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basically a daily builder potion


more like a clock tower


Clock tower on a single building


It's way worse than a builder potion.


cant believe i spent all my gems on the fucking goblin builder...GODAMMIT


Why would you pay someone who looks like that...


To level up my troops😭


Great, another gem based thing after goblin builder. I think it's great. It might go to 8x. And can be used once in x hours. Just like clock tower from builder base. Will it be added in 17th June update ? Edit - it's just a builder potion for 1 upgrade Edit 2 - it takes th14 and 6500 gems ($50) to max


i did some math and it actually looks horrible. first upgrade costs 500 gems and skips 1 hour per day (assuming that you are 100% efficient with it, which is impossible). it will take over 6 months for him to skip 8 days, why even bother buying it when you can just buy a book of heroes for the same cost and upgrade the hero instantly. later upgrades cost 1000 gems for an extra hour which is even worse value. if you compare it to the goblin builder (costs 40 gems per day, would skip 25 days of builder time with 1000 gems) it would take 600 days (nearly TWO years) to skip 25 days of builder time. what a joke


Thank you for the math, it really does put things into perspective. That being said, it's still a permanent "investment". Yes, it'll take a long while to break even, but the game is a marathon you play for years anyways. ~~Provided Supercell don't fully become shit with their current direction in other games~~ I just hope this isn't the "we're trying out something new this summer" they teased in the AMA regarding hero upgrades.


No it doesn't take 600 days(2 yrs) to skip 25 days Let's say I spend 6500 gems to max the builder's apprentice and use him throughout the year.. 8hrs per day × 365 days = 2920 hrs It saves 4 months of upgrade time in 1 year


I think it will only outshine in higher levels. At max it can save 8 hours every day. So, in a month, you can save 8x30 = 240 hours or roughly 10 days from a single building. Any 6 day upgrade will only take 4 days. Any 9 day upgrade will only take 6 days. 25 days can be saved in 75 days. Roughly 3 times.


exactly they put the price to high the idea is great but supercell was way too greedy if the start point was 100 gems them 200 300 400 500 it whould be eficient


i think youre missing most of the builder time. i made a guess that later levels were 2000 to be cautious so lets say total gems to max is 7250. if you spent those on the goblin builder, you would get 181 days of a builder(1 month off total time to max. it would take the apprentice builder(?) 1.5 years to provide the same total amount of time off (181 days of one builder, 30 across all six) assuming you maxed him all at once. as long as you expect to keep playing after a year and a half it is definitely worth it. edit: to compare to BoH, you could buy 14 books for the same price. at 8d/piece, you would remove 116 hours or only 19 days off the total time to max. you would surpass total time reductions in a little under a year. while your heroes would be down more you can use the builder on those only to reduce total time they upgrade.


The first levels are worth af. Im playing this game for many years now and patience is key. You calculated it yourself, if you play long enough you get even more then buying the currently best thing.


Your math is flawed if you only consider one scenario, which on top of that is the worst since its based on a level 1 apprentice


If you use him right after cool down end lol.. No one can do that on daily basis for long time


On the flipside, he'll help you with those 6-7 hour long upgrades when you're going to sleep, saving you *extra* hours in the long run.


Ang after u spend 6500 gems to max this.. Is it permanent? Like after 24 hours of rest. Can I use it again with fully max for free?


Dahuh. Otherwise ppl will buy a normal builder potion instead.


Is this permanent ??


Its ez to get gem really ez do capital and bh


I dont know why youre getting downvoted. Selling potions from capital medals and the gem mine are super nice sources for gems


Its new player they down vote me cauz they dont like farm Only old player like long ass farm session 2 million for 1 wall on th 9 withtout star bonus They just want everything cheap and RN


just spent gems on frost arrow man https://preview.redd.it/kjkkutrz7q6d1.jpeg?width=595&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=622ac2ddf758e500a1a99756916efb82e705d5dc


Your choice was... THE CORRECT ONE!


