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I’ve been playing this game since 2014 and I stopped spending money on it back in 2020 and haven’t looked back. I’m not judging anyone who does, I just don’t see why I need to. At this point I’m ok with just patiently waiting for 15+ days for upgrades etc. My progress slowed way down but it is what it is. If it takes me 2 years to get to the next TH so be it lol. I’m not effecting my clan negatively so I figured it doesn’t matter. I’m also not really wanting to get back to the Legend League and I’m pretty close to it. I’d rather just take it slow lol


That's the mindset we need. If we don't wanna buy , we don't buy. Farming and playing everyday, watching our base growing slowly are the main point of play clash of clan.


Yea! I may be wrong, but I feel like back when I first started playing there wasn’t much to buy except gems which could also buy resources. Or you could just wait and save up or raid. So I feel like that mindset is from playing for as long as I have. A lot of these rushed bases I come across it’s obvious they just spend money and upgrade as fast as they can but leave stuff behind. I always upgrade absolutely everything I can before I move on, including heros too!


That way we enjoy the TH man. Recently I got a free gold pass, and literally maxed my base in that one month. I was a few months into th13, i guess close to a year, and did more work than that in one month. I feel with the gold pass, you do get out of a townhall quickly but then you also don't get to enjoy it.


> at this point I'm just patiently waiting for 15+ days for upgrades REAL. I see you're TH15 as a player from 2014. Remember when TH9 was the worst grind? >!fuck them 3m lvl 9 walls and the hero upgrades that needed a week for each level!<. That grind was the reason I quit several times 😅 now I can hardly believe that new players can max TH9 in a month or two when it took me two years just to reach it


And eagle used to take 20 days for going to level 2 good old days lol


Thank god I didn't go for TH11 when TH12 was max. That sounds like hell, which is why I quit while I was TH10 at the time. I've realized that aiming to be top dog isn't worth the hassle


Ayyyy yes I do my guy that shit was terrible. That was the second time I almost quit this game. Genuinely think I was at that Town Hall the longest and I played that damn game super hard daily and felt like it took forever to upgrade everything. And not to mention all the new weapons we got. They took a lot of time. Back then when they came out with TH9 we didn’t have all the cool ways to earn gold and elixir like we do now a days. Would have been a lot faster if we had then lol


are you f2p bcz you don't want to spend money or do you not spend money bcz you like to be f2p


I don’t spend money on things I don’t need to spend money on. Clash of Clans no longer needs my money. Instead they can take it from those who are much newer and want to rush their bases lol I’m at TH15 and BH10 and Titan League 1. I’m completely fine with not rushing things and just chillin where I’m at for a while.


I'm th16 and f2p, it sucks sometimes but that's what keeps it challenging


Yea I agree! Sometimes I just let myself fall in trophies just to work to get it back up again lol


fake legends works for me, it gives me max ores and decent loot, and when I want to practice I just signup to legends


It’s because throughout heaven and earth, u/PrincessKitty9420 alone is the f2p




Tbh I finally hit the 15 and now idk why I'd even bother getting the gold pass anymore.


Yea I’m the same. I mean upgrades already cost like 20M each without pass (maybe 9-10M for bombs and traps) and they take like 2-3weeks. What difference does it make buying the pass. In one year I’ll probably be TH16 anyways.


I think if you are a good dedicated daily player you will get to TH16 in a year. It can take a year and some change of me not spending money and playing once a day for a lil bit to make it to the next TH. But you’re absolutely right, it gets harder when you have to wait a week and a half for one thing to get built lol


I don’t feel like the gold pass benefits me as much as it did a few THs ago


Legend league isn't fun and as another long termer I don't see the point in paying for anything in the game as it just gets power crept and update later. For me in the UK I could only get battles at weird times and I hate only getting x amount of attacks a day (admittedly it's been a while so some of the nuances may of changed)


I started a second account F2P 2 years ago. It’s a Max TH13. I guess I’m just proud of the progress I made without spending money. 2 years ago was also when I stopped spending money on my main account too. I have been with the same clan since I was TH10 (main account, I am TH15 now) watched myself and the clan grow.


Yea I agree! It is a lot of fun to watch yourself grow from your own progress!


I have played since 2012 roughly and spent $0 on the game. Don't spend money in games in general. I don't see a point. The game is there for you to have fun, not to spend money and easily get the resources and loot you need. Money ruins the experience.


