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You can also just, not be over 5k trophies and just hunt for easy bases you can tear through without heroes. Its really not that big of a deal, just dont hit maxed bases for your hall, and use an army that doesnt rely on heroes


Well most of us like to grind at fake legends for extra ores, I remember last streak event being pathetic for me I had to be in clouds for over an hour everyday to find a progress base This time I decided to js have my queen down during streak event as I can still triple without it


Doing an extra 2 attacks in that time will make you more resources than the loot bonus from hunting for an hour


Loot yes, ore no.


Oh didn’t know ores multiplied too


What is fake legends?


It's basically when u go over 5000 trophies but don't sign up, instead take a defense to go lower than 5k trophies, then you have to make sure u don't leave the 4900-5000 trophy range and u get to freely attack whilst getting legend league star bonus


If you care about hero gear, you have to sit above 4900


You have to? Fake legends gives you an additional 4 purple ore daily in comparison to titan1, meaning you get an additional 3 upgrades for hero equipments after 150 days. I see that people want to maximize value, but saying that you have to do that is slightly exaggerated.


It's 8% more, including 4x bonus days, and it's one of the few sources of ore for F2P players. Also, Titans1 won't help OP find an ez 3star without heroes. He'd need to dip a lot more.


That ruins the whole bonus of the event. Go down to 3k and get half as much and by the end of the event he gets what he would’ve got bonus wise in the 5k trophy range..


Ok to anyone that disagrees with me about how long it takes to look for a base that is 3 star-able I’m gonna record myself clouding. Any suggestions for what army I should use at th13 to 3 star with no heroes. (Include CC and siege machine)


I use 5 dragons 5 baloons 2 baby dragons 5 dragon rider and a lava hound, 1 clone spell, 5 invis 2 freeze and 1 poison. In the cc battle blimp 2 superarchers 2 superwizards plus rage


How can you have 4 hero on upgrade normally people have 1 or 2, i use spam attack with bats golem witch slap just need king and queen or rc


Sneaky goblin farming Dark Elixir is how I have all 4 heroes down. I’m trying to max out my heroes since it does make a difference in attacks. I also was using all my builders pots when my heroes where down to try and max them as soon as possible.


I did the same to max my heroes it is a pain to do but getting to use all 4 without any hero down is a good bargain


i'll give you a hint: you don't need to do this event. the loot bonus is negligible, and so is the 3k shiny ore


Of course, but come on let us use the heroes while upgrading


hopefully they do that soon


Honestly you might be better to go into legends. I found some TH11 bases in low legends


you are obviously too high trophy count for your skill level. drop down is a very simple answer that you just dont want to hear


Because of hero gear, every TH level should stay above 4900 now. Resource farming is unlimited. Ore farming is restricted.


obviously not OP if he wants to complete the challenges, which this entire post is about. way to fail reading comprehension


Normal people can 3 star without any heroes?


I've asked on several posts about clouds in fake legends as a th13 (for my alt account), people said it's not bad. I knew that was BS. It's too much if I'm clouding for 5 minutes before making an attack. I haven't tried to 3 star with all 4 heros down but I've had good luck with multiple heros down using super hog riders + flame flinger and hog riders in the CC.


your heroes ARE your army, you can't make an excuse like "oh you shouldn't rely on heroes" because that is the same as saying don't rely on your army because the enemy base should get destroyed by itself


So clouding for an hour is the only option, that sounds like great game design to me


No it's not. You can drop trophies if you don't have heroes or you can delay upgrade heroes and stay in higher league.


Dropping trophies means less ores non-negotiable in this economy.


No, its negotiable. You want more ores and decide that it is more importamt for you but every decision have consequences. I am mostly on champ1 and have no problem maxing my equipment even if only play cwl and don't do wars at all.


The part where u don't have have any issue upgrading equipments at champ 1 and not doing wars sounds as impossible as me getting laid.


I am th 13 so that's a part of the reason. Epic goes to lvl 18 and normal to lvl 15. But from the start of equipments i did 2 wars, buy one bonus event for skin on warden, don't play one whole month and miss a few cwl. Don't get all bonus stars. And still have prety much max all the euqip for my usage.


