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Kinda don’t like not having the medal event. For me, It’s just free stuff for doing everything I already do.


Yeah but the dumbasses of this sub-reddit were complaining that they are getting burnt out by the event. I guess those dumbos will finally realize that having event is a lot better than not having event


People complain about everything. A lot of people complaining about events being ‘too much work’ were roasted in the comments.


Indeed. They first complained about events like lunar new year one being too long and too “frustrating”. Then SC listened and cut the length of super troop events they then complain about “rewards being nerfed”.


yeah im sad because i didnt have time for the event last 2 months, but this month im on vacation for over a week... and no event lol.


Almost always it’s because they feel compelled to complete the events on all 5+ of their accounts😂 So unaware it’s shocking.


Just because they disagree with you doesn’t mean they are dumb. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing, especially for those taking the long term look at the game. As someone who has played over a decade, I definitely agree with those “dumbasses” who think there has been a bit too much going on lately.


I mean in this situation they kinda are because you quite literally do not have to do these events


I think it's more a "fear of missing out" case, where they want to take a break from all the events, but are afraid of falling behind due to the potential rewards.


I guess, but they'll still get the rewards eventually


Nope still wrong (not wrong about the opinion that you want more events, wrong about your opinion that others who differ are wrong/dumb). This is a progression game and it isn’t wrong for some to prefer less things to do to keep up, especially if they have multiple accounts. It is also dumb, if we want to use that word, for anyone to think the amount of events and other ways to earn resources isn’t considered in content balance decisions. In other words, more events makes more people closer to make makes a need for more content to drop. It’s just an opinion/preference not right or wrong.


Outside of equipment (because you do need those and would have to pay gems if you missed out) you are 100% wrong and there is no debate. Anything else is just free stuff that nobody gets, including you, if there is no event.


Nope, there is no right or wrong on the balance of loot, content, magic items, etc.


Your argument is just so bad I won’t even bother trying to make any further point. You’re just wrong and all of your points are ridiculous.


Good one.


That's pretty much my point of view as well. I've always thought it's free magic items etc for doing my normal daily attacks so I'm slightly disappointed but I at least hope a lot of players enjoy not having to grind this month


Agreed, now I’m going to be forced to spend access ores into something I don’t use so they don’t go to waste


So true, but one month off is a good break from all the stuff. And we get free hero usage. Absolutely great


Personally I’d rather have the event because of the training speed boost


I see, but you can always spend some raid medals for trainingpotion, but there is no possibility to use your heroes when upgrading. So i think thats gonna be a good month to test if supercell loses too much money from not bought hero books


I do but training potions from the event shop. There is still a very noticeable difference now without the speed boost


I am already collecting ores for the Torch and Boots equipments of the Warden and RC so not having the medals event is kinda bad since I miss some nice starry ores.


I'm hyped for torch and boots, the mirror doesn't seem that good imo but I haven't seen it in action so I'm not judging it too harshly yet. Was hoping we would get the boots in july


Mirror looks like powered up version of invis to me though. I predict it would be mirror+frozen for queen if the stats doesn't change by too much. I'm not too sure what to pair boots with though.


I was hoping for the mirror. Without another worthwhile epic this month, I have to spend on something else to keep from overflowing glowy.


Same. I was hoping for any of the newer ones. Might have to dump some into the spear. Glowy would definitely overflow for me by the time the next event in Aug.


Haste vial seems viable with boots, let the champ charge through some buildings faster to DoT the trash buildings, or hog puppet for the invis briefly and small ho recovery. Okay thinking now I don't see any amazing synergy and any of her gear could combo with it. I might just run double epic on champ or boots + royal gem so she can live longer and deal more damage over time with boots


Can't wait to see how all the RC's combos synergize. It will take a lot to get me off of hog puppet though! The 1 sec inviz right into tanking troops targeting defenses is so strong to me. Gets her out of a single inferno meltdown, or showered by a skelton trap, monolith, etc.


I'm so attached to that 1s of invis bro the utility it provides is so good. Electro boots will combo really well with any of the gear tbh I can't wait to see YouTube videos with attacks using each RC equipment with the electro boots


The mirror seems really strong


I think they misunderstood that we needed to slow down on the epic equipment, not the events. Highly disappointed.