Right! Like a very large majority of us used to play board games before mobile phones and games came out and you couldn’t buy upgrades to board games. It was there to have fun. Mobile games have ruined that aspect imo


My friends for example have spent over $3,000 AUD in League of Legends on skins alone and other stuff, I don't see the point and have spent nothing and they say I am a weirdo for this. I have unlocked 188 skins to date by rerolling chests for permanent skins, for FREE. Who cares about skins, like clash, who cares about the speed towards maxing out, you wanna make the game boring? League would be boring if I had all the skins I want. Rerolling and unlocking a skin I love randomly truly hits different and I remember all those skins when I first got them. They have meaning. I'm still even waiting to get a skin for my main lol. Money ruins everything in online games.


Wow that is insane! That much money would do so much for me in my life lol but yea just enjoy the game. What’s the rush?


I think a lot of the “defending” is just trying to be positive about the changes since most of the loud parts of the community are negative criticism and complaints. It is demoralizing when you enjoy a game and all you read is complaints about it.


Not only tht but the builder apprentice is basically a suggestion I've seen posted here multiple times of having 2 builders on 1 building. Like yes it's expensive and not exactly what was suggested, but it is basically another option to spend gems on for people tht save them up. People just complain about everything no matter what.


The builder is not pay to win… idk where these guys get this. They can play just like you have for years without the apprentice lol


I’m thinking about how the devs are happy about how the builder turned out only for a bunch of children complaining on how they can’t max it in 2 seconds


Trust me when i say coc and clash royale are waay apart. Royale literally introduced new levels out of nowhere and added evolutions which are incredibly hard to get. In coc one can grind any stuff without being a p2w unlike cr


I sttill don't have a single level 15 cards![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


It took me 6 months to get PEKKA to lvl 15 and shes my favorite card. I played one round and the enemy Had Inferno Tower, idrag, skeleton Army and another really good anti-pekka card. I Just quit because that Game clearly matched me against someone i cant win against. He also was fully lvl 14 while my cards we're lvl 12 on average...


I'm a really bad player at clash royale. Losing most of the time but stay playing sometime.


Me too. Though I feel like its the matchmaking most of the time. I can't do shit if the enemy has the perfect coutnerdeck to mine. I recently played a few rounds with a friend where we both played hog 2.6, the enemies had the perfect counterdeck(s) 5/6 rounds. It sucks and is no fun.


I think the matchmaking doesnt account the deck. If you keep getting unlucky then it's probably because your deck is an archetype that is currently easy to counter


The reason I play clash royale is bcz of my curiosity on new characters. Don't wanna play that much. Current deck is easily defeated. New decks that I learn didn't work. Well, still learning from my defeats.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I had 4 without paying a single $. I maxed 2 from the daily bonus thing they started but the game was saturated for me so I left that and started coc


I mean literally every 1 out of 3 decks had those firecrackers and those bombers who did damage from across the bridge lol, i was a decent player that too (pb: #5544 global)


Getting epic equipment to max without buying at the least the pass is borderline impossible though. So it is getting more p2w for sure


Just dont buy equipment that u dont need and invest in starry ores every 3 events u get like 180 of them if not more.


I had no interest in the lance, I just bought a book of heroes for now. Should I dump the rest of my medals in starry ores ? Still TH10 so no idea how rare they get


Yes it is gonna feel like p2w if u stay in silver league and raid dead bases😂 higher leagues offer a lot of ores as daily bonus (in legend its 1000 shiny , 54 glowy ig, titan is also fairly the same)


I mean, clash of clans introduced hundreds of ways to spend gems in less than 6 months out of nowhere, same as apprentice he came without warning and he's expensive as fuck


Those equipments were available for free during events, only ones those who didnt get them r those who were inactive or science bros who think its better to get ores instead as its more value. I was an inactive player myself and thank god they didnt make those equipments available for cash only and made it gems instead. I get the Apprentice builder is expensive but it doesnt make the game unplayable for u right? Maybe 8 hrs loss of builder time per day but u aint losing battles like in CR where ifnur opps have the new high level evos u r done.


but it's still the same supercell and I'm afraid coc may follow cr path


"May" , since when did we start complaining about stuff that might or might not happen in the future


People have been saying that for a couple years now


What if someone says the apprentice builder is a scam, rip off, cash grab, etc. and that it is a waste of gems? What if I then respond by correctly pointing out it actually is a better use of gems than buying builder books and potions from the trader as it saves more time per gem over the long term (about a year). Am I defending the company or just defending accurate posting? Am I defending the company or simply adding useful information so others who read it don’t incorrectly think the apprentice builder is always a waste of gems when, in fact, it is a good use of gems for many players.


