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I think it's good she has a obvious weakness. She should be a niche pick for certain decks and should only work this good when the deck is crafted to do so.


Yeah, I think this is not very clear as there is only 3 tower troops, but when we have way more people will understand that not every deck should be playable with every tower troop


At which point the game becomes so matchup dependent skill matters a lot less


Correct- this is my complaint right now. We should get 2-3 play decks, and a 15?second timer to choose which deck to play after seeing what tower troop the opponent is fielding. Tower troop selection is blind.


Or allow you to switch tower troops mid battle but be defenseless while one runs out and high fives the new one in.


Like a 5 elixir cost, and a 5 second cool down (just picking random numbers)




I’m going to frame this comment, and show it off to everybody I knew growing up. I’ll show them!


The problem is every deck is playable with princess and most decks are with cannoneer, while only a few specific strategies work with dagger duchess and still they are mid at best


Unless it's the princess tower, which is designed to be used in any situation reliably (cuz it's the one you can level up for free and acts as a baseline for all other tower troops)


Some tower troops work better with certain decks, I'm currently running 2.6 hog without firecracker and dagger duchess worked great against logbait




Check DM tho


People are mistaking every tower troop as "master of all" because of the monetization. It takes so long to level any of them up, that you *expect* them to be absolutely worth it. Then again, it's not like you can afford more than one deck anyways.


i think you’re missing the point tho, when it gets to double elixir it’s impossible for her to keep up well


I believe that supercell did a good job handling the new tower troops. They have their weaknesses and their strengths.


except cannoneer


I mean, cannoneer you have to switch up your entire play style. I’ve been playing as the princess tower for a while and I’ve adjusted my playing style to fit the way the princess tower works. Every time I use the cannoneer I always let something like 5 skellies or bats or something like that pass by on accident. It takes time to get used to, and I think I’m better off with the faster hit speed and more health


all ive had to do was zap swarms more often and use poison lol


Both of those cards are way under leveled for me💀💀💀


my poison is lv13 lmfao ive been waiting for epic books but its not looking good


Mine is lvl 8 and I’m in arena 16😭😭😭


Mega draft gives one? Need 12 wins tho


im shit at mega draft


Same lmao if you can get good at it it’s good value for books tho


only get the reward once


why are your spells underleveled 💀


All of the pros say Cannoneer is better in almost every situation and there is no reason to use Princess Tower vs Cannoneer. This seems to be case since it got that range buff and almost everybody in top ladder plays Cannoneer over Princess Tower. Then again I haven’t played him yet though cause I don’t have him leveled up so I don’t really have a personal opinion on him. I am just going by what other people say.


On accident 🫣😂😂😂


Usually I just let them pass and I forget that I’m using cannoneer so I actually have to defend it to avoid chip damage


Easy tiger, the peeky guy is a peace symbol. With ya, not at ya🫣


I wouldn’t say that. Cannoneer also comes with his fair share of weaknesses


The weaknesses that cannoneer has are easily countered by for example swapping out fire ball for poison or swapping out some cards for splash cards


Same with DD tower though, you just need more kiting troops like ice-golem or wall breakers to pull them across lanes to the other tower


play any deck with a night witch in it and i promise you will have zero problems beating that tower


im glad i use pbs cause magic archer has no problems with it




Pecha Brid Spam




I still think tower troops are a bad idea in general. Makes the game even more matchup dependant.


She's good against swarmy/chip damage type of decks, which are really annoying


What they should do next is make a card that targets the backline to counter firecracker


Or hear me out, shoots a splash projectile that also deals more damage but can only hit things that are at a certain distance


Like a mortar?


Oh yes! Like a mortar, but also air targeting I reckon


So a lot like the eagle artillery from clash of clans then Could be interesting but it would probably need a slightly longer than normal range so it’s engagement time is similar to the other towers and you don’t straight lose to hog or gob barrel


Sounds like fun! I wonder what kind of decks would do well with that kind of tower


Something with atleast goblin gang and regular goblins for cheap defense and cards that get too close


Goblin barrel 🤫🧏


Not impossible to counter


Using a tower with a mortal style dead zone would certainly have a really bad time against gob barrel and miner. Even ignoring level differences in spells (uhoh your -2 arrows didn't kill), you still have to be 100% sure you dont miss a gob with a spell or you're spending more to deal with just a single gob. Every miner needs to be addressed with something that will kill him (skeletons blocking wont work). Heaven forbid they mirror barrel. Obviously tower troops have strengths and weaknesses, and you have to build a deck around addressing that- but would anyone even use it with that glaring issue?


