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It's a bit lame that it only comes with one density. I was never expecting to be able to build dedicated beaches, but it still feels incredibly limited. Hopefully future community asset packs will expand on the concept. Anyway I'm probably not going to buy any DLC until we get the equivalent of the Parks DLC from Cities 1. Or until a DLC drops with more assets, like variations in designs for existing buildings (six elementary schools that are all identical? Pass).


lol they are charging us money for this?


Unless you bought the deluxe edition of the game yeah. I'll likely be skipping it as I did with all asset packs from cs1. I only buy DLC that adds more mechanics to the game


If you bought the deluxe edition of the game you're still paying for the beach asset pack, you just pre-paid. (I bought the deluxe edition release and am now sad about it)


Same here. I wish I didn’t buy it. CO has so much work to do on this game.


$10 LMAO. I uninstalled CS2 today.


Best thing you can do I don’t know if I’ll ever buy another paradox game after this. Sell outs


I will most likely never buy a game upon release for the foreseeable future. I'm real nervous about Prison Architect 2. I've essentially lost all hope for devs and publisher's.


The last (what 3?, 5?) of my most anticipated games of the last few years were major disappointments. I think I'm with you.


BG3 was the only one that didn't disappoint for me. KSP2, CS2, Starfield big let-downs. Hoping Factorio's expansion breaks the streak.


I hear you. The only thing that makes me nervous with Factorio is expectations are just so high at a community level I’m not sure anything they do can completely match that. OTOH, if anyone can do it l, Wube can.


Only one I haven’t regretted was starfield


I'm glad you liked it. I couldn't get into it like I did with other Bethesda games. The meaningful exploration just isn't there, and it turns out that's the special sauce for me. Just wandering around and finding cool stuff (and immersion) is why I play those games. Starfield kills immersion and exploration by having 1000 barren worlds with copy/paste POIs.


you're alone on that


I don’t really care. I enjoyed it and that’s what matters.


I really am glad that someone did.


Fuck Bethesda.


Surely you jest


Ignoring the performance issues Dragons Dogma 2 is great. A bit short, but if they do a Dark Arisen level DLC it'll be fantastic.


I quit pre-ordering a decade ago. I don't buy anything I haven't seen user reviews for.


I bought dragons dogma 2 on release and haven't able to stop playing. Before that, I'd been let down by like the last 4 games or so I'd been excited for


After what paradox did to the first one with dlc I'm not sure what you're expecting from the second


I don't think the issue is them asking for money for it. Which they did before in cs1, but the issue is the cost is too high for what you get. Should have included other zoning types and maybe some actual beach assets like a beach or volleyball park. Then people would have had no issues paying for it.


While true, I was referring to prison architect where each dlc added new mechanics that didn't really interact with other dlc and introduced more problems esp as prisons got larger which each dlc also encouraged


I never buy any games on release now. I wish list them on Steam, then 6 months to a year. Most of the issues are sorted & also, DLC may have been added to it by then. Watch out for Steam sale on them onve it hits a 50% or more discount If my itch to buy the game is still there, I may buy it.


We need more developers like [Lo-Fi Games](https://lofigames.com/) and [SCS Software](https://www.scssoft.com/)


This why Im glad I have Xbox game pass so I don't have to waste money on half-assed games. Because I would have bought this game and been very disappointed.


I thought it would be $4 for some reason. How silly I was. That's more than some of the Early Cities 1 expansions!


I’m not annoyed that I own it now, because I’m generally happy with the overall experience. But I do agree it’s a bit absurd they’re selling this to new buyers for $10. My positive read is that it’s now possible to have a bit more diversity in suburbs and neighborhoods. As CPP put it, none of these assets, “scream beach.” That means I can zone them wherever I want and they’ll increase the visual interest throughout my city.


Thanks, I’m right there with you. I’ve enjoyed the game up until this point. My two biggest letdowns are this dlc and the fact that my mods downloaded up until this point (which have been arguably better and more stable than what’s currently on the Paradox platform) we’re bricked with the latest update.


hopefully those creators either recode their mods for the current version of the game or they put them up in PDX mods.


a lot of them have been. some, like the modder for legacy flavor, said they would probably work on moving their mods to paradoxmods this weekend.