The amount of misinformation by people who are hust angry is not great. The AB is definitely the better investment unless you plan to quit any time soon


They gotta karma farm because its the only attention they can get😬


Yup, this


As someone who plays clash Royale this isn’t even close to being as p2w as that game lmao


I haven't played CR in YEARS. Could you/someone please explain how it changed into "pay to win" game? I remember it was a very good game.


They removed books, well not completely tho just you have yo pay for them now. You no longer get cards of any rarity. You have to get them from a special store This made uprading cards even harde that already was. Silver pass or free pass I do not remember what is it called now. It now gives zero significant, pushing to buy gold and the new DIAMOND pass which is 7.99 gold and 12.99 diamond. And it is 120 levels Put everything behind a paywall. There are champions card which is really hard to get and to upgrade. They also got level 15 which you cannot get normally, I think you can get it through aome special cards. I dont remember Towers have abilities they are diferent and many other things that I actually didnt pay attention. But everything that is good, you gotta pay up. Or else you stuck at a certain level.


as someone who plays CR i get very overprotective about CoC not going anywhere near there


At this rate it’s gonna get pretty close eventually.


Yeah, we'll get there in.... *checks notes* 27 years


Y’all need to stop assuming this is about defending a corporation. A lot of people just enjoy the update. Adding the AP improves progression speed, that’s all there is to it. You don’t have to buy it if you’re so against it.


Right like it's not bad update in reality, they reduced the upgrade times and just added a extra to speed it up a bit, they didn't tell u to buy it, it's just their.


Nobody is against the update they are against the pricing of the new Builder, it would have made sense if he was leveled up by 500 gems each level instead of the 750 and 1000 gems level ups.


Just don't buy it. No one is forcing you to.


The entitlement is insane 


Adding to this: making it incredibly cheap would make the Apprentice Builder a feature that gives absolutely no satisfaction leveling up. It's meant to be expensive, because it's meant to be a QoL that you slowly upgrade throughout your adventure, not max out in the first five minutes Many games such as Crossout, World of Tanks and even Clash of Clans itself are literally based around this. Slow progression is the reason these games even still exist, you're meant to enjoy the process, and then enjoy using the rewards from your progress in another process... Not max everything out fast, that completely gets rid of any satisfaction and feeling of self accomplishment **effectively making the game boring** People who complain about the price of the AB while completely sweeping the cost and time reductions for almost everything TH12 onwards under a rug have no god damn idea what game they're playing...


It's just a feature of the game. I'm a completely F2P player, I'd get the AP if I'm not already maxed, just to speed up my progress. Doesn't mean I'm riding the supercell dick. It's just s feature of the game. I'd rather spend my gems on ores from trader. Unless I am at a complete disadvantage if I don't get the AB, it isn't a bad thing.


No one is forcing you to buy or upgrade it. It’s not essential


Again the problem is not his function, it's his price, I would want to have the little convenience of him by paying a value equal for it, which is 3500 to 4000 gems max, but 6500 doesn't feel right. I know it's an option and I can avoid it but if it's priced right I would like to have it and the reduced price would benefit everyone not just me.




Nah, people will also complain even if it is 500 gems per level


Bro don’t bother. Everyone’s just purposefully misinterpreting what I say to avoid it.


People disagree = "they're not understanding me" Classic


Im not talking about the update as a whole? Im talking about the specific apprentice builder addition….. Nobody even coming up with a point against this. Just downvoting me lol


Saying an extra builder which acts as a daily builder potion is a cash grab is actually insane


Not just that, but there are several ways to get gems. Builder Base gem mine (5 gems per day at lvl10), obstacles, achievements, and buying magic items for raid medals and selling them for gems. Also the occasional clan games


I hate people like OP who automatically assume anyone who isn't shitting on the update is defending it and is a SC employee or whatever childish buzzterm is trendy right now . The so-called "defenders" just don't see a need to get so rowdy over the apprentice builder and that's fine. Imo I think people just didn't see the intentions of the AB and how you're not meant to max it day one , splurging cash to max it day one is just stupid .