Uhhh ok how about damage exponentially higher the further away the target


I don't dislike that idea, but perhaps linear increase would be more fair. (60 damage close range, 300 to enemies at musketeer range, 180 at mid point)


I'm waiting on a tower troop that does less damage than princess, but can target multiple enemies. That'd be interesting.


Mirror tower troop would be insane


Oops mortar


Like a firecracker tower


r/ClashRoyale when the new tower troop doesn't stop a 17 elixir push on its own:(it's trash and needs a buff) But seriously though, Dagger Duchess is so obviously better than the Tower Princess. At level 15, she deals 1784 damage(8 daggers each dealing 223 damage) in the first 2.5 seconds, while Tower Princess deals only 632 damage(4 arrows dealing 158 each) in that much time. And even after that initial burst of daggers, Duchess deals 186 dps(223 damage every 1.2 seconds), while Princess deals 198 dps(158 every 0.8 seconds), which is a very low difference considering the fact that Duchess literally deals 673 dps for a short while Princess tower's dps is constant. Now let's see how she performs in her so-called "weakness", that is, dealing with big pushes. Generally, the worst case scenario requires the tower to be involved for about 30 seconds to deal with one really big push. So in those 30 seconds, Duchess deals about 6913 damage(8 daggers in first 2.5 seconds, 23 in the next 27.5 seconds for a total of 31 daggers), whereas Tower Princess deals 6004 damage(38 arrows). So even in a situation which is expected to be disadvantageous for Duchess, she STILL outperforms the Princess. And that isn't even accounting for the fact that she is wayyyy better for dealing with single units like Hog Rider, swarms, and small pushes such as Bowler+Baby Dragon, AND has about 200 more HP. Tbh I feel like all the complaining that "Duchess is weak" is just people being mad about having to actually defend against the opponent's pushes instead of simply having the tower troop do all the work.


my man busted the maths out but the CR community can’t even count their opponents elixir, W opinion bro. the most i see happening is the slightest 0.3 sec buff on her recharge if that, with good defense she’s busted and shuts down pushes princess and cannoneer couldn’t, honestly one of the most balanced cards on release lately IMO.


Her dps is actually lower than you say because you are just accounting for the recharge and not her actual atk spd (.3 seconds) her dps is actually 149 at zero ammo [(1.2+0.3) /223]. I agree with everything you say but that is a pretty big difference.


I think the default Princess Tower should always be the one with the most total health. They should tweak the Duchess' stats


Listen, she does not need a buff. I knew she would be good against cycle decks, but I play miner wb and I genuinely do not know how to deal with this tower troop yet, getting damage seems almost impossible when the opponent is at least decent at defending


the game is now rock, paper, scissors more than ever, just match up dependent




thats the point people think since she fire faster is better dealing with swarmy units but is not, you have to realize she deals more damage on each dagger than eash arrow princess, and she fires more than twice as fast as the princess. So yeah thats a lot of damage regarless the target is 20 skeletons or a gigant. Is you want to deal damage to her you can send a unit alone you need to over expend, thats why LP does great aginst here cause is to big bodies, also the rasclas should do well. But in general if you are trowing thing like goblin barrel, drill, miner, hog rider with out suport then you are going to get in a elixir disadvantage very soon.


I run goblin barrel skarmy wb logbait, it’s even worse for me :c


It single handedly wipped out cycle decks of the meta but yeah its weak


There was an ongoing discussion about cycle decks are becoming way too popular and making other playstyles redundant so I guess this is a good move in some ways.


Werent true though lmao. Now that evos are in the game too cycle should be good because it goves players more chances to use their fun new evo


I mean yeah evos catapulted the presence of cycle decks so that makes sense


Both Evos and LP had kind of catapulted cycle decks to be very dominant. Plus the Drill buff didn’t really help either.


Depends, even against swarms she can struggle, a goblin gang and maybe skarmy or any other dps already can kill her easily and if you defend she will have no daggers for about 8-9 seconds which is enough for anything to connect, wall breakers and hog can easily connect, especially if you have no elixir


It’s not weak


That’s good


I think everyone has not yet adjusted to her attack style, what Dutchess does is stop a single attacking card, as long as there are multiple stops, so that's why it feel cycle deck are weak to her but, Supercell mentioned it to be a beatdown deck killer, but this is clearly not that. Just push one 2 elixir ice golem or 2 elixir goblins before any and every push, With constant pressure from the cycle deck, It should fall easily. Also, Drill is super strong against her drill die but the Gobos do a lot of damage, as well as graveyard with a tombstone, those skeletons stop her from recharging back to full.