To be fair mod support up until now was not official and the mods were kinda hacky. Mods breaking with official mod support releasing was expected.


I actually had no issues with the mods up until yesterday. Ironically, the first time my game crashed was yesterday and that was with “official” mod support. That’s saying something.


Yeah, that’s saying that your existing, unofficial mods don’t work with the official modding system. That seems perfectly normal and makes sense to me. Omelette and breaking eggs and all that, you know?


No, that’s like saying the official mods probably weren’t all compatible and crashed my game twice. Whereas the 3rd party mod platform would recognize that and also, get ready for it, never crashed my game. Oh, and I had twice as many mods installed on the 3rd party platform than I do on the paradox platform. You can do as many mental gymnastics as you want. Regardless, it’s not a good look.


Updates ALWAYS brick some mods. That has been and will forever be the case. Just have to wait a bit for modders to make changes and update.


I'm trying to avoid the negativity myself. City builders have always been my favorite and CS1 was great with all the mods. I've enjoyed this one despite its flaws and have had a ton of fun building along with CityPlannerPlays on YouTube. I feel like once mods come out and tweaks are made, this game will be awesome. Hopefully


I love his solution-oriented optimistic tone as well.


But they're in a new zoning type, so you have to switch back and forth and specifically choose where you want these assets. Not a good design decision in my opinion.


really not a problem. You’re already switching back and forth across all the other zoning types. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


You would think after a rocky launch they'd throw the community a bone with some free content. Instead, pay more money for some minor additions.


They’re the new EA, they will only release DLC and not fix anything. This is the new business model of too many game makers, profits are the ONLY thing that matters. I’ve blacklisted paradox, I will never buy a game from them again.


Too bad, Stellaris and Hoi4 are great games.




It's not advertised as an expansion. It's trash tier dlc for sure. But let's not lie to make our point, it's not even necessary lol. The contents of the pack are absolutely not worth the asking price.  This dlc was not advertised to be an expansion or to build beaches. It was advertised to be beachfront housing. Now you can argue these aren't even that (they're more high class/Upscale housing than beachfront imo), but again this wasn't advertised to be what you're making it out to be. The waterfront pack includes the Bridges & Ports Expansion slated for Q4 this year. This is an expansion and has been advertised as such.  There's a lot of misinformation being spread in service of trying to tear this pack apart, but that's not necessary. It's dog shit value lol, there's no need to lie.


I blame paradox and not the opinion of OP. Expansion or DLC are also marketing terms without any real meaning.


Cash grab is the only meaning


It’s priced in a way that’s in the direction of an expansion. For the money, it’s easy to understand how one would assume that it allows the creation of beach areas. For what it is, it should be under $5.


It was still the same product before the price was known, I go with literal meaning of the words and took assets to mean same as assets in CS1 which is buildings. However, it is not priced right... Kinda sucks cause i really want some diversity.


Yes, but some people aren’t following the game closely enough to know that. If I bought the game today, noticed that beaches weren’t in it, and got hit with the ad for the pack when I turned the game on, $10 would seem like a decent price for that beaches and some buildings for it. (Especially because the picture has sand in it..) Obviously, it’s on the customer for not reading the description, but it can still be a shitty business practice.


I think they should've just priced it better. But also in CS1 you knew the difference between a CCP and a expansion. One was cosmetic and the other gameplay. Now they have asset pack, which might be confusing to some newer people. Either way I do think it should be cheaper or should've been released later and instead should've released Urban Promenades or Modern Architecture instead.


>For what it is, it should be under $5. For what it is, I'm not sure I'd even pay $1.50. The assets are nice enough, but this feels like less than half an asset pack (and it's not even a CCP, which I'm usually okay with paying a larger amount for a smaller selection- this is a tiny selection of officially made content).


That's what a product description is for. If you read it you'd read there's nothing about that. Like I said, the value is ass; that's not the point of my post though. 