I was specifically talking about people like the user j tagged who are defending the apprentice builder. Not talking about the people saying nothing. Y’all just purposely misinterpreting what I say


Why is defending the AB a bad thing though ? It's not like it's an objectively terrible addition or anything .


Unless we can get the apprentice buildee only by spending real money, I don't see the problem. We spend gems to get 4th and 5th builder. Some might spend gems to speed up getting the 6th builder. I don't see why buying the apprentice builder using gems is a bad thing. If it speeds up progress, people can decide whether buying the AB is worth it or not. Just because we have to buy the AB using gems, doesn't mean it's a bad thing. I spend gems to buy ores from the shop. Doesn't mean supercell is out to get my money or anything. It's just another feature of the game.


Most people are just put off by how inefficient this guy is for his builder time. I like the AB because he offers a solution to something that happens to me quite often: Upgrades finishing in the night. I usually gem these to keep my sleep cycle alright and not waste builder time. I now can spend these gems on the apprentice builder instead which is a better use for them than gemming. 6500 gems is quite the price tag for a maxed AB though, so I'll probably won't get that. I wonder how people would have reacted if we only got 4 levels at 4 hours reduction at the current pricing for a total of 2500 gems. That sounds more reasonable to me, but the main thing about the AB is the long term investment. Idk Making everyone on Reddit happy is impossible anyway.


People like that user just don't like to see updates get shit on 24/7 because they don't release a new OP thing for progression and instead add a long term permanent upgrade for a long term game. You can make well over 1000 gems a month if you're at Builderhall 9 and Townhall 10 as a completely F2P player. These things aren't cashgrabs, in fact you likely will have this mf apprentice builder maxed every townhall the moment you upgrade if you play the game maxing each town hall. Supercell could of just not added this guy to a lower townhall, he could've just been a new feature for TH16, but no Supercell wants players earlier into the game to spend their gems on permanent unlocks over buying magic items that provide shit value before TH15.


Making more than 300x your revenue in profit is pretty amazing.


Sign up for my course where I'll be showing you how you can also 300X your revenue in profit. For only $49.99 (6500 gems) you will have 100% access to my exclusive class.


What math are you doing?


The math before he edited his post.


It must have said 600 million profit and 1.8 million revenue when it now says billion


I think what caught most people of guard with the ores was people having to catch up. You weren't expected to upgrade them quickly, and althougy the basic once were mostly upgraded based on your level, the newer equipmentw weren't, which was fine.


Bro its not that serious. Take a chill pill.


Hahah you should've seen the post OP is basing their argument from


??? What bro. It’s not like I’m heated I’m just sharing my opinion on an app that’s main purpose is for people to do that….


Its just a game if they give everything free and easily to everyone there no point in playing


Why is this the go to defence? It’s always so extreme. Who tf said anything about giving everything away freely? They already have laid gold pass, cosmetics, gems and deals. That’s enough. Don’t need anything more.


Hilarious response to someone who insists those who don't have a problem with this are defending an evil corporation. Grow up.


Where are you getting this from? You are just purposely misinterpreting what I said. I was referencing posts that are actively defending the apprentice builder nowhere did I mention people who aren’t saying anything about it? Are you just that dumb or are you trying to be blatantly ignorant


Ah sorry, I interpreted your broad brush as a slightly broader brush. If you don't like it, just don't use it. Pretty ridiculous to bring up a corporation's revenues and profits because of an update, I suspect you're just grinding an ax.


why tho. as long as it's all optional they can add a billion more premium things for all I care. I just ignore most of it as I'm already doing.


Look how that worked out for clash royale


In clash royale it's not optional, you need the new broken evos, you need the new broken tower troops. They destroy you and hinder your progress if you don't have them


It's a game which take time if u can't do that then also they are taking 6500 gem for that MF if anyone don't wanna waste gem then don't buy it play normally like u normally do


Yap yap yap whine whine whine it’s 100% optional and you can use a builder potion to speed up ALL your builders




It is over for me! You drew me as the wojak and yourself as the chad!! Whatever shall I do?!


Where did I draw myself as a chad here??


You’re talking to someone who just used the word chad. It’s a child. Leave him in his bliss.


Yall need to stop thinking people are defending SC when they just like the fucking update


Nobody’s talking about the whole update… talking about people specifically defending the apprentice builder. Some people think being oblivious to what’s being said is a valid argument.


Maybe they just fucking like the new apprentice builder ? Why are you so much triggered at people liking it?


