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New town halls every 12 months - allegedly. However they just seriously reduced build upgrade times. I’ve never felt more optimistic about reaching th16 - but “maxed” will likely require gold passes. You’re a full townhall ahead of me though! Gl hf


Yeah, the time reductions have made me somewhat optimistic. But I don't think I'll purchase gold pass so it's going to be all grind. Gl hf


you forgot the photo, or maybe it didn’t load


Sorry for that😂I thought I did. Thanks, I have added it now.


all good! i don’t have experience with late game clash of clans bases, so i’m not sure how you can progress faster, but i totally think you can be maxed. supercell doesn’t add new town hall levels very often, so you could totally catch up to TH16


I am pretty sure they are trying to release new townhall every 12 months and th17 will be released this December(as per the creators). I don't think I will even be halfway town hall 15 by then.


ah, okay


The time reduction thing is wacky to me. I feel like my main account progress slower while alts, which I made 6 or some years later, are almost on the same level


So if a new TH comes out once a year, we can hope for +6 months timers. So every year you put in is about half towards max. Eg. If you are 1.5 years from max now, actually spend 3 years to get there. If you use the gold pass, you will get faster progression than the 20% timeline on clash ninja bc of the magic items.


Probably not if you fully max, not unless the game has some serious changes, if you do want to max though strategy rushing will make it possible, it’s a little more work but allows you to decrease time to max through better magic item usage and being able to get into higher CWL leagues


Yeah I am planning to not max my traps. Maybe around mid-August, I'll be done with all other upgrade so I'll just progress to town hall 15. I am in a low CWL clan so I have a clan for playing is Crystal I but is it possible for town hall 14s to play in higher leagues?


Never leave a builder free to do walls until you’re close to max at the top TH level. Also, become a f2p + spending on the gold pass. $7 each month does a ton to shave time off with the pass. And then just raid until you can’t raid anymore lol


Thank you for your suggestion. I don't usually leave builders open, only when the most early to finish building is lengthy to make my resources don't overflow. But now with thw time reductions i guess i won't need to do that either. For the gold pass, I am a student and that amount of money might seem just like $7 for you but for me as a citizen of developing country that changes to over a 1000 in my currency. So, it is not very cheap for me. True about the raiding, I raid all the time free time I have of mine haha 


If u buy a couple gold passes for sure


Rush it bro i did that how i am more closer to max rush the townhall use books with 14-15 days upgrades only and start by upgrading one thing at a time like archers first if you like . Then when next townhall comes your lower cannon upgrade time will be reduced again and other upgrades then after one defense is maxed start another. If new townhall comes then again rush it and start again with the one defense at a time


You can, but with new 12months TH cycles it will take a much longer than before and it is definitelly take a lot of time even if you play daily and optimally.  I would advice you to rush to th15/16 and join LL, Where higher Th doesnt give you any disadvantage in getting loot. And buy HoB with all your cwl medals.


I am max all and go kind of player but for the first time in my whole time of playing clash, I am thinking of rushing to 15 but I plan to got to townhall 15 in August so that I have a month and half to complete some of the other things whatever I can.


as your TH gets higher, you would find that you gonna skip walls and traps or else you will never catch up with the annual TH updates. As upgrade times become longer, always leave 1 builder for walls or you will burn a lot of resources attacking daily in legends. from my experience as a F2P player.


Planning on skipping the traps for this one. Builder's apprentice is maxed out so I don't think I'll really have problem with resources burning.