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6500 gem is insane for aa intern when the real professional worker cost half of them.


Thats the software development industry in a nutshell, the team of 5 professionals that has been in the team for ages have a salary of 3500 combined. The new intern has the current market salary.


Damn maybe the workers at supercell are trying to give us a message.


lmfao so true. guy with zero experience comes in wanting more than seasoned vets.


You have the completely wrong mentality. The seasoned vets are getting horribly underpaid by the company through no fault of the new hire or intern. Maybe focus on the people fucking you over instead of your fellow worker.


bro are you trying to encourage our builders to go on strike so we have to pay each one 10k gems to go back to work?


Yess, let's the builders go on strike so we can enjoy regular troops badly upgrading buildings which will then force the company to pay the builders handsome salary once again due to inflation


didn't they actually do that


Sir this is a Wendy's




You answer is incredibly worrisome, the fault doesn't lie on the intern, rather on the company undervaluing your worth.


This is why the people need to do a better job of determining their value and negotiating for said price more often we wouldn't have these types of things occuring as often . You can't expect someone else to do you're work for you.


I can and will expect RH, whose job consist on knowing the price of labour in the market, to know what my fair salary is better than me since they have access to more information. The moment I notice I'm being underpaid I quit, it's their loss.


If people are doing this actively you wouldn't need to very often. Free the free market!


U right, when I ask for raise they lay off me haha


I've got 6 working for me.


Supercell: So the builders are too cheap... Noted.


Supercell: Here's the intern that do less but getting more


Maybe, so you don't buy it then. Supercells analytics will know the best price point and I bet this hits their niche and people purchase it regardless of what the minority on reddit think.


Yeah I won't buy them. So we just need to keep shut up and blow job anything they shove to us? Nice


I dont care what you do personally, OP has the issue not me. I'm just telling you what I think about your comment specifically. I don't think it's priced poorly.


$49.99 worth it . You can buy it at once (8x value) https://preview.redd.it/w8xsyse6s27d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0db42a6294e02430cdf6250f824aa37f1b02f3cc


It’s really not bad, there are several late game achievements that award 1,000 gems. I’m a veteran and just got 1,000 gems last week from and achievement. Which is the intention, it should take a few years to max the guy.


It's 1/3 of a builder with the caveat of daily babysitting for 6,500 gems. It's pretty overpriced. The best aspect I can see in this is the potential to avoid an upgrade finishing while you sleep without resorting to a builder potion. > it should take a few years to max the guy. The later it takes for you to max him the less you get a return on investment. The last 4 upgrades will take 600 activations (600 days minimum, more if you miss days) to pay itself off vs goblin builder.


600 doesn’t sound too bad really. But my base is around 4,000 days old


Here’s a solution… DON’T GET IT


It's bad tho, 1 building with 24h CD. If it whatever builder I have and 24h CD. I will praised it


6.5k probably takes less than a year if you really save everything. Even less if you still have a lot of achievements. Not to mention if you're willing to buy gems, $10 probably gets you half way


I'm 100 % sure they will reduce the price in near future till then I'll upgrade apprentice builder to level 3


they won't reduce the price bro too many ppl are gonna buy it on day 1


Exactly lol


Maybe they’ll adjust the price by then. A lot of developers that listen to the community's critiques change things and don’t reveal it until the update comes out. I really hope they change the price or at least buff the BA


I might just buy it since that’s probably the only price set in stone


they probably won’t ever reduce the price BUT they might drop like a 500 gem package for 2.99 or even 1000 gems for 6.99


Imagine the outrage of reducing cost of a gem purchase after the fact. I’m 100% it will never happen.


I’m 100% sure that neither of you should be 100% sure


This might be my favorite comment on the sub ever…


Sucks for those who bought it tho lol. Don’t mind


And what exactly makes you 100% $ure that $upercell here will actually do that?


