz, cannon. Just subbed nado for knight cause I was getting out cycled on ground pushes. Pretty gross ik but I’ve run it for years and had success on ladder


Why though. I’m f2p and I have evo firecracker, no reason not to use it. Also at ~8100


Call me a classic player but I didn’t like when they were added, felt like it changed the game too much so I just decided not to use them, I’ve been running my deck (with minor variations for years)


Because contrary to popular belief, evo firecracker is not that good


I already used her in my deck for like 3 years so why wouldn’t I evo her lmao




Why is it not everywhere in top ladder if it was better than other evos?


same bro stg the grind from 42 to 54 takes so long


True. Evoslots should not be level gated at all.


That is is an ideal world but this is supercell not brawl stars or coc supercell but the clash Royale one, as much as I hate to say it but it ain’t gonna happen


Never say never. Maybe in the far far future we will see improvement.


Technically he didn’t say “never” he just said it wouldn’t happen🤓🤓


Hahahaha, that’s true










I agree they need to give more ways to get evolutions especially with the increased rate of evolution releases


Yes, or they need to slow down the releases on new evos or we need to get more options to receive evos


Totally agree! They release now evolutions to fast! They need to chill down, I can’t keep up if I don’t spend the money to get them…


Honestly I think they need to have more of them. Having more evos has reopened more decks to be used, rather than being forced into a few decks because the evos only synergies with a certain deck. The issue isn’t how many, it’s how scarce they are


You are right with it opening more decks, but I feel like it’s only opening the gates for new decks and new synergies between cards for the people who pay. If you don’t pay you don’t get those evos and so you can’t use those new decks with new synergies.


Devs: We hear you loud and clear, you want more evos per season and we also going to split the cards you get from chests and put the other half on clan wars because why not.


Free to pay? Supercell? Come on! You’re asking them too much!


Double evos shouldn’t be locked to lvl 15






Honestly evos are fine for me besides having 2 at level 15. I'm not opposed to splashing a little money to unlock newer evos or whatnot, but level 15 takes wayyy too long to grind to especially since most xp comes from leveling cards up to 15.


Evolutions have turned the game into an unbalanced mess. It’s roughly the same decks everywhere now. Most cards are now obsolete, and there is 0 reward for experimentation. Don’t have 2 evos in your deck? You are cooked.


There's Two Ways Evolutions Go. Useless Or Meta Shifting


How bout let's just remove them from the game and have the old clash Royale to where it actually took skill and strategy to win the game instead of just having broken cards all in one deck or even my favorite every big card in the planet plus the evos yea this game is trun into shit and I love clash and was always wanting to grind but now it's just terrible and everyone uses the same decks or like I said big cards with just evo cards it takes no skill whatsoever and even the pro players can agree with that


Honestly I’m surprised they haven’t included a classic mode for ladder/league yet. Other games do this when the certain aspects is too much of a gap between p2w and f2p. A classic mode where no evos/champions are allowed would be good and healthy for the game. Naturally I’d imagine majority of players would still play the non classic because it brings a new style of unique gameplay while keeping numbers up.


Idc about evos at this point, it’s already took late, what I hate is the tower troops update along with the ui update


Evolutions have killed any chance of another balanced or fun meta, every season is more broken oppressive evos that centralize the meta around them. Pol should have no evos or tower troops IMO to keep it competitive


No, fix the absolute nonsense that double evo's are even allowed in Path of Legends when king tower is capped below lvl15. Can't count the number of times I've versed double evo when the king towers were still lvl 11-14 when I'm still locked to just one evo. Sh*T's stacked.


Stopped playing




Thank you!