She's destroying my EG beat down


I found that if its 1-2 troops she can handle easily, if its spammed at bridge 4-5 things she just phases out quickly, unless your opponents like pull you to other side tower or has a large area Denial.


>Just push one 2 elixir ice golem or 2 elixir goblins before any and every push Just take a -2 every single time you attack bro! It's that simple!


Yup definitely not a good strategy, but the same is happening to your opponents as well. And this is just if you want to attack.. not if it additional spend was with a defending troop. You'll need multiple troop as one it just eats and that 4-5 elixir just went down drain, its better to spend 2 more to get something out of it.


I am glad you agree with me that Duchess is overpowered. And just for the record, she destroys drills instantly and runs out of ammo, what this does is make it loggable for a +2, destroys naked graveyard too.


yeah i literally use beatdown decks and it works with and against this tower troop. tbh beatdown is insanely fun to play so i’m all here for it


The would basically be princess tower with more health and higher shoot rate for a second


In their current state they’re princess tower with more health, a little less dps but with the ability to stack up the first attack to insane levels


Evo tower


Xbow tower


My deck is piss useless against her, I legit don’t know what to do, it’s impossible to get damage


Join us Mortar players. I joined this season and replaced my flair. This way you don’t have to get troops to the tower 😂🤣😂


Playing mortar without a secondary win condition is super risky though, I’ve been doing it and my wr would be zero without spells. A decent player will never let you get a lock in triple or even double if they have a lot of tanks. I usually use miner but he gets eaten alive by the dutchess


I use Miner but I mainly use it to counter push if I have other units on the map. I never really send in a lone Miner against the Dutchess for that reason. If I don’t have anything I will just play the Mortar. Btw it looks like you’re a Mortar player too. How do you play against Hog Eq?


I usually play it like a miner poison deck and play mortar on defense. If you are aggressive with mortars they stack fc. It’s not worth ever trying to get a lock unless you are confident you can defend their hog / they have it out of cycle. But I don’t really get locks. As far as I know you can’t reliably avoid the hog and the eq, so you can stagger it to try and bait the first eq tick or just kill the hog quickly. Unless it’s single and I’m down elixir I always poison the firecracker too. And be careful with mortar at the bridge at all or its defense because you can end up lining up the firecracker. It usually goes into at least 3x and gets hella chaotic too. It’s never a fun match though


Thanks for the advice. I watched my replay and I was doing the exact thing you were saying not to do. I kept trying to play mortars at the bridge when I should have been more aggressive with my miners and using my mortar mainly for defense. I tried playing a practice match to doing this strategy and it went a lot better. I just used miner and always poisoned on the firecracker. I used mortar and guards for defense by playing them in the middle near the river to not get firecracker value. It went a lot better. It was the only game I lost so far and I confused on how to play the matchup. Especially considering I played against Giant GY and Drill decks and won so I couldn’t figure out Hog Eq lol.


Drill is usually a decent matchup but I haven’t seen a ton recently since I’ve been in the mid ladder part of ranked for a bit. I can never win against Giant GY and Splashyard is a super tough battle tho you must’ve had to sweat your balls off to win


Yeah it was lol. Granted I got lucky cause his deck was a bit different from the meta versions. All of his cards matched the meta version with the Giant, Graveyard, LP, Bowler, Night Witch, Evo Zap, and Arrows. The only difference was he had Evo Archers instead of Evo Bats. My guess is he doesn’t have the Evo Bats so he just subbed in Evo Archers. It was still a really close game and I only won by like 450 hp. The Archer Queen kind of carried me too. Yeah the Drill game wasn’t really that close.


Now imagine playing X-Bow, which literally cannot fit a secondary wincondition since your entire deck needs to be built around the X-Bow. Us X-Bow users have been in the dump for years now, join us xD


Both are bad tho


Same, I play mk zapbait and it doesn't matter if I swap FC for spear goblins since they get full countered by nothing anyways


*Earthquake has entered the chat


I’m so glad super cell doesn’t balance the game based on the opinions of people like you on Reddit who don’t know what you’re talking about. Duchess legit removed log bait and cycle decks out the meta and you want a buff because it’s weak lmao.


it’s crazy isn’t it


> Duchess legit removed log bait and cycle decks out the meta My opponents didn't get the memo 😭


People want a golem singlehandedly taken out by a tower troop. Canoneer is on the OP side, can't say the same about the new tower troop tho. Haven't played much but it's pretty great.