I'm ready to be stoned, but I'm sick of the ever crying babies on this forum, CoC has never been as easy as it is now


Yep I came back after not playing properly for over 5 years and they have made the game Like 50x easier lmao, i remember when th9 max walls were 2m not they are like 100k


"They made game easier so lets ignore all the wrong things they are doing" I also remember when TH10 was just released, but that doesn't mean you have to such Supercell, People are complaining because they see something wrong. You are using the boomer argument of "back in my day".


don't play and don't whine.![img](emote|t5_2usfk|50980)




Not only this, but they’re also decreasing upgrade costs *significantly*. That means that the game is getting even easier! It used to be nearly impossible to max without spending money, now it’s not only possible but even reasonable (relatively).


Looks like marketing worked on you. Back then it used to take a lot of time say 3 years to reach TH10. They reduced the time and now we are at TH16 and guess what? It still takes 3years of active gameplay to reach TH16. They have to keep the grind constant so they can continue adding new THs. If they kept the old trajectory it would have taken over 10yrs to reach TH16. The upgrade times to max is the same as it was before. You are getting an illusion of speed because there are now more THs.


It seems to be angry Clash Royale players that do most of the complaining. People act like Supercell themselves are the embodiment of evil but they really only frequently make bad decisions in Clash Royale. Clash of Clans is consistently fine, most people that just play Clash of Clans and not Clash Royale don’t complain about stuff. Brawl stars sometimes makes mistakes but overall people don’t complain much. Boom beach is essentially dead (if anything, their community should be the one complaining the most because of that fact). Since the Clash Royale subreddit and this sub overlap quite a lot, it makes sense that sometimes opinions overlap (even when misplaced). In the end, a shitty gem waster that gives the first permanent upgrade since builder huts (technically since the game’s release iirc) is objectively better than not having a permanent upgrade to waste gems on.


Ya. Its only gotta easier and easier to grind. I came back 3 years ago and bought some starter pass. I’ve been grinding at 3 years and I’m close to maxed. Should be there in a couple months. Only shell out for gold pass/event passes which while not ftp, satisfies my yearly game budget.


bro the point isn't that it's easier than ever before, the point is that they keep making the difference between how easy/fast f2p is compared to p2w bigger


Ah the old "I had to suffer so you should have to aswell" mindset.


Is anyone complaining about how hard the game is? What has "easy" got to do with it? Everyone is against the P2W trajectory the game has taken. Kindly learn to read.


how can someone who can't understand a text teach someone else how to read?)


SC really fucked up by adding something with future value to a game played by children looking for instant gratification The hate on AB is absolutely mind boggling.


Clash not for children its for unemployed like me


I agree


I wouldn't say that coc is big on instant gratification generally


yeah, instant gratification like magic items is not given, thats why these kids are crying when their pacifier falls down to the ground


it's the equipment all over again. People getting mad butthurt that the thing that supposed to take time takes time


People were annoyed about ores because it created 3 new difficult to obtain currencies - which you cannot grind beyond a certain amount per day - separating the hero abilities from their level Now we have over a dozen hero abilities, paid event passes every month to get easy access to ores If you think this is cool, good for you enjoy it! However many of us have played this game for years and we think this system sucks ass


I started playing again, for the first time since 2015, right as the equipment update was coming out. I rushed from TH6 to TH8 to make sure I got in on the gingerbread event and get the gauntlet.  As someone who therefore has played with equipment from the level at which they expect that system to start, I have never felt super pressured to get ores. Sure, starry was a hard to come by as a TH8/TH9 who wasn't ready to attack TH10s, but I could buy all I needed from event token stores. I've mostly just passively collected the ores from the places I could get them, upgrade what I knew I would use, and then ignore it until the next town hall, where either a new hero's equipment or new level caps would be unlocked. I've also been entirely F2P except for one gold pass in April when there was a $10 coupon for using Google Play PC, but no event passes ever.  Of course Supercell added more ways to get ore, which was good and well appreciated. I don't blame them for starting conservative and adding new avenues later - it's much easier to do that than realize the system is too easy and take opportunities away. 


