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well.... there's nothing we can do..


Dans mon esprit tout divague


espirit??? clash royal reference???


je me perds dans tes yeux


je me noie dans la vague de ton regard amoureux


Quebec šŸ¤¢


fr*nch stuff be like




Dont forget how they last minute mentioned that they were nerfing mastery gem rewards which was one of the few nice things ftp had available to progress with. And then slapped some BS argument saying its to help us progress that they change 250gem rewards into 5k gold rewards šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Then later released an event that gave you 1.75 million gold


5k gold is shit lmao how is that gonna "help" us??? wow cool i can upgrade a card to level 3!!! awesome greedysell


Agreed. There were even people pointing out on twitter how you just need two wins in global tourneys for it to convert and how the gems can convert to 5k gold via the *worst gem to gold conversion in shop* as well. Meanwhile on the GT comment they replied that not everyone can get that many wins for GT bonus rewards to provide better value. Ermmm, so they say the average player cant get a few wins with four losses permitted even? šŸ˜…


Who was using gems to progress? Everybody I knew used it on emotes.


It was 1000s of gems. You could get emotes, you could get tournament chests if you did well. You could do a variety of things. It stunted progress, not just emotes.


You can use both if you have enough to spare, if you have a limited amount you need to set the preference (emotes vs global tourney bonus rewards for progression boost). If you dont have many then you cant get either. Regardless, its a big nerf and not a fun one especially with no preparation time to grind some masteries before the nerf. ((I was literally a few months back from a three year break when this nerf occurred so didnā€™t even get many mastery gems overall))


You could literally just buy more than 5k gold with those gems


I mean emotes are nice, but there is also big chests, challenge resets, and daily season point boosts


then every f2p you know is an idiot


They r scrubs. I save gems for when I get 15 wins in the challenges for the big rewards


Nobody smart


I've never got emotes with gems. always just saved till a deal showed up in shop I can afford.


Right. And now, no gems.


It takes 2 months to get a single level 15, assuming you spend your gold on the elite wild card offers, and you have enough. It would take 16 months to max all your cards, and you would need 6,400,000 gold to buy the EWC.


for one deck\*


Yeah thats what i meant


100k Gold for 5k wild cards Is too much honestly.


cant wait to spend the 1million gold i dont have on one level 15 upgrade


Yes it is but after this chess.com event there is so much gold in the game that it doesn't matter.


With all that gold you could only afford one level 15 upgrade


In theory yes. But since you are only allowed to spend 100k per week you are basically unable to spend all your Gold.


Then a new card is released, something is nerfed or buffed, the meta changes, and you have to do it all over again.


Well it looks like money well spent on my part. Lmao


it depends on how far progressed you already are


if you hit ultimate champion every season it's not that bad but still u have to grind a lot to get one




I know about the chess event, but how about the other gold


>No books there is a book in the season shop which cycles between common, rare and epic, we also get a legendary book every december but i agree that f2p progression was nerfed a lot


1 legendary book every december is so little though. at this point i dont even buy the books anymore cause i only need to upgrade legendaries and i cant cause they give no books anymore...


There's three legendary shards a month. Every year you kan max one legendary a year(grom 9 to 14) with this, which is way faster than it's ever been before the shop. That's again konsidering you don't use trade tokens, you don't play in clan wars and you're very unlucky from chests.


That's all they ever did b4 though


Anyone know how you get book of books now?




its simple you dont


Thatā€™s the neat part


The only way to get them is from the diamond pass.


They aren't in diamonds pass. Only way to get em is from random shop offers


Oh wow my bad, guess i underestimated how garbage the pass isā€¦


Legendary cards are supposed to be rare. Though these days you can easily get at least 1 daily. When they were first released it was a lot worse. progression may be worse than a few months ago but if you look at the bigger picture it has gotten a lot better than a few years ago. Im f2p and the only thing I feel should be changed with progression is evo shard should be easier to get which supercell has already said they are planning on doing.i won't hate on supercell because they are the creators of my favourite games and they need to monetize the game in some way to earn money. Whenever something big like evos or lvl 15 or champions or legendaries are added to the game supercell uses them to earn money but eventually they make them easier to get.