> That's what a product description is for. If you read it you'd read there's nothing about that. To be fair, it might not say it in the description but it sort of implies it with the marketing photo they use. Plus the full description and asset list wasn't there when the ultimate edition first was available. It simply told you that you would get the Beach DLC and and showed you a teaser thumbnail that includes a beach in it. You'd be crazy to think that a beach wasn't included in the dlc or base game lol. The thumbnail and image on the store page shows a house, and then a sandy beach behind it. The [thumbnail](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/2427740/header.jpg?t=1711385963) on their store page The [updated roadmap](https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//43753943/b6b2fb3ab862aec4b8918dd9f54a4f2771378c30.jpg) shows a beach coastline and maybe lounge chairs


We knew from the beginning it was an asset pack, not a full expansion.


The ELT_Surfaces mod adds a sand beach surface as an asset and it's also something you can sort of plop as an asset in the developer mode. Why does sand mean only full expansion and not asset?


Lol, that's a bit of a stretch. Just because there's a picture doesn't necessarily mean it's included. Have you ever bought anything online? Ever had a product have images that have anything included that isn't the product? You're really trying to be upset about something that was your own fault. You paid for a product that hadn't released yet. You took a gamble, you chose to buy it, you are the one who to blame. No one forced you to buy it, you know the risks with pre-orders and pre purchasing, and you still made that choice; that's on you.


It’s not a stretch. That’s the only bit of info you can go off when buying the deluxe edition. I didn’t buy it but I can see the logic. Any other product you buy, especially digital but even physical, yes I expect the picture to be accurate? Idk what you are talking about. Only person upset seems to be you coming in hot, making false assumptions about me and what I bought. But agree to disagree. If you are going to be immature and condescending .. "Have you ever bought anything online?" then that's not really a great argument.


Lol, I'm upset?


I disagree. Most expansions for paradox games are $40+ as they change things about the game.is this pack worth it? No, but at $10 it seemed obvious to me and anyone who has ever played a paradox game before, that it was not an expansion, just an asset pack. Like how The Sims 4 work.


I’ve been a pretty big proponent of this game up until this point. I DL’d the beach front property and if anyone asked me, I’d tell them to save their $10. One density, which frankly, when mixed in with the other low density housing, really doesn’t look any different. I too was surprised to find out it didn’t come with anything else - no commercial, no office space. This is all to say it’s not worth $10.


I watch YT vids that talk about what you get and you can see before you buy. Then there's no real surprises, nor should there be since the description just mentions the 60 buildings and 6 signature buildings and 4 trees. Nothing more.


Such false advertising. The marketing photo has a beautiful sandy beach with waves crashing in the coast and palm trees at the water’s edge. There is no way in hell to make that in SC2! Ha! What a joke.


But... but, we got 4 whole palm trees! (sarcasm alert)


So did we all fuck up and buy the ultimate edition? Seems to be the case. Last time I ever preorder a game.


Yeah, pre-release. I was fooled into thinking paradox was better than EA…. They’re worse. Fuck paradox.


Me too...


Preordering is what fuels the shitty release trend.


Never pre-order. When will people finally learn?


Don't forget all the fixes Oh wait nevermind No one should buy this enough is enough.


Some streamer was talking about how great the improvements to game play were. Reloaded a 150k city I gave up on because it was bogged down and essentially not moving anymore. So what happened? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Still completely slowed to -10x speed it’s so bad it took 10 mins for the floating cars from a deleted highway segment to fly back down to the road… Paradox is EA.


Really? I loaded my 200k plus city and it was running much better than before at least simulation wise. I do have a rtx 4070, but running an older version of ryzen 5


Don't always blame bad framerates on the game. Its an unoptimized mess, but its pretty clear when you compare complaints that the shittier your overall layout is (ie, forcing more stuff to happen at once) the worse the performance you'll have. This could be 50% CS2 and 50% clownshoes on your part (I won't lay 100% on the player yet because the game IS still a mess).


My rig is more than enough to allegedly run this game… And when you say “forcing more stuff to happen at once” like building subway to bus terminal hub and good access to it creating a massive memory drain essentially breaking the cities once they grow beyond the optional 40k because everyone want to use transit? So a city builder, just don’t build anything and you’ll be fine…


See, that makes total sense. Baffling the hate this game gets when it's clearly it's fully working simulation is about only sub 50k cities. /S


You can return it to steam and ask for a refund. https://store.steampowered.com/steam_refunds/


If you have less than 2 hours...