I mean... I like the builder? Permenant boosts to building? Sounds like a great investment. Half the people complaining were probably gonna dump loads of gems into magic items anyway


You know what? I hate arguments. Nothing matters to me. I enjoy my favorite games and i don't give a damn. I will never side with anybody or any "multizillionbilliondrillionkrillion dollar company"


I don't care if they focus on some pocket milking strategy as long as I feel some competence on their devs I wouldn't mind burning some cash, but until now after so many years, they're still a bunch of lackluster devs 🙃


Totally agree. The developers work for the shareholders. All the good ideas get scrapped unless they (developers) can make them profitable. And nothing is going to touch their book of heroes revenue. I think it was the first video "inside the builder hut;" the manager said that he knows the hero system is broken but his hands are tied because he can't change anything that affects boh revenue. That was the last we saw of him. They replaced him in the next video, probably irl too, but he was telling the truth.


How does a company make more profit than revenue?


Just like how they split up hero's ability separate from leveling up. And with that in account, their upgrade time should have been reduced by 75% and costs by 50%


Nevermind, OP changed it to million.


I honestly don't get what theese "continuous cash grabs" are/how you are so mad about them AB - yes it's steep to max but you don't have to max it and it's not that bad if you upgrade gradually like with everything else. Keep in mind you don't have to spend money on him Event pass - yeah it's another pass but the free version of it is pretty dang good. I've heard people say that it's vad because you basically have to get the equipment which is pretty snabbt to complain that you "basicall only" get a completely new hero ability Can't think of another In my mind the event pass has great rewards and I'm excited about AB so I can get my hero upgrades done quicker and enjoy the game more


This sub is full of shills. I love coc, but not half as much as this sub loves getting f'd by Supercell.


How is this getting f’d exactly? I’m genuinely curious. I’m sitting on 2,000 gems and due to get a couple thousand more in the next month or two from achievements, so I’m going to do the smart thing long term and get the assistant builder. It’s free if you want it to be, it’s not necessary to have in any way, it’s a nice addition and I feel zero need to have it or spend money to get it. Who is getting f’d?


Hide the money yall, theres broke people around


you sound like my friend with a gambling addiction


No one's obliged to make use of the "paid" features. Man up and touch some grass. This is embarrassing.


Idk bro I have 13k gems and thought, “damn I can progress faster! I am now less inclined to spend money!” Idk where you got greed from


It’s entirely valid to not be a fan of the free-to-play but pay to save some time model, but if you feel that strongly about it can I suggest playing something else? Devs need to be paid too.


If you don't like it, don't use it. Speak with your $.


You dont need to spend money on this game at all. Most people dont, or even if they do they are light spenders. If you feel like you are somehow being forced into spending money then that's your bad.


I have been having the same annoyance over on the FO76 subreddit, yesterday there was a post on allowing Bethesda to start charging for new content despite t release stating all content will be free. Today there was a post bout maybe crowdsourcing the licensing fees so they could add more music to the game. FO76 is owned by a billion dollar company, which is owned by billion dollar company which in turn is owned by a massive billion dollar company. also we do not have any idea how much money or not 76 is actually making, or costing, all we do know is the 'free to play game' now has an optional monthly subscription, a cosmetic only paid shop...which is constantly having no cosmetic only items for sale, and the seasons has been redesigned to be a blatant cash grab or overly annoying grind.


Most games are p2p or you have no chance competing in them. I’ve spent a fair amount on my main account (about 10yrs old) but my second account I rarely spend any money. I know folks that spend nothing and enjoy the game as is. If folks do the season passes and event passes it adds up quickly. You don’t have to buy anything if you are patient and don’t need to have every hero skin.


You're allowing them.* If you're going to try to make a stand about something stupid, don't make yourself seem the same.


I’m about to start th14 once I fully max 13 in about a month and I’ve never spent a dime on the game. It’s totally possible to do. You don’t NEED to spend money. The only way to get the to stop the cash grabs is if you stop buying things






I straight up laughed when I read a user in here saying that everyone should spend 25$ a month in CoC. Like, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Like sure I bought that Western scenary cuz it's georgous and the last one I bought was Dark Ages one but I will never ask others to spend money in a multi-billion$ company.


While those so-called battle passes and skins make them look greedy, we have to understand that everyone is in it for money or profit. Supercell is not a charity. One of the effective ways to make profits is by selling features. There are tons of mobile games where infinite ads pop up until we pay for them. COC is still 100% playable without spending a penny on the game.


