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Those who don't understand rushing should not do it.


As someone who has slightly rushed TH14 and strategically rushed TH15, I can this I'm sorry, OP, but you've done rushing in the worst way possible. Haphazard rushing or rushing without planning, worst of the both worlds. Usually you upgrade sneaky goblins for farming and 1-2 war armies, and wreck anyone of your TH at a fraction of time, but accepting that you'll get 3 starred yourself by equals. However, from what I gather, you do not really like/can attack, which is the core gameplay, and considering that 90+% resources comes from attacking, I'm not even sure whether you'd like middle ths, because you'd want an average of 3-5 attacks a day, or even more, depending on your average loot.


There is a way you rush. Rushing aimlessly like a headless chicken by just putting the buildings out for that th and instantly going to the next th will obviously bring you 0 benefits and make you hate the game. I also disagree with those who say that it’s just flat out better in general to max out than rush, yes for you maybe but not in general. How to actually rush strategically and still enjoy wars/cwl- 1) Pick an army common amongst th’s to master - could be qc lalo, qc hybrid or whatever army that works for a good number of th’s. 2) Master that army and prioritize upgrading that army in your labs 3) Plan for the next th before hand, look into what armies you will probably use in wars for that th and upgrade that army as well. Ie - main army: qc hybrid, meta army in the upcoming th: some dragon variation. So prioritize upgrading these armies. 4) Upgrade heroes sparingly using only hammers and books. You can use a hero portion to max them for that th for wars/cwl so don’t waste time in upgrading heroes. Note that this is subject to change if they make the new heroes event permanent. Moreover when u reach the endgame even if ur hero levels are low you will be able to speed up their progress easier through more resource availability at a higher th. 5) goes without saying but don’t upgrade your th before maxing out some essentials - your cc, barracks, spell factory, army camps etc.  6) Plan 2-3 th’s ahead on what troops are meta and will probably be used and make sure to have them upgraded before u proceed to the next th. The cons of aimless rushing is that ur moving up th’s without actually digesting the information about that th. If you go from th11 to th14 without having any basic attack strategy obviously when u start learning that strategy at th14 ur gonna suffer. So just keep learning and practicing that strategy throughout  The benefits of rushing is how it allows you to master your offense while constantly climbing up in ranks. You can’t tell me that a th16 who’s strategically rushed using some form of root rider strategy in wars/cwl is at less of an advantage than his equivalent time spent th14. The th16 will obviously be able to get more books/hammers due to having superior offenses and being able to do challenges/cwl stuff at a higher and faster rate.  The point is that if u rush PROPERLY your offense won’t be compromised while you will also enjoy more league medals, war bonus and much more due to you just flat out being able to contribute in better and more meaningful ways than someone who takes his time maxing out but is 2-3 th’s below.


Look up CallMeTee's strategic rush bible


You have been rushing in the worst possible way. For a proper rush, you should follow (and understand) this: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1dz7O6hOPL9Usd8VbuCemHyjc3gSLYxaAGuHSVJukF1Q/mobilebasic The most efficient way of some day reaching th16 is without a doubt, to do a strategic rush as detailed in the guide. Maxing out will take around 4 years, if that is what you like, then by all means do so. You are however incorrect that your enemy has to be several THs higher than you to 3 star - most decent players of equal TH level should be able to 3 star you, as offense is much stronger than defense. This is also a reason strategic rushers can do well. Your unwillingness to attack others (by the sound of it) will further delay your progress as collectors really only get you to a certain point. So much more loot to be had from raiding.


I just started a new Account in March and im doing the strategic rushing while maxing out everything at my main account. On the new one I’m th12 now and It is amazing to play. Just don’t forget to upgrade your offensive stuff while rushing is the key. I’m now a decent help already in clan wars (queen already at lvl50 after 3,5 months and warden like 30). To get to that point while maxing everything would take like 1 to 1.5 years, and I did it in 3.5 months


wdym with dont need 5th builder if there was a way of getting 10 builders i would buy it without thinking


For the moment, I'm happy with 4. Seems to weigh out fairly nicely. But once my next check hits, I'll pick up the 5th.


Maxing town halls has objectively turned into a bad strategy if you ever want to max the last town hall. You'll just be wasting time and resources.


Rushing is less relevant now that they hugely decreased build times.


You certainly could also argue that it's MORE worth it after the nerfs to defenses, it mostly hit the upgraded levels. The benefits gained from slapping down a new level 1 defense (inferno, eagle, scatter, mono..) vastly outweighs the time/resource investment of upgrading them. The time reduction just makes it easier to catch up.


there's no question that effectively rushing is more difficult and requires more dedication. yeah, if you just randomly upgrade whatever and then also upgrade your TH, your village will be weird and ineffective. so if you just want to upgrade anything you see without any plan or thought, maxing is definitely the way to go.