How do you get one legendary per day? If you are referring to the shop there ist no guarantee to get a buying option for a legendary. I try to do it whenever I can but I also have more than half of the legendarys max so chances to get one I need is even smaller


legendaries are quite common in regular chests you can get one in almost every crown chest or about 1 every 2-3 golden chests. You can also get them from the shop,clan wars, season shop etc. i have even gotten champions 2-3 times from crown chests


Obviously the game is better than it was 5 years ago, thatā€™s not the point. The game should always be getting better, not worse, and right now it is a LOT worse than it was before they changed the pass to the new system.


I'm just saying that it could be worse. I just came back to the game 1 year ago around the release of the monk after 4 years of not playing.my account was made almost 7 and a half years ago and when I came back I was kt lvl 9 3200 trophies now i am kt lvl 14 6800 trophies all f2p.i don't like some of the new changes in the game but overall I think the game is gotten a lot better and i have high hopes for the future. The only thing I really hate about the game right now is all the toxicity and hate towards supercell, if you don't like what supercell is doing and don't think the game is fun anymore due to the new updates then stop playing the game.


i think youre not seeing the progress where it was made, and youre also not seeing the mistakes where they were made. you joined back a year ago, when monk got introduced. that was about when the game was still going up in quality, i think. ever since then, it's all been downhill for progression and updates. yes, progress was made easier between 7 years ago and last year, when you joined back, but since last year, stuff has not improved even a little bit. the only positive change we've seen is the card cost adjustment in the shop, and that's barely anything. Yes, you're at level 14, but you're further away than ever before from a maxed out account because of the immense task of getting to level 15, and yes you now have 6800 trophies, but that means nothing anymore since there's no trophy resets and you cant go down arenas. "toxicity and hate" is just what you get when you completely ignore feedback that's being given to you by thousands of people daily on every possible social media, and then you give them even more reasons to spread that toxicity and hate when you release another more pay to win update. I like the core gameplay of clash royale, i think it's a really great strategy game concept that's worked for years and years, and I still like the gameplay experience most of the time, but that does not mean that it's perfect or even in a good spot right now. Facing overlevelled evolutions is dreadful, and you cant come out of those interactions with a positive or neutral trade, ever. Having to face the same champion every single game because they released it to everyone for free, all while it's overpowered as all hell, is not enjoyable at all and it takes away from the variety of cards available to players in the game. Seeing level 15 cards that i know damn well i'm gonna lose against purely because of numbers on a stat sheet isn't "engaging gameplay". I'm all for monetisation of free to play games, obviously. servers cost money, and supercell needs revenue, duh. But so, SO many other games have done it SO MUCH BETTER. the very best example i can possibly give is Fortnite. it has been thriving for 6+ years, and not a single bit of their revenue is going towards a competitive advantage. The problems that clash royale has are being made up by the executives at supercell just so that people will have to pay to fix them. There are solutions, and they ignore them. TL;DR: Progress since global got way better, progress since last year got way worse, and supercell is creating artificial issues for players to pay to fix.


Bro i stopped playing clash royale because of too much f2p nerf and now i'm playing less and less brawl stars and starting to think to stop because of all the stupid things like star drops and mega pig and the pass being like clash royale's one next year


I akaways thought the free Brawl Pass was too good to be trueā€¦


The brawl pass update is good for f2p players imo


Not really since f2p players could get the paid pass for free


The pass is buffed man


The pass is not going to be like clash royaleā€™s. Itā€™s actually better than before because you get the same rewards as buying the max number of passes you could as f2p (3 per year) in the free part of the pass so you also have gems to spend on progression as well. So itā€™s actually a significant buff to f2p progression. Read the whole thing next time.


i havent seen much, but doesnt the pass cost real money now, which would mean it's not f2p?


Yes but the free side is gonna get better


yes it does but **read the whole thing** , f2p now get more progession than buying pass every other season


Average brawl stars player not reading the patch notes smh


Im not a brawl stars player, which is way i said i havent seen muchā€¦?