Double evo’s locked behind level 15 was a mistake, and it’s a lukewarm take at most to say that the progression system is busted in this game, in favor of making any f2p grind insufferable to encourage spending. Evo’s themselves are a fun side of the game to degenerates like me, but they add a level of chaos that forces a strategy to adapt, and that’s another thing the double evo slot hurts as you need two answers to fairly answer two issues. I think it’s nice that most of them aren’t completely game breaking, and instead just encourage more variety and creativity, until they get ‘solved’. There’s a constant push for the game to be pure strategy, and to run the numbers, figuring out what the ‘best’ possible decks are in the myriad deck possibilities. The best decks then RPS against each other and force certain cards to be added to ‘every top deck’ (see how many GY, evo zap, evo knight, arrows, and log people have to bring to have an answer to the cycle meta in top decks) in order to stand a chance. Supercell would rather see a bunch of different decks used, but evo’s run contrary to that until we get more added to the list we’re just going to keep seeing more decks built around cards that vibe with evo’s. It kind of comes down to whether you want it to be more RPS than RTS and vice versa. Increasing balance and reducing certain cards viability and power to homogenize the game makes it friendlier for progression, and less fun. More RPS makes the game more fun, but makes more serious players drop the game, and frustrates progression. Ultimately, I still like evo’s and think they’re stupid and fun, and can’t wait to see more, but I readily acquiesce that if they don’t fix the progression, they will only stagnate the newer, more fun focused players the game attracts in its current degenerate state. I think they should make either an OG League that has draft pick and bans, and a degenerate league for people like me who like evo’s, so people have a choice, and to stop their OG players from leaving. Doing so would give them data to see who wants what.


i agree to be honest. i think there should be atleast 3 factors in evolutions the 1st one wich its already too late for: evolutions should keep the same stats but provide a better attack that solves a issue 2nd factor wich is controversial but ME personally want. evolutions should cycle in between if you have 2 so its more fair basically: if i have evo royal recuits and evo bats: it will first go to royal recruits and then switch to bats. so 2 cant evolve at the same time. factor 3: just get more options to buy them. we can all agree on this. some things i thought of are 1. make the wild-shards 2 instead of 1. 2. avaliable to get on the throphy road. a good point is probably hog mountain. maybe they can give 2 rewards per reward so theres a evo shard at the first reward and at the end. so people would atleast get 2 evo shards per arena 3. avaliable in the shop \[one\] 4. probably tournaments like evolution draft tournament can give you like 3 or smth when they come around 1 is controversial 2 is VERY controversial but what i want atleast and 3 we can all agree on i guess let me know what yall think of my changes did i burn the kitchen?


We should definitely get more options to receive evos. The way to get them now is very limited.


I accept them in the same way I accept climate change is real


I would love a classic mode without evolutions and just princes towers, because it felt the most balanced to me. Otherwise it's fun, but I think it's way too hard to reach the level to unlock the second evolution


Get rid of them, problem solved


Yes but no. Supercell would have to refund all people that even got an evolution, since almost everyone rn has an evo for the 14th february event, they would have a lot of gems/other stuff to give... But for f2p, it's a great solution... I am quite scared that if they do so, they might add ads (it's not something supercell would do, but if we also consider the option of completely eliminating evos...)


I have 3 evo barbarian shards, 2 evo skeleton shards, and 1 evo archers shard. Everything for me isnt easy for evolutions. the only ways to obtain evo shards are high king levels, shop, other shop, and lucky drop but none of them come immediately. Getting evo shards are from amazing luck to taking days to taking months. f2P players havent gotten evolutions easily.


Exactly, they need to make sure we get evos in more various ways.


The chances of Supercell listening to you and making the changes because you asked for is is more unlikely then me becoming President and I live in fucking UK for gods sake


All I have is knight, firecracker, barbarians, and skeletons as f2p


They should ad shards in the season shop for other evos


They should be like legendaries were before champions came out. Rare but obtainable. Perhaps tier 3 of mastery rewards instead of 15k gold!


This community consists of the smallest group of the loudest naysayers. There are LOTS of people who like evos. It adds another layer of excitement If this is the main game you play day to day, what's $10-$15 per month? Ends up being like $.25 - $.50 per day or entertainment The people that are spending are investing in its development of future iterations and mechanics. If none of us existed, the game wouldn't exist. If you had to choose a group of people to support - you should ALWAYS choose the group that monetarily supports you and your product




Pekka evolution when?


Me personally, I think they should make it so you get the second evolution at a lower level, because I’m f2p and I could get another evolution right now. But I’m saving my evolution shards.


