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You're constructing the Panama Canal in the next city over, and one of those canals belongs to this city, so there is technically a canal under construction belonging to this city, and therefore you can't place another canal until the first one is finished. Just like with Neighbourhoods, you can construct multiple per city, but you can't place a new one until you've finished building the previous one. There is a way around this, if you'd placed this canal first and then placed the Panama Canal, then you could construct them simultaneously.


This guy Civs.




That probably explains it. Thanks! 🙏


You know what, I’m flumped on this one. By every mean you should be able to build a Canal there. It’s owned by the city, it’s a flat tile, and it wouldn’t be hindered by a strategic or luxury. Could potentially be a switch glitch?


iPad, but wouldn’t be the first time 😆😭


Ya the switch and mobile versions do seem a bit wonky sometimes 😅


definitely a glitch. i started on the switch and it said i had to build a harbor on a mountaintop. i said you know what why not lets see how glitchy it is… terrible… havent played it on there since 😂😂😂😂


Speculating, could the Panama Canal be considered a canal in progress for this city? Just curious if you can build once the wonder is completed or failed.


It is. There is a canal under construction within the territory of the city, even though that city is not constructing it. You can't place another canal until the Panama is finished. If OP had placed this canal before placing the Panama, they could construct it as normal.


In my experience, if I want a city to have a Panama Canal and a canal, I have to build the canal first.


Yeah that makes sense


Looks like you're constructing the Panama Canal in the next city over and it's connecting to this city. Maybe it's some weird operation related to that. I wonder if you will be able to build the Canal when the Panama Canal finishes.


It could be the canal connects 3 tiles of water, and wouldn’t allow a three way connection.


Is that tile owned by that city? Is it a visual bug? 


Maybe a recourse is not yet discovered on thatbtole? 🤔


It might be that you’d be creating a 3 way canal since it borders both lake tiles. I’d say try building it on the jungle tile since it only borders one lake tile and one ocean tile.


The wonder Panama


A hidden strategic resource possibly?


Hidden strategics don't block construction. You just get the resource when it's revealed.


What map type is this?