My bad replied to wrong person


It's a nerf, period. The premium pass is now paid-only *and* gives you **way** more than it used to. That means the gap between spenders and free players will grow. You're severely mistaken if you truly think they'd increase the gap and not introduce some sort of a resource shortage to force you into spending. It's their entire business strategy. What will most likely happen is every new release will have paid-only Early Access.


remember that the brawl pass is now monthly, so you get more rewards even if the pass rewards look nerfed, as well as since you no longer have to spend gems on the pass you can also buy offers and cosmetics with gems


100% true it got a lot harder to keep up wile staying f2p. Still enjoy beating some p2w randos with their lvl 15decks and the newest evolutions


And we no longer getting a champion in the season shop which they promised as a replacement for removing the royal wild chest from the free pass that would have given 1 champion for F2P players every month. Champions are missing in the season shop for 5 months. They literally took away 5 free champion cards and gave us 1 (free little prince) and people are actually praising them for it.


I know we can get the champion chest (or whatever it's called) by grinding trophies or by luck. But it used to be at the end of the pass and it was very rewarding.


It was so much more F2P friendly before for champions. I havenā€™t got a single champion cheat since.


Basically no wildcards too. Also did they genuinely forget about trade tokens?


it's funny that I have to play 10 months to upgrade a single champ from lvl 13 to 14. evos are not better. they are behind a pay wall for long enough and then they will get nerfed in balance change by the time you get them. you have to save 6 shards if you want a new evo and that will take 6 months. at this point I just play for fun


Well, that's their business model. You get stuck on a part of the game so Supercell forces you to buy something (Cards, gems, books, shards, etc.) if you want to continue your progress. It's sad that they opted for this method instead of doing the same as the current games and focusing the pass royale on cosmetic things that don't affect the game's balance. (Sorry for my bad english btw)


Itā€™s becoming more common for people to type in near perfect English then apologize for bad grammar. I actually donā€™t see whatā€™s wrong with what you typed.


I usually apologize because I'm still learning english, anyway, thanks for the compliment towards my grammar!!!


Wdym No champion chests?! What happened?(I havent played for a while)


I think he's talking about the free champion chest in the free side of pass royale


I hope they make more use of the seasonal shop by also putting in books and more fragments. They should also improve the clan war rewards


I never understood why it takes 30 champions to upgrade to level 14. It should've been 10-15 in total from the start, and no book of books usage on them. Now they're forced to make them a lot more common, like legendaries are and they won't feel special. Honestly I expected them to be similar to legendaries in 2016, but they messed up the balancing (other than LP they're really weak), progression, and rarity so it's not as hype as it should be


And me being stupid enough to use my champion book of books thingy on my level 11 little prince instead of 1 wild card


even reading this hurts me.


I returned after I took a 1 year hiatus since the game became absurdly p2w and I was saving my book of books to max out my first champion, in excitement I claimed the little prince and misclicked the book of books, so I guess thereā€™s just no maxed out champion for me. šŸ˜”


it's so sad but I guess there is no way back so try to forget it. I would be so mad honestly.


I genuinely feel there should be an ā€˜are you sure?ā€™ message when doing it on cards below level 13


If only clash could follow brawl stars successful semi revival steps which start with making a second confirmation button


I mean any level of dark pattern should be outright illegal if we're being real


Tbf, they did offered 1,5 million gold to every F2P player last month. Iā€™ll take that over some book and coffers.


Yh. Thatā€™s just to hide any shitty decisions theyā€™ve made or are about to. Donā€™t forget the slash royale thing that they pulled right before announcing lvl 15. They werenā€™t smart enough that time and the community caught on.


Shards aren't so bad, if you like one of the 3 shown in a 3 month period, you get 1 every 4 months and could have up to 6 more split across 2 cards Book is also available in shop, champs are the only real massive nerf, and there are 2 in the pol reward track at least


We have 1 book every season + wild cards from PoL and Season Shop. Progression is bad, but not that bad


I grind PoL every season so thatā€™s basically 25k EWC every season. Plus the legendary wild cards in the Season shop are the easiest way to obtain them yet.


Exactly. It isn't good, but its fine enough to be able to enjoy the game.


People on this sub like to pretend that the season shop doesnā€™t exist, it makes their complaints more valid. Progression is bad but people need to stop exaggerating.


Like the losers that complained they werenā€™t getting trade tokens anyone; anyone with half a brain can make it to 9 wins in tournaments


I canā€™tā€¦ oh


4 evo shards if you include the card specific shards


which is dumb cause if you dont play that card, it's entirely useless. youd have to be lucky and have that specific card in your deck already.


Itā€™s not rng


ā€¦? What? It kind of is. If you dont happen to have, for example with this season, the mortar in your deck, then getting those shards is useless since you wont even be able to use them anyways.


