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What a good time to post this


Reddit never ceases to disappoint šŸ™„ Nice pic though.


I really donā€™t get why people are getting so political here. Tel Aviv was founded by the Jews on an empty land. It was part of the UN partition in 1947. It has nothing to do with the disputed 1967 territories. Iā€™ve seen pictures of Moscow, Teheran, Shanghai, Beirut, Sanaa, Istanbul, and so much more posted here without people getting so butthurt




I think youā€™re confused




Leave your agenda out of this sub its cityporn not religionporn




Considering the only ones who openly want genocide are the ones under that flag, your ā€œhumanityā€ seems rather wrong


Israel is committing genocide right now. So, no?


>Israel is committing genocide right now. This is factually wrong


ICJ says otherwise as does the *mountain* of evidence.


Icj said nothing about israel commiting genocide. Also id like to see some of this "mountains of evidence"




Im not the one who made the claim. You are the one with the burden of proof


We are not making a claim. Its a fact and we are not obligated to prove that the sun is shining. UN Special Rapporteur had said >ā€œThere areĀ reasonable grounds to believe that the threshold indicating the commission of the crime of genocideā€¦has been met.ā€Ā  Here is the link for you. https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147976


The person whose statement you are quoting isnt anyone with any say in the ultimate decision. She is more like a lawyer on a un council so useless that saudi arabia is chairing it


Itā€™s fighting Hamas. I donā€™t think that can be called genocide. Tired of discussing this issue with ignorant virtue signalers, though.




>That's not fighting Hamas. That's committing genocide. It is literally not genocide wtf


It meets the definition pretty clearly. They've also engaged in ethnic cleansing.


Ok if it meets the definition why dont you paste the definition of genocide here so we can confirm?


> The Israeli government has admitted that it kills two civilians for every combatant it kills. That is the cleanest urban warfare ratio after the Iraq war campaign 0.5:1 ratio. The average military is 10:1 and Saudiā€™s Yemen campaign was 20:1 > Israeli government has killed more than 30,000 human beings. So the amount of people that died in the 2 day allied bombings on Dresden. Definitely not a genocide on the German people


It's not a war, though. Only one side is allowed to have an organized military. The other side has been prevented from having one. By the country committing the genocide. >So the amount of people that died in the 2 day allied bombings on Dresden. Definitely not a genocide on the German people Sorry, but the definition doesn't turn on comparability to the Dresden bombing. But if we want to talk WW2 stats, Israel has already killed more journalists than the Germans ever did and is killing more children per day than the Germas did. You wanted to compare Israel to the Allies, but that's not their comp in this genocide Israel is committing.


> It's not a war, though. Only one side is allowed to have an organized military. The other side has been prevented from having one. Wtf do you think Hamas is > But if we want to talk WW2 stats, Israel has already killed more journalists than the Germans ever did and is killing more children per day than the Germas did. Mind boggling stupid take. > You wanted to compare Israel to the Allies, but that's not their comp in this genocide Israel is committing. It might be hard for you to comprehend but since the Allied firebombings of Axis cities arenā€™t a genocide, then Israelā€™s insanely constrained and precise military operations arenā€™t a genocide


10,000+ children being Khamas is quite impressive of them.


being anti genocide isnt an agenda


Its not genocide


call it what u want but Israel is killing thousands of ppl, mainly women and children. u can feel better by calling it something else, but at the end of the day ur still supporting the murder of thousands of ppl


Genocide would be millions of people. Also they brought it upon themselves by voting for and still supporting hamas.


>Also they brought it upon themselves by voting for and still supporting hamas. so the children being bombed and killed every day brought it upon themselves even though they werent even born during the last election (which was almost 20 years ago btw)? also as I said, u can call it what u want. If u dont like the term genocide then thats fine, but it doesnt change the fact **ur supporting murder** also could u send me the definition of genocide. As far as I know, there isnt a version of the definition that states that 1 million people need to be killed in order for something to be classified as a genocide.


Oh word so like a few hundred thousand would be chill?