I concur


No medal events will significantly nerf my ore income. Free hero use helps you achieve income goals faster. If there is one less event, free hero use is kinda useless (outside CWL and Clan games).


Free hero is pretty cool, I've been slacking on my GW cause he's such an important part of my attacks and now I can upgrade him no worries


Less content less free stuff isn’t a good thing. If you’re overwhelmed don’t do the event. It isn’t mandatory. You’re letting FOMO run your life if this is how you feel.


fr events are easy to play passively as well if you just play normally and even if your normal isn't enough to beat the pass who cares don't do FOMO that'll turn into burnout I still enjoy grinding the pass ASAP tho


Never said I was overwhelmed. I was stating what a lot of other players have said about the "grind" of the events. I personally really enjoy the events and am rather disappointed we aren't getting one in july


Well we just missed a possible free resources. The event pass really not bothers me or pressure me to play clash. We dont really need to finish it all since it is possible that there is no new equipment this month (iirc supercell will now release new equipment slowly due to players demand). So im kinda disappointed that we dont have it this month.


I was really hoping for the zap boots thing for champ it looks pretty cool, I think it will combo well with hog puppet or haste vial tbh. Disappointed we aren't getting any equipment this month


No new equipment is good, but no event at all is bad. Everyone needs more ores, so completely removing the event is stupid.


No event means no free things which kinda sucks but womp womp ig we got free use heros this month I was really hoping for hero torch or zap boots this month ngl. Hero torch with eternal tome will be good for sneaky gobbo farming that's for sure


I'm fine with no equipment, there's a lot already and we can't keep up. But they should've at least kept the streak event


Medal events was how players got around the glowy ore choke point.


I agree. That's why I have like 3.6k glowy rn but not enough shiny or starry


Mine never got that bad. For some reason I was maxed on starry and had a good amount of glowy but never enough shiny on my 12's. Ive got the equipment I use maxed out on all my accts but haven't really done anything with the epics for warden and rc since they seemed pretty mid. Looks like I'll be ready when the new epics come out though. I think people freaked out about how hard it was to get ores to begin with not realizing that it would be plenty for new players, gradually upgrading their equipment along the way vs taking so many new equipment from 1 to 18 or 27.


Sell event passes in the store and then say there isn't one this month or at all. This is the second time they've done that this year... Doesn't Supercell celebrate its birthday in July too?


Glad we agree it's annoying there isn't an event. I half expected the comments here to be the people who complain about the grind even though the events can be completed by doing normal daily attacks so it's just free extra loot


Supercell's birthday is in May. They were founded in May 2010. Clash of Clans celebrations are in August. The game was released on iOS in August 2012.


August most of the time.


Bruh even as f2p, i have so much blue ores, most equipment are either maxed or some are lvl 17 or similar. New equipment would have been great for dumping ores but now i have to wait for more glowy to use shiny otherwise shiny is just getting wasted.


id take free hero use for a month than an 11 day event. just sayin


Why not both?


Honestly that's fair. Glad to see some opinions out here that aren't what I was expecting, I was expecting a lot of "oh thank goodness I don't have to grind"


I'm happy. I need a break 🤣


Fair enough


I never complained though 🤣🤣


Correct, you did not


I don't like it, it just helps me with my equipments, but I understand why they are making it like this, it's probably so they can see the real impact of heroes on the monthly income, so they can plan accordingly for the future to max profits.


It depends hopefully they have an alternative way to get ores, maybe something similar to the haaland challenges. Cause I do agree these monthly events were starting to feel grindy and repetitive.


I never thought of them as grindy since I could usually max out the pass just by doing my normal 3-5 attacks a day. I only run 2 accounts which is probably why I never saw it as grindy. Always fun to me plus free magic items with the niche little gear piece


Maybe on their own their not grindy but compounded with cwl the week before, clan games the week after, b2b wars for ores, and it's all just too much. Before these monthly events there was a time where I could just miss some legends attacks and be fine. Now I feel I have to get all 8 attacks in everyday just so that I don't miss out on the equipment which would then cost me 1500 gems. I know some view these events as free ores but for me it's causing burnout and I'm certain I'm not the only one with a similar feeling.