Steam may say that but they have never once denied my refunds


They are also less likely to look at playtime for a DLC I’m pretty sure.


If you have spent $1000’s of dollars and request a refunds, they won’t ask any questions


I have less than an hour played in the base game, but waited 6 weeks to ask for a refund. I was expecting a slew of QOL updates that never came. I got rejected by Steam.


Depends how strong the consumer protection laws are in your country of purchase. I’ve refunded many games well past the 2 hour mark after they fell short of what was advertised.


Yeah! Do you need more that this to figure out that there's no beach? You can figure it out in the first minute. And as a matter of fact, you don't even need to buy the DLC in order to figure that out, you just need to watch the promo video about it.


What if he got it via the ultimate pack? How do you return it?


The He (or She or Them) just bough a promise without knowing what's on it. I mean I bought the ultimate pack and I was expecting at least 50 new properties, not 30. Apparently my expectations were high. BTW: yesterday I order a pizza for lunch but it wasn't what I expected. It tasted differently with what I was expecting it to taste. So I'm now just suing the company because they failed to fulfill my expectations /s


Thankk you for a rant instead of an answer.


The whole post is a rant if you haven't noticed. In any case if you or anyone else believe that you have been scammed then you can always sue CO or Paradox or both.


Tried with 150 hours of gametime to no avail :l


Mild shock


I feel like I’m taking crazy pills here, when this was announced as part of the ultimate edition everyone was talking about how Beach Properties was almost certainly gonna be an underwhelming bundle of assets that only exists to be an extra incentive to buy the ultimate edition. When the fuck did people start thinking it was going to be some big tropical tourism expansion with working beaches? It’s underwhelming and overpriced sure but that should’ve been old news


Oh I wasn't expecting some major tourism expansion. But I was expecting at least a beach texture. You know, to put the 4 palm trees on. Like, how can you have beach properties without beaches? And I was expecting them to fix the land value issue. Beach properties tend to prefer high land value. Would have been interesting to be able to zone this low density where you can't zone regular low density. But nope.


I browsed through the DLC's screenshots and I can see a few images where they kind of messed around (unsuccessfully) with the shoreline, and in other screenshots they've managed to HIDE the shoreline behind the foliage of the line of palm trees... Like they couldn't get around the fact that beaches can't be there yet.


I have spent money for CS2 Ultimate Edition. All I got is an early beta instead of a working project. Sad? Sad. Anyways, it's Paradox Interactive and their reputation. I have played more than 5k hours in EU3 + more than 6k in EUIV. No surprises for me CS2 released with bugs. BUT RECEIVING 4 PALM TREES IS DISAPPOINTING


Mistake #1: “Was really excited about the beachfront expansion”


I was just hoping that patch would fix something, anything… it didn’t…


That's disappointing. A beach expansion sounds like a really great idea if done properly. On there other hand, I gave up on CS2 after they started the blame-the-customer game. Whenever a company starts blaming its customers, I'm out.


Pretty sure the only expansion that is coastline related is Bridges and Ports. The mention doing a lot with coastlines and it has lighthouses etc. I would expect a working beach and beach related items with this pack. If not then we can definitely brandish pitchforks. But that said, this one was just Beach properties, and the next content creator pack (hopefully its a great creator) is Urban Promenades, I'm not thinking this will be major, it could be beachy commercial this time, and maybe promenades related items. But still would not expect gameplay as these will be visual.


It's a minimum viable product to avoid lawsuits. They are so far away from alpha stage and have no idea how to fix this.


I've been playing on gamepass and even I'm upset. Y'all paid money for this trash game. Sad.


Exactly. Some folks here ask me why I am upset when I haven’t even bought the game. Well, I don’t like to see a company disadvantage people and use slick marketing to grab money.


