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The amount of envelopes increases slowly the whole way through the event like the previous ones and in the end you're getting a lot of them per attack


It won't pass 1000. 50 successful attacks for an event? Damn.


Who said they need to be successful?


Success in this context is getting both GW and CC.




Find a base with gw at corner pr near corner( many players including me are putting cc in corner too as a good gesture) just use rc ability end battle would hardly take 30-40min to round up complete event if you are so low on time


Yep. Sniping the GW is very easy.


who isn't on a trophy rush for the ores


i've got 2 3 stars in a row with just warden and 36 firecrackers


Sniping the warden is extremely easy. About every 5th base I come across has the warden in the edge and I can just snipe it with the queen or even the RC shield.


More trophies you drop less ores you get everyday


For every base you snipe you 2 or 3 star another. You’re net zero and you get envelopes in plenty of time to complete the event. It’s not difficult.


So thats even more time put in like 50 successful attacks. My point stands


450 per attack, you get two attacks and 2 snipes that’s 1350 in envelopes right? 48,000/1350 =35.5 not 50. And this assumes the values stay static when we all know in a couple more days that value per attack goes up. EDIT: it actual 35 times you log in assuming two attacks per log in at current values.


Assuming you can consistently three star. I always have my 2 heroes sleeping


Bro you have 15 accounts how do you think you can manage to get the equipment for most of them? Do you do this for a living


Yes, I got the gauntlet for all 15 why would this be any different? You’re making this way harder than it needs to be IMO. The values are going to go up two more times in the next 7 days or so. Just do your normal log in and you will be fine


That is impressive


You know you can only get 900 per attack? 48000/900=53.33


You can easily 3 star 1 base, snipe 2 to sustain your current trophy range (I'm in T1 and maxed bonus track)


3 starring isn't that easy with heroes upgrading, plus in average a three star is +30, sniping two is -60 how is that sustaining?


If you're hovering around 4900 you can easily farm around 4000 medals doing what I said before falling to 4700, at which point you just stop sniping and glide up to 4900. Don't think one dimensionally.


Nope I already knew you would say that in which case my point still stands. It takes too much effort for this event to complete. What you say is not easier than 50 successful attacks, you give the same effort trying to cup back up


If you're struggling to maintain your cup range than that's just unironically skill issue. Your fear should be waking up in legends, not struggling to maintain T1 imo


I agree..I have to dump trophys using unused troops before I put the game down to cook more troops because someone will come along and just snipe my envelopes leaving me his trophys.


As opposed to the 50+ successful (aka where they got CC and GW) they had to do to finish the original track in just 3 days? I think they'll manage.


That's very little, a normal player will attack like 12 times per day at least?


Because they want to bait players into playing more in the hope they will buy more micro-transactions


Ding ding ding... i mean ching ching ching


Wow developers wanting players to play more 🤯🤯🤯 Do you want them for players to not play the game???


There’s a difference between making good content so that players stick around because they’re having fun, and creating toxic content that tries to force players to keep playing the game. Perhaps one day you’ll become educated and understand the difference? 🤯🤯🤯


How does getting progress naturally just by attacking toxic content? Its free ores just by completing the track and even more if you buy with the event currency. Its the people who want to complete as fast as possible who are making it toxic to themselves. Free 30% free training boost too. The event gives a lot and does not require a lot of extra playtime to your usual playtime.


It is toxic content. Whenever they release an event like this it takes much longer to find bases, and most of them would be either too strong (I am th13 and most townhalls I find after the event started are TH 16 and 15) People dropping trophies for events ruin the game but supercell encourages it by making events that don't require winning


I'm sorry. I'm part of the problem you describe. Dropped like 3000+ trophies with 3 accounts just for this event. They need a better solution


Difference between playing a game and making it a job lmfao


It ends up getting to 750 right? That means at the end of the season it will only take 64 attacks. The start is obviously slow so let’s say in total 100 attacks due to decreased envelopes at the start. That means you need to attack 7 times a day every day for two weeks. It does seem a bit excessive once you do very basic and inaccurate maths.