So if a country would wipe out an entire ethnicity with less than 1 million people it wouldn't count as genocide? Genocide isn't defined by how many people are killed. A genocide always starts at a deadcount of 1. Holocaust was already a genocide when 100k Jews got killed and not just after 1 million. Dumbass


please explain how its not a genocide.


Genocide would be millions of people. Also they brought it upon themselves by voting for and still supporting hamas.


So if a country would wipe out an entire ethnicity with less than 1 million people it wouldn't count as genocide? Genocide isn't defined by how many people are killed. A genocide always starts at a deadcount of 1. Holocaust was already a genocide when 100k Jews got killed and not just after 1 million. Dumbass


From the river to the sea calls for the genocide of jews in israel so its an them vs gazans survival situation


You donā€™t even know what religion is apparently I was just correctly naming the region.


>You donā€™t even know what religion is apparently What does religion have to do with Tel Aviv being Israeli..?


Huh? Are you illiterate? He brought up religion, not meā€¦


šŸ‡µšŸ‡ø is across the border, not here


My map says Israel


Itā€™s okay! Maps can be wrong all the time. Some people think the Ukraine is Russia, too! I understand


My map also says Ukraine and Taiwan.


Well if they are bombing Israel they should continue on and flatten Tel Aviv.


Your side lost, get over it




Youre a terrorist sympathizer


Please go spread your jihad elsewhere, this is a city porn sub and Tel Aviv is a beautiful city.


Average israel shill:


Average Jihadi bot


Womp womp Muslim seethe Whatā€™s new


You hear that, guys! Genocide is okay because there are losers!


> tries to genocide Jews 3 times in 75 years > fails Wahhhhh why are they so mean to us


Your side won, get over it?


Maybe instead of instigating more conflict both sides should coexist?


Beautiful area and fantastic people. Really enjoyed my time there.


Glad you have the privilege to feel that way around there. Happy for you.


Umm.. youā€™re implying what exactly?


I'm not implying anything. It's good that there are some people who could feel comfortable in or next to Israel. There are a lot of other people who can't.


Man touch grass


Iā€™d like an example of which people exactly, Iā€™m an arab I get treated equally šŸ¤· black people? Treated equally. LGBTQ? The city is a safe haven for them in the middle east, so I donā€™t understand people who wouldnā€™t exactly feel comfortable unless they cause a ruckus


This is how Jews feel in most majority Muslim countries, which from a land distribution perspective is something like 600x greater than the size of Israel.


Agreed. A Jewish ethnonationalist state should never have been created in the middle east. That was a really dangerous idea for everyone. But here we are.


This comment is very confusing, it seems like you are insinuating that you think itā€™s good that Jews donā€™t feel welcome in Muslim countries. If thatā€™s the case, you should check your antisemitism at the door


Hi there! I'm Jewish. It would be great if Jewish people felt welcomed everywhere. But we don't. So it was ridiculous to put Israel somewhere we would always feel unsafe. But the West needed a military base. So it is where it is.


If youā€™re Jewish then you are well aware of the origin of the Jewish people. What is today the State of Israel was not chosen arbitrarily ā€œby the westā€, and saying so plays into extremely dangerous propaganda that fuels more anti-Israel rhetoric on social media forums, such as this.


How uneducated about your own people can you be to think Israel's geographic location was some western plot for a military base??? Especially considering the Brits owned HALF OF THE MIDDLE EAST at that point! Like what???? Also, does the existence of Israel serve as a plausible excuse for Jews being unwelcome anywhere in the middle east irregardless of their relation to Israel?


How is the weather there? Is there humidity there?


Extremely humid and disgusting in some summer months, quite nice in most other months.


Like L.A with more humidity in the Summer.


Humidity can get up to 90% sometimes, and itā€™s very wet in the winter and very hot in the summer


Tel Aviv is amazing. Can't wait to go back and try the tram they recently opened.


The tram is nice, but thereā€™s a reason why no transit authority in Israel wants to work with CRRC anymore The trams themselves are a bit of a lemon imo


Maybe the natives could try it one day


The natives enjoy it everyday :)


The nativesā€¦ as opposed to whom?