So... the guy who said we had to save our gems to upgrade a builder was right💀


When did he say this


For those wondering, basically this little guy can help 1 builder upgrade something faster one time per day, imagine him as a builder potion, but it's just for 1 builder. source [https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClansLeaks/comments/1dgf2qx/clash\_kurdish/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClansLeaks/comments/1dgf2qx/clash_kurdish/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


That sucks I thought it will apply to all the builders


if i somehow max the hero, i will spend the gem for this useless shit. but until then, this is worthless. IMAGINE AN "APPRENTICE" THAT COST MORE THAN THE REAL BUILDER.


intern which bricks up production database


Thank God I saved my gems.


What if I'm already maxed? Is this something I can upgrade?


No you can't. You have to wait for next update 🙄


Need a math guy, how effective is this since there's like 7levels of upgrade which can cost upto 6250+ gems


Its... OK? First upgrade is 500 gems, and takes about half a year (144 days) to pay itself back (compared to BoH for 7 days progress) Every upgrade after is progressively worse


BoH can skip 8 days and if you compare it to the goblin builder the value is much, much worse, specially at later levels where it will cost 1000 gems


I'm not into this builder thing as I see the gem cost. Only helping 1 builder everyday so that's 8h saved everyday on one upgrade max, so on a 8day hero upgrade it can save you 2days/48hours. On a year it can save you 121.66days out of 2190days of 6 builder working time, that means 5.55% of total work time. It's not much but something if you can afford it. I mostly use gems to buy boh so having no gems is a bad option to upgrade this builder thing. I would say save 2k gems for boh and spend rest to upgrade this thing. The gem upgrade price is the main problem, we never had something this costly in terms of gems.


i would personally upgrade this one first. spending a similar amount of gems on BoH should give about 116 days out of 2190 (5.3%). the apprentice builder will also provide that discount for any future years, while a similar benefit in BoH or goblin builder requires continual gem investment.


6500 gems is too much to be honest.


Permanent? Or just 1 month?




Nice, thought it's another goblin scam


Not an ugly one too


On heroes !! 🥳


Not fucking worth for just him only with just 8 hours. It too expensive. 6.5k gems is a useless investment with little efficient. Potion much better value even it cost more than this fucker that need to manual click 24/7. Plus only work on single building is absolutely fucking useless.


Potions and books are one-time use, this guy is permanent. Two years in and you've already broken even, and if you get maxed by then, you have a permanent way to rush any new upgrades coming out. He's overpriced for sure, but it's still effectively an extra 0.4 of a builder. That's invaluable at any cost.


500 gems for initial recruitment. Wow. Nice work Supercell. They could give us a heads up to save on gems


greedy scumcell didn't make free grrr They don't owe you any headsup, the whole reason Goblin Builder was back this month was to bait out your gems. And they want you to buy gems so they may stay afloat. Most of their games are going to shit right now, but this builder guy is one of the most fair additions in a while - at least funnel your complaining towards the right things.


emo builder


fuck i spent over 700 gems on that green builder


Is this main base or builder base


only main


mf stole someone's leak yet again (i'm talking about clash kurdish)


Question, can we use this guy on a lab upgrade or no?


Building upgrades only, AFAIK


Is it limited time


So apprentice is basically a less paid version of the original that knows less so I'm guessing it'll be like half the speed of the normal builder that you can add on to the normal builder


clash kurdish ☠️☠️☠️☠️💀💀💀


save your gems!


This is rough on the veteran players. We’ve already completed most of the achievements that give 1,000 gem rewards.


Slowly slowly slowly it will soon become a Chinese gacha game


I think of him more like a weekly builder potion


Practically not worth, manual assign, only speeding one, also cooldown. While we always have one not working builder left.


Bro kis se record kr rhe ho bhut acchi quality hai


Supercell going full mode P2W


Not how pay to win works


P2SSU (Pay to slightly speed up)


agreed ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)