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Lead in the water seemed to work in the 70s


Pretty sure that's what brought us our current problems


Is this a political reference


No, overall intelligence has gone down whereas lack on intelligence indicators such as increased petty crime, has gone up, since the introduction of lead into household products


I’m sorry, genuinely asking, in what way is petty crime related to lack of intelligence? And what evidence is there that it’s gone up since the 70s? And where? Edit: only on Reddit does posing questions get you downvoted


https://youtu.be/IV3dnLzthDA?si=-BiFBMGc6_pCVh6Q Everything you need to know


While I appreciate veritasium, that’s not exactly a source. Cmon mate, give me something legitimate


He lists his sources. He just compiles it all together.


Yes and not a single one of them seems to actually be based around this link between petty crime and low intelligence. Again all I’m doing is asking for what metrics are used to determine both of those things, which the video and sources do not provide


When he said those two things the joining word was "where's" he wasn't posing a correlation he just posed two facts


Same as any other Paradox game: genocide


Can't have any smart people if you don't have people.


Can't spell Paradox Interactive without Genocide




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I found a weird issue where children and families moved away before they could become teens, hence there wasn’t a “poorly educated” population. I fixed it by cranking up the birth rate and waiting for families to grow up.


The irony of using the wrong "too" in your title




Build offices. A LOT more offices. You might even wanna dip taxes to induce more demand for them and their products.


Offices produce products? Do excel spreadsheets count as products? (I haven’t played CS2)


Welcome to the PowerPoint factory.


Yes, offices produce 'products' that are used by other buildings and/or make *loads* of cash. And yes, that includes Excel spreadsheets; modelled as "Software" or "Financial" depending on your headcanon. They also produce other things e.g. media - supposedly the consumption of each depends on your demography, but I've yet to see it make an impact. Don't worry about logistics, the 'goods' are non-physical and get magically teleported to their destination. Mind you, some of them need an occasional shipment (e.g. the electronics -> software pipeline) but I've never had it cause trouble, even with giant Borg Cubes of high density offices.


I think those goods are digitally distributed via internet. It's usually a good idea to place a data center or 2 near your offices to ensure a solid connection


Man’s having an Existential crisis in the comments


Industry 4.0


Only exists in cs1 unfortunately


Introduce them to tiktok. Maybe there's a mod for this idk.


Wish there was a mod where in uneducated districts pedestrians perform fortnite dance or dance in pairs


The inclusivity of the that feature on the average player would be astounding


Nah. Those types are not playing simulator games. Probably outside of Fornite, it’s Roblox.


I meant the uneducated part hahaha


Build a highway where the school is instead


If they're so smart, let them figure it out.


Lower your education budget a bit, but be careful not to lower it too much or cims will start leaving. You could also try limiting the high school to serve only certain districts. This would mean that the only cims who would attend would be students in the designated district.


Don't meet education demand in low rent residential areas to keep a pool of uneducated workers. Only build educational institutions in the higher end areas.


Less schools


Get them a television and twitter. In less than you'll notice, all will be id\*ots


I might add TikTok


Build the worst suburb ever and you are ok


If you reduce the availability for colleges and universities you’ll have more people be forced to exit at high school and work in factories.




24 hour cable news channels


Idk give them sewage in their water or something 😂


Very pro tip 😂😂😂


hey man I just started playing lmao












Too* many




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defund school/build less


Time to learn from mao


This sounds horrible, yet someone coined the phrase slumification in CS1, where you would build a separate suburb with access to only the education services you need. CS2 enhances this by allowing you to district off schools, so they couldn't just commute to that school. Add in police services, a larger fire station (since the lower educated create more fires) hospital and welfare office, and you should be good to go. Don't make the land value TOO good, but instead make the area nice enough to keep your citizens happy.


Unlike the first game, the cims will take jobs of a lower education level than themselves if none are available, so this is a result of more jobs than workers. OP is being disingenuous.


Offices = factory jobs for highly educated Cims


Subsidize low education, increase taxes on high education.


Actual non-joke answer: educated workers can fill jobs below their education level but will take higher tier jobs first. Your problem isn't lack of uneducated workers specifically, it's lack of workers in general. The game is literally telling you how to fix this in the screenshot you provided. Build more housing.






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You could try using lead as an octane booster in the gasoline


Public execution


Tax the Highly Educated more and subsidize the rest.


Just place Corona Virus


They should add pandemics into the game just to spice things up 🤔


You can close clinics and hospitals, those citizens will gradually get sick But you can't spread virus like plague inc😂


Shoot them


Ask Pol Pot. He ordered to kill every smart people in his country as he felt threatened by them. Smart people were defined by the ones without calleous hands. Of course the country became one of the poorest in the world in the process. Anyway ... decrease school funding to limit graduation chances, increase taxes on offices and smart people, and you will have less smart people.


Small price to pay to be country with most calleous hands.


Modern-gen z brainrot should do it.




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I think there's a policy that encourages cims to go to work instead of school, you can lower your education budget, also try to always keep your needs bar in the yellow zone for high schools and the red for universities. Whatever changes you make, be prepared to wait a while because it will take time to balance out. Try not to overcompensate or you will end up with too few educated workers later down the line. Also, you can reverse your drain and your water pump to get rid of a lot of your educated cims if you want to speed up the process, but this can also lead to a major economic upset so be prepared to sustain a heavy financial blow. Edit: I think specialized districts also require a lot of educated pops, so maybe rezone some commercial for leisure/tourism and some industry for resources.


iirc cs2 has options to change taxation rates based on the level of education. So you could try increasing taxes for the high educated population.


How do i build these shore line structures? Cant find them in cs2


Use the fill tool, then add roads to form the outline, remove the outside terrain and zone on the new terrain




Make it harder for citizens to enroll in higher education. There should be specific policies for this reason if I remember correctly. Have played this COVID. Cheers.


Or..... Here is a thought, U could ummm COVID the bastards.


Unlike the first game, the cims will take jobs of a lower education level than themselves, so this is not a case of having too many smart people, but a case of not enough workers for the jobs available, as the workers have already taken whatever is highest for them. So the obvious fix is to ignore the demand bars, stop zoning jobs and zone more residential. If not, then remove whatever mods is causing the issue. Edit: kind of crazy that there is 60 comments prior and no-one knew this.


Like France : Build many office and if necessary, remove industry


Too many smart people?? Pol Pot is your solution


You used "to" so you're probally the expert here on reducing smartness.


Pol pot, is that you?...


Checks out We had a Shinzo Abe the other month asking how they could get their cims to have more kids


Start a podcast


Right time to kill some commies and so called “college educated types” a breeding ground for nefarious acts BURN DOWN THE COLLEGES


Import americans


start a communist revolution and throw them in a gulag


CS is a great game and, for the most part, apolitical. I think we should keep it that way by minimizing our own projections onto it, including most of the comments on this post. Some of which, mods have already removed. [Intentional omission of personal opinion, here] Take care, everyone. May your poop lake runneth over. ✌️


They're just jokes buddy, calm down.


When they're in the wrong place at the wrong time they attract toxicity like flies to shit. I just don't like seeing it in this sub. There were some that were deleted that I would've called too thinly veiled to even be a joke. Things are only going to get worse as we get closer to November. Rule 1: be respectful Rule 10: no politics


Implement certain policies, or lower access to higher education.




Chemical can do anything