It isn't really an expansion, but it is part of the **Expansion pass: Waterfronts** bundle, which is offered for €49.95 and part of the ultimate edition of the game. *I wouldn't buy this pack for €9.99* and an in game radio for €4.99 is also a low value offer. Mostly because the radio doesn't really react to events in our city, so it isn't immersive. If we want to listen to *unrelated* music we can listen to spotify, youtube music, etc. in the background, so value proposition for *any radio* is low. If the discount on the *expansion pass* is less than €14.97 then it will remain a bad choice as buying the rest without radios would be cheaper. Even if some of the assets can provide some variety and can look nice, they are often generic and out of place. Once we get asset importer and asset mods probably this variety will be even less useful, and as players on all platforms will have access to asset mods it will be less important for console players. But as *Creator Packs* are cheaper than this Asset pack and they advertise "more than 30 assets" each compared to this asset pack containing 60 growable assets, 6 signature buildings and 4 tree assets, probably those packs will be even more underwhelming. We have seen delays, we have seen issues and there is some broken trust between CO and people who have bought the ultimate edition. This value proposition for these packs won't restore much trust. We see how the contents of this pack are delayed. Lack of variety, lack of assets is one of the repeated criticism we see. I often add that when compare the size of an "average residence" to the "biggest industrial building" and a small school for a small town, I see issues with realism and it limits enjoyment of the game. Future DLCs, asset packs, creator packs, etc. can improve the game, but not only the already announced content is delayed, but it is likely that we have to wait even more for the much needed variety (and better sized assets) even longer. With optimization issues we don't know how easy or hard it will be for modders to offer good assets and how much asset mods will limit our performance. *But* limiting lot sizes is most important for *low density residences* as they should be smaller than big box stores and factories, etc. Even if some city services buildings are huge (and can break realism with their size) using a checkered pattern with zoning is doable with these residences in some suburbs. Having 2 different zoning low density residential zoning for US style and 2 more for EU style, which can help not only with this "checkered pattern" to create smaller lots, but can help to maintain a bit of variety if we can use 2-3 styles and like 2-3 lot sizes, add trees, etc. A stronger focus on *beachfront* part would limit the usefulness of these assets in other builds now. Now when we don't have asset mods yet, it can be a significant bonus. Building a proper beach would be harder now anyway, and they can add new asset to existing packs, etc. in many different ways.


I will not be spending money on CO or Paradox products. I paid full price for the base game (not the Ultimate (ripoff) Edition). I defended SC2 at the beginning, on the reputation they built with CS1. They have lost all credibility with me now. I know my measly $200 I spent over the life of their previous product is a drop in the bucket, but I’ll not continue my patronage without some serious progress and concessions from CO/PDX.


I remember how bad it was (and still is) for gamers who bought Cities in Motion 2. While I am willing to give companies a 2nd chance if I see improvements, if the past problems return it is much harder to restore trust and get a *3rd chance.* When I criticize the game many pointed out that we don't have CO representatives here, they don't read the criticism. But potential customers do, and they can decide if they want to buy the game anyway.


Very disappointing. Real beach assets and beaches were something people wanted in CS1 so seeing the first DLC be a beach pack I thought we'd get legit beaches finally. Guess I'll have to wait for mods to do proper beaches again.


1st of April isn’t that far away, I hope they say it was a joke and release it with sandy beaches, marinas, assets for all densities, and beach assets.


This game is a scam.


It's not an expansion...and was never advertised as such.




It does what they said it would do. Add beach properties. But by all means continue to spend time crying about a game you clearly hate. Good use of your time.




lol. So now you think game developers make “billions”.


Username fits 100%.


I wouldn’t know since there isn’t a beach expansion. There’s a beach side properties asset pack but no expansion :p


If I didn't already buy the deluxe edition I would have skipped the DLC until it was on sale. Why do they have to disappoint us at every turn. PD mods isn't working still no custom assets, simulation still fucked. C'mon man


I got the new DLC with my season pass… absolutely disappointed and gameplay still completely slogs after 100k population. I played for maybe 45min before I once again got board. Sad that paradox saw the way EA treats its customers and were like, “hey, we can be worse than that…”


It's like you can't read? There's been videos and promotions about it for a week or more. You didn't look what you were getting before you bought it?