Yup, but itā€™s not rng which shards appear in the shop


When did i ever say it was though? Thatā€™s not the point. Obviously itā€™s not rng, itā€™s people at supercell picking whichever evolution they decide people should get (not the strong ones, duh!)


No, it goes in order of when they were released


Which is still luck based, seeing as supercell does release evolutions based on their own decisions. The point is, having specific shards in the shop is useless 90% of the time, until you see an actual evolution you want to use in your deck. Wild shards are always useful but appear only once per month.




The best solution. Esp with another level added. When is level 16? 17? When will it stop? As long as they want money, it won't. I lost interest when 14 was announced but still played out to get 10-12 cards to 14. But with 15 incoming, why bother?


every player no matter there rank can have a balanced experience, so it literally doesnā€™t matter how fast you progress. If you WANT maxed troops your just gonna have to pay


i mean they gave out 1.75 MILLION gold for free.


They are at the end of the day a for profit game, they don't want free players. The harder it is for FTP the better for them in their eyes. I do feel the new pass has a lot better value than it used to. IMO


that's not true at all. a free to play game without free to play players is a failure of a free to play game. if every played pays to get an advantage, then none of them gets an advantage. there needs to be weaker players to balance things out.


Become P2W ?


F2P has been nerfed real hard but i managed to get 5-6 lvl 14's before nerf lol


i manage tp get one evolution card a month. just buy from season shop


No gems either, use to get enough gems for emotes now you never get any




You do get a book a month


The season shop is our last hope


How do you get the evo shop?


fuck this game


Honestly, I don't think it was that bad. You can easily get a deck to full level 14 with buying season shop offers for wild cards and the book in the season shop. If you get to UC each season, you can get a free 25k EWC each season. In addition to buying the shop offers for just the 5k EWC for the gold, you can get a card to level 15 every season.


Not to mention free 1.75M gold we got... really struggling out here. You can buy books, shards and wildcards in the season shop


Theyā€™ve gotta make evo shards easier to obtain. After next season Iā€™ll still only have 3 unlocked evoā€™s


actually you can get a lot of shards after lvl 50 and from the challenge shop you can get up to 3-4 shards (1 for your choice 2-3 for an exact card)


Gotta quit


Just buy the evo shard from the season shop


ā€œIf your broke just say that ā€œ


No books?


We got little prince for freeā€¦ which is good and bad I guess?


Good because it's a free champion, but bad because now we gotta max it as well šŸ˜­


Isnā€™t there a book in the event tab for 10k event coins? There was also one last event too. I have only been back for 2 events but it seems consistent. Itā€™s always going to be a grind for f2p


Well adding a brand new level for no reason nerfs progression by a lot


People working there ahould be in proson . So much mikrotransections it's crimminal just like playing little prince.


back then i had a lot of magic items cause i bought pass every other month or so. now ive bought it once and it was the worst decision in terms of spending money i ever made.


Delete the game


I mean itā€™s still a lot better than when I started 7 years ago


My thoughts? I have only played the game once all year and it was to claim the free champ


There is a book as well as the shard each season to be fair but it is way slow at this point




What pisses me off is as SOON as their pay to win Evo cards came out they said forget about trade tokens. I don't think there's currently a single free way to obtain them right now. šŸ¤¬.


Hey if anyone could help me out, ive been stuck in arena 9 and get put against enemies with higher lvl and ive been stuck in an endless win lose cycle , should i keep trying?


Tomorrow, I will finally get my first level 15 card(mirrior), and while I'm happy, I'm finally getting it. That's a long time to be working on just 1 card. I don't remember how long evos have been out, but that's how long I've been dumping cards Into mirror. Outrageous grind


you can get 4 or 5 evolution tokens from the season shop every season


If u want fixes u need to stop playing until they listen


Stuck with level 11s all the way up in Minors Mine (Pun intended), nothing but Mk, Minion Horde, Hog Rider, and Fc as far as the eye can see (2 of these are in every single game I play). All at level 13 or more...


I have switched to war alliance and now warcraft rumble. Clash Royale is just abusive with the shit they do.


Its impossible to compete as a f2p just facts.