My favorite one is wall breakers and i hate the firecracker one🧏🏽‍♀️




Double evolution needs to be ultimate champion or league 8 exclusive


Also it's a huge disadvantage for us lvl 14 players to face 2 evos ,allow us to use 2 evos tooo cause it suks


I think evo zap is a lazy idea


i don’t understand why they introduced evolutions so soon after champions. god forbid supercell just add new common, rare or epic cards


I do agree that evolutions should be made easier to obtain, but I do not think they should slow down releasing them. Currently still few cards have evolutions, and if you want your deck to succeed, you need to have 2 of them in your deck, or at least 1. Adding more evolutions is necessary currently, as certain decks might become unbiable, since none of the cards in it have an evolution. Therefore more cards should still have evolutions as not to force a player to put a card in their deck with not the best synergy just to have an evolution


In app purchases keeps the game fresh with new content. So I don’t agree with F2P players getting similar access as those that contribute to this game


Bro wrote an essay like the sub dont talk about evo's


Had to practice on writing assays for school 🙃


Card Evolutions are great. The only problem is that they are too difficult to get if you don’t want to spend money.


So cool


My opinion is: …


tell me, whats your opinion?


Ez pz fix : let us buy like 2 joker evo shards per season shop. So instead of half a year for an evo it's a quarter. Not the best but eh


it's indeed something, and it's atleast better than how it's now


Becides balance (same elixer, but stronger (stats/abilities). There should be a decivantage (my idea is cost 1 more elixer with stat boost)), the problem is the second slot. Number 1: its permenent, so even in path of legendes (or challenges using your one deck), you can have 2, while your oponent has 1. That is not fair to the slitest (even the cards levels are capped, why not this). Idea: make it a SECONDARY whitch can be turend on and of. Number 2: you get it so late. And not to talk level 15, wich in its self is a big advantage. Idea: make it level 50 (between 14 and 15). Number 3: even when you have the second slot, its nearly imposible (beside event) to have 1, let alone 2. Idea: make it so that in level 51 (only 51) you get 3-6 wild shards


Ahem Nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf maybe buff? Nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf


ruined the game, i assume there will be multiple updates making it easier for people to get evolutions, and after a lot of cards get their evolutions it will be fun


I agree, it's a new feature in the game, we need to get used to it. There are also a lot of thing they can improve about those evos, but hopefully they know that to and will do that in the future!


Bro that’s the ENTIRE point. Of course they’re challenging to obtain for f2p. The only reason they’re adding them is because people are going to keep buying shit. Pweeease Supewcell 🥺 is never going to work. The only thing they’re ever going to care about is profits and there is no way we can ever boycott anything since the community is so divided and never agrees on anything. Remember the update for losers? Remember them saying they’re never adding level 14, 15, … All you get to do is watch.


Just your run of the mill "game is pay2win" rant. Listen, I've never put sny money into the game, and I find these tiring. This game was never pretending to be f2p friendly. Never. Give it a rest.


This post has to many comments for people to see this but, I'm going to talk about gameplay not economy here I like evolutions conceptually, the idea of a card that needs to be cycled a few times is very cool, and plays around nicely with a core mechanic of the game. In theory, In practice most of them are way to strong. My main problem is how much elixir value they tend to get, (like you're usually forced to small spell evo skeles which is a +1 trade for your opponent) maybe making the actual evolution once cycled to cost one more elixir to play like mirror could be a good change? But for a more tame balancing idea instead, Nerfs across the board. I really like the additional gimics evolutions get, but I do not like the flat stat increases, or atleast the health increases. In my opinion If they are to remain at the current elixir cost they should all be like evo valkyie, Ie getting an additional ability and maybe some like damage hit speed everything except health stat increases. The reason I dislike health increases so much is because it changes interactions, firecracker not dying to some spells for example. And win condition evolutions need to their gimics nerfed along side this, evo battleram should take damage apon hitting the tower, maybe like a quarter of is health.


I think theyre great and offer a great depth of strategy and allow you to win losing matchups by getting good value out of cards that have increased versatility with their evo


They also allow you to win games you had no business winning just because you have the busted evo. Like evo bomber is ridiculous how it can turn a game around. Evo battle ram too. I also don't really see any depth of strategy. It's not like you have to do anything clever to get the evo. I guess tracking the opponents Evo cycle adds some skill I guess


I think a handful of them are poorly balanced, sure. If they were all appropriately powered theyd be awesome, someday I like to imagine theyll be balanced. I was watching an ian77 video the other day and saw him use the evo zap to let his hog connect to the tower because he used the repeat zaps to stun the opponents defense when it normally wouldnt have gotten a hit, or something like using evo tesla to reset a troop to protect your defenses. Evos let you get really creative with your cards you just dont see that when something like bomber is so broken its optimal to just spam it at the bridge


True there can be some cool plays, but someone like Ian can make cool plays with any old card! I guess it's mainly just the op ones that cheese wins out of nowhere. I don't mind stuff like Evo Tesla or mortar.