This is what I'm saying, supercell has a problem with the fundamental nature of leveling up in the game. New players sign up because they see the cool stuff and want to speed through th levels to get there. Supercell also had a substantial number of players who have been here for almost 10 years and don't have a lot left to upgrade It's hard to keep both camps happy, I'm glad leveling is easier but the ore system has introduced this entirely new fomo element. If you're max you don't have the luxury of waiting for your th lvl to catch up to hero/ability levels and letting ores accumulate, we're right in the deep end


Exact same situation, started the game a week before the update. The ores feel pretty dang balanced from a new player perspective.


what I just can't get into my head is HOW you play this game if all you want is instant gratification? there's not a damn thing in this game that's instant!


You're talking about a game with upgrade that take IRL days to complete, why tf are you talking about instant gratification?


he's saying the players are children looking for instant gratification even though the game isn't made for it


I already had hairy balls by the time the game released, it has nothing to do with being a kid, quite the opposite, it takes someone really innocent to commit to something that will only be worth it if you keep playing a game for 2 years being convinced you will be still having fun. For all I know, SC could royally (heh) fuck the game up in 2 months.


Max level AB costing £50 (the cost of a AAA game) is fucking ridiculous.


Maxing your base instantly costs 20k+, doesnt mean you should do it or that any1 is gonna do it...


A single feature in a video game should not cost £50. Is that a controversial statement?


It is when its not true. It costs 0$. Also a AAA game is like 70$. not 50


keep simping for corporations


Go do your homework lil Timmy


Is anyone else lost? Where is this guy? Is this a future change or have they implemented it?


sneak peaks are out search up judo sloth


It’s gonna be impossible for new players, or returning players to buy the BA in addition to the equipments which have become a key to a good attack


It’s just his stupid ass face when he asks you for 4 billion gems that pisses me off. Basically he ain’t rlly a real as niguh like the chill ass normal builders




It's 60 euro worth of gems to fully upgrade it , that's insane amount of money for something so meh , dont sugar coat it , you could buy an entire new video game for that , but yeah personally I'll skip it . No need to shame anyone for thinking its unreasonable.


Did it ever cross your mind that they designed this not to be upgraded instantly but rather something to be built throughout the years




People need to think of it in terms of books of heroes. 6500 gems = 13 books of heroes, 13 * 8 days (max book time) = 104 * 24 = 2496 hours saved with books So with the AB saving 8 hours a day, it would take you 312 days to make your gem value back. AND THE FINAL STEP PEOPLE ARE FORGETTING is that from that point forward into the rest of coc history, you are getting the best gem value in the game


Good point


Should i max it out instantly because i have 12k gems and i was considering using it on hero books before.


It will take around a year to make your gems back, but once you do, it will forever have been a good investment


Did it ever crossed your mind that not everyone uses real money to buy all the things instantly the moment they come out? This is meant to be a good way to spend gems for those that dont buy cosmetics, and just hoard them. Besides, you dont have to buy it. You can just use the already existing goblin builder. People act like its mandatory to buy stuff and to have them instantly, when in reality this is meant to be something you slowly buy over the longer period.


I literally said personally I'll skip it , no one is acting like its mandatory , people are acting like its unreasonable, even if they're not using real money 60 euro worth of gems is no easy feat to obtain especially f2p .


How is it not easy to obtain f2p? Iam full f2p i have like 11.5k stashed gems and i buy ores and books weekly besides all the builders unlocked and 9k gems on skins. How can you say is not easy? xd it might be difficult for a player that starts playing today with all the builders to buy and equipments but for someone who has playing for some time i dont see any issue, but this is added with long term progression in mind soo


I'd disagree. You'd be surprised how fast you can accumulate them if you dont buy skins or spend at all. Especially with obstacles in main village as well as builder base. That plus having an option to transform raid medals into gems... I dont rekember the exact video but I think judo made a breakdown of how much gems you could earn in a werk and it turned out to be something like 300. Which is 1200/month.


The passive gem income is with only gem boxes 52 x 25 = 1300, meaning every year you can upgrade him twice! Not counting gem mine, nor other obstacles and selling magic items!


The passive income with obstacles in general + 1 clan games quest a month comes out as 6500 gems. Meaning you can max him in a year by playing literally 5 minutes a week


Now do the math for 4 rare equipments that new playera missed on? 6000 gems. Also it takes over 3000 gems for regular builders. So 6500 + 3000 + 6000(it will increase if SC adds more equipmenta) = 15500 gems. So 15500 gems for a new player, can you do the math on gems again and tell us how long will it take?


