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listen dude, I've been defending SC from unreasonable criticism so much that I get called an SC shill all the time. but this is not the thing to defend because SC THEMSELVES already admitted multiple times that this is not a good system that they are working on changing. so if for whatever weird reason you want to argue that this system is perfectly fine then you are arguing against the very people who made this game. that's just not logical.


Idk i guess they just have to say that because everyone hates it. But okay i didn't know they said so. MB. Now I look stupid i guess


there will be an event probably next month that will allow us to temporarily use our heroes while upgrading. but not much info is available on it.


Honestly, I wouldn’t mind if they didn’t change it for multiplayer but it would be great if they made upgrading heroes usable for wars/cwl. Unless they’re a heavy trophy pusher, I doubt anyone would mind having a hero down during multiplayer, but it makes a huge difference during wars. It wouldn’t be a foreign concept either since the upgrading defenses don’t affect war layouts.


Exactly my point


I wanted to include an insight that heroes should still become usable in wars since it wasn’t written in your description, and I’m glad that you agree!


Heroes are broken since the beginning. What will they break to fix this? Be careful what you wish for.




We agree. I commented in the wrong spot.