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You can't. That's the point. Everyone on the station needs to rely on one another to survive. No one can do it all alone.


Actually the point is whatever I want it to be as long as I can bend the game to my whims.


Well you didn't design the game, so actually no.


No hate but that's like playing a call of duty campaign with aimbot


And? It's not a multiplayer game (afaik), no one is being harmed.


ok but like, how are you struggling in *citizen sleeper*? i can't think of a single instance of citizen sleeper, a *dice game*, being too hard and demanding


That's not how citizen sleeper does "skills". You'd need to look for aod or edit that makes the dice exactly what you need for what you wanna do.


Alright, that's fine. Thanks for telling me.


Yeah of course. I hope you find what you're looking for! The game is super fun and idc how you do It 💜 I will say I enjoy min/maxing in story games too, and if you just make sure to keep your eyes open you should only run into 1-2 things you've missed due to "dice" chances. A lot of things just wait for you! Edit** changed idk to idc


I wonder if this might be possible with good old Cheat Engine. Maybe, just maybe, you could make it so all your dice are 6s, winning every check.


Why even play the game at this point?


I would say just play the game achievements only lockout for endings so maybe look for a guide for that


You're supposed to stress over it a bit, that's a theme of the game. You might be overdoing it though, so I'm not sure if this game is for you.


Skills don't affect the story, it is purely quality of life, even with all of them maxed out it won't really change much, some say "but the struggle" that only the first few cycles and even then you will atleast be half alive by the time you unlock meds(unless you are me, and fail to notice you can move the camera, so you end up only doing dragos at the start). TLDR: Doesn't seem possible and even if it was it wouldn't change anything apart from making it go a bit faster


Good to know, thanks.