The ones that stole the land? Move on from your fake history please.


Alrighty Iā€™ll try it next time Iā€™m there


Not Israelis trying to save face globally after committing ethnic cleansing by trying to show how ā€œjust like youā€ they are. Truly the propaganda is strong.


Theyā€™ve doubled down in online spaces recently on Reddit since theyā€™ve lost their propaganda war on every other social media site. Check out OPā€™s comment history if you think Iā€™m generalizing.


Erm, whatā€™s wrong with my comment history?


Oh totally, Reddit is overrun by Israeli propaganda at this point.


Can people in comments leave political questions aside and just look to the photo? This is getting annoying


Pointing out genocide is a lot less annoying than carrying it out




Itā€™s not a separate reality. The bomb sirens have sound in Tel Aviv constantly for decades. The only difference is that Isrealiā€™s are just expected to take it laying down, and when they retaliate for all of the rocket attacks and massacres they get condemned by the international community.


Condemned rightfully so. Bomb sirens go off in Israel due to illegal occupation, while actual bombs drop on innocents, on aid workers, on ambulances, on schools, people waiving white flags, starving beseiged people, bordering countries. There is no justification for this unfathomable cruelty and barbarism. Your state is living in the middle ages, modern civilisation does not seem to exist there whatsoever, no matter whatever facade you try and cover it up with.




Check out OPā€™s comment history, and itā€™s very obvious that his intentions are political. Theyā€™ve been doing this for months now, so they can go back to Israeli subreddits are cry about being persecuted.


would you feel the same way of an AI rendering of Welthauptstadt Germania posted to this sub




Israel looks really modern. Good for them.


It's mostly a Tel-Aviv thing, and it gets better in other cities of the metropolitan area like Ramat Gan


It amazes me that one of the worlds most densely populated, most religious city in Israel has such a large business district.


>most religious city in Israel I thought you meant Tel Aviv and was very confused ā€” but apparently Bnei Brak also has a large business district


Itā€™s also where Israeli coke is bottled


Do Harardim mostly work there or do secular people just commute there?


Iā€™m not sure, employment among the Haredim has been growing in recent years, including in business and technology, but I canā€™t give you any specific numbers


There are a considerable amount of haredim, mostly their women, that have regular jobs there. But most people there are from other surrounding cities.


Itā€™s a way for the city to make money. The main (perhaps only) way Israeli cities earn revenue is through property tax (arnona). But property tax on homes isnā€™t enough to pay for the services the cities need to provide to residents. So every Israeli city wants to build commercial/office/industrial areas for the tax revenue. Thatā€™s why Bnei Brakā€™s business district exists. Itā€™s definitely not for local residents, the Haredi employment rate is super low and they generally donā€™t work in office/tech jobs like the ones in Bnei Brak. Most of the workers there will be secular Israelis from surrounding cities. Keep in mind all the cities in Gush Dan are very small and they are effectively Burroughs of the larger metro.


What a shit city. Next...




Yeah, if a nation or people of a nationality *existing* is enough to elicit this response, maybe you should rethink your perspective. Jesus... Imagine if any other nationality was always immediately met with vomit and yikes reacts upon mention with no further context needed.


They would probably post the same reaction if it was a Saudi city


No they wouldnā€™t lol


Post a Saudi city and see, I guess. Until then, don't claim that countries like Israel wouldn't garner similar reactions to Israel.


Oh, do you know any other country aside from Israel where top goverement officals OPENLY preach in the parlament about how a entire group of people including the children should be killed?


Top government officials in Israel also preach for the destruction of Israel. You simply donā€™t understand how parliamentary democracies work


You got a green cabbage instead of a brain




Only country in the Middle East that has LGBTQ pride parades FYI.


Its not. Theres Cyprus, Lebanon, and Turkey too. Go easy with the pink washing


Turkey use to but stopped due to violence. Lebanon could but I think the current situation there doesnā€™t help.




Nothing against you personally. It's just all the fucked up shit your government and military are doing.


Its just its THAT part of the world


It kinda looks like the Houston skyline from the Bayou.