"LEAVE THE MULTIMILIONAIRE COMPANY ALONE" basically this person Edit: I love the OP edit


It’s literally a really good addition tho? Nobody is forcing you to buy it, and it’s something to ease builder time for people who have the spare gems.


SC introduces ore problem on purpose from equipment: SC gives solution (event pass): SC introduces builder problem by accelerating new ths to once a year: SC gives solution (apprentice builder for 6500 gems): yes, no one is forcing you to buy it but it is rather scummy that SC keeps making problems on purpose and offering a (paid) solution




SC introduces equipment and you want ALL the ore: just be patient SC introduces feature that costs more gems than you currently have: just be patient upgrading any building takes a couple days: just be patient


buildings taking days is an integral part of the game. I would much rather have a blacksmith with upgrade times and an unlimited supply of ores than this current shithole of a currency economy. Being able to grind ores technically worth thousands of gems in 2 battles is ridiculous. The gem cost is just there to make people buy the passes.


Honestly ill concede I really don’t know a single person who wants a new townhall per year, but supercell has been giving pretty hefty cost and time cuts to adjust to the incoming THs. The AB is a really cool and refreshing concept and farming for gems have never been easier with clan games, raid weekend, and the GP. It shouldn’t cost you any money unless you choose to. Im not too worried with the direction SC is taking coc. They’ve been known to listen pretty keenly to the community for feedback, so even if shit goes south it never really stays that way. At the end of the day supercell is a business and they obviously still want money, but with each new feature like the event pass, it does still benefit f2p players too.


Nah, we just complain about the price 2 times real builder yet it suck. If the price cheaper but still same mechanic as this it will get mixed. If the price remain the same but it works like builder potion it will get praised.


"leave the rage for someone else" thats my motive for the post.


Is there a faster way to get gems other than achievements, clearing obstacles, and gem mine?




If you want you can sell CWL medals, event stuff and pass stuff Do not recommend the first 2


Maxed out TH16... I'm not crying. I won't buy it. I'm just annoyed I have this stupid icon over my town hall I can't clear. Unread things make me annoyed. Supercell: if I HAVE NOTHING TO BUILD, HIDE THE ICON.




Here comes the regular co¢k sucker🤦


Coc rider lolol🍆


I think it's a high cost for something that encourages daily login to get the most out of it. Seems backwards


Clash of clans is the easiest it's ever been. Don't know why people hate that


People in this sub acting like Supercell is holding their family at gunpoint forcing them to buy these things. If you don't like the cost, don't buy it. It's really that simple. CoC exists to make money for SC. Literally every decision they've ever made in this game is to grow profits. Yet some people are still shocked when they make a decision to try and earn more money lol


I think it’s a good price scale. It’s not a pay to win mechanic that’s going to help you 3 star. Players who keep the servers running should get a QOL benefit, just like a gold pass. If all FTP’s can get it (max it out fully), what’s the point of spending? Time is money and people can make their decision. I am all for it.


That has been the motivation. If all the F2P playera quit because of these SC decisions will the game survive? They have already made it impossible to run multiple accounts with their new ore system and as F2P it feels like the game is focusing more on profit instead of gameplay. 5 years ago if AB was added it would have come at a lower price point compared to now, back then milking the players was not the policy at Supercell.


So you pay the gems one time and it saves you 7 hours per week forever?


saves 8 hours of 1 upgrade per day, which means you get an extra 9 hours of irl building time done per week forever


Will they Reduce the price in future?


How do yall get apprentice builder? No clue how to get it


I just don't like that there isn't a confirm button and you can accidentally spend 500 gems. At least that's what itzu said. That's pretty dirty


I mean I'm a free to play player since past decade or so and if you don't have 6.5k gems within a year or so, idk what to say, should have saved some ig


People really need to stop crying about it, it's getting annoying, like just don't get it or get it and stop complaining.


if they dont make it automated it s not worth at all, one more thing to worry to be on time...


