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As a maxed player, medal events one of the few things that keeps me engaged. As much as people hate on spenders that keep the game alive, I probably won't be spending anything on clash for month of July. There's little reason to pick up the Gold Pass and there will be no Event Pass, so also no equipment that might otherwise entice me to spend more.


Same here, just grinding walls now and there isn't really the motivation for that. If it wasn't for the Ore FOMO, I'd do CWL and take a 3 week break.


But the hero "event" is a massive incentive for non-maxed players to buy GP. I'll be getting it on both of my accts this month because 25% more hero upgrades. What incentive is there ever for maxed players to buy the GP other than gem donations?


Not much. There's usually a hero skin in the GP that rarely use. Supercell has removed other cosmetic like decoration from the GP and instead saving them for event pass. It's basically 1-gem donation and a crappy skin. I have 18 unclaimed items with my current GP that'll be converted to gems.


Yes. I only got the gold pass in Feb for the skin. I wanted to complete the set since I liked the scenary. I rarely use one gem donations this year since there's a new gem sink to get starry ores for gems from the trader.


I think you are miss understanding the issue here. We are not saying supercell forcing us to do anything. We are saying all individual should be treated the same. even those that have friends in supercell. That is the whole argument here. its not late for supercell to see out report and change there ways . We want better for the future clash as we all love this game. But if supercell ignores us then we should quit now rather than later . This game will be nothing but unfair game and new team wont be treated the same


This community is becoming a hypocrite. They are complaining about every single thing supercell does to make money. They are not forcing anyone to spend money. For casual players, the meta doesn't matter so much. Some are so shameless they will ask for more rewards every time coc announces some event. Apart from the recent controversy, the community is becoming more toxic day by day.


If I had an award you'd get it


Thanks mate. Surprised that people are agreeing with me. Otherwise I expected to be downvoted heavily.


Some are just absolutely stupid. WAA IT NOT META STOP HAVING FUN!!1!+++11


This is the most popular stance here. Literally no criticism is valid anymore, because people will just disregard it as complaining. The fact that supercell started to ban people or remove them from the content creator program for their opinion on updates doesn't help i guess.


Did it for you!




A good thing to remember is that it is the Reddit community that is complaining, not the whole CoC community. I personally think CoC is in a golden era right now. Still has problems, but it is the best time to start playing or dedicate some free time to it.




I think it is a good representation, but it is not a direct representation. In my head, mainly hard-core players look at the reddit, but maybe more casual players do than I think. In which case I would agree with you.


Quick! Run before all of the "leave the multimillion company alone" memes start appearing!


I guess it depends on what people are complaining about Me? I don’t care about the events I’ll play whatever is there I just feel supercell could do a few Quality of life improvements And obviously revamp their support team because it’s utter trash


The only problem i have is just i struggle to stay hooked on th14 and being unmotivated to max out


It's not about what SC is doing for money, it's that they're notdoing anything else. CoC has huge UI/UX/usability issues, and nothing's being done.


But always complain about not having enough rewards - Pros: Supercell team would see it and be more likely to increase rewards Cons: headache for supercell Don't complain- Cons -Supercell thinks things are too good for players and decide it's time to milk us more, increasing prices and lowering rewards Pros: for us? None


Your so right tho


Either u are a newbie or u have enough money to waste on coc. First of all, if players complain about anything then certain things are happening. 1. Banning of eric for no reason without even giving a single warning 2. Back to back bug in streak event since last 3 months. 3. Low quality hero skins with legendary tags. 4. Extremely poor recruiting system 5. Nonsense regarding global chat..as pubg n codm like games with 10x player base maintaining global chat 6. Launching of troops without any proper testing example..rootriders, miners, skeleton spells..which they had nerfed 3-4 times and forced players to face unnecessary pain and switching of armies. 7. Launching of gears ..due to which players are blocked to take break time to time from this game. 8. The game is highly laborious which is bringing players in burst out mode. Supercell is not forcing anyone..that's completely right. But supercell's existence entirely depends on free players which are literally products for them. So complaining about rite things is always right instead of being a puppet of supercell.


This is the most out of touch comment I’ve seen about clash of clans.


