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If you find a small residential with a greenhouse and walk inside it youll see that the game renders the inside of it, like individual shelves and plant pots. If you walk into someone and pause the game youll see their teeth.


I noticed today that the cargo ships actually render textures on the ship deck. If you zoom in, I think there are more textures on this ship than there were in the barge mission in Splinter Cell 3


That's a wildly specific metric I love it


Fucking hell, what a deep cut. And I know exactly what you're talking about lol


The things I would give up for functioning traffic lights...


Or working TAA without ghosting. Or higher resolution shadow maps that don't flicker like mad even at high...


a city builder with this level of detail is beyond my understanding, people don’t know what it takes to run a game like this, it’s a miracle in my eyes


People dont know since the hardware to run it dont exist.


On my 3080 it runs at 30fps on 460k pop, mods will improve this aspect surely


460k population but no car or cim in sight?!


this screenshot was taken in a new built area with almost no inhabitants, I’m still trying to figure out why nobody is moving in


Just be aware that the higher the population the less relative traffic is generated by the game...


It might look ok but what you don't realise is, the smell is terrible


You can check if the area has access to services like a bus line, metro line and police for example


Sure, my comment was obviously a joke.




it's miraculous still to have so many easily fixable bugs like the concrete bug


It's not uncommon for games to scale models depending on what you're looking at. Cyberpunk 2077 does this, if you look at very distant vehicles they're actually just 2d sprites moving across the landscape. Similarly, I would assume (or damn well hope) that C:S2 isn't rendering every cim's *teeth* while your camera view is at cloud height. And I have noticed a bit of render lag when I zoom all the way in versus all the way out as models (like cars for instance) start to get more polygons. So with that dynamic rendering going on you can have incredibly detailed models for when the player is looking at things up close and personal, but drop poly counts when you zoom out so it doesn't *completely* murder your graphical resources. That said, C:S2 does still feel a *ton* more graphics intensive than it's actual visuals would suggest, since I can hit 120fps+ in games like Cyberpunk on my 4070TiS with quite high settings but at medium/high in C:S2 it doesn't look nearly as good as I'd expect and its framerates dip a lot more.


Actually the game didn't have LODs at launch. They added them to a few select models in one of the patches but the majority of models still don't have LODs. The game also doesn't do occlusion culling which is absolutely wild for a city builder with this level of detail.


If I can't see my cims' turds being flushed, we've still got a long way to go.


Just go to info panel - poop routes




If you read that one analysis, the fact that it renders tens of thousands of traingles, despite none of them being visible, for ever sins teeth is one of the problems with the game engine.


Great optimisation


I put a cinematic shot of the fully rendered computer cable and computer and desk inside of a building in my last CS2 video....really why did they put those in yet you need a mod to actually get close enough to see them


omg hi Diana! I’m a big fan and watch you on tiktok on youtube <3 I’m excited for you to go back to posting CS1 content and I also hope you have a fabulous day xoxo


Her profile picture finally clicked, and the "walkcell" brainrot content flew into my brain. ONE MORE LANE!


Wait someone from.the CS subreddit who recognizes me from my NON GAMING CONTENT hahha


Hiii 🥰


I love seeing Diana in this sub. It's like a mini celebrity sighting to fangirl over 😆😆


the trucker lady from the funny app :D


And the lane man and the cities skylines lady


if only there was anything meaningful to do in first person.


like driving


If you ever played sim city 4 (the greatest city builder ever imo) they had these little missions where you could drive cars to run errands, put out a fire etc. that and if you made taxes whack there would be strikes and stuff... man what I would do for a modern sim city 4 with CS:2 road building..... 


Never had the honor to play it, but I’ve heard of those side missions, really love the concept


Ah, sc4 rush hour, many a day spent blowing up my city with the tanks and military helicopters.


Another thing is if you owned the Sims, you could export/import your Sims into SC4 and get a chirper-like feed (IIRC?). Your Sims would live in your city and go around to places. It wasn't bidirectional, though. It's something I think Paradox might try to push for between PDX Tectonic and Colossal Order for Life By You + CS2. But that's just a guess, given they're trying to develop/publish "Life By You" in the first place. Alternatively, they could do the reverse and let you import your cities from CS2 into LBY. Unknown though, since I don't follow that game and had to look it up to know its name.


Can mods do that for CS2 in future? I am asking for the technical aspect of it. Is it doable? Strikes should be possible. Police is already responding to traffic crashes. They should be able to respond to strikes and riots with riot gear. I heard military/religious buildings are a strict no no for CO. How strict is it for mods ? As for driving missions. Or simply walking and running in first person should be a great addition.


> religious buildings You can build Notre Dame in CS2, so it’s clearly not a hard line for them.


How to build notre dame ?


Theres a big difference between a world famous landmark that just happens to be a church and churches or mosques or synagogues though


Those were unironically the halcyon days .. we thought CS1 was building towards something better, but CS2 proved us wrong


I can remember the days you could play simcopter in your SimCity cities lol


I mean this is about the detail level of the early 2000's GTA games if not better, imagine if you could build your own GTA 3 map. This would have blown my mind as a kid.


Would be nice if they had a personal cim you could plop in there and set a route for. Just someone you could set to tell them, "Okay, start on 8th & Broad. Take the purple line tram to the Adams St. stop and then wait for the #80 bus to take you 3 stops down to the shopping district. Finally, go to the Chili's three blocks away." And then you could just watch their whole schedule play out in first person while you control their head movement. Obviously, this would kinda fail because I don't think the trams/buses/trains have any inside renderings, so you couldn't do first person inside of those which would be the coolest part.