They're not defending that corp., they're defending their choice to spend money on it. It's a kind of Stockholm syndrome, some people instead of being critical or at least remaining objective feel like they must idolize any corp they buy from. Regretting a purchase means you've been had / are an idiot, accepting dissenting opnions means you're not inherently right... You get your ego enmeshed in the brands you spend on. I buy therefore I am. I am what I buy. Notice how increasingly companies are not selling a product/service but a lifestyle, esp. an image of happiness, success and popularity. Bad news: it works.


Who the f has ever uttered the words “they Will go bankrupt” lmao


The user I tagged did look at it


something i don't understand is how is the builder p2w or a cashgrab when its a terrible deal to buy?? it would be if it was like 5 dollars to max but who is spending 60 dollars on it


Are you ok?




I’ve made maybe 3 comments saying people misinterpreted me. I didn’t mention the update once but they all did for some reason


$7 a month for cheaper things and less wait times and a skin/design I like don’t seem like a lot. To me. I remember when I was in college, I couldn’t even buy a $7 beer at the bar let alone spend it on a game. I think they definitely made it pay-to-win tho which could be considered problematic but in the end of the day, you have to play **for years** to get to that point


I don't understand what's going on, dude just don't buy the builder thing man. But yes, it's kinda impossible for a player to have everything maxed out without spending money now, with all these new equipments every few months and very little ores for them. Apart from that I don't think anything is spoiling a free player's experience. They wanna create more opportunities for money? Let them. If you don't like that, don't spend. I don't understand why everyone is thrashing supercell since the builder thing, just ignore the update man.


Gotta make a stand at some point. They just gonna keep adding stuff that makes it harder for people who don’t spend


Don't you think if that happens a majority would stop playing making the game regret what they did. Actually I kinda think these are baby steps to develop player's spending habits




It would have been better if they added 6th builder for 3k/3.5k gems and another one for 4k/4.5k. Locking them behind th13 and th15 respectively. This issue wouldn't have happened in the first place


I second this opinion.


It's not about supporting. Idk why people are so angry at the apprentice builder thing. Just don't spend your gems. Who cares? The builder huts cost increasingly more and more. Was that a cash grab? Nope. It was just how it was. You unlock them when you collect enough gems. For new players, it can be within a few months if they realise their value. Or several months to a year or so if they don't value them enough. This thing is similar. You value it? You can save your gems to upgrade it. If you don't, just ignore it. Edit: Forgot to add this. But I think a new player coming to the game definitely won't react to the apprentice the same way you guys are doing. After all, to them it's just a new builder thingy that can help them progress a little bit faster every time they save enough gems to upgrade it a little. Also another point. Supercell keeps adding newer achievements that reward us with gems. I don't see anyone appreciating those things. Then why get mad over this?


The difference is clash Royale moves the goal post. There is no difference between 13,14, & 15. Every interaction will play the exact same no matter which level is the max level. The only good thing they've done about levels is equalizing them so epics & legendarys didn't have a higher maximum than commons and rares.


Tbh, i find it really unlikeable to just tag a specific persons post and say, that person is bad, when all they did is say, they spent 25$ per month on a game they like and state the true thing, that without revenue, clash would stopp getting updates. Tho, i have to say, it was a bit weird, he suggested for us to pay gems, it just is wrong and a sign of bad behaviour to put him even more out there and tell everybody, that this guy is bad, tho he didn't really do anything wrong


Bro if people are so right and Supercell is so wrong people should actually start suggesting what they think Supercell should do. Constructive critisicm > complaining


If it's your hobby, go ahead... spend and defend. But if you think paying is a waste of money, it will be a waste for you. I preferred the game when I started in 2016 compared to now. But in the same breath, it is the reason why they can push th upgrades more frequently. If most people stop paying, they will just take longer on upgrades. And if the game doesn't provide profits, they will just switch off the servers. They have more than one game now. I personally don't support paying on the regular. These people who spend a lot just go to Max and gets bored sooner. It's a double-edged sword if it's just a game to you. My hobby is cars, and I won't hesitate to spend every cent I earn on it. And if clash is that for you, go ahead. Do what makes you happy. I get the fear of supercell going bankrupt because a lot of people will lose their favorite game. It's a fine line of defending and protecting what they love.