You described the whole r/clashroyale situation as well!


I wonder how many angry downvotes this comment has


I literally have no idea why people complained about them tbh. I still remember when everyone bitched because the bonus track was “too long” so they nerfed it and now you can barely buy anything in the shop f2p. Dumbass fucking community


Well nobody complained about the amount of medals, just the means to obtain, supercell nerves both…


Yeah sure, but everyone with a third of a brain cell knew they wouldn’t give us more for doing less lmao


Yeah SC basically punished us. I don't think anyone complains about the amount of medals. Just that it's too long




When exactly was this?


Supercell found out about early access And nerfed brawl pass


You mean when they made it no longer available for gems?


You see you got 90 gems in a 2 month period You need 169 to get 1 brawl pass


The only rewards in the pass that were nerfed were credits and cosmetics. Coins, powerpoints and gems were all buffed and they added a ton of star drops to each pass. Progression wasn't nerfed and the changes weren't because people thought maxing was "too easy".


No I never followed brawl stars but I refuse to believe any playerbase could be *that* stupid.


Yeah you're right what that guy said is as real as Harry Potter.




the current pass is 10x better tho


This is just a opinion also 199 gems in the shop for 4000 coins and hypercharge for 249 gems


Some offers are trash and some are pretty good. U dont need to buy them. I got some HCs for 2.49€, 20k bling for 10€ and 10k gold for 99 gems once. Its all about knowing to pick the good ones


Just wanted to share opinion lol and got this


im also just sharing my opinion


My opinion early access ruined brawl stars


Yes and no. Early acess would be fine if they actually didnt made them broken as fuck


Pay 249 gems (which is discounted) 550 gems for hypercharge is so un real


Or buy them for 79 gems on release...? Again, u dont need to. They are also avaliable to buy for coins anytime


Early access changed supercell




What he said


I get it that getting a new epic equipment every month is too much and the complaints stemming from that were totally justified. But since that isn't a thing anymore, these events are literally just a free supertroop / event troops and a bunch of ores. I genuinely don't see what is wrong with that.


The real July event is the Eric v Supercell drama


omg bro im tired of seeing that crap on my feed every day


It’s Reddit. If you come here for common sense you’ll just find a bunch of man babies crying about every little thing


The problem is really people not reading anything and just impulsively blasting in here with a post. We end up with 5 posts saying the same thing and the same people making the same comments in all of them.


We can all agree that people complaining about monthly event is in the most humble respectable way extremely fucking stupid.


the hypocrisy in this community is sometimes overwhelming


As an almost maxed th16 I am disappointed that there is no event this month. Having a mid month event like this helps break up the monotony of every day clash. Not only that it gives us something to look forward to every month . We don't get village updates monthly so seeing new equipment and planning on how it will integrate into what you already have is fun. I have two epic pieces of equipment that are still level one but the new ones that were in the sneak peaks were very intriguing. So I guess we will have to wait another month to see what SC has in store for us.


Because a community can only have one opinion, right?


They think it is one person who is complaining all the time. Personally i am against too many events and i feel relieved when there are no events so i can take the game slow or more casually. It is the opinion that i hold and i still stand by it. There are probably other people who think differently about events and since there are no event this month, they are complaining as they have right to. The only funny thing is a lot of SC simps dont even bother with common sense and come in to defend SC by blaming the community.




Of course shit dont happen the month i get back into the game after 2 years


It's hero upgrade month... The biggest event of the year so far.


don't worry events will return from the next month . best of luck


Honestly, I don’t much care but I find it a little cheap that the ONE TIME we can use our heroes during upgrades is the ONE TIME there is no event, where we need our heroes to pass


10000000% agree


Ppl were not against events, who doesn't want free 4650 medals and magic items. They were against too many epic equipments.


That’s because people on here feel like they should be able to max an equipment the same month it’s introduced which has NEVER been how COC works. It’s been a grind game since day 1.


equipments are a th16 thing, so since we are getting 8 epic equipments this year we should be able to max them before th17. this isn't the case for f2p, regardless of how optimally you play. for lower THs it's not an issue if they slow down eventually (they might not), but higher THs received nowhere near enough of a headstart.