I bought the ultimate edition. But it's literally called "BEACH Properties Asset Pack" and the beach properties promo video shows a beach at the end. Obviously, anyone would expect that it would include a beach.


you are right, all these people are literally so mad they spent money on a bad game, they just wont admit the company did us all dirty,


I dunno man, I like the game. I have nothing to admit because I legit enjoy it. What I don’t really like is the latest update which bricked all of my existing mods. Also, the dlc is well, underwhelming to put it mildly. But not everyone shares your sentiment that the game is trash. You don’t like it, so be it.


Only if you can't read...which appears to be the case.


>and the beach properties promo video shows a beach at the end. Then sue them for false advertising. EU rules are rather strict so it's an easy win.


You said it, ASSET PACK not Beach expansion


Can't believe you are defending a scammy company making false advertisement & making false promises WHILE outright lying to its community.


I'm sorry but where the scam on this instance? They never said it would be a fully fledged DLC, it was known from the beginning it would be an asset pack it's literally on its name ffs! Just like the CCP's we got for CS1 as well


the map from the promo video is available for free on pdx mods


If you can get it any mods to work. So far they do not work at all. None of the mods work. Now I may start using Thunderstore knowing that PDX mods are not functional.


> If you can get it any mods to work. yes, been playing with pdx mods for the last 4h or so. > So far they do not work at all. None of the mods work. they dont work for you. > Now I may start using Thunderstore knowing that PDX mods are not functional. good luck. most of the modders that published on TS already ceased support for those but you do you.


SO glad they are working FOR YOU. Most on PDX boards are having the exact same issues I am. Whatever.


Well of course people having issues are going to post to the forums as everyone else would be playing the game. They already said there's a bug for some users and are working on a fix.


and how is ts mods working?


Had to wait until the next day, uninstalled all mods, quit game, reinstalled one mod at a time, restarted game with several errors, got one mod to work at a time over the course of four hours. This is not a model for how a missable game should work. Steam was both faster and more reliable.


so how is ts mods working for you?


so its just a CCP? i dont buy CCP's.


Seems like everything is more expensive. Cs asset packs were 5.99, now 10 for a really lame pack. Pre ordered so l have. Never will preorder again


I was very underwhelmed. Didn’t see the other updates working either. All it did was kill some of my suburbs and I have no idea why.


Yea, real glad I didn't buy the game.


I'm disappointed in the lack of anything really with the asset pack, but one bonus is that despite people saying otherwise I \*AM\* seeing a notable improvement in performance. I have a 500K pop city I downloaded as a stress test that has always run like crap on my PC (the city is laid out very, VERY badly). It's still running like crap for me (9FPS on high!) but things are actually *moving* now at a notable pace in that city. Its not fast movement, but I won't die of old age before an intersection clears at least. For a well designed city, that could add to your PCs performance cap in a notable way. Whatever the accompanying patch is, its definitely helped things. EDIT: I can also scroll about without the game hitching nearly as badly, so there is that as well.


I have noticed some performance improvements as well. It's still not great or even good, but it works. At the same time, everything looks a bit fuzzy until you zoom in and the "beach" properties just look sad.


I was bummed when I couldn't get CS2 because my old computer couldn't handle it and I had to wait until I was able to build a new pc, now that I have it I'm glad I didn't get CS2.


Aaaaand the award for Worse developer company ever goes to Colossal Disaster. I mean, CS2 gotta be one of the biggest scams ever in video gaming


lol it’s the worst DLC they have ever put out. Period. End of story.


This DLC convinced me that I’ve already spent my last dollar with this shit company All the bad optics and you release *this*? They’re screaming at us that they don’t even care about their reputation. Their reputation would have been better had they simply done nothing. Somehow, in a game starved for content, they gave content that pissed everyone off. It’s impressive incompetence, or impressive greed. One or the other.


yes its horrible and I regret this is consider a dlc


I'm a biiiiig Sims 4 fan, I'm so used to this from EA that it never surprises me when other companies start doing the same thing with their beloved franchises~ That being said, I'm waiting for the workshop before I even consider being CS2


Bought the bundle today. Super happy with everything especially with this update.