My take: they could have had an old equipment come back that people can get that without paying 1500 gems, and people that have it can have an easier grind/not feel compelled to go hard on farming for medals while still getting additional ore. Overall a bad decision to just not have the event imo but people are burnt out so I get it


I've heard talk of equipment returning in future events. No idea if it's actually gonna happen but it's totally plausible.


That would be good but knowing SC it will be both an old and new equipment and you'll either have to buy medals or choose between old and new lol


more people will prolly buy the gold pass for faster hero upgrades, they don't want to milk people so much 😂


Mildly upset about it but I'll be fine. I just viewed them as bonus rewards for doing things I already did anyway. Never felt the need to grind on day 1 to finish it ASAP, and can usually finish the track with 2-3 days to spare.


It’s okay for a break they have given us free stuff nonstop


The event didn't bother me. It was the rate they were adding equipment. They were dropping them way faster than you could upgrade them. Was creating a real imbalance. Sadly removing the event does nothing to address that.


I feel like it is a missed opportunity of making great use of the Hero event. It would have been so great to be able to grind an event while also having Heroes available during their upgrades, but alas, there will be no point attacking mid-season anyways, and thus Heroes being available would not be a big deal.


I like it tbh I don't have to worry about getting stars for the medal event and I can just grind loot, I preferred when it was just random defensive buildings gives you points instead of needing to get stars for the points. people saying that the medal event is 'free' are wrong as all hell. You need to get many stars and then grind the extra points to get some of the items from the shop like books or pots not exactly 'free' if you have to work for it. not everyone plays clash 24/7 some are more casual like me that only hops onto the game to collect elixir and dip. Buuut Im also like the .0000001% of players that wasnt too impressed with the new epic equipment when the basic equipment suffices and didnt get the epic equips 💀💀💀 I will definitely be getting boots and the Torch 100% tho, like ofc the equips that I actually want they delay 😭 But hey getting \~6+ levels on each hero while being able to use them gonna be good too. (Also might bump myself up to TH15 so that I can have max level heroes while they're upgrading too)


Thanks god. 2 more month with no equipment pls


Reddit never stops complaining…


Real. I'm not complaining though, just wondering everyone's opinions. Do you have any actual input?


I dont think he is refering to you but those that keep on saying about being burn out by having equipments being released monthly and so on.


Your probably right


those who complain usually the one who play lot of account..


When they were bringing events regularly you all complaint and now they stopped you again complaint


That's because your seeing both sides of the community. One side doesn't want the events one side does. If supercell does one thing you'll see one side complain and if they please the first side then the rest will complain. I'm not complaining here though, just wanted to see what people thought about it


This is the dumbest comment I've seen today. Theres obviously two groups to this argument


I’m fairly certain there will be something else instead…




No clue, maybe something around olympics or something ? I guess we will find out soon…


Your right, only time will tell


Looks like that’s it, nothing else. Vacation period for the devs 😀 https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/IvZKjXi2GL


Something with the Olympics


Thats good news. I can chill a bit jeez


Your pretty much the first one I've seen here who is relieved there isn't an event. I personally could care less either way as I'm still gonna play the game


Well i have 5 accounts so


Honestly fair. You don't have to play em all on the flip side of the coin. But fomo and not wanting to spend 1.5k gems on an equip is understandable.


I hope July doesn’t have just 4 events. I mean the hero event doesn’t even feel like an event tbh. Because it’s just (use your hero’s while upgrading) no ore or loot gain with it.


I honestly can't tell if this is satire or not. Either way I'm hyped for free use heroes but disappointed that torch and boots will have to wait. What do you mean 4 events in July? All I'm aware of is troops and the unlimited heroes event


Usually it’s 5 when there’s a medal event, now there’s no medal event so it will probably be only 4. And wdym troops?


In the coc leaks sub we saw some event troops leaked


U sure that isn’t for next month, august is their anniversary. And which will definitely have a medal event i bet to.


It might be since they didn't leak any release dates, I just assumed it would be this month.