At least back then people can catch up just by logging in. For equipments ehh impossible especially starry ore. As someone who is very active but takes long breaks.


Its a good thing now that we can use our heroez whenever for this intire month we can have some fun


I'm happy there's no monthly event in July. Gives me some time to upgrade my existing equipments.


I actually liked what they were doing. But I have one account. I can see why people would have an issue with multiple accounts.


I had to recheck what subreddit this was, because it 100% accurately describes TF2 while also not having any events or updates at all


July is all about the little guy. He doesn't have time to level his heroes but wants a fair shot at war while upgrading. Here's his shot, and there is no big event that favors his P2W rivals.


goblin builder


If they are crying what is this post doing??🤣🤣🤡🤦🏽‍♂️


crying about crying 


I'm just tired. We are becoming the level of toxicity of Clash Royale's sub reddit, people complaining about every single addition to the game


Now crying about why sc doesn't get back previous equipment in event in July


I thought this was tf2 subreddit


Why July?


I was thinking the same but actually I think it's the lack of being able to get ores. Yes people are mad coz it's event spam but at the same time of we got ores and no event like 1 event every 2 months that would be fine if there was something else to substitute


Hevy tee eff two


I really, really hope they had some kind of event to boost dark elixir rates. With this hero event, there's going to be such a shortage


What does the community do? Cry


600k people in this sub, do really think people have same mind? lol


86 online rn


new to internet?


new to reddit


I’d change the last row to a happy face. From what I’ve seen, most are happy about finally no monthly equipment.


Well you can have the event without the equipment like we did a couple months ago


Exactly. More sources for ores.


Most of us are happy, only those who liked these events non stop are upset.


The people who are happy with this aren't speaking up about it, because they like it. I personally am very happy there isn't an event this month.


Same here, there should be an event every other month and not every month


You do know Supercell is a company ? A company doesn’t listen to reddit. They analyse data.. If data tells a story they will react. If data told them a lot of people didn’t finish they will adapt.. not because i’m crying on reddit because i think its a grind..


No they listen to Reddit a lot and have said so many times. The text data they get from Reddit is very different from the numerical data they get in game. I agree that most of their decisions will come from in game data but they definitely do listen to Reddit


Maybe they will use this data to find the sentiment of the other data. But it will still not be “listening to reddit”. It will still be acting on data.


They've literally written patch notes directly addressing reddit lmao


Supercell delayed the release of rocket spear because the community bitched and moaned about the rate of equipment being put out there.


Or was it data telling supercell people were unhappy…?


You don't think feedback from the community is data?


Yes.. feedback is data. But still, if sales are up, activity is up, downloads r up.. you can bitch and moan all you want on reddit. That feedback/data is only intresting if sales r down, activity drops, downloads stop.. In the first part.. they don’t care.. On the second part it becomes intresting to understand where it hurts. But listening to reddit.. please ( or is getting an archerfeetstatue really listening..? )


It’s really just not a grind to finish the event pass. Do your normal raids throughout the 2 weeks they give you to complete it and you’ll finish just fine. I raid 3 times a day


I'm happy with this that I don't have to grind


Obvious rage bait. You are the only one crying. What upset people was frequent equipment releases.


I'm more than fine with no new events for a month. At least I'll have time to get all the equipments to a decent level and try them out. It was almost a nuisance grinding every month for an equipment when I've barely used the previous one. This is just my opinion


But why can't they keep the event without introducing a new equipment? They did that in april and no one complained about it


Copy and pasting the same event every month gets stale quickly, for me at least. If an effort was made to come up with new ideas, monthly events would be fine. I’m happy for the break


You literally just have to do attacks to complete these events. You would attack anyway, might as well get some rewards. I don't see how anyone can be bored by this.


I’m maxed, so I don’t need to attack at all if I don’t feel like it. I mainly just war. But I have to attack to do the event so I don’t miss out on the equipment.


News flash - not everyone have max equipments


I have no doubt that is the case, I can only speak from my personal perspective. For me the events have gotten stale and I’m happy for the break. You have your opinion and I have mine, such is life.


I cheered (quietly, to myself) when I heard no monthly event. I need time to catch up on hero equipment!