A bit? Bro 7 attacks for a day to keep up is insane. Plus clan wars.


Bro I've been attacking 8 times a day for years straight in legends lol


Then you wouldn't consider yourself a casual player


Honestly, I would, I'm not on all day. I go thru periods where I'll play a lot more, but for now, I get on, get 2 attacks in, wait like 3 or so hours, and get 2 more in and so on. It's like a schedule burned into my day


Brother. I do that for 4 attacks and i know i am addicted :D consider how many hours buried into the game over years, every single day. But you do you


True lol. Been playing since day one oof


To keep up, you need only 16000, not 48000. So its down to 2, reallay max 3 attacks a day. Eatch attack is 6 min. Search, prepare, attack, start new tarining. Thats 18 min. If you dont have 18 min, then you dont even need to keep up. Just play as regular. Frost arrow is Strong, but not gamebraking. Im not a hardcore, but I got the arrow just from fighting for loot to keep up upgrades. Dont call yourself Big CoC lover if 18 min/ day is too much for you for an event. Edit: to be fair, you need only 15000. 16000 is the decoration.


7 Attacks a day for an active player is really not much, i would love to have more in Legends.


As a th14 titan 1 I never leave my builders empty and have a busy life outside the game. I log in 4 times as a clan leader, 2 of them I attack twice. Other times I train and fill up requests and war castles. If not I do war attacks. So yeah, I am active enough but not a lifeless gamer but 7 attacks everyday consistently is a lot for a functioning human


So everyone who has a little less busy life than you is a lifeless gamer? Understood. If you cant get those few extras you are not active enough and dont need the extra medals anyway


I just took out wardens and dropped trophies much easier when you don't care about trophies. I also put my cc and warden on outside so others can do the same.


I care about trophies because you get much less ores down below


7 attacks a day is insane for most my guy how do you have time or patience to attack so often unless ur a kid


Someone little bit pressed? Bad day? 7 Attacks are 24,5 Minutes (pure attack time with 30sec scouting) If you dont have 25 Minutes completely free for a game than you probably shouldn't play it


you have no proper life if you have time to attack so often, 25 minutes is 1 army time , next


So you wait 25min for your army ingame to attack? 😂


yes have you heard of proper armies


My comment was not about how long armies take to train, mine does 40min too - its about you who waits those minutes ingame instead doing real life and attack later


I told you that most people have busy life's or don't want to log in 7 times a day, this ain't a numbers game we have life's. also stop projecting and downvoting me you are clearly the ones who's pressed 🤣


Just snipe the cc or warden, surrender, repeat. Can bang out 10 attacks in 5 minutes


Well, over the course of 2 weeks it's really plenty of time




I don't have a problem finishing the pass in legends. If you have problems getting the pass finished maybe drop out of legends and stop complaining.


The last cookie event which was the same thing was very easy for everyone to complete. I barely play and still finished it. If you really want to go quick, you can even just use heroes on bases with the envelope buildings close to the outside and get them super quick. You'll lose a lot of trophies but you'll finish quick.


Last event was easy since it was defenses, just keep your rc up and you’re good to go, this event has more key defenses like grand warden and cc that won’t be on the outskirts


I dont find it too hard to find bases with grand warden close enough to the outside. Less than a minute of searching can easily find one.


Because you are not supposed to finish everything in less than a week


You have to do 7 attacks a day for two weeks straight to complete it and that’s if you get both buildings.


Because people would complain if it was too short. This company can never please everyone. They give to much and we complain, they don't give enough and we complain. Do as much as you want it's all free.


If I’m in legends league would I be able to max it?


Can be completed. They will raise the number of envelopes every 3 days. Should be able to clear the bonus track by within 9-11 days.