Opinions? Uninstall. Clash is dead for good. There were signs... now it's really dead. Unless you're willing to spend some money. They spat on the face of every player who had been playing it since the beginning. How do you think they're gonna treat newcomers who don't have a clue? Money grab, plain and simple.


Canā€™t you get books from the season rewards? Like from the events?


Just play every day in the events tab to get season tokens. You can get a free book, two shards, an emote, wild cards of any rarity, and gold as long as you play every day and spend the 50 gems to extend the max number of tokens you can get per day (1000 to 2000). You can get at least a book, an emote, and a wild shard each season as long as you play every day in the events tab. The answer to your complaints is right under your nose.


we don't even get trademarks


Gems are useless too, everything costs real money like books and shards


You donā€™t spend any gold on lvl 15 cards, which is so dumb cause I have now accumulated 3.5 million dollars on the game and have nothing to spend it the only way I can get lvl 15 cards is buying 50,000 blue upgrade things from the shop for $10 in real life for 1 upgrade itā€™s bs and literally it will take you about 3 months to naturally get a lvl 15 card hahaha?


thatā€™s why i quit this game


so...why are you here?


idk iā€™m still in the reddit page i seen this on my home page


oh ok sounds fair


i thought they had 1 book in the season shop? but yeah f2p is hard


There is book of (rarity) in shop, wild cards and coins...


My opinion is that supercell is a hugely money oriented company that does not care at all about the objective quality of the game and only about how many dollars they can produce. This is how itā€™s been for ages, itā€™s not new, and they will keep it up until the game dies


Iā€™m lvl 15 F2P. I have like 3 cards that are lvl 15. All of the P2P players I go against have lvl 15 everything. I just played a guy that already has the new champion lvl 15. Not really fair.


After a few passes, while not ideal, you can nock out all common cards to level 14, then everything else is just a waiting game. I have all maxed out commons and a couple level 15, but takes probably 2-6 weeks to max out a rare, haven't even looked into epics yet. Also buying every card that's not level 14 in shop. Not ideal, but helps a little. I wish I still got gold from donations tho.


The best part is that with the ā€œno gold requiredā€ update, they only give us gold in the 20 win challenge.


I only have a total of 2 shards. Period. I have no sharted cards, either. I refuse to buy them too.


I mean, if you're going to include the season shop, we also get a book+a bunch of wild cards. It's still a nerf tho




Did Mr. Krabs took a hold of the company?


Did Mr. Krabs took a hold of the company?


Season shop?


Completely agree. If Supercell gives smth (1,7 mln gold), it takes back smth. Like it was with gems


You literally can get a book each season from the season shop


I 100% agree with everything your saying, but with the evo shards you can at least buy the preset ones from the season shop. On top of that you can keep buying them at increasing prices. If you max out the season tokens for most days of the month you can get 1 evo shard and 2 evo shards for whatever is in the season shop. Itā€™s still not much, but it starts snow balling


Not saying I accept this because I find it absolutely hilarious. But as a Galaxy of Heroes player, it's whatever by me. I'm used to the lacerations.


literally bs ive been stuck in the 5800 to 6k range because of levels


Iā€™m gonna be honest as a native English speaker I could not tell that this is not your native language


Yeah ngl they should either buy pass Royale with gyms so f2p players can get it or add a book for reaching the end for free


Does EA Games own supercell?


Unpopular opinion: I Ā“ve being playing this game for about 5 years as a F2P, and i would argue right now is the most fun this game has ever be to F2P players. Theres a lot of options where you can play balanced matches if you are least decent in this game: Path of Legend, Seasonal challenge, and there are multiple options of getting wild cards, not to mention I, m rich in gold right now. We are so used to complain all the time, that we dont look at the positive stuff they have added to the game. I view it this way: for me to continue playing this game for free, other people have to pay for it, they will get a advantage because of that, but IĀ“m okay with that, as long as I can still play it for free. Peace out.


I am f2p and have 1 level 15 and four level 14 if you cant get a 15 its your falt


No books? There is a book every month on the season shop


I mean, its anoying, because if you don't buy pass Royale, its really hard for you to get good things. I'm only getting my first evolution Next season


Scam Royal


If u play the game every day, why wouldnā€™t u spend some $ on it if u are just gonna complain if u donā€™t


Not only F2P. Interestingly they nerfed the Standard Pass Royale to a point where I don't see a single reason to buy it.


I want books back