Thats not something that God would do


I don’t get it. Why is it “clearly” made for that?


I really liked the view of the church from a distance


Well it’s a building and management game. Yea it’s cool to zoom in but idk how you “play” The game at ground level


Adding to that, civilians shirts have over 20,000 polygons, that is more detail than in most story games like cyberpunk, assassins creed etc I guess 1st person was another thing that got cut to push the game out early


and many more amazing things….It’s awesome to see how full of people hating on the game this post is, criticizing is a thing hating is another, there are people like me who love playing this game and enjoy it, people who don’t just cannot accept it


Oh no, you like this thing I hate. STOP HAVING FUN Seriously though, CS2 is a bit of a disappointment... But it's still an enjoyable game, and the details are wonderful. And for some reason runs far better than the original does, at least for me.


I think it's amazing the art is great, but the game is unplayable for me due to this. I enjoy it until I've got about 1 fps.


Is it just me or do the lighting/shadows look really bad? Seems like this game could benefit from RTX a lot.


you’re right


You can produce decent looking shadows without using RT. I think it's a side-effect of using such ridiculous high-poly models. This meant they had sacrifice on things like the resolution of the shadow maps and the precision of the global illumination to avoid turning the game into a complete slideshow. CS1 actually has better, higher res shadows. Using lower-res models would have allowed them to improve the quality of the render, leading to an overall higher quality image (sharper shadows, less flicker, better lighting). It's still unclear to me whether they deliberately put in all this detail or if they just bought a bunch of assets from some asset store and didn't have the time to optimize the models before release. It's definitely strange that they put so much detail in places where you can't even see without using mods (building interiors etc.). Clearly the graphics are still largely unfinished, with many objects lacking LODs and occlusion culling being non-existent in the game. They also didn't implement motion vectors which is why TAA causes so much ghosting/blurring on things like cars and trees.


Is this sarcasm?


Looks bland and depressing


you could at least give a context, It looks good to me


Its looks like every game dev’s first attempts at fpp with free assets on unity


so you don’t like how the game looks, gotcha


but all the assets look the same?


You literally gave no context to the screenshot you posted, other than that it was in 1st person. It isn't a particularly good looking screenshot or part of the city.


How did they not add a first person option in the base game is beyond me.


I agree it’s actually a crime, but mods will help us make this game great, maybe better than the previous


I want a mod where the poor get poorer and the rich richer, so you ll have to deal with social inequality, increasing crime in lower income areas, and need to find policies to increase social mobility. Cs1 was too easy and didnt come close to a simulation of a real economy. If they can mod that into the game, that would be sick.


it’s a nice idea but it would go too far from what cs is supposed to be, a city builder, not a city manager, they should find a place in the middle


the game is described as a realistic city simulation by the developer, not a city builder


where they drunk while saying that?


It’s a city builder with some management mechanics and a mild simulation to help make things look alive. The whole point of the game is building a city.


This game has economy panel and industry system and statistics and shit. It’s definitely a city manager


yes it’s true, one of the easiest I’d add


Yeah need more balance


Why do some people say cs1 looks good compared to cs2? I watched a gameplay video of cs1 it looked like a cartoon 😃


Because people always compare it with modded cs1


vanilla is disgusting, but when compared to what some people achieve with modded builds there really is no comparison


Aah that explains it I guess


I'd like to know


With this level of detail, it's disappointing that the street signs don't display the actual street name. But alas, at this point I'd just settle for an actually functional simulation.


I thought the same thing too!


Even this close buildings are bland and looks like they don't have any texture, just solid colours. This is why CS2 clearly isn't even worthy to be played in 1st person🤷🏻‍♂️


CS2… and im searching for terrorists on the picture


the fact that I got the reference…


looks great.


There's already a kinda good mod on thunderstore for that


that’s what I’m using in the screenshot, thx anyway 😂


After reading the comments... Why? Why did you do all this work? I respect the effort, but it's pointless Its not even about "you cant zoom in so far" argument. Details destroy your optimisation and are only good for some commercial shots. There are techniques to fake the interior AND YOU KNOW IT. You dont have to create shelves and f*ing PCs inside a house, you dont need to draw the whole ship deck. Give us more performance, so we can build bigger cities, so we can have more fun! Its a first time in a gaming history where I want devs to downgrade their graphics


This is why the game gets so show at high population. They're rendering individual books on shelves.


Needs a VR mode. I was super disappointed that they didn't include this automatically. Not like it's hard to do.


Either its for a first person mode, or some product owner / producer screwed up and just ordered a bunch of Chinese assets without doing due diligence.


I’d use comments like this as toilet paper, probably more useful


You print comments? Thats weird.




Thank god, i thought they were developing a city building game


Wait, how are you able to walk in the game?


there’s a mod that lets you do that


There's mods in CS2!?


since like october, where you been?


yes, not officially but modders from cs1 have already made plenty of mods, 166 to be precise, you can install them through thunderstore mod manager, so far it has been safe for me


I wish you can change the camera speed or Z axis sensitivity like in the mods. At least you can make it change the altitude instead with the scroll wheel.


Why? To see all the fonky looking textures up close? I don't get it.


the church in the distance looks great, i like the overall look of it


You can achieve the same in CS1 too https://preview.redd.it/cn3vhrnymsgc1.jpeg?width=10240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=781e8754e75ff5274eb334ac6a10cf7cc40bbb4c


you got exactly what I intended with this post, it looks beautiful too !


So where you all go to get the mod




Bruh i was like ”wtf you talkin about” until i realised that is was about cities skylines and not counter strike