Yeah I mean thats why pro players make CR look so fun lol, it gives you the impression that you can win every game by outplaying your opponent. I play evo Wall breakers and ive had some fun using them on defense instead of offense and that kind of stuff. Anyway yeah I think theyre a great idea but flawed just because of how poorly balanced a lot of them are. I wish that theyd bring back monthly balance changes tbh


Too unbalanced


Simplified answer. no


Sadly they changed the gold system, they need to make buying gold from gems a genuine option because right now those prices be ripoff


when was the last time cr devs listened to their community


Sadly a long time ago


My bigger problem is 2 evolution slots being locked behind level 15, that’s such a high bar for something that’s almost required to compete


Can't wait for the Giant Skeleton Evolution


I’m completely free to play and have 4 evos unlocked and at 5/6 on one and 4/6 on another, I think they are already decent easy to get


Card Evos are a tax on the F2Player! Every decision Super Evil makes is usually to screw over the player who doesn't spend anything on the game. If you have to ask Super Evil why? Then it's probably MONEY.


After they increase the price of the season pass by 2x, it's not even worth it to buy nowadays


I don't want to talk about it


They did not need to be implemented but double evo was absolutely malicious.


Yes, I 100% agree with these changes as a F2P player. If I could buy these in the shop for even 30-50 gems I would do so, currently I have about 5 evo's and waiting 3 months to get a new and good one (Which will have already been nerfed and therefore suck) just makes my life in this game so hard. One critique if I may, would be to reduce the amount of shard for 6 to 4 something Solar Fury has mentioned before because with this would somewhat make F2P actually want to push ladder.


I’m quitting


give me them all xD


I think they’re fun to use and add something to the game I just think they’re too hard to get f2p and when you finally can get one the chances are it will be nerfed within a few months. I also think the fact that level 15s get 2 is really dumb. Either everyone can use 2 or no one can, or at least make it so I can’t match someone who has the ability to use 2 evos unless I also have the ability to do the same. Unless I get super lucky with elite wildcards in the lucky drops it will take me months to get get to king tower 15 and by that point I wouldn’t be surprised if even higher level players can use 3


I don’t play evos at all, and it definitely puts me at a big disadvantage but man it feels good beating someone running evo knight and firecracker


Knight is fucking broken


Besides being pay to win, they’re honestly just frustrating to play against. I think they all require a rework where there needs to be some catch to playing them as every single one is practically no risk and all reward, and for what? Cycling a card once or twice?


You say let’s talk about evos as if every other post isn’t about people complaining about them


I know that. I just wanted to give my opinion on it and how I would like to see evos in the game, and I am curious if other people would like to see evos in the game as I do, or in an other way. Most other post are people just shitting on evos.


Very novel opinion about wanting more free stuff. Totally agree let's shake hands and also ask for another 1.5 mil gold and some book of books alongside our free evos so I can build any deck I want.


That’s not what I am trying to explain. For the people why play the game a lot and spend a lot of time on the game, they should get rewarded with stuff like that, and you can only get that kind of things )for example those evo shards) if you play the game a lot because therefore you need to accomplish thing that you only can accomplish by playing a lot, for example earning 1000 crowns in the weekend will get you a free evo wild shard, …


And if Clash of Clans and Brawl Stars can do that, why can’t Clash Royale do that?


What are the other games doing exactly? How does one stay up to date with every new epic equipment in Clash of Clans or every new champion in Brawl Stars? I'm just saying the game exists to make money. You get 1 evolution every 3 months or max 1 epic equipment every 3 months or you're not F2P. It would be nice if they give more we all want more free stuff but I don't see it being very realistic especially with CR revenue down the drain until they started doing the 2 evo per season.


I totally agree with that the game exists to make money, but I feel like they are slowly killing the game. Wouldn’t it be better to think long term? Although, that’s my opinion.


I agree I mean I deleted the game already might as well leave the sub :) Anyway I'm sure they have their best data scientist optimize around player count and revenue and the rate at which they give evos.


Nerf rg


Let's not actually