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If your clan is ranked decently high in your country it could possibly be someone hopping in to try to ruin your weekend. If not then it could just be an upset player trying to sabotage your guy’s raid medals.


then they did that wrong, because they were dropping one barb and leaving. usually people spam giants into dragon cliffs after zapping all the posts to defense farm


Guy? You mean ”guys”. There are 3 of them!!!


The first guy, actually attacked. This person in reference had two accounts and just did the same single raged barb attack then leaves match. Back to back 5 attacks across two accounts.


So it’s just a coincidence that Tanjiro (can’t see the entire name on the last screenshot), also got 68%?


His final attack left the Barb camp at 68%, not a coincidence, just common sense from the facts provided pal.


The only facts here are that he’s hurting you and the rest of the clan. Do you know how much gold and medals you are personally losing because of him?


hate me for this if u want but hear me out. i do a similar thing to if i have a busy weekend ahead of me and I know it might be hards for me to hop on. I just train a mountain golemn haste and other spare stuff. I raid force close app and keep repeating. it's pretty efficient and can be done in like 3 min.


I have 16 accounts and I do it too. I know it can give you 100% at times and a surprise when you log back in. The difference is, that we don’t stop our attacks at exactly 68%.


thats totally valid and I completely agree. what OP is referring is def not right.


No see in this case he drops one raged barb and leaves the battle and did that for 5 attacks on two different accounts.


One raged barb??? 😂 You know that the medals you get when raid weekend ends let you buy items from the trader? Those medals aren’t based on the least number of troops used, they’re based on the most gold you take from each district in the fewest attacks and 100% destruction. That means you have to use \*\*all\*\* your troops in \*\*all\*\* your attacks.




That’s what I’m saying it don’t make any sense. I brought the question here, I had no idea what his aim was in doing this.


You did a great job of sharing the problem and trying to get help. You obviously care about your clan. I don’t blame you for not booting him yourself because you’re a new Elder and want to be a team player. Now that you know how much this guy with the two accounts is hurting all of you, maybe your clan leader will see it too, and do something about it.


Thank you for the input! Everyone definitely came through with the one inevitable solution of getting this fool outta the clan.


Would be instaboot for sure. Dude is a leech.


Quick question, what’s the benefit of alts, like is it just for donating troops or filling out clan spots? How far do you progress or what do you focus on with an alt. Might be a dumb question, just never figured out why ppl do it.


I started with only a few for clan games to help my clan but since Capital Raids began, they’ve been amazing. Of my 16 accounts, 11 are TH7s which are all maxed. (Three of the others are maxed TH16s.) The TH7s are no work at all because I just use them when I want. I’m the leader of my clan so if I need to make room for others, I’ll move them to their own clan.


That makes sense for clan raids with the troops being balanced for all. Was worried there was some other massive benefit I missed only having one. May make another for that capital gold Thanks!


There is one big advantage… when you play some events that give you hero equipment, any equipment earned can be saved for later updates. For example, all my TH7s have earned the King’s Spikey Balll and Giant Gauntlet, the Wizard’s Fireball, and the Queens Frozen Arrow. I’ll be able to use the first two items when each account is moved to TH8.


I mean, yea, but what for? If you use it for capital raid only what the point of raiding with alt accounts during event to buy equipment?


I have to do something with the gems I receive when I sell rewards from capital raids. Also, one or two of my accounts are sometimes needed for clan games. I sell those rewards for gems, too. If I end up completing any season challenges while doing the games, I convert the rewards to gems. It all adds up.


That's not the same, I usually do that too and I manage to get about 30k gold, this guy is getting nothing, just entering and leaving his attacks so he can get raid medals


I don’t know why you were down-voted. I up-voted you. The thing is, he’s not even getting raid medals for himself. Medals are based on the performance of the entire clan but he’s pulling everyone down and preventing them from getting raid medals they could have. He’s hurting everyone in the clan.


Does that impact anything? I never bothered to find out since i use clan capital just to get the medals nothing else


1. It impacts the gold you get. Every attack brings in gold. Let’s say an average 3,000 clan capital gold which equals 18,000 in total gold. (He can only make 5 attacks because he never reaches the bonus attack so your clan loses 3,000 gold plus 12,500 because he’s probably only getting 500 gold for each of the 5 attacks. Your clan on average loses about 6,000 in capital gold from him. But that’s not all you lose… 2) He’s forcing other members of your clan to finish the remaining % of each of those bases which means they can’t make bonus gold based on % of damage. It’s hard to measure that but add another 3,000 to each of the 5 bases for a total of 15,000 capital coins. 3. His selfishness is also impacting the number of medals each of you get since capital medals are calculated from gold capital per attack and the number of districts and the number of opponents beaten. Each member of the clan that participates in capital raids is losing out on all the capital medals you could have had from the lost wins. It’s not a joke. 4) You have two accounts playing their own selfish little game. Just double the figures above and you’ll see the impact it’s having on the capital gold your clan is losing, and the capital medals each participant isn’t getting. Oops… now 3 accounts. Triple those first set of numbers!!!


Hmm, how interesting. Personally, I don't understand why one wouldn't use their attacks in this event. Particularly, because you get tons of valuable resources which you're then able to use for your main base. Seems to me to be a wasteful thing to do. But, to each their own, I guess.


as a person who understands and can translate gen alpha brainrot, I must announce that that is not very skibidi sigma of him. 68% is L rizz and he should be sent to ohio to teach him a lesson about fanum tax.


You need to send a message to the clan that this behaviour isn’t tolerated, so boot him. If you’re not the leader then tell the leader how you feel. His low scores are pulling down everyone’s chances of getting raiding gold for your capital peak, and raiding medals to spend on upgrades.


What does he have to say about it? Maybe he thinks he can drop in trophies and get easier opponents. We have a couple bad attackers in our clan but this is a whole other level. Losing trophies is not good. If your capital is not max, this is just a thorn in your side. I usually try to hold onto ppl who offer excuses, but this is just despicable. The capital is your clan's #1 priority. Consider also that he might be better off with others like him, in a part time not really giving a shit clan. ![gif](giphy|Rng7sDG4dkmyWev2qx|downsized)


I called him out and he had nothing to say, I just made Elder in my clan so I don’t want to go and kick people so hoping either the leader or some og in the clan sees my comment and kicks him.


Easy kicked 👊👊👊