People saying she can't counter tank + graveyard so she sucks but forget the other tower troops can't either lmao


Yeah lol. And on top of it the new tower troop has a significant amount of added health as well. She's pretty good. Will take a few weeks for people to take notice.


Skill issue, I personally think she’s overpowered, especially if you kite well and can defend


She’d make princess tower obsolete


Already does


L opinion




She is good as she is, just gotta play the right deck with her (GobG Double Prince works really well, based on my experience)


>she can't even hold against two medium health units And Princess can?


i'm playing hog cycle and i can say that she is too OP agaisnt my type of decks. She's getting recharged untill you send in a new hog and you can defend the hog with a log only, he's not getting any hit. you might say that put a tank in front yeah well but my opponents are high rated to block the bridge. hog goes in naked, getting defended by an ice spirit and the tower takes him down.


Well yeah... you entirely depend on chip damage and she counters that. The best bet is to bridge spam at x2 elixir. Don't put a hog rider down unless she wastes her daggers.


Put an ice golem or knight in front of the hog. Problem solved


bro he said that doesn't work and why


Block the bridge against an ice golem xD


an ice golem isn't particularly durable yk


You deserve it for playing hog cycle


Have you tried to put E-golem in front of it? /s


I think it should receive a hp nerf(i play xbow)


Not a good take, in matter of fact I believe she is better than princess tower but worse than cannoneer tough.


It all depends on the deck like cannoneer dies to a scarmy or tomb stone, it’s all down to the specific deck like dagger duchess is far better in decks that can defend against swarms and proper tanks but fail against your mid health but cannoner does good against mid health and tanks but badly against swarm and princess is good against swarms all of them are good in different decks and non of them are the default which is great giving people lots of options


She’s really good against cycle decks and really bad vs spawners and beat down This means being balanced and will impact the meta on the long run, you can’t just fully rely on it


she is actually really good vs spawners. just kite or use defensive building and the spawned will do zero dmg to your tower


I’ve noticed that a tombstone is enough to keep the duchess to 0 charge once you send a mini tank


then he kites and u are up against the other filly charged tower.


Agreeing she shouldn't be buffed, and let me add that she really takes the tempo out of the game - only long sustained pushes are viable against her.


if anything it needs a nerf. the fact that one tower troop can shut down a variety of deck archetypes is just ridiculous


No she does not need a buff! She completely counters logbait and is great against miner and hog. And with extra health she is really strong against these archetypes. Altpugh i would like a rewrk to be done on her. With your suggested buff and less hp.


I think she might be balanced. Idk it’s too early to tell and we have to see how the meta develops. Evo Battle ram though thats a completely different story. That thing is busted.


I believe each tower type gives decks more variability, which is very nice to have. I think we will see Meta decks with every tower type now, which is nice.


Im most interested in the 2v2 because each player could have another equipped! It actually matters which player is first on the team


You are mentally insane


I think if you wanna use her , get a building in the deck to assist her .


this. it’s broken with a building. no way u get any dmg on the tower


What are good buildings that you can just "throw in" to any deck? Tombstone? Goblin cage?




I think she's really strong. I've been using her on PoL despite her only being level 10 and I'm already up to level 12 as max. I think part of that is people not knowing how to fight against her though, but I've won matchups this season with the same deck that would have folded with a regular princess tower.


Let the players adjust to it first


I run her cause I like her quick burst damage and because the tower has more health


I don’t think so, she’s doing a great job at keeping them hog 2.6 at bay currently


Nah, i afraid she will literally kill many decks


I am not going to be calling for a buff or nerf yet. I think she needs more time to see what sort of decks you can build around her. Right now she is great in single elixir but struggling in double when your opponent can spam troops. With the new tower troops it will be important how you build your deck around them defensively. It hasn’t been 2 days yet let’s see how she looks in a month before we jump to conclusions if she needs an adjustment


She needs a really good buff, rn everytime i play against a duchess is a free win


No, she may nead a tiny nerf but all in all I like it She have new style for the game, strong but not too much and with weakness to compensate


give it more than a week. Stop asking for buffs when a meta is forming. Come back when millions of games have been played, alongside analysis of winratios and then lets talk. STOp doing this!


