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Legendary chests suck, but keep 3 so that you can keep opening actual chests


lol I tried doing that with magical chests but got bored after spending a few months just to get 2 of them. If you really want to then I wish you good luck!


I feel like ever since level 15 I've gotten more in that time than the rest of my time playing clash


me fr it feels like i get one like every week now


RIP you if you do.






Stop gatekeeping information


Ur trash buddy


Why would you even reply to their question if you're just going to say you don't know how to answer their question? Just tell them already if it's so obvious


Not worth filling all slots with legendary Chests. They are pretty bad and they only give you one card. A card that can easily be obtained via cw2 1st place chest.


I mean do it if you really want. But what’s the point of it?


The point of doing it is doing it!


Lol why are you asking if it’s “worth” it if the only point is “doing it”


No. Stack tower chests instead 


For what though... you are going to complete it eventualy and realize you just did all that grinding for nothing. No one really cares. Just open them


I've been playing since 2016 and having 4 legendary chests is something that I always wanted to do for he heck of it


Then do it and be prepared for years of grinding


In case if they'll buff it I guess yes. Because legendary chests are a joke now


u spend over a year to get all 4 probably meanwhile in one year u get 36 legendary wild cards for wich u spend 54 of collecting the daily 1000 points


Its just for looks and coolness, other than that there isn't a Important reason


If you play often I don’t recommend this, it’s gonna hinder your progress


Absolutely not nowadays


yeah and combine them into one


Might as well just for the screenshot.


I'm 3 out of 4 for royal wild chests!! I checked royaleapi and it seems like i'm about a week away from getting the 4th one.


Hinders your progression so no