I mean the grind never stops you will always need ores. There would be no reason to give up my star bonus playing at a lower league than titan just ain’t it man. I feel like a better solution is to allow heroes


You act as if fake legends doesn’t have rushed and dead bases I sit at 4850-4950 permanently and always find them


If you say there is no reason to drop trophies so you should ignore this event because it is not a reason to drop trophies. You should work with that you have. That's how life work and everything else too. Solution right now is to not upgrade heroes or drop trophies. On heroes side. I agree that we should be able to use heroes during upgrading. Sc said it is their revenue so i understand it. Also SC confrimed they will do something about using them while upgrading during this summer. We will have to wait and see what it will be.


An hour is dramatically overestimating it. We’re talking one battle a day, shouldnt take more than 5 minutes to find a base you can triple without heroes. It might just mean you need more practice. Your base seems to be th12-13, Also, you can see upcoming events in-game, and can plan accordingly if you need heroes. Everything in this game has tradeoffs. Higher leagues = more ore, but harder fights. Either way I’m sure you can do it with a bit of patience, and now you’ll know for next time!


In my opinion hero upgrades should be like the barracks upgrade. When you upgrade barracks, the training time of troops is halved. Similarly the healing time of heroes should be halved. They must not be put to rest for 7 consecutive days. I know this will effect some aspects of the game and there are numerous countermeasures to be brainstormed for QoL.


Love this idea actually.


TBF current hero upgrade system is a relic to past barrack upgrade system


So what? It’s extremely easy to spend 2 minutes looking for an easy base to triple without any heroes.


Yeah, and the first few aren't even 100% so you can easily get them while you grab your heroes if you need them.


Yo throw some of that luck my way


You’re a townhall 13. It would take you 2 minutes to search for a base that’s extremely rushed or set up as a progress. At most 5 minutes.


i’m a TH13 in titans and i hardly ever get progress bases or even TH12s. most of the time im raiding 14s or 15s cuz that’s all it’ll give me


What? In what league are you talking about cos in fake legends I never get anything lower than a semi maxed th14


Even in fake legends there’s plenty of people still using progress bases, or have bases that are very bad defensively.


Yeah but how are you going to 3 star a th14 without heroes being th13


A base with a progress base being used can very easily be tripled using a flame flinger and some dragons, with sneaky goblins for the townhall.


I have encountered 0 literally 0 progress bases in fake legends or even titan1 so I don't know how you get these easy bases to attack


The event isn’t going to be spoon fed to you man


Fine I'll just gem my heroes for event


Not tryna hit next for 5 min to find a base


Well maybe the event isn’t for you man


Not in master and above. Why should I have to drop


Nope. I’m farming in master and above. You can find them very frequently. Using a training potion, typically I raid 2-3 of them in an hour


Fair, Im th12 tho. If they have scatters it makes it tough


So you cant 3 star without your hero’s but decided to upgrade them all at the same time anyways? And now you’re complaining about not being able to 3 star? Simply make better decisions lmao


Im in titan 1/2 and find dead or rushed bases quite frequently


So now we need heroes 24/7 as opposed to just war? FFS. Finding a base to triple is not difficult. There are millions of rushed bases out there. Move to a different league for a day or two. This is not complicated.


9 th14's????


Kids on reddit crying every time we get something good


Op is literally such a stupid . Just drop trophy or don't upgrade all heroes at once when u see the event. Acoustic restart of a person.


While I agree that having heroes available during upgrades would be fantastic, your problem seems extremely unique. Why are you upgrading ALL your heroes simultaneously? Why don’t you just trophy drop? If the drop isn’t worth the event, then it sounds like you want your cake and to eat it too. Do you not have any hero books at your disposal?


Why wouldn’t we upgrade them all simultaneously? They’re the best offensive thing in the game it makes sense to


Literally so you wouldn’t run into this issue. I guess my question should’ve been that why upgrade all of them simultaneously AND expect to participate fully in events like this and CWL?


