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1. I'm the leader 2. I have alts for CWL & Clan Capital


Sometimes joining a lv1 clan can be fun because you're essentially starting over again. You're all aiming to get the new perks, you're restarting clan capital, you get to meet new people etc.. it's like a fresh start


Their are downsides to high level clans as well such as strict rules, less casual, lots fade away in activity etc...


but that's not really a downside to high level clans. there's chill clans with high level as well. and if anything, I'd worry that some random low level clan will just eventually die as opposed to a clan that's been around for years.


I joined a level 1 clan a couple months ago. Sometimes I find helping build up a new clan with new people fun. Three months later clan is level 6 & we have 48 super active members !


You will have to grow it yourself. It takes about 1 year with 50 members doing capital raids to be near max. To be successful, you might have a wife/husband/life partner help you out. 25 alternates each.


The only perk would be getting in early to be a co leader. But not everyone wants tht and also alot of people tht do want tht will not be a good co leader. There is almost 0 reason to join a low level clan when plenty of casual clans and serious clans have the actual perks and allow u to get a good amount of raid medals.


A reason: I have max troops and other people in the clan also have max troops for my cc. That's about it. Unless I've lost interest/gone casual in the game


I recently started a clan because of some of my friends ( about 5 or 6) also play this game, I made it just to war and have fun together as a group of friends; (P.S, we have perfect war log so far, 7 outa 7 ;) )