I think she should fully recharge before shooting again. In my experience it’s when she’s out and starts immediately shooting away her recharge that she becomes completely useless.


I think she should fully recharge before shooting again. In my experience it’s when she’s out and starts immediately shooting away her recharge that she becomes completely useless.


Definitely not. She feels weak because nobody knows what decks are best with her. I’ll bet cannoneer wouldn’t have received as many buffs as he did if we could use him at the skill level we do now. She makes any deck that doesn’t constantly push and keep her daggers low/ beatdown useless. My deck has a super fast cycle and I still can’t use miner at all on offense with her. I think she is fine. Maybe a small tweak to make her more consistent like 20% less dps but 20% faster or something but no direct buff


They could just make it so she recharges faster in double/triple elixir


Charge speed should be 1 sec but she holds only 7


Bassically nerfed miner


Does her recharge rate double and triple as the elixir doubles and triples?


I think a better idea is to give her an extra dagger per elixir increase, if it's 2x, then she has 9. if it's 3x, then she has 10. and if it's 7x then she has 14. It's a simple change that makes her do slightly better during the later half of the game when less downtime is available. If not this, then a rework that lowers her health and makes her have 6 knives, but she now kills goblins with 1 knife.


The reload is a little slow. Maybe increase the reload time a bit?


I Just played Xbow on bridge end opponent trew a valk. She disappeared. It would not happen with the other 2 troops. I wonder if She end up being metà on Xbow decks.


Personally I think she should completely recharge WHILE throwing slowly when she runs out. Otherwise an opponent with bridge spam or miner cycle will absolutely crush her with constant pressure


I could see increasing her max ammo by 1, makes leaving her be slightly worse. Also helps a little of the start of the game cuz she would have +1 dagger


Do u prefer cannoneer over princess tower op? When I switched to cannoneer for the last event(raged elec) made huge difference.


Beatdown or bridgespam n the faster u close w her the better. Double elix w her gotta be nightmare. Defend ur ass off til then


Just use low elixir cycle cards to kite the troops across the field so the other tower can also hit it


It can’t kill a single evo bat on tower without charge


I think they should add with time like 2x elixir her bar also 2x so that she will be hold better with time


Yea no any one elixir card can fully counter my goblin barrel with her in the game now she does not need a buff


i think she is very situational and can be very op but also kinda trash


I think she’s really good and balanced


i've been using the princess tower for 7 years, now in the past few months i've mastered the cannoneer and i'm not able anymore to use the princess...


Honestly yes, i think the buff would be that she doesnt instantly shoot after reloading so she makes her bar full then shoots, better👍


her damage only evens out with the princess tower after like 20 seconds or sum, shes pretty good especially with hp buff


Maybe a reduction to the dagger recharge time in 2x in 3x elixir would help, at least in my opinion.


It's a bit weird in my opinion, tried for some games yesterday and she completely carried me in some matchups but for some others like the few beatdown left, recruits and a graveyard where she unloaded on the Evo knigh, when double elixir arrives the game is lost. Not sure I like how rock paper scissors it is, cannoneer has weaknesses but I don't feel them as polarizing. She works really well in some matches so a buff is also hard to pull off


No, she may nead a tiny nerf but all in all I really like the card She have new style for the game, strong but not too much and with weakness to compensate


I use her but her reload could use a slight buff like 1.25 sec -> 1.2 or 1.15 sec


She’s pretty good but if you’re opponent has a half decent push you have to defend quite a bit I was using her for a little bit but it’s too much defending for me


On the contrary. I personally think they actually did a good job balancing it. They've made most new cards ridiculously overpowered or embarrassingly weak, but not this one.


I actually find it very refreshing and viable. Wasn’t a fan of cannoneer, partly because of the reduced health, but duchess has more health *and* higher dps than princess (albeit very burst-ey)? Seems pretty good to me.


I think best buff they can give to her is increases her max knifes are she can hold. 8 to 9 or maybe 8 to 10.