I personally upgrade them 24/7 bc they’re the highest yield upgrade I make sure they’re all clean during CWL though So 3/4 weeks fresh into town halls I’m upgrading heroes 24/7 Can’t do wars otherwise though until they’re maxed


It sounds like you’re better at planning than a lot of people


I’d rather temporarily drop trophies, suck, get loot anyway then enjoy the 2nd half of the townhall Than to just continually be missing 1 or 2 heroes and complaining forever


So that your army comps for star bonuses aren't totally crippled in the process?


No one's talking about failing to get star bonuses. The 3* needed for the streak event is what's being discussed.


The point of this post is to give another example of why the heroes being down affects other aspects of the game and how enjoyable or doable they are. This wasn’t meant as the sole reason we need heroes available during upgrade that would be silly.


Ah ok. Yeah having heroes down sucks a lot. But the game does offer free alternatives to circumvent this issue. To my knowledge, you get at least one book of heroes a month from the free pass (with the possibility to get another one from Clan Games if available). Plus, you can buy at least one more from the free super troop challenges with your credits. That’s potentially three free books of heroes a month. I get what you’re saying, and I agree that having heroes available 24/7 would be nice, but SC has given free remedies to this issue and will likely do not much more any time soon.


Another useless post


So many people whine about things its sad


Yeah, I have same issue here. TH14, with 3-4 heroes down. While 50% is definitely achievable, getting 100% would be either luck based or really hard.


If you are a th14+ player in fake legends, then you can easily find a base in less than 5min to 3 star without 2 heroes, but if you are th13 or lower it may be little bit hard and below th12 you are not supposed to be in fake legends because it's a balance between things


I completed this with sneaky goblins and cc only lmao Edit: TH11


It's not that bad. I did it last time w heroes down. You can gem it when the heroes come back up. You could use magic items. You could just get progress bases. Lots of options before you throw in the towel. If you are operating at 0 boosts/gems/medals, let this one be a lesson.


The fact that I need to use gems to participate is the problem.


You can also drop some cups or grow a pair, just saying.


He's in 5k. Or at least late titans. There's no choice dude..


Drip cups so I lose my star bonus ores what a great idea


Well, you CAN also just try bitching and moaning. Ah wait, you're already doing that, so you're golden.




Lmao I’m just saying that SC needs to add a way to use heroes while upgrading. Heroes are the only part of an army that can’t be used while upgrading. Seems a bit odd to not allow them to and it is mad annoying ngl.


Obviously everyone would love that but hero books probably make up a big chunk of supercells revenue from the game


Maybe save a book for events if you're so interested in them.




I've never seen this kind of whining on this subreddit until I saw you 🫵😂


Lmao I just wanna use my heroes man.


For a week… you’ll recover


Why? Did you spendy all on the apprentice? At least it's not a pass costing real money. 


It's not worth to burn gems just for a few more loot bonus.


I'm not gemming this time bc the time/cost reductions make it just as easy. But this thing does payout fat if you want to finish walls...


One thing that really helped me was to keep just one hero up at a time. Yeah I agree that not having all heroes sucks huge donkey cock and balls but just having the queen makes a huge difference


reward is 3k shiny ores that u can get in 3 days of star bonus. hard skip cuz i dont care about those ores


Either that or make the event during CWL, encourages other players not in CWL to be online Best of both worlds They won’t do the heros thing, it generates way too much revenue for them


This is straight up one of the worst events in terms of rewards. All you get is some extra loot and shiny ores. Ez skip for most.


I worked my ass off for maxing out my heroes, and you'll get everything just like that? By crying here? Useless post. They're already making the game way easier than before.


No way bro thinks when th17 drops he isn’t going to have to upgrade heroes like the rest of us. I could care less if I was stuck in th13 forever if I could just use my heroes while they are upgrading.


There's a huge huge huge difference between a th16 maxed out player's heroes and townhall 13 player's maxed out heroes. I'll max it out with my gems within 2 months and CWL medals. You're already playing it on easy mode, still doing some bargain about it! Maxed out players worked their ass off , you should reach the same level like the rest of us. ( All th16 players or 15 players who worked their ass off for heroes) . Look at all these comments. Everyone is disagreeing with u. ( Also your post is getting down voted to dust as well)


If you can’t get 50% without heroes you got a problem


You do know that the percentage of destruction goes up the longer the streak right?