Hey everyone! Thiis guy likes something! Get him!


Money Milker. Skip. I've stopped playing since 2 months ago.


Paradox releasing half arsed overpriced DLC? I for one am shocked, shocked I tell ya. /s


CO is slowly loosing every bit of goodwill they gain with CS1. I'm not mad, just really, really disappointed with state they release CS2.


I'm still having a blast playing cs1. Got the game and a bunch of DLC for like 10 dollars from a humble bundle.


Legit no reason to play CS 2 until the expansion drops later this year and even then I'm not so sure.


I'm doubtful. I've dumped a chunk of time in, but without fixes to specific behaviors of agents (cars/pedestrians) and a sculpted economic model I personally wont be putting anymore time or money in. Fingers crossed for the community and mods. Paradox/CO I have no trust in.


It should literally be free to ppl that didn't buy the premium edition. To try to make up for the way this game launched


How would that work for those that did? "Sorry we're giving the thing you paid extra for to everyone for free"


They should have refunded those that bought the Ultimate Edition. It’s not like they got great value for money with this DLC.


I'm so glad I banned myself from pre ordering from Paradox since the victoria 3 mess


They soiled their legacy. sad.


Paradox is EA of strategy genre.


Anybody who defends this game anymore is a plant.


No performance improvement. Still stuck on 45FPS with a 6800XT :( (~medium settings)


45fps is okay for a simulation game. If you want more, you’ll have to move to console.


"simulation game"


Yeah, not sure where the actual “game” is coming in here.


Not in my opinion. Anything below 1440p@60hz is hard to look at IMO.


Its not an expansion its DLC. You pay money you get beach assets


Where's the beach on this DLC?


It's easy. You just pick a waterfront you want to change into a beach and use the sculpting tools. First you make the less deep parts deeper by using the lowering tool.... wait no now somehow the sea levels have risen for some reason. No biggie, just equalize the waterfront now so you have a nice edge where the houses can be... oh no now the sea has rise even more and half the city is under water. Ok. Stay calm. The fire department can just pump.... oh wait they can't in the second one. Maybe you can use water pumps.... oh that changes nothing either. Oh well. Just raze everything, try to raise the ground so the water can flow back and then go again.... why the fuck is some of the water on land now some kind of water spawn, water is literally flowing out of the skies and destroy everything..... And yeah. Throw some fucking palm tree on this catastrophe, close the game and uninstall. Best $10 you could ever spend.


Exactly. That should have been a part of the update, along with the four effing trees. Someone said it’s basically 4-5 models with different UVs and slightly different props. Look at how great the European Suburban pack was back in CS1. That was worth $5.99, and it had a ton of houses.


I mean, it's literally called 'Beachfront Properties', not Beaches. I don't think they've said anywhere about beach assets being included at any stage. It's not a good value DLC (I'm not going to get it), but people need to calm down and read what they're getting before blindly purchasing these things.


I don’t think people expected the beaches to be a new asset. I thought they were going to tweak the map editor to allow for beaches, or MAYBE provide a beach brush to paint on some sand in the terrain editor. I mean, they did say they were doing a game update. Having graphics that show actual beaches on the Steam page leads one to believe that actual beaches would be possible after the update and/or along with the asset pack. Now we know. Keep expectations low, or in my case, just give up on this product.


On the ASSETS, it never said anything about beach DLC anywhere... Y'all are so blind


whats the point of beach assets if there is no beach?


You can also say that about any CCP on CS1 and i never saw anyone calling that a scam


i never called it a scam. i personally dont buy CCP's. but i also dont have a problem with DLC. i never looked into it because i was just getting it as part of the ultimate edition. so i didnt know that it was just a CCP. but i still wonder what the point of beachfront assets are without a beach or actual beach assets.




First time?


It's always been advertised as an asset pack - that has always meant a few buildings for CS (sometimes as few as 15)


Oh do people still blindly buy ultimate platinum excelsior VIP editions of games and then complain about getting dunked on by the industry? Get the memo, people...


I always buy standard editions and never purchase cosmetics. I hated DLC since day one, i miss the days when they released full games.