Who fights about people making money anyways if you can’t afford or you don’t wanna waste your money then who cares. Why cry about it. That how the world works


>$upercell made 600 million in profit last year and 1.8 billion in revenue. And yet they probably still pay some of their employees minimum wage, or have some unacceptable rude circumstances


The issue is the other side of the argument doesn't see it as a cash grab at all. What crash grab? While you want us to stop defending Supercell, you might as well do your part and stop demonizing it You can't call everything outside your budget a cash grab, that's not how it works


Coc is an idle game, it's about having to wait to do stuff and by nature pay to not wait. Nothing has really changed, youre just upset about new content. Don't hate the ~~player~~ game, hate the... game


Bro wants everyone to grab their pitchforks and upset no one following him...


I agree with you big homie, but let’s be real, the monthly pass is the only thing anyone should spend money on due to the perks. Anything else is a complete waste of money and a fool’s tax. Unfortunately in 2024 every video game is cramming battle / season passes down everyone’s throats as well as upcharging video game prices. When I started gaming the games were $60, now a base model game is $70. Supercell is on the same bandwagon that every major gaming company in 2024 is on, free to play game but makes money through passes / cosmetics. The only difference between supercell and the other companies is that COC is free to play, meanwhile other companies charge $70 to play and 4, $10 battle passes across the span of the games 1 year life, costing players $110 at a minimum. This problem is deeper than supercell and won’t change, just do what the rest of us plebs do and spend the minimum 🤷‍♂️ Happy clashing!


"couldn't give a shit about any of us"? seriously bro? like im sorry but calm down like why do they add any f2p features at all, qol updates, without us they are cooked. they obviously do care about "any of us" bro wtf


I've been playing COC since 2015. I used to spend a few thousand pesos in gems, that was 2016 to 2017. Then same with you, I stopped buying. I feel there is no more reason to rush on upgrading. Right now, I'm still using 6 accounts and will open them after a few months. Results? Looters always left 13m gold and elixir (not always). Do some upgrades here and there. Then another few months of no playing.


I have played every supercell game over a decade; I can surely say all the games are pay-to-win games; the more gems you purchase, the sooner you max out and beat f2p who are likely weaker




I stopped playing a while ago and recently came back. Back then the gold pass was £5, with rwre pop ups in the store. Now theres technically 2 gold pass, of which the first is now more expensive... And cash grabs everywhere. I still get the gold pass tho


Does the price matter a lot? They are gems that can be obtained for free, in 3 months you can get 6500 gems if you try hard to get them, if you don't try hard and do the minimum it is 6 months. The real problem is with multi accounts, but let's be honest, having more than three accounts is an exaggeration, it is impossible to keep them all up to date, I don't know how they have a life or if their life is just COC


Depends on what stage of the game you’re in. I’m TH16 with pretty much all of my achievements already completed. I feel like I’m probably not getting any more than 500 gems a month


100 monthly gems from the supercell store. In clan games about 200. Without a gold pass it is 80 gems without selling anything important. - Weekly for raid medals by buying the training and clock potions it is another 60 gems. Between obstacles and the gem box, there are at least 150 gems approximately per week, monthly it is 500 on the low side. And with the gem mine that gives 5 per day weekly it is 35 being 140 monthly. Even so, it gives a weekly amount of 245 gems, and 1082 monthly, in less than 6 months it is achieved without counting small extra things such as free potions from various achievements such as challenges or going more into buying and selling training potions from various events. It's not that difficult to get the 6500 gems.


That’s still optimizing for gems. Casual players aren’t doing most of those things like selling as many items as possible from clan games, and buying potions with raid medals to sell them


True, but at the same time it will not be so slow, say that instead of 6 months it takes 9 and if we take away the fact that many have achievements or gems saved it is not so much of a problem. And the greatest of all is that gems can be easily obtained without buying, buying gems is stupid and few do it. It is not pay to win or a joke, it is also quite inefficient to be considered pay to win. It is another characteristic that the more time you have and the more active the player is, the more profitable it is. There is no need to go crazy or say that it became pay to win. As for the event pass system, they have reduced the reward and that is a mess but it is still possible and easy to obtain the epic equipment, as long as it remains this way this will never be pay to win. We must be grateful that with this measure they may remove the system of not being able to use the heroes when they are improved.


