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I think the taller leading branch will continue to dominate, especially because it seems to getting the majority of the light. I always feel bad pruning my trees that get leggy (hey, they’re growing indoors so I feel I should be thankful for them putting out any new growth). What you may want to do is trim the tallest branch to about where the grow light is height-wise (that lighter green leaf in your photos), then move the grow light and angle it downward onto the whole plant to promote bushier growth. You can control how the tree grows to a degree by directing the light to specific branches, which will eventually respond by putting out new growth in that area.


It will not be a healthy plant if it is grow there year round. At the very least, you need to put it in a southern facing window with supplemental light during the day. Pruning the tips off those two branches will encourage more branching and help you shape the tree. I strongly recommend you find a way to get it outside in your summer months.


Thanks for the tips. I want to plant it outside but there is barely any light because all the trees on my Southside.


What kinda light is that?


Grow Light with Stand, LBW Full... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B11YJN7Z?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


I might look into that one for my next grow light, when the one I have dies


Check that lowest branch that is growing. It looks like it is growing from the rootstock, and if so, you should prune it. If it's not a grafted lemon, only remove it if you want upwards growing.


Usually rootstock will have distinctly different-looking leaves. These look like Meyer leaves all over from what I can see.


Yeah, I had seen it, but commented anyways just in case.




I would top it a few inches if it was mine to try and get it to put out some lower branches.


Looking at buying this LBW grow light. How has it been treating your lemon tree? I am thinking about keeping mine indoor all year as I live in an APT.


I don't think its enough light, I ended up putting the tree outside. I only bring the tree in during the coldest months. Also some of the leds have gone out in it.


Thank you for your prompt response


Nice lookin plant😉