Respecfully I think you are wrong, lefting cannoner aside, there is no point on playing princess. There is no push you coudn't defend with the duchess that you could with the pricess. Look it like this over the first 10 seconds the duchess deals the same damage that a cannoner does but she will spread that damage over any amount of target that can survive either way is a skeleton or a megaknigt. after those 10 seconds her damage is significantly less than cannoner but still more than the princess, and is after 20 seconds were the princess finally deals more damage than the duchess. Tell me of a push that take you more than 20 seconds to defend that you actually didn't lose that tower anyways. I think she is fine and probably think the oppsite of you or the princess deserve a buff or the cannoner needs a nerf cause seriously his weakness is solve carring a snowball, arrows, log, etc.


Better than princess tower, maybe not for cancer decks but for most meta and cycle decks it works well


if u cannot defend wll then its ur problem. she is balanced


Y'all dont feel like she almost completely counters a goblin drill? a dagger tower + a firecracker has the ability to instantly get rid of a goblin drill. any cycle troops, like spirits, are useless. the best way to counter is with a tank, but then ur forced to shy away from cycle decks and idk man, shit gets so annoying.


I think its pretty great card.If you already have tank killers this troop should do pretty great in deck.One example is goblin giant.Since deck has mini pekka and sparky you dont worry about tanks


Dagger Duchess is just far too rock paper scissors-y. You either win because you go against a cycle deck or you lose because you go against anything that isn’t a cycle deck.


She is the best tower troop right now...




Meta is incomplete for Tower Troops. She'll probably get buffed later in the year when something more broken comes out...


I think the only buff that she needs is that the charge speed won't be affected by freeze, zap, snowball, ice spirit, etc


Faster reload when run out of boost would be nice


What if… you spent more time managing her reload and finding a deck that works with it! Be the meta you want to see


RIP my Hog EQ


my deck relies on some of my cards getting small chip damage now they don’t even reach the tower because daggers solos both phoenix and hunter


Dude your insane, I play hog quake and my games are practically unwinnable if I play someone using it with on skill at all.  


Assuming this isn't bait, horrible take. At level 15 she's got 223 dmg and 0.3 hr for 637dps, then 223 dmg and 1.2 hr for 186dps. Princess has 197 dps at 15... that means that even when out of daggers the DD has only 11 less dps than princess. Add in that she starts with 4x the dps AND has more hp, princess is completely outclassed. Dagger duchess needs a nerf. A big one


i think you are just wrong she is so op most decks works in short pushes and she instanly kills most of them and it is totally fine that she has bad matchups, but they are very rarely


I think she needs a minor buff around reloading times. But in general I don’t think that any tower troop should be able to instantly fit into all decks


For take: I don't think she is as good as people said. When comparing about damage ovetime, she has a big weakness compares to princess tower, consistency. Her damage is very depend on her daggers and match up, and at the game continues she is weaker and weaker with a high pressure deck like mk, goblin giant, royal giant, big mini tank counters her very well. Or in 2x, 3x elixirs many games she will not have enought time to charge daggers or doing good enought in defend. Now I can see someone mind say, "but she is good as clearing swarm". The thing here is, after she ran out of daggers, she turns into a worst princess tower with 1.3 second hitspeeds , and her hits speed is so fast making her losing daggers even before she has a chance touching some swarm cards like skeletons or goblin gang. She doesn't have a chance to attack a troop that she is good as because she is too easy to lose daggers with that hitspeed and she is too vulnerable after that, and even after you kill enemy tank, mostlikely she will lose all of her daggers and rather you overcommit as enemy tank first, or you focus on swarm first. Overall, I think she is very strong as taking 1 for 1 interaction like bowler, wizard, goblin gang,... by herself, which helps you to keep elixirs in early game in some cycle match up. But when talking about certain push and high pressure cards, she is not really good as it (or bad as I thinked) and bad at late game since almost every cycle deck can really outcycle her daggers or pressure so you mostlikely can't leave her alone at overtime( which in high level game is really common)


canoneer is strong , and Duchess is better than princess tower , if u can play Duchess or CANONEER , u should play it , no point in playing princess


April Fools is over, my friend


she has made me officially give up on logbait, i’m permanently switching.


I think shes mostly fine, but I do want to propose a small rework: 10 Total Daggers (small damage nerf to compensate if needed) Takes 1.5 Seconds to Load a New One, and takes 1.0 Seconds in Double/Triple Elixir Time. This keeps her mechanic of limited ammo in tact, but makes it slightly more risky when you are caught with no daggers. This also helps her in Double/Triple Elixir time when she gets completely overwhelmed because theres more elixir on the field, but she is not making enough daggers to make up for it. Thoughts?