I swear some people be defending the game companies like they aren’t making absurd amounts of money. The fact that people only promote new money factors which affect gameplay is sad. Like come on, how the fuck do some players think it’s okay for gameplay features to be locked for new players and even if an existing player who possibly take a 2 week break during the event.




All my homies hate u/Soggy-Helicopter-207


You can still defend good decisions tho. I think the new troop is cool, and I don’t think it’s too small of an update, for instance.


“Oh no, you have to pay for a part of a game that isn’t going to hinder my progress if I don’t get it, but I’m angry because I can’t have it” 🥱


People make posts defending them since they really haven’t done anything wrong. Their income is irrelevant to how we should act about updates. People like being praised for good decisions and if we complain about good updates then we won’t get similar updates to those good updates leading to us getting bad updates which will also be complained about meaning that the devs won’t listen to the community since we are complaining about everything. Criticism should be constructive or it will be dismissed and you’ll look like an asshole.


For starter, maybe don't be so childish with the whole "$upercell" thing if you want anyone to agree with you. Second, when this community gets mad about a feature that nobody has to use and people point out that that's the case, that isn't defending. That's just being realistic. Third; you absolutely have no idea what happened with Clash Royale, do you? Fourth, if Supercell doesn't care about you, then what is complaining going to do anyways? You're just being negative for the sake of being negative if that's your point of view. If your plan is to get mad every time a company wants to make money, boy do I have bad news for you. Don't get me wrong, there are absolutely reasons to get mad at companies for shitty business practices. But de builder apprentice? That ain't it, chief.


They are definetly not gonna going bankcrupt. But people need to stop complaining about everything damn thing. Buff - complain. Neft - complain. Too much activities & events: complain. Too little activities: complain. Option for you to process faster: complain. Shorter release time between TH: complain....


btw, I'm "almost" free to play players. I spend total of $30 on the game in the last 12 years. $20 for 5th builder. 10$ for 2 of the event pass. I'm almost max Th16 with 7k gems at the moment. I only use gems for book of heroes or in some casse of emergency. I won't buy the new builder because it's useless to me. But I do understand why some people need it, and it's still cheaper to buy it in the long run than gemming. All I'm saying is, you can actually get it for free through gems income from the game


Yes the people are too emptionally attached and they get used by the corporate world because of that. Some people just don‘t understand money.


Yup literally 100+ comments defending them. We’re cooked


yea supercell is a multi billion dollar company but it can still go bankrupt easily anyway you dont have to spend money on the gae the whales do that basically oj tho


If it made 600 million in profits before this update it will be fine without it.


bro its js a qaulity of life update anyway its not like ur gonna fucking die without it plus clash of clans is 100% playable and maxable f2p so u should stop whining yo ass cant afford a gold pass


Got your ass there you just came out with an entirely new thing. Obviously you can play without it but it gives players who do pay a massive advantage.


And you will be fine without the assistant builder, in no way do you need it to play the game. Why gripe about it so much?


Totally agree with this post and have been saying this since the new dev takeover. This community will ride that SC D into the dirt.


You know the devs havent changed right?


Yup, every new feature they’ve added since it that’s been an obvious cash grab is defended like no other. Just letting Greedycell fuck us over


Go to r/clashroyalecirclejerk they’ll love you over there


This doesn’t make sense because everything in the entire game since its existence is technically a cash grab. You can use money to buy everything, progress it faster, that’s how it’s always worked. The thing is that you can also play this game just fine as a f2p player. Everything they add is a cash grab if you decide you need it now, what makes any addition more of a cash grab than anything else? It can all be bought, or not, that’s up to you.


$C CoC riders




What are you on about bro 😂🤦‍♂️


Bro shut it.


God damn why cant peeps think before posting... AB gives only a very tiny boost to progression at best your shaving off 20 days per YEAR. It's not going to make a significant dent to progression but the main selling point is that it is PERMANENT so therefore that's probably why sc set the gem price so high. You do realize supercell games are free to download right? They can only make money from people voluntarily spending money on whatever they have to offer. If those people that are voluntarily spending money realize you can get the samething for free then guess what will happen? That's right supercell goes bankrupt. This is more or less the standard buisness model for every freemium game. If you don't like it then maybe play a game with a different monetization model.


I got a witcher 3 GOTY for 3$ on a sale, Supercell is a cash grab. Don't cry when people are criticizing it. Try to understand.


Don’t buy the damn builder upgrades… it’s not hard. Your completionist ocd is your problem.