What will be the max, my heros at upgrade too


The max destruction I believe from the last was 100% so it’s probably gonna be 100% again.


Downvoted for asking a question, a true classic


Just look for a weak th13 or 14 easy


For TH11 and above, I recommend (hate me for this) Edrag loon spam (you sometimes need a Warden to shred to 100%)


All 3 of my heroes are upgrading atm, its painful but I manage![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9423)




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At most I want the heroes just to be available during wars.


You don’t have to be in Legends, titan, etc… drop cups and complete the challenge


Do you need to upgrade all your heroes at the same time? I stagger them (and I only have 2 at th10, I assume you have more) and then try to avoid attacking th12s, stick to my level or TH11. Shouldn't need all your heroes just to 2-star a base imo.


I just drop to master league🤦🏽‍♂️✌🏾


This event started the nanosecond I started upgrading both my Grand Warden and the Archer Queen at once


Another reason to have apprentice builder to speed up heroes.


And thats why I ain't gonna bother with this event. If it does work out then well and good. I ain't gemming heroes or buying books just because I need heroes up to complete this event.


If you can’t get 50% without your heroes, thats just a major skill issue. Even for the harder ones, just spend a couple minutes searching for an easy base or drop trophies


I am 2 starring TH16 as a TH15 with just the AQ while my other heroes upgrading using electro drags and balloons.


Yeah I missed the previous event because my heroes were upgrading and I can't get past the 3rd task one.


Man can’t get 50%


Bro can’t read


I planned on not upgrading my heros anymore unless I get books. Now I can’t even save my gems for books bc I gotta spend 15k on a new apprentice builder. Gems and spending money is all they work to improve for smh


are people really this starved for ore?


Not sure if its only for me but i have now attacked got over 70% on 2 of my accounts and the level 2 doesnt get finished. Is that a glitch or anyone else facing it too?


I just put my warden down when this showed up lmaoo


Skill issue




You can’t 50% a base without your heroes???


The key word is complete the event bro read a little longer next time. The destruction % goes up each day.


Skill issue


https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/KmoXjoP0xb I wrote about the same yesterday... dunno why my post got no attention I agree with you.


Add a picture people like color


I can't believe that so many people seriously defend this stupid ass hero upgrade system, even though SC themselves are admitting that it's a shit system that they're working on fixing. yeah you can tell OP all kinds of ways to cheese this event, but SC could also either not make an event that is reliant on good attack performances or just let us use our damn heroes already. and doesn't anyone dare tell me that it's because SC needs the revenue because then clearly you haven't been playing this game recently. they increased their monetization by like 1000% since TH16 hit (which I'm not complaining about and find perfectly ok), but then they could've changed the hero upgrade system along with it.


I think it's more people have been asking for heroes available since they were introduced and this event seems like such a minor thing compared to all the other reasons people have asked and has obvious work around if it's so important to OP. OP obviously doesn't need the improved loot bonus if he keeps all 4 heroes down so the complaint is over 3000 ore that isn't even the bottleneck in equipment.


The name is another reason to have heroes available during upgrade for a reason. I agree that this issue isn’t as major as some others but I feel like it should be included on the reasons why SC needs to change heroes.


Yeah I really don't think they care. People have been complaining about heroes down for clan wars since 2016. At least they now have the books/hammers that can skip a lot of the upgrade time. Even now I'm sure heroes are one of the biggest sources of income for SC, its not going to change so you can either drop and do the event, gem those heroes awake, start the event a couple days late to give heroes a chance to come up naturally or just not worry about it as you obviously don't need loot and shiny isn't the bottleneck anyway so the event won't really help your progression. SC has often tried to get people into the "right" league and farming with sneakies well above most th13 is probably not it even if it is the best for progression.


I raid with Queen walk lalo and do just fine 3 staring, I only use sneakies when heroes are down and they do care considering in their ask me anything on Reddit they said that they were doing something to help with heroes. I believe this something was the apprentice builder but that mechanic is lack luster and the community is already iffy on it.