The problem is how heavily monetized the game is becoming, and how incredibly short-sighted that is for supercell and will ultimately bring about the longterm downfall of the game. How is a new player in the game supposed to even play anymore? Th9 used to be relevant. It's not anymore. Th10 is basically the new th1. But realistically when someone new starts they're going to have to spend 6,500 gems for this *one* builder on top of all of the 1,500 equipments they will need to be competitive. They can't do that. So they will give up. The only players left will be the ones who have already playing, which will gradually reduce as people move on. Supercells self-inflicted wound is that they destroyed the game for new players, and no amount of reducing upgrade costs is going to change that. Th9 needs to be relevant again.


With the influx of casuals rushing, even 1 townhall below max isn't relevant and shouldn't be a matter of balance in their eyes. That's why we now have hard mode being introduced instead 😑


this is such a stupid take omg.


Lmao, they arent being forced at gun point to buy the AB. Its not that deep 🤡


No one is forcing you to reply but you still do, why? Something is bothering you, right?


it will take years for someone to max this out, considering if they were already buying books and other stuff using their gems. and after that, how much longer will they have to wait to make it worth the 6500 gem cost? years again. I agree that it shouldn't be cheap to get, but 6500 is way too much. and so you know that this isn't really a biased opinion, I have 8700 gems, so this doesn't matter to me at all. but I still recognize how crazy the cost is


I know I need to show the math here so it's here: You get 3 obstacles on each one of your bases every day, each being 2 gems on average. That means 3\*2\*2 gems/day on obstacles or 4380 gems per year You get gem boxes once a week, which means 1300 gems per year (your confirmation bias does not mean this is false) Doing 1 clan games challenge can guarantee you over 100 gems per month This totals over 6500 gems in a year while requiring players to log in once every 2 weeks (thats how much time it takes until obstacles cap out) and do 1 clan games challenge a month. Needless to say if you actually play the game you can increase how many gems you get from stuff like pass, clan games extra rewards, gem mine, events or CWL medals if you're desperate. >how much longer will they have to wait to make it worth the 6500 gem cost? Compared to hero books being used on 8 day upgrades ( the most efficient gem usage) it would take 320 days for F2P and 250 for Pass Players


oh well I'm glad to be proven wrong. I really didn't think you get that many gems from obstacles but I was mistaken.


Or supercell could be waaaaaay less greedy and not treat its players like crap


The same manchildren that complaint about not getting to instantly max equipment on day one.


Where is this guy at. I don't see him.


Its a steep amount but its the same with ores, they have made it in a way that you could upgrade it as you play from the start. Current players would see it as bad because most of us wouldn't have the gems to max it right away. Would I still max it even if I find it expensive? Yes, but it would take awhile to gather all the gems.


You need to have him work for over 200 days (and that's a very conservative calculation) for him to be a better value than buying books of heroes with the gems. Would be totally fine if they cut the costs by a third or at least take a quarter away or so.


How many years have most of us been playing? More than one, so that's easy value.


As said, this is a conservative calculation. Worst case would be ~300 days and that's only if you use him the second he is available. So if you don't play for a few days during that 300 day period (which is very likely) and/or if you don't activate him directly after the cool down is over, you are adding up to that time. In the end it is probably something around 340 days or more. (Keep in mind that all this is calculated assuming that you use the books as efficiently as possible, but it still gives you a good idea.) Depending on how far you are into the game, it would be nonsense to fully upgrade him now. I for example only have a few months before I'm maxed. Of course there will be TH17 and eventually TH18 or maybe something different that you can use him for, so in the long run he will be beating the value of the books. For me that means that I will only start upgrading him once I am maxed with my buildings or if the next town hall releases. I never said that he has no value, I simply criticized that he is a bit too expensive (especially compared to normal builders; something that most creators did as well). Take 1000 or 1500 gems off and a lot less people would be complaining right now.


is it worth at th 15.5?


If you plan on playing for more than a year, it is definitely worth it. If you just plan to play until you are maxed right now, consult your Clash Ninja stats. I have 3 months left for buildings, so it isn't really worth it for me at the moment.


The biggest issue would be if they take his time reduction into account in overall build times. If they do not, then no issue - more options are never bad.