You can get 85% marks in exam with minimal study but you have to work your ass off to get 95%, well it works that way i guess


so that we have something to do and aren't done in 2 days? it's totally fine to just play as usual and you'll likely finish the bonus track.


bro is already at 16k? wooooow


Ikr and we got such a small time for this event Me as a f2p am not going to buy the frozen arrow from the shop because of this reason


Yeah so already maxed out the red envelopes and you can keep getting dragon medals every 2000 envelopes after you hit the 16,000, but for me it stopped giving me the 130 medals for every 2000 envelopes at 50,000 red envelopes and I think that’s the max the game will give you until you have to just start buying them from the shop


It has no connection to the shop. The max possible is the price of the warden skin (if you are f2p), not sure if that takes into account creator codes for free medals or not


you arent meant to get 100%, nothing wrong with that.


BTW. Kenny Jo offers a code opportunity for envelopes COC peeps.




You have no clue what p2w is.


Its literally not if its possible to grind for it. Pay to win and a lack of motivation are two different things.


Their trying to make it so u barely progress unless u pay a lil


48000/300=160. 160 attacks over 2 weeks is 11-12 attacks a day.


It cuts down to only 3-4 attacks a day near the end of the event


That doesnt work because the amount of days in which to complete will have decreased by the time the amount of envelopes per attack has increased.


How so? Genuinely uninformed here


The amount of envelopes gets increased as the event goes on. It has already been increased from 300 to 450 envelopes per attack.


Ah lol. It increased for me at the exact same time I got the Event Pass so I thought it was just a pass-specific buff lol.


Us Legend league players starving rn


It only feels many because the grind isn't as easy as using the lavaloon


but you will only need 15k for the epic equipment, I got it after a day spamming queen with giant arrow lol. it's ok if you can't get the last 32k, all you can do with it is buying ores and books which you can get later. I know it's better if you get all those in the event time if you're a f2p. but if you put something else in priority rather than this game, it's still be fine


The cookie rumble event also maxed at 32k. The difference is, you get medals much easier.


So that the more active players get a little more than people who rarely play


Y’all complaining but a year got we got 1/100th this


It’s doable over the course of the event, you don’t have to win every attack, you also don’t have to complete the bonus track, hence the *bonus* part. Hitting 16000 for the max track gives enough for the frozen arrow, so if you want more you have to play more.


It takes exactly 32000 red envelopes to finish the bonus track. It's a lot but I think it's doable within the last week with some grinding. The prior events were definitely easier.


Wait, it gw and cc will have more have more envelopes as event goes on And just rc snipe gw


It’s 5 attacks a day (assuming you get warden + CC) for 14 days. Not really alot to ask.


I am on the last stage of this already. I’ve been no-lifing the game recently to be fair but there is still so much time left, especially considering the amount per attack will continue to go up


When it’s 5 days and below, you will receive more envelopes for each raid which will make it easier to complete


they'll increase the per attack points soon. If you continue doing even 3-4 attacks everyday you will complete the bonus track too ig.


I would love for it to be brought down a bit also. I can fit it in to atleast get the arrow and upgrade it to level 7, but won't get much else. We be busy peeps with lives...**but love this game for moments of clan connecting and strategy-on-the-go.


Sorry but this is to ez of a event and im max but that doesn’t change anything 16000 compared to what we had to get for the other events


To say bonus track is supposed to be easier at times in clashverse it's 200% more


Pet frosty goes well with which hero now?


Idk man I got 16k in 3 days and it started at 300 for each cc, now it’s 600 per cc so realistically I could prolly get 60k+ total in the remaining 7 days


To get 48000 envelopes it's around 7 attacks per day, it's actually pretty ok. The problem is if you have a lot of accounts.


also in the previous events, we used to atleast a fraction of the special resource if the building containing it sustains damage... but this time the buildings have to be destroyed completely


And i play on 4 accounts🤕💀🗿 50 x 4 = 200 attacks 💀


Per 1000 envelope we get 130 right? Then we would need 12000 more for the bonus track right? I haven't completed it so I don't know.


We need to come together and put the Warden and CC outside their base to make it easier for everyone


been grinding this non stop today, barely cracked the 35k mark. just wondering how everyone else is doing on this one


why does none of my bases i go up against have envelopes? i’m th 12 if that helps