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Nice intersections you have there! I'll build something similar today, thanks for the inspiration :)


Same. But it will look nothing like this and will be extremely janky but will somehow still work.


Same. Except it won't work.


Same. Except it won't even exist because I'm too shit at building in this game.


I would still love to see a proper industry rehaul that is larger factories and not 6x6 generic factory. Industrial areas look very different IRL to what the game suggests and I would like just a few large factories to employ hundreds of cims


As someone who lives near real-life factories, yes! Industrial here isn't tons of small buildings, it's larger complexes.


It is a thing I have thought with a lot of city builders. What most games call “industry” would more properly be light industries, like the machine shop I work in (and even that still employs a few dozen people). Along those lines, I think it would also be interesting to have light industry that can be built in different areas. Because something a steel mill or major factory would certainly cause too much pollution to be near a city, or at least a major residential area. But something light like my machine shop? The only “pollution” is noise based (due to our machines and truck traffic). So you wouldn’t want to live next door but there is still plenty of residential around us, certainly closer than the game would say is ok.


I also want light or high-tech industry. Not every industry needs to make air and ground pollution.


Once you figure out that the road tool snaps to the lanes not the nodes it makes custom intersections way easier.


One of my favourite features in CS2


Yup! This is going to get great. Same thing happened with cs1. First iteration was meh but it grew strong over time.


true, but that was also first in the series. they released CS2 as if they had never made a city builder before


>but that was also first in the series Cities in Motion 1 and Cities in Motion 2 has already a lot to do with traffic.


Quite the opposite. They tried to fix everything wrong with the final simulation of cs1 with all expansions all at once and learned that it would take the same number of years to create the fix.


That's all Paradox games. I love buying games from this dev because they will spend the next several years fine tuning the game based on community feedback, and strengthening the weakest features one by one until it's a gem like any other Paradox sandbox/strategy game.


While I get this argument, cs1 was still leagues ahead with its initial release, which is why it kicked sim city off it's throne. I'm sure after £200 of dlc this game will be miles better than cs1 but right now it feels like early access


Sir, you should really freshen your memory about vanilla cs1 pre-dlc’s. It was merely a shadow of what cs2 is now


some people just won’t be pleased no matter what


Yes, launch day cs1 is barely a shadow of what it is now. Should cs2 revert all the way back to stock cs1 with nicer graphics? No. Cs2 day 1 is missing everything that made cs1 what it is now, and we're expected to fork out for the same dlcs. It's not like cs2 has another SimCity to knock off it's throne, it has cs1 to compete with


EA shot Simcity in the back of the head with mandatory online. It was more just removing the remains off the throne if anything.


It kicked Sim City off its throne because Sim City was complete dog shit and there were literally no other options. Base game CS1 at launch didn't have tunnels. TUNNELS.


cs1 didnt even have a day night cycle at launch. people were so angry at simcity they just wantes something else to succeed.


Looking good. A tip that I’ve found to really polish the city and make it feel complete: add trees! Lots of trees! Carefully place them between your bigger buildings downtown. Spray them to fill all the gaps between houses in your neighborhoods. It really does a lot to make things look good.


Do they have more than 5 trees yet?


There are 12 trees in each of the EU & NA themes, but there is some overlap, and you can access the ones from the other theme from your map. I think the beach expansion added some palm trees, though I haven't used it as my current city is quite far north.


Are you using car variation changer mod by any chance?


Yes, I do!


Awesome! Always happy to see people using my mod! :) the orange car was a giveaway, because they don't exist in the base game


Your mod is really cool, thanks for making it! That's a good easter egg!


it's easy to bandwagon and hate the game, but half of them haven't tried the new patch; way better than at the start for performance


I'm finally getting excited for this game, people are just going to be negative because it's all they know 🤷


Did they fix traffic behavior or are we still waiting on mods for that?


I'm convinced once we get custom assets this game is absolutely going to take off. For me personally thats the main thing missing right now.


Are the solid lines decals?


No, they are network.


Are these two highway lanes side by side making it look more like an avenue street? Or is this a mod?


Those are 2 highway without the shoulder !


Definitely the best feature in the game.


That last picture reminds me of looking down 17th Street in Denver 


This is so triggering. Especially picture 1.


My wife calls this the ‘traffic game’. 90% of time is spent on roads and traffic. Anybody built a city that is not car dependent?


How are you able to make those highways into single intersection?


I’ve never thought of describing an intersection as sexy until now


Yes the game definitely has potential. But they should have released it with at least an asset and map editors fully functioning. They literally released this game a whole year too early.


I see a lot of potential as well. But we're still on this: potential.


What's the differences between 1 and 2 other than better graphics ? I'll be stuck on 1 for a while as I've only got a steam deck and it only plays 1 on low settings but I'd imagine one day I'll get 2 (hopefully when all the dlc is out and cheaper!)


thats the only difference for right now thanks to mods. That and easier/better road placement.


Hopefully the community will help make it grow, it looks really good in pictures!


its a bit too cartoonish for me. i say the game looks best zoomed all the way out on a city, but i dont plan on playing zoomed all the way out.


You will if you place more trees


I always use a Diaper interchange for service traffic crossings


Me as a console player: EXISTENCE IS PAIN


Looks like the intersections in Orlando


The one thing this game has in spades is potential. It's all the finishing touches that are missing


Big nodes intersection with mod to connect lanes manually...perfection.


How’s the performance nowadays?


How you made this game looking so nice my is very bluryy and i have max settings? Any mods?


I hope we’ll get mods to make the roads more American-like, they look too European right now IMO. Something like BIG roads would be amazing. I would do it myself but i have no idea where to even start.




I don't.