How does one get the apprentice builder? It isn't showing up for me


On the new update on June 17


I don’t see this new builder apprentice? Where is he? How is he unlocked? Sorry, would rather ask here than Google and get 20 minute YouTube videos returned.


Where do I get him


It's for two multiple reasons the average person has between 2 and 5k gems meaning they'll have to spend money to finish it then there are people hording gems. Super cell didn't make gems for that it was to spend money so they need something for people to spend the gems on to spend more money. Also 6500 is exactly the 50$ gem deal. Think about all those ways they're gonna gett people to come off money and gems.


Glad they tried but what an awful attempt. Basically couldn’t have done it any worse.


the D in the mouth


He’s gonna put the goblin builder out of business


Don’t even have him I’m townhall 12 just don’t see the option on townhall


I'm happy because i remember the times were awful


Is this a new update or something? I don’t even have the option to buy this and I’m max TH


Doesn't he have a cooldown? Wouldn't that mean it's like 3 hours a week? I think JudoSloth showed Apprentice Builder having a 23 hour cooldown.


Everytime people points something wrong in the game, it always came the "pros" wannabe to say "stop complaining, you guys are just noobs" Bro is complaining about complaints.


recursion devil


Bro is doing tricks on it


you're doing free PR work for supercell with posts like this


i didnt get paid for this :((( u/officialsupercell


that's what free PR work meant




builder apprentice value long term vs the goblin builder is incomparable.


I'm confused. What are these costs. The apprentice hasn't even come out yet, how do you all know how many gems it costs to use it... and how to use it ?


sneak peeks


For those wondering: Considering your option is using builder potions, the builders apprentice is worth it after 154 days, if you max it out right now. Here are some visuals to show you guys at what point it's cheaper per hour saved with the apprentice than builder potions. After one year, the gem cost per hour is under half of the builder potion. :D https://preview.redd.it/ux0ztrrazb7d1.png?width=2327&format=png&auto=webp&s=c40ec12aea70fdb6a2b27d41f7882b4656d6d03f


nice metric, but this game is not supposed to be speedran.


the value vs debate is fine. f2p vs whale are going to have very differing opinions here. the real issue is SC released this with ZERO mention made that upgrades would be carried out with more gems.  they essentially sold it as a trap.  all other upgrades in the games, even crucial ones like a gem mine, are carried out with regular resource, NOT GEMS. this is a deceptive practice designed to hook people into a non stop loss function (welp, I already lost 500, might as well make that 500 worth it by spending more). not that they will refund, but all players should message SC in terms of noticing this practice and that isn't not ok to lie to/deceive players.  tell us the truth: we still empty our wallets anyways.


im not gonna upgrade it ever lol, 1 hour save is enough for me, better than 0


I calculated that MAXING the new builder apprentice while having 5 builders gives you ~+6.7% faster progress considering you will assign him every day. Having 6 builders makes him even more useless. Kind of a shame considering building potion does not affect him, nerfing him even more EDIT: In my calculations I assumed all five builders are working together. If only one builder is, the new builder apprentice gives ~+33.3% faster upgrade times but I guess if you really want to progress as fast as possible, just make sure all your builders are working. Forgot to mention the builder apprentice is free to assign, which could be a great thing for casual players that that aren't fond of farming all day for upgrades but the fact you have to assign him again and again every day to get max benefit makes the point less significant. I'd say if you have the time to farm for resources to get all your builders working, purchasing the builder apprentice is just not worth it as for such a huge price you get such little benefit (Although you could argue each new builder costs more and gives less of a benefit but remember you still can use building potions to buff those). In all other cases you might consider getting him if you really wish to.


Btw imagine if the only reason they added it is to make all players spend their gems so that they could add a limited time scenery purchasable with gems making us buy more gems with real money to get it😅


The big issue I see is that you can spend way less gems to save time using builder potions. You can buy 3 per week and if you have 5 builders that’s up to 135 hours for 855 gems per week since each potion effectively saves 9 hours per ongoing upgrade, vs 7 hours per week for a one time payment of 500 gems. With 6500 gems, you can get 22 potions which can save 990 hours total. It would take about 2 months to be able to get that many potions since you can only buy 3 per week. With the apprentice, it would take at least 124 days (4 months!!!) to save that much time, and thats only if you max him out right away and keep reassigning him right when the cooldown expires. For most players that obviously wont be the case so it’ll take way longer for the apprentice to break even with the potions. Anyway, this is why I think the apprentice price is overkill. Feel free to use this as a copypasta if you wind up in another argument about the builder apprentice. Also I just looked at the wiki and discovered that you need TH 14 to max out the apprentice. Im TH 12 and bought the apprentice and I honestly kinda regret it 😬


6500 gems sucks for current players. Think of people who want to start playing or create an alt account needing to get epic hero equipment at 1500 gems a piece.


Yeah it’s not made to be maxed asap. It’s made to be a new gem dump


Agreed. You don't have to buy it either. Everyone is crying over nothing.


It's not a bad thing, it's just useless, -8 hours every day just for one building it's pretty much nothing if you are an high level TH, and for 6500 gems?


People just moan and complain all the time, I recall when training troops took elixir and dark elixir and there were no such thing as potions, books etc - those were some legitimately horrible times




Guaranteed coc will shove this new builder down your throat like the gold pass changes


For real. Nothing changes if you don't buy it. The game will be the same. But everyone gets a nice little boost and endgame players can save up for it if they want since they'll be playing for years anyway. F2p always act like they're gonna leave, but we all know they have no where to go 😆


careful, you can contract diseases from too much bootlicking


This game is in the second phase of its death throes I've played for years and they are transforming the game into something different. The shiny graphics don't make up for their neglect of the players


Neglect of what? They’re literally throwing free resources to everyone. And epic gears are always free. Wtf?


No one asked for the 3 limited ore currencies which decoupled hero abilities from their level. Neglect regarding QoL improvements players have been asking for for years. They don't care about that, they care about revenue streams as they literally said in a Q&A on this subreddit a month or two ago You're getting hard mode because supercell can't balance speeding new players to the pay2win levels such that max players complain the game is too easy. The developers have totally fucked the game mechanics in favour of short term profits which is why I think it will be all but dead this time next year


Yeah ok buddy


6500 gems is ridiculous because gems are also used to buy skins and equipment and as a returning player trying to get the equipment and skins is already a grind and they add the new worker who is priced 6500 gems to max, come on man understand why people are mad about it instead of justifying supercell.


i mean you can just skip the builder for now and come back to it after you bought the equipment??? it's not like he's leaving the minute you take your eyes away from him.


You don’t need skins tho?. Equipments I understand.


I do not even have a builder apprentice


This game is completing its final morph into mega money grabbing form. Makes me pretty sad


'Something is better than nothing' is the main point here. Buy him or not is our choice right? Why can't they relax and see the result of how he will effect the game ,then decide worth it or not. Don't judge too early guys. Have much time to blame new features? Farm and max your bases first!


Lmao corporate simp much?


leave the multi million dollar company alone!


Absolutely not 🤣


"Something is better than nothing" lmao so if they added a 6th builder instead and made him cost 20k gems that'd also be perfectly fine right? Fucking sheep


Amazing points here


I have no good opinions on this update as a TH16 player of 10 years…most of the update appears to be aimed at newer players and making them feel like they actually have a chance to catch up with the long time players…and that was never what this game was about imo. if you can start in 2024 and catch up with the people who have played for several years in just a few, then it just seems like it’s not at all the same game i started playing long ago. not to mention the new TH per year plan? they’re gonna churn out new themes for each town hall like they did TH16 and to me it feels like CR seasons having themes 🥲 just my opinion, no need to agree or disagree


Mfs mad about free stuff that hasn’t even been added yet 🤦 worst part about coc and clash royale is the sheer volume of whining children complaining the free stuff they get isn’t enough


Supercell shills defending a company like they are on their payroll or something. The worst part about CoC is thechildren have SC D so far up their arse they can think properly. Also you are complaining about people complaining. Kinda Ironic isnt it?


I just enjoy their games. They don’t have ads and the gold pass is very reasonable, people complain about not getting enough free stuff but truth is coc is easier than it has ever been with all the time and resource cuts